Dec 132017
TXT2COM (Version 2.10). This is a simple program which makes an ASCII text file into a full screen display.

Full Description of File

TXT2COM (Version 2.10).
This is a simple program which makes an ASCII
text file into a full screen display. By
converting the text file to a COM file, this
program is particularly useful for Readme
files, documentation, or any other uses you

File T2C210.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
TXT2COM (Version 2.10). This is a simple program which makes an ASCII text file into a full screen display.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
FILE_ID.DIZ 256 191 deflated
HOTFIX.COM 808 533 deflated
MENUDEMO.COM 7136 3635 deflated
MENUDEMO.DOC 1330 547 deflated
TXT2COM.COM 8525 3858 deflated
TXT2PAS.COM 13055 4174 deflated
TXT2RES.COM 12153 3785 deflated

Download File T2C210.ZIP Here

Contents of the MENUDEMO.DOC file

~/H{ Demo of how to set up Hierarchical Menus with TXT2COM}

Use the Function Keys to Select A Menu Item

F1 = Help

F2 = Check the current disk

F3 = List Files in Current Directory

F4 = Next menu

F5 = Goto the included with T2C

this menu has panel on so scrolling doesn't work

~#1~/H{ How to Add Help}

If you wanted to add a help screen, this is where it would go.

Press any key to continue

~/O xyzzy is string to find but suppress printing ~/N ~/D (for Down)
~#4~/H{ Second Level Menu}
TXT2COM Second level menu

Use the Function Keys to Select A Menu Item

F1 = Help

F2 = Display DOS version

F3 = Display Current directory

F4 = Return to Top level

this menu has the panel set off so scrolling works

~#1~/H{ How to Add Help}

This is the help screen for the second menu

Press any key to continue

~/{xyzzy} search for a string

 December 13, 2017  Add comments

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