Category : Word Processors
Archive   : STEVIE.ZIP
Filename : STEVIE.H

Output of file : STEVIE.H contained in archive : STEVIE.ZIP
* STevie - ST editor for VI enthusiasts. ...Tim Thompson...twitch!tjt...
* Extensive modifications by: Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony

* One (and only 1) of the following defines should be uncommented.
* Most of the code is pretty machine-independent. Machine dependent
* code goes in a file like tos.c or unix.c. The only other place
* where machine dependent code goes is term.h for escape sequences.

#define ATARI /* For the Atari ST */
/* #define UNIX /* System V */
/* #define OS2 /* Microsoft OS/2 */

* If ATARI is defined, one of the following compilers must be selected.
#ifdef ATARI
#define MEGAMAX /* Megamax Compiler */
/* #define ALCYON /* Alcyon C compiler */

* If HELP is defined, the :help command shows a vi command summary.
#define HELP /* enable help command */

#include "ascii.h"
#include "keymap.h"
#include "param.h"
#include "term.h"

extern char *strchr();

#define NORMAL 0
#define CMDLINE 1
#define INSERT 2
#define APPEND 3
#define FORWARD 4
#define BACKWARD 5

* Boolean type definition and constants
typedef short bool_t;

#ifndef TRUE
#define FALSE (0)
#define TRUE (1)

* SLOP is the amount of extra space we get for text on a line during
* editing operations that need more space. This keeps us from calling
* malloc every time we get a character during insert mode. No extra
* space is allocated when the file is initially read.
#define SLOP 10

* LINEINC is the gap we leave between the artificial line numbers. This
* helps to avoid renumbering all the lines every time a new line is
* inserted.
#define LINEINC 10

* See 'normal.c' for a description of can_undo.
extern bool_t can_undo;

#define CHANGED Changed = !(can_undo = FALSE)
#define UNCHANGED Changed=0

struct line {
struct line *prev, *next; /* previous and next lines */
char *s; /* text for this line */
int size; /* actual size of space at 's' */
unsigned int num; /* line "number" */

#define LINEOF(x) (x->linep->num)

struct lptr {
struct line *linep; /* line we're referencing */
int index; /* position within that line */

typedef struct line LINE;
typedef struct lptr LPTR;

struct charinfo {
char ch_size;
char *ch_str;

extern struct charinfo chars[];

extern int State;
extern int Rows;
extern int Columns;
extern char *Realscreen;
extern char *Nextscreen;
extern char *Filename;
extern LPTR *Filemem;
extern LPTR *Fileend;
extern LPTR *Topchar;
extern LPTR *Botchar;
extern LPTR *Curschar;
extern LPTR *Insstart;
extern int Cursrow, Curscol, Cursvcol, Curswant;
extern bool_t set_want_col;
extern int Prenum;
extern bool_t Debug;
extern bool_t Changed;
extern bool_t Binary;
extern char Redobuff[], Undobuff[], Insbuff[];
extern LPTR *Uncurschar;
extern char *Insptr;
extern int Ninsert, Undelchars;

extern char *malloc(), *strcpy();

* alloc.c
char *alloc(), *strsave();
void screenalloc(), filealloc(), freeall();
LINE *newline();
bool_t bufempty(), buf1line(), lineempty(), endofline(), canincrease();

* cmdline.c
void readcmdline(), dotag(), msg(), emsg(), smsg(), gotocmd(), wait_return();

* edit.c
void edit(), insertchar(), getout(), scrollup(), scrolldown(), beginline();
bool_t oneright(), oneleft(), oneup(), onedown();

* fileio.c
void filemess(), renum();
bool_t readfile(), writeit();

* help.c
bool_t help();

* linefunc.c
LPTR *nextline(), *prevline(), *coladvance();

* main.c
void stuffin(), stuffnum(), addtobuff();
int vgetc(), vpeekc();
bool_t anyinput();

* mark.c
void setpcmark(), clrall(), clrmark();
bool_t setmark();
LPTR *getmark();

* misccmds.c
void opencmd(), fileinfo(), inschar(), insstr(), delline();
bool_t delchar();
int cntllines(), plines();
LPTR *gotoline();

* normal.c
void normal(), resetundo();
char *mkstr();

* param.c
void doset();

* ptrfunc.c
int inc(), dec();
int gchar();
void pchar(), pswap();
bool_t lt(), gt(), equal(), ltoreq(), gtoreq();

* screen.c
void updatescreen(), updateline();
void screenclear(), cursupdate();
void s_ins(), s_del();

* search.c
void dosearch(), repsearch();
bool_t searchc(), crepsearch(), findfunc();
LPTR *showmatch();
LPTR *fwd_word(), *bck_word(), *end_word();

* Machine-dependent routines.
int inchar();
void outchar(), outstr(), beep();
#ifndef OS2
void remove(), rename();
void windinit(), windexit(), windgoto();
void delay();

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : STEVIE.ZIP
Filename : STEVIE.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: