Category : Word Processors
Archive   : STEVIE.ZIP
Filename : MAKEFILE.OS2

Output of file : MAKEFILE.OS2 contained in archive : STEVIE.ZIP
# Makefile for OS/2
# The make command with OS/2 is really stupid.

LIBS = ..\regexp\regexp.obj ..\regexp\regsub.obj

# Compact model lets us edit large files, but keep small model code
CFLAGS = $(MODEL) -I..\regexp

MACH= os2.obj

OBJ= main.obj edit.obj linefunc.obj normal.obj cmdline.obj hexchars.obj \
misccmds.obj help.obj ptrfunc.obj search.obj alloc.obj \
mark.obj screen.obj fileio.obj param.obj $(MACH)

main.obj: main.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) main.c

alloc.obj : alloc.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) alloc.c

edit.obj : edit.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) edit.c

linefunc.obj : linefunc.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) linefunc.c

normal.obj : normal.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) normal.c

cmdline.obj : cmdline.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) cmdline.c

hexchars.obj : hexchars.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) hexchars.c

misccmds.obj : misccmds.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) misccmds.c

help.obj : help.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) help.c

ptrfunc.obj : ptrfunc.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) ptrfunc.c

search.obj : search.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) search.c

mark.obj : mark.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) mark.c

screen.obj : screen.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) screen.c

fileio.obj : fileio.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) fileio.c

param.obj : param.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) param.c

os2.obj : os2.c
cl -c $(CFLAGS) os2.c

stevie.exe : $(OBJ)
cl $(MODEL) *.obj $(LIBS) -o stevie.exe
copy stevie.exe rstevie.exe
bind rstevie.exe \lib\api.lib \lib\doscalls.lib

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : STEVIE.ZIP
Filename : MAKEFILE.OS2

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: