Dec 242017
ShareSpell version 2.4 is a "stand-alone" spelling checker. With it you can check the spelling of text files that you have written.
File SS24.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
ShareSpell version 2.4 is a “stand-alone” spelling checker. With it you can check the spelling of text files that you have written.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ACROP.DIC 250573 200565 deflated
DICMAN.DOC 15011 4166 deflated
DICMAN.EXE 14695 14090 deflated
DICMAN14.NEW 1203 555 deflated
SS.DOC 23729 6905 deflated
SS.EXE 20426 19619 deflated
SS24.NEW 7099 2600 deflated

Download File SS24.ZIP Here

Contents of the DICMAN.DOC file

Dictionary Manager v1.4
Acropolis Software Dictionary
Management Utility
(C) Copyright 1991, Acropolis Software

Acropolis Software
P.O. Box 5037
Fair Oaks, CA 95628


Dictionary Manager is provided on an "as is" basis without
warranty of any kind expressed or implied. In no event will
Acropolis Software be liable to you for any damages, including
any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or con-
sequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to
use the program, even if Acropolis Software has been advised
of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any
other party.

Dictionary Manager v1.4 is a utility program for maintaining
the dictionary file included with Acropolis software products
which include but are not limited to ShareSpell and Acropolis
BBS. Distribution for any other purpose is not allowed.

Dictionary Manager is copyrighted by Acropolis Software.


Introduction ...................................... 1

File list ...................................... 1

Installation ...................................... 2

Using Dictionary Manager ...................................... 3

Quick Reference ...................................... 5

Use with BBS software ...................................... 6
Page 1


Dictionary Manager version 1.4 is a utility program for maintaining
the dictionary file included with Acropolis software products which
include but are not limited to ShareSpell, and Acropolis BBS version
4.22 or higher.

Dictionary Manager allows you to add and delete words from the
dictionary used with either ShareSpell or Acropolis BBS.


Dictionary Manager comes with the following files:

DICMAN.EXE The Dictionary Manager Program.
DICMAN.DOC This manual.
DICMAN14.NEW New features / bug fix reports.

It you give copies of this program away you MUST include all three
files in their original form. Distribution with one or more of
the files missing or altered in anyway is strictly prohibited.
In addition you should distribute it only with another Acropolis
Software product that makes use of it.
Page 2


Installation of Dictionary Manager is simple to perform. The
only special consideration is whether you are using a hard disk
based system or a floppy disk based system.

With ShareSpell:


Copy DICMAN.EXE to the directory were you have ShareSpell
installed. If the ShareSpell is installed properly
Dictionary Manager will be able to find the dictionary file
for you when it is executed. Proper installation only requires
that the dictionary file ACROP.DIC is in either the directory
that Dictionary Manager is being executed from or in a directory
included in the PATH that MSDOS searches for files.


Copy DICMAN.EXE to the floppy disk that holds the program you
are using and the ACROP.DIC file. If you plan on adding a
large number of word to the dictionary I recommend that you
place ACROP.DIC on a floppy by itself and add the drive the
dictionary is to the path with the use of the MSDOS PATH=

With Acropolis BBS:

Copy DICMAN.EXE to the directory were the BBS.EXE file is
kept. There are a few special considerations to account for
when using Dictionary Manager with Acropolis BBS. See the
section "Use with BBS Software" for more information.
Page 3


To use Dictionary Manager type DICMAN at the DOS prompt. It will
search for the dictionary file and then read in all of the words
added by the user.

The screen is divided into three sections. On the left of the
screen are the words that will be in the dictionary. At first
this list will contain the words loaded from the dictionary. It
may be empty if no words have yet been added to it. In the middle
of the screen is the list of available commands in addition input
widows will appear in this area. On the right side of the screen
is the holding list. The holding list is useful for temporarily
storing lists of words before adding them to the dictionary or
completely deleting them.

The most basic commands are the arrow keys Page Up/Down and the
Spacebar. They allow you to navigate around the word lists and
to mark the words to be operated on.

The Left and Right arrow keys allow you to select the currently
active word list. Pressing the Left arrow moves you to the
"Word List" column on the left part of the screen. The Right
arrow moves you to the "Holding List" column on the right part of
the screen. The currently selected column is indicated by its
name at the top of the column flashing. Knowing which list is
currently selected is important since the other commands operate
on the current list.

The Up and Down arrow keys allow you to move up and down in the
words displayed in the currently selected word list. Page Up and
Down move through the list a screen at a time. The high lighted
word in the center of the list is the current word. Pressing the
Spacebar will mark the current word. Marked words are indicated
by a right pointing triangle to their left.

The commands are:

[A]dd single word
You will be prompted to enter a word in a window in the middle
of the screen. The word you enter will be added to the list
of words in the currently selected column. The exception is
if the word is already present in the list it will not be added.
Added words will be maintained in alphabetical order. If you
decide not to add a word just press [RETURN] and nothing will
be added.

[M]ark all words
This will mark all of the words in the currently selected list.
You will be prompted to confirm the command before the words
are marked.

[U]nmark all words
This will unmark all of the words in the currently selected list.
You will be prompted to confirm the command before the words
are unmarked.
Page 4

[L]oad file of words
You will be asked if you want to unmark the words that are
marked in the current word list. A no response will leave
the words marked. Yes will unmark all of them. This allows
you to distinguish the words that were already in the list
from the words that are loaded from the file since the newly
loaded words will be marked as they are loaded. If the file
you specify cannot be found you will be prompted again for a
file name. If you decide not to load a list of words just
press the [RETURN] key. The format for the list of words
is simple. One word after another each on its own line.


[E]xchange marked words
Moves the marked words in the currently selected list to the
other list. You will be prompted to confirm the move before
it takes place. A good example for this command is:
Load a list of words into the Holding list with the [L]oad
command. Now scan through the words and use the Spacebar
to unmark the words you do not wish to include in the
dictionary. Use the [E]xchange command to move the still
marked words to the Word list for inclusion in the dictionary.

[D]elete marked words
Deletes the marked words from the currently selected list.
Use this command with caution, once the words are deleted you
will have to manually re-enter them. You will be prompted to
confirm the deletion before it takes place. Use it when you
have some words that you've added to the dictionary and decided
that you no longer want there.

[W]rite words to file
Write the words from the current list to a disk file. You will
be prompted for the name of the file to save the list of words
to. If you decide not to save the word list just press the
[RETURN] key. With this command and the [L]oad file of words
command you can easily move your personal words from one version
of the dictionary to the next by [W]riting the word list from
the old dictionary and then [L]oading the word list into the
new dictionary.

[Q]uit and abandon changes
Quits Dictionary Manager without applying any of the changes
you have made to the dictionary. It is a "save out" if you
think you have mangled the word list beyond all hopes of putting
it into the condition that you wanted it in. Example: You
deleted all of the words. You will be prompted to confirm the

[S]ave Word List & Quit
This is the normal why of exiting Dictionary Manager. All of
the user supplied words will be removed from the dictionary and
the new list of words in the "Word List" column on the left side
of the screen will be place into the dictionary. Only the
words from the "Word List" will be place in the dictionary
regardless of whether it is the currently selected list or
Page 5


Left / Right Arrows
The left and right arrows select which word list is the currently
selected list. The left arrow moves to "Word List" and the right
arrow moves to "Holding List". The current list is indicated by
the name at the top of the column flashing. The list that is
currently selected affects the operation of the [L]oad, [D]elete,
[A]dd, [M]ark, [U]nmark, and [E]xchange commands.

Up / Down Arrows
The up and down arrows let you move through the current list.

[SPACEBAR] mark word
The word that is highlighted in the current list is marked or
unmarked. The right pointing triangle to the left of the word
indicates that it is marked.

[A]dd Single Word
Allows you to type in a word manually to add to the currently
selected list.

[L]oad file of words
Load a file containing a list of word into the currently selected
word list. The file must have a format of one word per line.

[W]rite words to file
Write the words from the current list to a disk file.

[E]xchange marked words
Move the marked words from the currently selected list to the
other list. If the "Word List" is flashing then the marked words
from it will be moved to the holding list. If "Holding List" is
flashing then the marked words from it will be moved to the other

[D]elete marked words
Delete the marked words in the currently selected list.
*WARNING* once deleted you cannot retrieve the words again without
manually entering them or recovering them from a file.

[M]ark all words
Mark all words in the currently selected list.

[U]nmark all words
Unmark all words in the currently selected list.

[Q]uit and abandon changes
Quit Dictionary Manager and abandon any changes make to the

[S]ave Word List & Quit
Save the words in "Word List" back into the dictionary. The old
user created words are removed from the dictionary and replaced
with the words in that list.
Page 6


Using Dictionary Manager with Acropolis BBS software adds a small
amount of complexity to the problem of maintaining the dictionary.
Since the BBS software doesn't allow the direct addition of words
to the dictionary all of the new words come from a file stored
with the BBS data files. So you will be using it mostly to add
the file ADDLIST.TXT from the DFS directory. The recommendation
is to create a batch file to start Dictionary Manager and then
delete the ADDLIST.TXT file so you do not have the same list of
words to add again and again.

Create a batch file that looks like the following:


Call it something like ADDDICT.BAT. That way the dictionary
addition file created by the BBS will be deleted when you finish
adding the words. The reason for copying the addition list file
is that if you use the [Q]uit and abandon changes option the batch
file would have deleted your only copy of the file containing the
words. Another benefit is that you do not have to type in the path
as part of the file name when you load the word list in, just type
ADDLIST.TXT. It makes life a little simpler.

 December 24, 2017  Add comments

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