Dec 062017
Split files by line #, byte count, or pattern marker. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
SBREAK.DOC | 10194 | 2988 | deflated |
SBREAK.EXE | 40091 | 21517 | deflated |
Download File SBREAK3.ZIP Here
Contents of the SBREAK.DOC file
TITLE: Superbreaker (SBREAK.EXE) ver 3.0
PURPOSE: Split large files into smaller files every which way
DATE: 5-05-88
AUTHOR: Thomas A. Lundin
Graphics Unlimited Inc.
3000 2nd St. N.
Minneapolis, MN 55411
(612) 588-7571
DESCRIPTION: SBREAK splits large files into smaller files through a variety
of options: by size, by match string, or by line count. Files
can be split onto floppy diskettes, or onto any other drive.
Binary files can be split (useful for breaking up ARC files
onto multiple floppies) and recombined using the DOS COPY
command. Files can be split at every Nth occurrence of a break
string, or can be split to a certain size up to the next
occurrence of a break string. This program splits files just
about any way you need them.
OPERATION: The command line invocation is:
sbreak d:\path\filespec
sbreak @dirlist
1. "dirlist" is the name of a directory list file, i.e., a
file that has been created from a redirected DIR command.
For example, the DOS command
dir *.txt >dirfile
will create a disk file named "dirfile" which contains a
directory of all files with a ".TXT" extension.
CTRL-C will cancel the program at any time, even in the
middle of a break operation.
1. file size
2. break to nearest string
a. define string to break at
b. break files before string, after string, or
remove string from split files
3. direct output files to different drive
4. pause after each broken file
Pausing after each file break is mandatory if you are directing
output files to floppy, to allow you to change disks.
Break-by-size Example 1:
Break to Size, Match, or Line count (S/M/L) ? s
How large should each file be (in bytes) ? 362496
Do you need to break at a line or string (Y/N) ? n
File breaks to which drive (default=ONE YOU ARE ON NOW): a
Do you wish to pause after each file break (default=N)? y
Insert new disk in drive A:
Press any key to continue.
--> A:file.001
Break-by-size Example 2:
Break to Size, Match, or Line count (S/M/L) ? s
How large should each file be (in bytes) ? 55000
Do you need to break at a line or string (Y/N) ? y
Break string (use \xx for hex code, e.g. CRLF is \0d\0a):
(1) New files START with matching occurrence
(2) Old files END with matching occurrence
(3) Break files and THROW AWAY matching occurrence
Choose: 2
File breaks to which drive (default=ONE YOU ARE ON NOW):
Do you wish to pause after each file break (default=N)?
--> file.001
--> file.002
Binary files (ARCs, EXEs, etc.) must be broken purely by file
size, and no other method. They can be split onto floppies and
then reconstructed on a different hard disk. To reconstruct a
split binary file, use the DOS COPY command in the following
A. Put the first split floppy in drive A:.
B. Direct to whichever subdirectory you wish the reconstructed
file to reside in.
C. type C>copy a:file.001/b myfile.arc (the SLASH-B means
BINARY COPY and the filenames you actually use will vary)
D. Put the next split floppy in drive A:.
E. type C>copy myfile.arc/b + a:file.002/b (the PLUS sign
means APPEND)
F. Repeat steps D and E for each subsequent floppy. Just change
the appended file number from .002 to .003 and so on. Your
final reconstructed file will be named MYFILE.ARC, and it
will be as large as all the floppies put together.
1. define string to break at
2. break files before string, after string, or remove
string from split files
3. define how many times break string will be found before
file is split
4. direct output files to different drive
5. pause after each broken file
Break-to-match Example 1:
Break to Size, Match, or Line count (S/M/L) ? m
Break string (use \xx for hex code, e.g. CRLF is \0d\0a):
(1) New files START with matching occurrence
(2) Old files END with matching occurrence
(3) Break files and THROW AWAY matching occurrence
Choose: 1
How many occurrences of string before break (default = 1): 15
File breaks to which drive (default=ONE YOU ARE ON NOW):
Do you wish to pause after each file break (default=N)?
--> bigfile.001
--> bigfile.002
A break-to-match that THROWS AWAY the break string before
breaking the file will throw away EVERY occurrence of the
break string found in the file, NOT JUST the occurrence at the
file break. Consider this side effect before choosing this
1. fixed or variable line lengths
a. record size if fixed-length
2. number of lines (records) per split file
a. add CRLF to fixed-length records
b. verification of file size on fixed-length records
3. strip the 8th bit from incoming characters
4. direct output files to different drive
5. pause after each broken file
Variable lines are assumed to be terminated by a carriage
return with optional line feed. Fixed-length lines are assumed
to have no record terminator characters. A CRLF can be
optionally added to each fixed-length record on output.
Break-to-count Example 1:
Break to Size, Match, or Line count (S/M/L) ? l
Are line lengths Fixed or Variable (F/V) ? v
How many lines per file? 2000
Convert 8-bit ASCII to 7-bit ASCII (Y/N) ? n
File breaks to which drive (default=ONE YOU ARE ON NOW):
Do you wish to pause after each file break (default=N)?
--> file.001
Break-to-count Example 2:
Break to Size, Match, or Line count (S/M/L) ? l
Are line lengths Fixed or Variable (F/V) ? f
What is the record length? 128
Convert 8-bit ASCII to 7-bit ASCII (Y/N) ? n
How many records per file? 2000
Do you want a CR/LF after each record (Y/N) ? y
Each file will be 260000 characters large. Is this OK (Y/N) ? y
File breaks to which drive (default=ONE YOU ARE ON NOW):
Do you wish to pause after each file break (default=N)?
--> file.001
NOTES: The program must reside in any subdirectory listed in a PATH.
SBREAK.EXE reads itself for certain runtime parameters, and it
uses the PATH list to find itself.
MACHINE: The program will run on any MS-DOS compatible computer using
MS-DOS 2.x or higher, with a minimum of 128K RAM.
DISCLAIMER: This program is distributed as user-supported software. Use
it, copy it, give it to your friends. No warranties, either
expressed or implied, are given by the author or distributor of
the program, and the user accepts all risk of damage arising
out of the application and use of the program.
BEG: If you find this program to be of value, contributions in any
amount ($10 suggested) will be gratefully accepted. Please make
checks payable to Thomas Lundin.
Send comments/bug reports/contributions to:
Thomas A. Lundin
Graphics Unlimited, Inc.
3000 Second Street North
Minneapolis, MN 55411
(612) 588-7571
You can also reach me at my BBS home base:
If you can't find a program here,
it probably doesn't exist!
(914) 353-2176
(Leave msg. for "Tom Lundin")
Thank you for using SBREAK.
PURPOSE: Split large files into smaller files every which way
DATE: 5-05-88
AUTHOR: Thomas A. Lundin
Graphics Unlimited Inc.
3000 2nd St. N.
Minneapolis, MN 55411
(612) 588-7571
DESCRIPTION: SBREAK splits large files into smaller files through a variety
of options: by size, by match string, or by line count. Files
can be split onto floppy diskettes, or onto any other drive.
Binary files can be split (useful for breaking up ARC files
onto multiple floppies) and recombined using the DOS COPY
command. Files can be split at every Nth occurrence of a break
string, or can be split to a certain size up to the next
occurrence of a break string. This program splits files just
about any way you need them.
OPERATION: The command line invocation is:
sbreak d:\path\filespec
sbreak @dirlist
1. "dirlist" is the name of a directory list file, i.e., a
file that has been created from a redirected DIR command.
For example, the DOS command
dir *.txt >dirfile
will create a disk file named "dirfile" which contains a
directory of all files with a ".TXT" extension.
CTRL-C will cancel the program at any time, even in the
middle of a break operation.
1. file size
2. break to nearest string
a. define string to break at
b. break files before string, after string, or
remove string from split files
3. direct output files to different drive
4. pause after each broken file
Pausing after each file break is mandatory if you are directing
output files to floppy, to allow you to change disks.
Break-by-size Example 1:
Break to Size, Match, or Line count (S/M/L) ? s
How large should each file be (in bytes) ? 362496
Do you need to break at a line or string (Y/N) ? n
File breaks to which drive (default=ONE YOU ARE ON NOW): a
Do you wish to pause after each file break (default=N)? y
Insert new disk in drive A:
Press any key to continue.
--> A:file.001
Break-by-size Example 2:
Break to Size, Match, or Line count (S/M/L) ? s
How large should each file be (in bytes) ? 55000
Do you need to break at a line or string (Y/N) ? y
Break string (use \xx for hex code, e.g. CRLF is \0d\0a):
(1) New files START with matching occurrence
(2) Old files END with matching occurrence
(3) Break files and THROW AWAY matching occurrence
Choose: 2
File breaks to which drive (default=ONE YOU ARE ON NOW):
Do you wish to pause after each file break (default=N)?
--> file.001
--> file.002
Binary files (ARCs, EXEs, etc.) must be broken purely by file
size, and no other method. They can be split onto floppies and
then reconstructed on a different hard disk. To reconstruct a
split binary file, use the DOS COPY command in the following
A. Put the first split floppy in drive A:.
B. Direct to whichever subdirectory you wish the reconstructed
file to reside in.
C. type C>copy a:file.001/b myfile.arc (the SLASH-B means
BINARY COPY and the filenames you actually use will vary)
D. Put the next split floppy in drive A:.
E. type C>copy myfile.arc/b + a:file.002/b (the PLUS sign
means APPEND)
F. Repeat steps D and E for each subsequent floppy. Just change
the appended file number from .002 to .003 and so on. Your
final reconstructed file will be named MYFILE.ARC, and it
will be as large as all the floppies put together.
1. define string to break at
2. break files before string, after string, or remove
string from split files
3. define how many times break string will be found before
file is split
4. direct output files to different drive
5. pause after each broken file
Break-to-match Example 1:
Break to Size, Match, or Line count (S/M/L) ? m
Break string (use \xx for hex code, e.g. CRLF is \0d\0a):
(1) New files START with matching occurrence
(2) Old files END with matching occurrence
(3) Break files and THROW AWAY matching occurrence
Choose: 1
How many occurrences of string before break (default = 1): 15
File breaks to which drive (default=ONE YOU ARE ON NOW):
Do you wish to pause after each file break (default=N)?
--> bigfile.001
--> bigfile.002
A break-to-match that THROWS AWAY the break string before
breaking the file will throw away EVERY occurrence of the
break string found in the file, NOT JUST the occurrence at the
file break. Consider this side effect before choosing this
1. fixed or variable line lengths
a. record size if fixed-length
2. number of lines (records) per split file
a. add CRLF to fixed-length records
b. verification of file size on fixed-length records
3. strip the 8th bit from incoming characters
4. direct output files to different drive
5. pause after each broken file
Variable lines are assumed to be terminated by a carriage
return with optional line feed. Fixed-length lines are assumed
to have no record terminator characters. A CRLF can be
optionally added to each fixed-length record on output.
Break-to-count Example 1:
Break to Size, Match, or Line count (S/M/L) ? l
Are line lengths Fixed or Variable (F/V) ? v
How many lines per file? 2000
Convert 8-bit ASCII to 7-bit ASCII (Y/N) ? n
File breaks to which drive (default=ONE YOU ARE ON NOW):
Do you wish to pause after each file break (default=N)?
--> file.001
Break-to-count Example 2:
Break to Size, Match, or Line count (S/M/L) ? l
Are line lengths Fixed or Variable (F/V) ? f
What is the record length? 128
Convert 8-bit ASCII to 7-bit ASCII (Y/N) ? n
How many records per file? 2000
Do you want a CR/LF after each record (Y/N) ? y
Each file will be 260000 characters large. Is this OK (Y/N) ? y
File breaks to which drive (default=ONE YOU ARE ON NOW):
Do you wish to pause after each file break (default=N)?
--> file.001
NOTES: The program must reside in any subdirectory listed in a PATH.
SBREAK.EXE reads itself for certain runtime parameters, and it
uses the PATH list to find itself.
MACHINE: The program will run on any MS-DOS compatible computer using
MS-DOS 2.x or higher, with a minimum of 128K RAM.
DISCLAIMER: This program is distributed as user-supported software. Use
it, copy it, give it to your friends. No warranties, either
expressed or implied, are given by the author or distributor of
the program, and the user accepts all risk of damage arising
out of the application and use of the program.
BEG: If you find this program to be of value, contributions in any
amount ($10 suggested) will be gratefully accepted. Please make
checks payable to Thomas Lundin.
Send comments/bug reports/contributions to:
Thomas A. Lundin
Graphics Unlimited, Inc.
3000 Second Street North
Minneapolis, MN 55411
(612) 588-7571
You can also reach me at my BBS home base:
If you can't find a program here,
it probably doesn't exist!
(914) 353-2176
(Leave msg. for "Tom Lundin")
Thank you for using SBREAK.
December 6, 2017
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