Dec 252017
Works with Qedit 2.o6 and any compliler.
File QWCOMP.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
Works with Qedit 2.o6 and any compliler.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
QCOMP.DAT 585 304 deflated
QCOMP.DOC 2988 1309 deflated
QCOMP.EXE 11958 7066 deflated

Download File QWCOMP.ZIP Here

Contents of the QCOMP.DOC file

QCOMP (QuickCompiler) - written by Mike Smedley - June 12, 1988

QCOMP is a program which will make compiling source code programs from
QEdit a lot easier. QEdit version 2.06 or greater is required. It
allows you to have an editing key which when pressed will compile
your source code file, whatever the extension, and bring up the
errors in a QEdit window.

The following files should be included in this archive (.ARC):

QCOMP.DAT - the configuration data file
QCOMP.DOC - this documentation file
QCOMP.EXE - the QCOMP program

The first thing you'll need to do is to define a macro to an unused key
in your QCONFIG.DAT file. I will use Alt-T in this example. The
backslashes in this example are used for ease of viewing. In your
actual QCONFIG.DAT file, the whole macro must be defined on one line.

@t macro_begin save_file edit_file 'qcomp.err' return quit \
dos 'qcomp ' current_filename ' >qcomp.err' \
return return horizontal_window edit_file \
'qcomp.err' return

After you modify your QCONFIG.DAT file, you need to run QCONFIG.EXE
and type 'K'eys to redefine your keys. After you 'S'ave and exit
QCONFIG.EXE, you will be done with the QEdit modifications.

The QCOMP.DAT file contains default command lines for some of the
popular program extensions. The ones I have supplied are:

Ext. Default Command Line
---- --------------------
.asm \masm\masm /mx %s ;
.bas \qb\bc %s ;
.c \turboc\tcc -c -w %s
.for \fortran\fl /c %s
.mod \m2\m2 /c %s
.pas \turbo\tpc %s
.prg \clipper\clipper %s

When you press the compile macro key (Alt-T), QEdit will save the
current file and run QCOMP.EXE specifying the current file name.
What QCOMP.EXE does is match up your filename's extension with
one of the default extensions, then execute its command line.

The default file extensions and command lines can be changed. By
modifying the QCOMP.DAT file with QEdit, you can add your own
file extensions and command lines. Up to 10 file extensions may
be specified. Any more than 10 will be ignored. All file extensions
must start in the 1st column. At least 1 space must separate the
file extension and its command line. The '%s' is where the filename
will be inserted into the command line.

To re-configure QCOMP.EXE, you must run QCOMP.EXE with the QCOMP.DAT
file in the same directory. From the command line, type: "qcomp /c".
Once you have reconfigured QCOMP.EXE, you should place it in a
directory in the DOS command path so that it can be accessed from any

You can also run QCOMP.EXE from the command line as well as within
QEdit. From the command line, type: "qcomp filename.ext". All
error messages will go to the screen rather than QCOMP.ERR.

If you have any questions or suggestions, I can be contacted by
CompuServe [71331,2244] or GEnie [M.SMEDLEY].

 December 25, 2017  Add comments

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