Category : Word Processors
Archive   : PT20PC.ZIP
Filename : WINDBOX.C

Output of file : WINDBOX.C contained in archive : PT20PC.ZIP
#include "pt.h"
#include "string.h"

extern struct window *windows;
extern struct window *windowList;

void pascal
/* XTAG:initWindows */
extern struct window *hiddenList;
extern unsigned char charTable[];
extern int maxFiles;

register int i;

for(i = 0; i < maxFiles; i++)
windows[i].state = 0;
windowList = NULL;
hiddenList = NULL;
charTable['\n'] = 1;
charTable[0] = 2;
charTable['\t'] = 3;
charTable['\r'] = 4;
#ifdef ANASAZI
/* the anasazi display mode escape character */
charTable[0xFE] = (unsigned char)(anasazi ? 5 : 0);

struct window * pascal
/* XTAG:createWindow */
createWindow(fileName, row1, col1, row2, col2, topOrBottom, windowType)
unsigned char *fileName;
int row1, col1, row2, col2, topOrBottom, windowType;
extern struct window *activeWindow;
extern struct window *selWindow;
extern long selBegin, selEnd;
extern unsigned char msgBuffer[];
extern unsigned char textColor, selColor;
extern unsigned char bannerColor, borderColor, elevColor;
extern int scrRows, scrCols;
extern struct openFile *files;
extern unsigned char *userMessages[];
extern int maxFiles;
extern int debug;

register struct window *w;
struct window *w1;
register int i;

/* find an unused window structure */
w = NULL;
for(i = 0; i < maxFiles; i++)
if( windows[i].state == 0) {
w = &windows[i];
if( w == NULL ) {
msg(userMessages[OUTOFWINDOWS], 3);
return NULL;

/* open file to be in the window */
w->fileId = getFileId(fileName);
if( w->fileId == -1 ) /* file not found, no not open the window */
return NULL;
w->nameOffset = getBaseName(files[w->fileId].origName);

/* insert w into the doubly linked windowList */
if( windowList == NULL ) {
w->prevWindow = NULL;
w->nextWindow = NULL;
windowList = w;
} else {
if( topOrBottom == CRTOP ) {
windowList->prevWindow = w;
w->prevWindow = NULL;
w->nextWindow = windowList;
windowList = w;
} else { /* insert on the bottom */
w1 = windowList;
while( w1->nextWindow != NULL )
w1 = w1->nextWindow;
w1->nextWindow = w;
w->prevWindow = w1;
w->nextWindow = NULL;

/* set the passed window parameters */
w->saveRow1 = w->row1 = row1;
w->saveRow2 = w->row2 = row2;
w->saveCol1 = w->col1 = col1;
w->saveCol2 = w->col2 = col2;

/* set the default window parameters */
w->posTopline = 0;
w->numTopline = 1;
w->indent = 0;

if( windowType == 0 )
/* set the state of unixMode */
w->state = getUnixState(w->fileId);
else {
/* 0x1 => used */
/* 0xC => no banner and temporary (windowType==1) */
/* 0x8 => no banner but permanent (windowType==2) */
w->state = 0x1 + (windowType==1 ? 0xC : 0x8);

/* set up the last row cache */
w->posCurLast = 0;
w->lastPosTop = 0;
w->rowCurLast = 0;

/* set up the window colors */
w->textCycle = w->borderCycle = 1;

/* if there is a file in the window, and the window is */
/* on top or there is not current selection, */
/* then move the selection to the new window */
if( w->fileId != -1 && selWindow == NULL ) {
/* put the selection at the first char in this window */
selWindow = w;
selBegin = 0;
selEnd = 0;
if( readChar(w->fileId, 0L) == '\r' ) {
if( readChar(w->fileId, 1L) == '\n' )
selEnd = 1;


/* make the new window the active window */
activeWindow = w;
updateScreen(0, scrRows-1);

return w;

void pascal
/* XTAG:setWindowColors */
register struct window *w;
extern struct colorCycle colorCycles[];

register int cycle;

cycle = w->textCycle;
w->textColor = colorCycles[cycle].textColor;
w->selColor = colorCycles[cycle].selColor;
cycle = w->borderCycle;
w->bannerColor = colorCycles[cycle].bannerColor;
w->borderColor = colorCycles[cycle].borderColor;
w->elevColor = colorCycles[cycle].elevColor;

int pascal
/* XTAG:getBaseName */
unsigned char *s;
register int n;
register unsigned char ch;

n = strlen(s) - 1;
while( 1 ) {
ch = s[n];
if( ch == ':' || ch == '\\' )
if( --n < 0 )
return n+1;

int pascal
/* XTAG:closeWindow */
closeWindow(w, ask, redraw)
register struct window *w;
int ask, redraw;
extern struct window *selWindow;
extern struct window *activeWindow;
extern long selBegin, selEnd;
extern int scrRows, scrCols;
extern int menuLine;

if( closeFile(w->fileId, ask) == -1 )
return -1;
w->state = 0; /* free the window structure */

/* unlink the window from the list of active windows */
if( w->prevWindow != NULL )
w->prevWindow->nextWindow = w->nextWindow;
else /* must be first on the list -- the top window */
windowList = w->nextWindow;
if( w->nextWindow != NULL )
w->nextWindow->prevWindow = w->prevWindow;

if( redraw ) {
redrawBox( w->row1, w->col1, w->row2, w->col2);
updateScreen(w->row1, w->row2);

/* is the selection in this window? */
if( w == selWindow ) {
/* move the selection to the top window */
selWindow = windowList;
if( selWindow != NULL ) {
selBegin = 0;
selEnd = 0;
if( readChar(selWindow->fileId, 0L) == '\r' ) {
if( readChar(selWindow->fileId, 1L) == '\n' )
selEnd = 1;
if( redraw )
/* is this the active window? */
if( w == activeWindow ) {
activeWindow = windowList;
if( redraw )
updateScreen((menuLine > 0 ? 1 : 0), scrRows-1);
return 0;

void pascal
/* XTAG:topWindow */
register struct window *w;
extern struct window *activeWindow;

if( w != windowList ) {
w->prevWindow->nextWindow = w->nextWindow;
if( w->nextWindow != NULL )
w->nextWindow->prevWindow = w->prevWindow;
w->prevWindow = NULL;
windowList->prevWindow = w;
w->nextWindow = windowList;
windowList = w;
activeWindow = w;

void pascal
/* XTAG:redrawWindow */
register struct window *w;
/* set up the screen map and draw the window */
setMap(w->row1, w->col1, w->row2, w->col2, 1, 0x07);

int pascal
/* XTAG:moveWindow */
moveWindow(w, row1, col1, row2, col2)
register struct window *w;
int row1, col1, row2, col2;
extern int scrRows, scrCols;
extern struct window *activeWindow;
extern unsigned char msgBuffer[];
extern int topOnFind;

int r1, c1, r2, c2;
int redoAll;

/* if we have to erase the old active window */
/* just redo the whole screen*/
redoAll = (w != activeWindow);

/* fix impossible corners */
if( row1 < 0 )
row1 = 0;
if( row2 > (scrRows-1) )
row2 = (scrRows-1);
if( col1 < 0 )
col1 = 0;
if( col2 > (scrCols-1) )
col2 = (scrCols-1);

/* do not allow very small windows */
if( row2 < row1+2 || col2 < col1+10 )
return 1;

/* find the bound of the redrawing */
r1 = min(row1, w->row1);
c1 = min(col1, w->col1);
r2 = max(row2, w->row2);
c2 = max(col2, w->col2);

/* only these have to change in the window structure */
w->row1 = row1;
w->col1 = col1;
w->row2 = row2;
w->col2 = col2;

if( redoAll ) {
r1 = 0;
c1 = 0;
r2 = scrRows - 1;
c2 = scrCols - 1;

/* redraw all the windows that might have changed */
redrawBox(r1, c1, r2, c2);
updateScreen(r1, r2);

return 0;

void pascal
/* XTAG:redrawBox */
redrawBox(row1, col1, row2, col2)
int row1, col1, row2, col2;
extern struct window *windowList;
extern unsigned char textColor;
extern int scrRows, scrCols;
extern int menuLine;
extern int menuShowing;
extern unsigned char toplineVector[];
extern int debug;

register struct window *w1;
int lowRow, highRow, n;

/* set up the screen map and clear the screen area */
setMap(row1, col1, row2, col2, 2, 0x7);

/* restore the menu line if necessary */
if( (menuLine > 0 && row1 == 0)
|| (menuLine < 0 && row2 == (scrRows-1)) ) {
/* find the first top line menu (to be the default) */
for(n = 0; n < 64; n++) {
if( (lowRow = toplineVector[n]) != 0 )
switch( lowRow ) {
case 50: lowRow = 1; break;
case 51: lowRow = 2; break;
case 52: lowRow = 3; break;
case 60: lowRow = 4; break;
case 65: lowRow = 5; break;
case 67: lowRow = 6; break;
menuShowing = lowRow;

/* redraw all the windows that might have changed */
w1 = windowList;
lowRow = scrRows;
highRow = -1;
while( w1 != NULL ) {
/* have these rows already been written? */
if( w1->row1 >= lowRow && w1->row2 <= highRow && debug==0)
goto nextOne;
/* if the window is full width, remember the rows */
if( w1->col1 == 0 && w1->col2 == (scrCols-1) ) {
/* will this cover some rows below row1? */
if( w1->row1 < lowRow )
lowRow = w1->row1;
/* will this cover some rows above row2? */
if( w1->row2 > highRow )
highRow = w1->row2;
w1 = w1->nextWindow;

void pascal
/* XTAG:redoBorders */
int bottomLineOnly;
extern struct window *windowList;
extern struct window *activeWindow;
extern unsigned char *screenMap;
extern struct openFile *files;
extern int scrRows, scrCols;
extern unsigned char border1[], border2[], border3[], border4[];
extern int menuLine;
extern int debug;

register struct window *w1;
unsigned char *border;
int i, n, row1, row2, col1, col2;

/* set up the screen map */
n = (bottomLineOnly ? scrRows-1 : 0);

/* if there are not windows, then clear the bottom line */
/* of the screen by sending a "2" instead of a "1" */
i = (windowList==NULL ? 2 : 1);
setMap(n, 0, scrRows-1, scrCols-1, i, 0x7);

/* redraw all the window borders */
w1 = windowList;
while( w1 != NULL ) {
if( !bottomLineOnly ) {
row1 = w1->row1;
col1 = w1->col1;
row2 = w1->row2;
col2 = w1->col2;
if( !bottomLineOnly || row2 == scrRows - 1 ) {
/* redraw the window border */
if( w1 != activeWindow )
border = &border1[0];
border = &border2[0];
drawBorder(border, row1, col1, row2, col2,
w1->borderColor, bottomLineOnly);

/* return after we draw the bottom line */
if( bottomLineOnly && row2 == scrRows - 1 &&
col1 == 0 && col2 == scrCols -1 )
if( !bottomLineOnly ) {
/* mask off the window area */
n = col2 - col1 - 1;
for(i = row1+1; i < row2; i++)
0, n);

/* go to next window in the list */
w1 = w1->nextWindow;

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : PT20PC.ZIP
Filename : WINDBOX.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: