Category : Word Processors
Archive   : PT20PC.ZIP
Filename : FOLLOW.C

Output of file : FOLLOW.C contained in archive : PT20PC.ZIP
#include "pt.h"
#include "conio.h"

/* return 1 only if you see both buttons simultaneously down */
int pascal
/* XTAG:followSelection */
followSelection(w, lastRow, lastCol, evHead, oneTime)
struct window *w;
int lastRow, lastCol, evHead, oneTime;
extern unsigned char msgBuffer[];
extern long selBegin, selEnd;
extern int selMode;
extern union REGS rin, rout;
extern int scrRows, scrCols;
extern struct event events[];
extern unsigned char scrMapReset;
extern int mousePresent;
extern int autoScrollRate;
extern int debug;
extern int videoMode;

int col1, col2, l, m, n, r, fileId, ret;
int oldRow1, oldRow2, newRow1, newRow2;
int selRow1, selRow2, redoRow1, redoRow2;
int anchRow1, anchRow2, curRow, curCol;
int startButtons;
long cpNew, cpNew1, cpNew2, cp1;
long anchBegin, anchEnd, oldCp1, anchCp1;
long selCp1;

/* get the present mouse button state */
if( mousePresent ) { = 3;
int86(51, &rin, &rout);
startButtons = rout.x.bx;
} else
startButtons = 0x7;

/* anchor the selection at the current selection */
anchBegin = selBegin;
anchEnd = selEnd;
fileId = w->fileId;
col1 = w->col1 + 1;
col2 = w->col2 - 1;
ret = 0;

/* what rows is the selection on now? */
if( selBegin <= w->posTopline ) {
anchCp1 = w->posTopline;
anchRow1 = w->row1 + 1;
} else {
n = -1;
anchCp1 = prevLine(fileId, selBegin, &n);
posToxy(w, selBegin, &anchRow1, &r);
oldRow1 = anchRow1;
oldCp1 = anchCp1;

posToxy(w, selEnd, &anchRow2, &r);
oldRow2 = anchRow2;
if( oneTime ) {
curRow = lastRow;
curCol = lastCol;
goto firstTime;

/* This is the loop that follows the cursor selection */
while( 1 ) {
/* first find out the current cursor position and */
/* see if it has moved since we last checked */
/* wait for a mouse event */
while( !isMouseEvent(0) ) {
/* This is a BIOS call that does not have any */
/* direct purpose. It seems to be necessary so */
/* that things will not freeze up after a Ctrl-C */
/* is handled. I'm not sure why. */
getCPos(&l, &m);
evHead = getMouseEvent();
/* skip intermediate mouse movements if other mouse events */
/* are already on the queue */
while( 1 ) {
if( events[evHead].mask != 0x1 )
if( !isMouseEvent(0) )
evHead = getMouseEvent();
curRow = events[evHead].vertical>>3;
curCol = events[evHead].horizontal>>3;

/* normalize extension outside the window */
if( curRow <= w->row1 ) {
curRow = w->row1 + 1;
while( 1 ) {
/* set up the screen map and scroll window */
scrMapReset = 0;
setMap(w->row1, w->col1, w->row2, w->col2,
1, w->textColor);
downScroll(w, autoScrollRate);
/* change the selection */
l = w->row1 + 1;
m = w->col1 + 1;
xyToPos(&l, &m, &n, &cp1,
(struct window **)&r);
if( selBegin > cp1 )
selBegin = cp1;
redrawBox(0, 0, scrRows-1, scrCols-1);
scrMapReset = 1;
setMap(w->row1, w->col1, w->row2, w->col2,
1, w->textColor);
oldRow1 = w->row1 + 1;
oldCp1 = w->posTopline;
oldRow2 = w->row2 - 1;
if( isMouseEvent(0) ) {
evHead = getMouseEvent();
goto restartFollowing;
} else if( curRow >= w->row2 ) {
curRow = w->row2 - 1;
while( 1 ) {
/* set up the screen map and scroll window */
scrMapReset = 0;
setMap(w->row1, w->col1, w->row2, w->col2,
1, w->textColor);
upScroll(w, autoScrollRate);
/* change the selection */
l = w->row2 - 1;
m = w->col2 - 1;
xyToPos(&l, &m, &n, &cp1,
(struct window **)&r);
if( selEnd < cp1 )
selEnd = cp1;
redrawBox(0, 0, scrRows-1, scrCols-1);
scrMapReset = 1;
setMap(w->row1, w->col1, w->row2, w->col2,
1, w->textColor);
oldRow1 = w->row1 + 1;
oldCp1 = w->posTopline;
oldRow2 = w->row2 - 1;
if( isMouseEvent(0) ) {
evHead = getMouseEvent();
goto restartFollowing;

} else if( curCol <= w->col1 ) {
curCol = w->col1 + 1;
} else if( curCol >= w->col2 ) {
curCol = w->col2 - 1;

if( curRow != lastRow || curCol != lastCol ) {
/* The cursor has moved, so update the selection */
/* get the file position of the cursor position */
cpNew = xyToWindow(w, &curRow, &curCol);

/* Extend it according the the selection mode */
modeExtend(w, cpNew, &cpNew1, &cpNew2);

if( cpNew1 < anchBegin ) {
selBegin = cpNew1;
newRow1 = curRow;
n = -1;
cp1 = prevLine(fileId, cpNew1, &n);
} else {
selBegin = anchBegin;
newRow1 = anchRow1;
cp1 = anchCp1;
if( cpNew2 > anchEnd ) {
selEnd = cpNew2;
newRow2 = curRow;
} else {
selEnd = anchEnd;
newRow2 = anchRow2;

/* remember the rows of the current selection */
selRow1 = newRow1;
selCp1 = cp1;
selRow2 = newRow2;

/* what rows do we need to redraw? */
/* we need to erase the old selection as well as */
/* draw the new selection */
if( oldRow1 < newRow1 ) {
newRow1 = oldRow1;
cp1 = oldCp1;
} else
oldCp1 = cp1;
if( oldRow2 > newRow2 )
newRow2 = oldRow2;

/* try to reduce the screen redrawing by figuring */
/* out which rows have actually changed */
/* do not optimize for movement above the anchor row */
if( selRow1 == oldRow1 && selRow1 >= anchRow1) {
if( selRow2 >= oldRow2 ) {
redoRow1 = oldRow2;
redoRow2 = selRow2;
} else {
redoRow1 = selRow2;
redoRow2 = oldRow2;
} else {
redoRow1 = newRow1;
redoRow2 = newRow2;

/* update the changed rows in the screen buffer */
for(r = newRow1; r <= redoRow2; r++) {
if( redoRow1 <= r ) {
cp1 = fillLine(w, cp1, r, col1, col2);
} else {
n = 1;
cp1 = nextLine(fileId, cp1, &n);
if( cp1 == -1 ) /* EOF? */
if( oneTime ) {
oneTime = 0;
updateScreen(0, scrRows-1);
} else {
updateScreen(redoRow1, redoRow2);

/* remember some things for the next iteration */
oldRow1 = selRow1;
oldCp1 = selCp1;
oldRow2 = selRow2;
lastRow = curRow;
lastCol = curCol;

/* are the buttons up now? */
if( events[evHead].buttons == 0 )

/* check for both buttons down */
if( ((~startButtons) & events[evHead].buttons) != 0 ) {
ret = 1;

/* selecting the end of line should include both CR and LF */
if( readChar(fileId, selBegin) == '\n' ) {
if( readChar(fileId, --selBegin) != '\r' )
return ret;

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : PT20PC.ZIP
Filename : FOLLOW.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: