Category : Word Processors
Archive   : PREFIX.ZIP
Filename : PREFIX.ASM

Output of file : PREFIX.ASM contained in archive : PREFIX.ZIP
PAGE 55,130
; This program accepts a quoted string from the command line and prefixes
; it to each line received from std in, writing it to std out.
; DOS I/O redirection is used to modify files. Input line length is
; limited to 255 chars, prefix to 80 chars. Output line length is limited
; to 335 ( 255 + 80 ). These limits may be altered by changing the
; equates below.

pfx_len equ 050h ; prefix buffer area
ibuf_len equ 0100h ; input buffer area
obuf_len equ 0150h ; output buffer area
stk_len equ 0100h ; program stack area
total_buflen = pfx_len + ibuf_len + obuf_len + stk_len

codeseg segment
assume cs:codeseg, ds:codeseg

org 0100h

prefix proc far
start: jmp init

; ---------------------------------
msg1 db 13, 10, 'Usage is: PREFIX ', 13, 10, '$'
msg2 db 13, 10, 'Unable to allocate memory - aborting.'
db 13, 10, '$'
; ---------------------------------

init: mov bx,offset pgm_end
add bx,0Fh
mov cl,4
shr bx,cl
mov ah,04Ah ; allocate memory explicitly
int 021h
mov dx,offset msg2 ; set up error message
jc err_exit ; quit if cf=1
xor ax,ax ; init buffers and stk
mov di,offset last_line ; to all 0's
mov cx,total_buflen
shr cx,1
rep stosw
mov sp,offset pgm_end

mov si,81h ; point si to command line parms
call get_prefix ; get the quoted suffix string
mov dx,offset msg1 ; set up other error msg
cmp al,5 ; success code
jne err_exit ; unsuccessful - quit with err msg
call get_prefix ; This checks for extra stuff on
mov dx,offset msg1
cmp al,3 ; the command line, and quits with
jne err_exit ; error msg if found.

main: call get_line ; input a line from std in
jc quit ; quit on carry set (eof or error)
call set_prefix ; prefix it
call out_put ; output it to std out
jc quit ; quit on error.
jmp main ; repeat until eof(input)

err_exit: mov di,dx
mov cx,0FFh
mov al,024h
repnz scasb ; this was to get len of message
dec di
mov cx,di
sub cx,dx ; some arithmetic
mov bx,2 ; handle for std error
mov ah,040h ; output msg to std error
int 021h ; (error msg will go to con)
mov al,1 ; exit status = 1
quit: mov ah,04Ch
int 021h ; terminate process.

prefix endp

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; SUBROUTINE get_prefix
; get the quoted prefix into the holding area

get_prefix proc near
call rem_space ; eat up blanks on cmd line
mov di,si ; save si in di
cmp byte ptr [si],0Dh ; see if we have eoln
jne Q1 ; no, continue
mov al,3 ; else return eoln code.

Q1: mov dl,022h ; double quote
cmp [si],dl
je P1 ; ok, continue
mov dl,027h ; single quote
cmp [si],dl
je P1 ; still ok, continue
mov al,4 ; no, return non-quote code.

P1: inc si ; now get quoted string into vacant
mov di,offset last_line ; prefix buffer area

Q2: lodsb ; get [si] into al
cmp al,dl ; check for matching quote, still in
je Q3 ; dl. If found, we're done.
cmp al,0Dh ; check for eoln
je P2 ; if found here, error
stosb ; OK - store al to es:[di]
cmp di,offset in_buffer
je P2 ; too many chars, exit with error
jmp Q2 ; repeat until done or error.
Q3: mov al,5 ; success.

P3: mov byte ptr [di],0 ; null terminate the string
mov di,offset last_line ; reset di

P2: mov al,6 ; error (non-success) code
jmp P3

get_prefix endp

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; SUBROUTINE get_line
; inputs a string (line) from std in

get_line proc near
mov si,offset in_buffer ; point si to input buffer

G1: mov dx,si ; point dx to input buffer
mov cx,1 ; set char count to 1
mov bx,0 ; select handle for input
mov ah,03Fh ; DOS input from std in
int 021h

jc getline_ret ; error, code in ax
mov cx,ax ; ax = chars read
jcxz getline_ret ; return if no chars read
cmp byte ptr [si],0Ah ; eoln, return
je getline_ret
cmp byte ptr [si],01Ah ; check for eof
jz getline_ret ; eof, ret w/carry set
inc si ; inc si
cmp si,offset out_buffer ; check for buffer overrun
jb G1 ; OK, repeat
stc ; else, ret w/carry set

getline_ret: ret

get_line endp

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; SUBROUTINE set_prefix
; prefixes the line that was input

set_prefix proc near
mov di,offset out_buffer ; point di to output buffer

; first move the prefix into the output buffer:

mov si,offset last_line ; restore prefix ptr to si
lodsb ; [si] into al
cmp al,0 ; end of prefix (null term.)
je S2
stosb ; al to es:[di]
jmp S1 ; repeat

; now move the input line into the output buffer:

mov si,offset in_buffer ; set si to line buffer
lodsb ; [si] into al
stosb ; al to es:[di]
cmp al,0Ah ; check for eoln
jne S3 ; repeat
ret ; done - return
set_prefix endp

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; SUBROUTINE out_put
; outputs the string (line) to std out

out_put proc near

mov si,offset out_buffer ; point si to output buffer
mov dx,si ; put si in dx
xor cx,cx ; start cx at 0
inc cx ; pre-increment for char count
cmp cx,obuf_len ; check for buffer overrun
jge output_ret ; prefix + line too long, exit
lodsb ; [si] into al
cmp al,0Ah ; see if it's eoln
jne O1 ; if not, repeat.
mov bx,1 ; set up std out
mov ah,040h ; output cx characters.
int 021h
output_ret: ret ; carry set if error.

out_put endp

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; SUBROUTINE rem_space
; eats up blanks

rem_space proc near
cmp byte ptr [si],020h
jne rem_space_ret
inc si
jmp R1

rem_space_ret: ret
rem_space endp

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; buffer allocation:

last_line label byte ; marks start of buffers area

in_buffer = last_line + pfx_len
out_buffer = in_buffer + ibuf_len
pgm_end = out_buffer + obuf_len + stk_len

codeseg ends
end start

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : PREFIX.ZIP
Filename : PREFIX.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: