Category : Word Processors
Archive   : PCWMACRO.ZIP
Filename : SLASHF.AF1

Output of file : SLASHF.AF1 contained in archive : PCWMACRO.ZIP
.- User fee $10 Thank you. SlashF.AF1 v3:89 EKP:-
Copyright l988,1989 David M. Brender All rights reserved.
cF2 Unsave & Exit. (BCID keys are Bksp CR Ins Del)

1: GENERAL RULES for these keypads.
/‡Crnr /*Crnr 2: MARKING: Paragraph and T-Block using corner keys.
/‡BCID /*BCID 3: DELETION: Paragraph and T-Block.
/Gr- /Gr+ 3: DELETION: Windows.
/Home /End 4: LINE Marking on Home & End and sHome & sEnd
//BCID 5: Line-Delete locked keypad.

/DnArr Line-Chop Down-Series. See cF1 D
/[ù /]ù Delete text left or right to PUNCTUATION Marks. See cF1 P
/W A /W B Wipe out trailing blanks. See cF1 W

To view: SCROLL or PAGE or Click N directly or CLICK Gr+ to step N or PRINT
Click the macro keys; don't hold them down. Wait for macro to finish.


'Post Marking' is marking established after moving cursor; not with cursor.
/- /+ Post Marking from cursor to BMark2. (Cursor exits at beg- or end+
//- //+ Post Marking from cursor to BMark1.

/// Type / once.
/T Type / once.
/R Repeats ////

/U Unsave & / stays locked. Sets 'Read' status.

/. Delete first AltG dot line at or above cursor and respot. Only dot lines.

(œ is scroll lock key)
/œ Toggle Marking/Marked, exit.

/‡œ Marking, lock. (œ œœ œœœ)
/*œ Marking, lock. (œ œœ œœœ)

/LftArr... & /RtArr... Mark words. (Starts new marking, locks ‡‡Word pad.)
Later œ Toggles marking/marked, while ‡‡Word stays locked.

From within a locked mode, or after exiting it:
Use s5 (Respot) to return to your original starting spot in the document.
If s5 fails, try s5 again, then try ‡s5.

1:--- GENERAL RULES ----
All keypads here mark or delete one or more lines.

/ and // deal with lines.
/‡ deals with paragraphs.
/* deals with t-blocks.

In all cases:
Deletion is on the BCID keys.
Marking is on the four Corner keys.

2:---------- MARKING: PARAGRAPH, T-BLOCK and WORD -------------------
All marking for paragraphs & T-blocks is on the corner keys.
Marking started from this keypad is always new marking from cursor.

T-Blocks are groups of text separated by one or more completely empty lines.
No space characters allowed in empty lines. (See cF1 W for Wipe help)
Block indentations and margin settings don't affect T-block access.

Marking to Beg of Para, exit /‡ÛÛ ÛÛ /‡ÛÛ Marking to End of above Para, exit.
Marking to Beg of Block,exit /*ßß ßß /*ßß Marking to End of above Block,exit.

Start Word marking, & ‡‡Word /ÛÛ ÛÛ /ÛÛ Start Word marking, lock ‡‡Word
Start Word marking, lock // //ßß ßß //ßß Start Word marking, lock //

Marking to Beg of next Para /‡ÛÛ ÛÛ /‡ÛÛ Marking to End of Para, exit.
Marking to Beg of next Block /*ßß ßß /*ßß Marking to End of Block, exit.
(both exit) ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ Gr+ Toggle /‡ /*
ßßßßß ßßßßß

"Beginning" marking is always carried to the left screen edge.

Macros pause briefly after marking. If marking is wrong, 2nd click stops macro.

/‡ÛÛ Delete to Beg of Para, exit. /‡ÛÛ½ Marking, lock.
/*ßß Delete to Beg of Block, exit. /*ßß½ (œ œœ œœœ)

/‡ÛÛ Delete whole ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ /ÛÛ Cancel Top Window,
ÛÛ para, exit.ý ßß ßß ßß ÛÛ from either window.
/*ÛÛ Delete whole Word /‡ÛÛ½ ÛÛ/‡ÛÛ½ Word (Both save active file
block, exit.ý left /*ßß½ ßß/*ßß½ rt. /ÛÛ Cancel Bottom Window,
ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ from either window.
ßß ßß /ßß ßß /UGrñ unsaves & cancels
ýcursor anywhere inside it. Start Line-Chop Down-Series.

Open delete to Beg of Para /‡ÜÜÜÜÜ /‡ÜÜÜÜÜ Delete to End of Para, exit.
Open delete to Beg of Block /*ßßßßß /*ßßßßß Delete to End of Block, exit.
(Temp P margin must be off for Ins macros.)

All deletes close up text, except open deletes on Ins key
which leave 2 empty lines.

Not shown:
After /‡ or /* but before use can click Gr+ to Toggle between /* & /‡

Line deletion is on /Bksp /CR /Ins /Del keys. Lock with //
Line marking is on /Home & /End and on /sHome & /sEnd.

All line marking is new marking from cursor. For p use letter p

/ÛÛ Delete Text-Line Left, close, exit, Wrap+. /ÛÛ Toggle Marked/ing,
/pßß Delete line left, close, exit (pure 430 code) ßß & exit.

/Home Line marking //Start marking and go line up, exit.
to left screen edge. ÛÛ /sÛÛ ÛÛ /sÛÛ Delete line right
/sHome Line marking ßß ßß ßß ÛÛ after rt scrn edge.
to beg of line.
/ÛÛ Delete whole line, exit. ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ /sÛÛ Delete line right
/pÛÛ Same (pure 431 code) ßß ßß ßß ÛÛ after rt margin.
ßß //Start marking and go line dn, exit.
/End Line marking to end of line. ÛÛ /sÛÛ ÛÛ
/sEnd Line marking to ßß /ßß ßß
text end of line. Start Line-Chop Down Series.

Delete text-Line Left, /ÜÜÜÜÜ /ÜÜÜÜÜ Delete Line right, leave open,
leave open, and exit. ßßßßß /pßßßßß (Same; pure 266 code) & exit.

/Bksp & /Del leave empty lines behind (by design). /CR removes empty lines.
The line deletion macros on /Bksp and /Ins effectively delete to the beg
of a line, independent of margin settings. See EndúNote.

Use /sGrñ to truncate overly long --- or ... lines; cursor can be anywhere.

Not Illustrated:--- ÝLPv\TpÞ --- LINE PIVOT & TRANSPOSE KEYPAD. (self-locking)
cEsc UNDO line transpose. (3-line-pivot will undo itself)
/sBksp... Start Transp-line-up.
/sIns... Start Three-line-pivot. /sDel... Start Transp-line-dn.

5:------ ÝLineLkÞ ------- LINE-DELETE LOCKED KEYPAD --------------------

START Locked Line-Delete with: //

All ½ flagged keys stay locked for repetition. Use flagged keys in any order.
After each line deletion, the cursor moves to the next line, down or up.
Bksp & CR remove an empty line. Ins and Del leave an empty line behind.

cEsc UNDO, exit. ß½ Marking.

ß½ Delete text-line left, close, Up a line, to end of line.
& go up to end of line. ß ß½ ß Û Suspend.
Û Word Left ß½ s5 ß½ Word Right. (CR resumes)
Û½ Delete whole line, close, ß ß½ ß Û Toggle to LnChop
& go line dn to scrn left edge. Dn a line, to screen left edge.

Delete text-line left, leave open, ßß½ ßß½ Delete Line right, leave open,
& go up to end of line. & go line dn to scrn left edge.

SpBar Exit.

Not shown: //Home... //End...
Locked line marking, to left edge or true end.
Repeat Home or End to mark more than one line.
Use œ to toggle marking/marked, or use:

F3 F4 cF4 F5 F6 F7 Work normally; keypad stays locked.
K Reformats whole paragraph from inside it; respots, locks.
s5 Respot, exit.

All delete keys above, separately and together, save all deleted text in Hold.
See EndúNote.

EndúNote:- Delete-Line-Left (on the Bksp key above) deletes left to the
beginning of the text line; the cursor must start from within the text
or to its right.

These /Bksp macros don't delete blanks to the left of text,
or lines with only blanks. Instead use /pBksp or //pBksp.

The Delete-Line-Left macros (on the Bksp key) are constructed to close to the
original beginning of the line. This maintains the original indentation of
each line.

Note: /pBksp ð scBksp These delete and close to the L margin or the
left edge, altering the indentation of lines not at the L margin.

End:--- / Help

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : PCWMACRO.ZIP
Filename : SLASHF.AF1

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: