Category : Word Processors
Archive   : PCWMACRO.ZIP
Filename : EQUAL.AF1

Output of file : EQUAL.AF1 contained in archive : PCWMACRO.ZIP
.-Equal.AF1 v3:89 EKP:-
Copyright l988,1989 David M. Brender All rights reserved.
cF2 Unsave & exit.
þ is any letter or symbol

=s1 =1 ‡s' ‡' 0: PC-Write Bookmarks - alternative keying.
=. ==. 0: Automatic Sequential Numbering.
þ =Bksp þ =Del 1: Typos: REMOTE DELETE any symbol. =- Undo
þþ=sBksp þþ=sDel 2: Typos: REMOTE TRANSPOSE any pair. =s- Undo

use regular keypad 3: BEMELMARKS °1 thru °9
=n Ins =Ins 4: INSERT a numbered Bemelmark.
=n Grñ Grñ 4: FIND a numbered Bemelmark.
=*n Ins =*Ins 5: Insert Non-Printing Bemelmarks.
=Grñ Grñ 6: To Find All Bemelmarks, regardless of n
=n F10 F10 7: To DELETE Specific Bemelmarks.
=F10 F10 8: To DELETE All Bemelmarks, regardless of n
Deletes one by one, or deletes all automatically.

See cF1 P Punctuation Marks: Snap to & Delete to.
See cF1 F File Macros: Remote save, Double save, Unsave,
Go-Back, Quick Backup, Quick switching.

To view: SCROLL or PAGE or Click N directly or CLICK Gr+ to step N or PRINT
Click the macro keys; don't hold them down. Wait for each macro key to finish.

=== Type = once.
=T Type = once.
=R Repeats ====

=U Unsave, exits.

=CR Insert an empty line above the cursor line. Cursor anywhere on line.

=LftArr... Scroll window left to see beginning of line.
=RtArr... Scroll window right to text at end of line.

[Tab [[Tab Scroll window to display left edge of text. ³(Scrolls by Tab
]Tab ]]Tab Scroll window to display right edge of text.³ interval.)

For =F7 see cF1 Ÿ

0:--- PC-WRITE'S HIDDEN BOOKMARKS - alternative keying. s shift

Set BM1. Jump to BM1.
cHome cEnd (Unchanged.

‡s' ‡' alternative; easy fingering.
or s‡' ‡' (s sets bookmark.
Also ‡‡' ‡' (Two key version of set BM1

Or ==1 =1 (Use top row 1
or =s1 =1

Set BM2. Jump to BM2.
scHome scEnd (Unchanged.

‡s: ‡:
or s‡: ‡:
Also ‡‡: ‡:

Or ==2 =2
or =s2 =2

Avoid BookMark2: PC-W & macros move it.

Quick & easy version of PC-Write's AltN technique, but limited to 3 symbols.

=F9 or ==F9 Redisplay proper sequential numbers in any & every AltN sequence.

The next macros type next sequential number in a numbered list, and always
renumber the whole list when inserting a new entry within existing list.
Don't shift for letters N & L nor for ( & )
(Numbers will align vertically.) ³ =L yields a b c etc
=N yields 1 2 3 etc ³ ==L yields A B C
=. yields 1. 2. 3. etc ³ ==. yields A. B. C.
=) yields 1) 2) 3) etc ³ ==) yields A) B) C)
=( yields (1) (2) (3) etc ³ ==( yields (A) (B) (C)

=p restarts sequence.
=pp repeats last number of sequence.
Continue with N . ( ) L
Use with to = & ==

Use =( or =) but not both in a document. Use ==( or ==) but not both.
Need only delete leading space in front of 1 if space not wanted in 2 3 4 etc.

1:----------- REMOTE DELETE for TYPO CORRECTION ------------
þ Represents any letter or symbol. Types in text at cursor. Is deleted 1st.

=- Undo last remote delete, left or right.
(Use twice. =- =- 1st restores remotely. 2nd restores at cursor.)

þ=Bksp Remote delete first þ on left, exit. Cursor does not move.
þ=Del Remote Delete first þ on right, exit. " " " "

Macro draws a highlite to selected þ, deletes it, pauses for viewing result,
then removes highlite, and returns cursor to starting spot.

Example: j=Bksp Remotely delete extra j in text at left.

2:----------- REMOTE TRANSPOSE for TYPO CORRECTION --------------

=s- Undo last remote transpose, left or right. s is shift

ab =sBksp
ab =sDel
Remote transpose the first pair ab on the left or the right, respot, exit.

ab is any pair of letters or symbols.
This pair types in text at cursor. Deleted automatically.

3:------------------ BEMELMARKS - VISIBLE BOOKMARKS ------------------------
Bemelmarks are visible bookmarks that are retained in the text until deleted.
These permanent place markers are available day after day until removed.
Bemelmarks print unless part of a PC-W comment line or other AltG dot line.

°1 °2 °3 °4 °5 °6 °7 °8 °9 °1 °2 °3 °4 °5 °6 °7 °8 °9
Insert as many copies of each Bemelmark as you wish in your document.

The = access key is used to insert these visible 'bookmarks' in the text
and then jump back and forth among them. (One key motion with Grñ)

[Also see cF1 TC (TutC.Doc)]

START with access key =
Use regular keypad keys; not numeric keys for number n

=n Ins Inserts °n at cursor.
=Ins Insert same °n elsewhere, after moving cursor.

=n Grñ Jumps up or down to °n in text.
Grñ Jumps up or down to next °n

Example: (Use regular keypad)
=8 Ins types °8 at cursor. Then move cursor, and
=Ins types °8 elsewhere at cursor.
Gr- jumps up to previous °8

=4 Grñ jumps up or down to next °4 in text.
Gr- jumps up to next °4 in text above.
Gr+ jumps back down °4
=Ins types °4 (elsewhere after moving cursor)

No need to re-click n if Find area unchanged.

=Ins always inserts Find area at the cursor.

If not deleted, Bemelmarks print, unless part of a PC-W comment line.

=* n Ins establishes a new comment line at the left edge, cursor
anywhere, then inserts °n in that comment line.
=* Ins After moving cursor elsewhere, establishes another new comment line,
and inserts the same °n (if Find area unchanged.)

Add a comment too if you wish.
To avoid printing comment lines, print using PC-Write, not DOS.

6:--- To FIND ALL BEMELMARKS regardless of n ---

=Gr- Go up to next °, ignores n.
Gr- Repeat to next °
=Gr+ Go down to next °, ignores n.
Gr+ Repeat to next °

Delete manually, or:

First key a specific
=n on the regular keypad, then:
F10 Find-and-delete next °n, for a specific n.
F10 Repeat Find-and-delete using F10 alone.

8:--- To DELETE BEMELMARKS regardless of n ---

Start at top of document, to remove all Bemelmarks.
=F10 Set to Find-and-delete next °n, regardless of n.
F10 Repeat Find-and-delete using F10 alone.

To delete all Bemelmarks automatically:
Start at the top of file.
Delete the first Bemelmark using =F10 then:
Use PC-Write's Replace-All sequence Alt F10 F9
to remove the rest automatically.
(=F10 has set up Find & Replace areas appropriately.)

End:--- = Help

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : PCWMACRO.ZIP
Filename : EQUAL.AF1

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: