Category : Word Processors
Archive   : PCWMACRO.ZIP
Filename : BANGE.QQQ

Output of file : BANGE.QQQ contained in archive : PCWMACRO.ZIP
( .-BangE.QQQ v3:89
(Copyright l988,1989 David M. Brender All rights reserved.

!Help.QQQ (Auto Read-in of Macroset which fetches help files via cF1.
(228:438,296,336,316,336,456,228,316,320,'Help.QQQ',264 (cF1 Triggered read-in of same.
(420:456,228 (ŸF1 same
(230:456,555 (cF2 nul (this is correct; do not modify)


(Inactive option:
(!c0.QOc (Auto read-in of macroset for double sticky access to ctrl-alt keys from right.
256:438,456,170,316,320,'c0.QOc',264 (‡0 Triggered read-in of same.


(!Custom.QQQ (A non-existant file, for custom built macros. Activate if used.

!User.UQQ (A non-existant file; put your own macros
(in new User.UQQ file to insure dominance. Reads-in last.



(ŸE Prints envelopes from address block of letter,
(when cursor is on 1st line of their address,
(and their address is followed by a completely empty line.
(Set up once only. Type in your return address in the space
(within the macro below. Then save this file. And start new session.

723:319,401,403, 328,335,264,299, 319,328,413,336;
' ',265,299; Type your address within the quotes.
' ',265,299; You may lengthen or shorten lines.
' ',265,299;
' ',265,299; Use for fourth line ,if needed.
' ',265,299; And for fifth line.
' ',265,299; But do not remove any of these lines.
' ',265,299; Only remove these lines if you want
' ',265,299; their address to print higher on envelope.
' ',265,299; Add lines like this for their address to print lower.
318,336, 299,328,335, 413;
323,322,322,334, 299,336,012;
418,313,'35',264; Decrease '35' to '30' ,say, if you want their
355,'prn',264; address to print more to left. Increase to go right.
314,264, 419,261, 418,336,319


(ŸŸD Option: Recompose EKP date layout. Layout is: 3/22/89 Wednesday 8:32pm
191:566, '$$M/D/YE Days H:MIam $$'
(Note ŸD is the default PC-W layout, so: March 22, 1989 (Not recomposable)


(De-activate this active 242: macro ...
242:456,017 (Right ‡Q as default Access to PC-Write's WordStar code on cQ.
(... And activate next three macros if you want a trick LEFT HAND access to
(the FULL ‡Keypad and the full s‡ keypads. See cF1 s‡ scrn 6
(The regular PC-Write cKeypad and scKeypad are not involved or affected here.

(017:456,426,556 (cQ Access to full ‡ MacroSet from left of keyboard.
(Use cQcQ or cQQ for left hand access to full ‡‡ keypad.
(242:438, 456,129,556 ( cQQ for left land access to full ‡‡ keypad via cQQ.
(488:456,409,556 (scQ Access to full s‡ MacroSet from left of keyboard.

(Note: Activating 0l7: above disables the WordStar cQ access.
(Note: Activating 488: above disables É (201) the scQ Box drawing character;
( type É using Alt 201 directly when needed.

(--- No more options.

(Common: SlashB Star
333,265,335,261, 295,335


  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : PCWMACRO.ZIP
Filename : BANGE.QQQ

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: