Dec 132017
Utility to search programmer's corner allfiles.txt list for a string.
File PCRNSRCH.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
Utility to search programmer’s corner allfiles.txt list for a string.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
PCRNSRCH.C 5179 1333 deflated
PCRNSRCH.DOC 1157 597 deflated
PCRNSRCH.EXE 13222 8128 deflated

Download File PCRNSRCH.ZIP Here

Contents of the PCRNSRCH.DOC file

Programmer's Corner BBS file list search program
Written by: Jim Moore

The purpose of this simple little program in Turbo C is to search the
file "allfiles.lst" for a specific string in the description, file name, or

Upon start up, it will ask where to output the information found in the
searches. Just press if you want it displayed on the screen.

Next is the main menu, from there you can select to search descriptions,
file names, or both. The program will then ask for the search string,
converts it to uppercase, and search the file (converting it to upper case
as it goes) for any matches, out-putting them to the screen if you pressed
enter, or to the specified file. (You could specify "LPT1" if you want them
printed, but it will not do page breaks.)

I decided to make this after downloading Gary Blatt's clipper program
'prgcorsr' that converted the list to a dbf file first, and in that process
chopped the descriptions. Besides, I didn't have the disk space!

Send any suggestions/comments to me here at the Programmer's corner.


 December 13, 2017  Add comments

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