Dec 142017
Add form feed to DOC files every 60 lines.
File PAGINATE.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
Add form feed to DOC files every 60 lines.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
PAGINATE.C 621 384 deflated
PAGINATE.COM 7734 5209 deflated
PAGINATE.DOC 750 308 deflated
README.DOC 560 294 deflated

Download File PAGINATE.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file

The following files should be contained in this archive:

1) PAGINATE.C - The source code.
2) PAGINATE.COM - The executable version.
3) PAGINATE.DOC - Documentation.
4) README.DOC - This documentation.

This program was developed on a PC's Limited 286-8 with an
EGA adaptor. The source code was compiled with the Turbo C 1.5
compiler. The tiny memory module was used, and the resulting
PAGINATE.EXE file was converted to PAGINATE.COM using EXE2BIN.

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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