Category : Word Processors
Archive   : OUTLIN20.ZIP
Filename : OUTLINE.HLP

Output of file : OUTLINE.HLP contained in archive : OUTLIN20.ZIP
File Struc Block Entry Line Hide Query Repl Undel Order View
Escape for main menu Alt+letter for menus F1 for Help
F = find text E = top/screen S = left R = top/file
A = find/replace X = bot/screen D = right C = bot/file
D = Save/O-P S = Save/Stay R = Read file B = block K = end
X = Save/DOS Q = Quit/Toss Y = del block C = copy V = move
Editor commands

1. Cursor Control
2. Screen Control
3. Character Control
4. Help
5. File/Quit
6. Structure
7. Block
8. Entry/Line
9. Hide/Show
A. Search/Sort
B. Format


Cursor Control Editor commands

1. Cursor left ..........................LArr
2. Cursor right .........................RArr
3. Cursor down ..........................DArr
4. Cursor up ............................UArr
5. Skip word right ......................Ctrl-RArr
6. Skip word left .......................Ctrl-LArr
7. Left end of line .....................Home
Ctrl-Q S
8. Right end of line ....................End
Ctrl-Q D


Screen Control Editor commands

1. Top of page ..........................Ctrl-Q E
2. Bottom of page .......................Ctrl-Q X
3. Scroll page up .......................Ctrl-W
4. Scroll page down .....................Ctrl-Z
5. Previous page ........................PgUp
6. Next page ............................PgDn
7. Top of file ..........................Ctrl-Q R
8. Bottom of file .......................Ctrl-Q C


Character Control Editor commands

1. Insert new line at cursor ............Enter
2. Toggle insert/replace mode ...........Ins
3. Delete character at cursor ...........Del
4. Delete character to left of cursor ...BackSpace
5. Delete the word with the cursor ......Ctrl-T
6. Delete line to the right of cursor ...F3
Ctrl-Q Y


Help Editor commands

1. Show all command sequences ...........F1
2. Activate the command menus ...........Esc


File/Quit Editor commands

1. Save file / exit to DOS ..............Alt-X
Alt-F S

Ctrl-K X
2. Save file / exit to startup ..........Alt-F N
Ctrl-K D
3. Quit / abandon all changes ...........Alt-F Q
Ctrl-K Q
4. Update file / remain in edit .........Alt-F U
Ctrl-K S
5. Print the edit buffer ................Alt-F P
6. Export edit buffer to a file .........Alt-F E
7. Import a file to the edit buffer .....Alt-F Tab
Ctrl-K R
8. Outline / text toggle ................Alt-F T
9. Reformat all text in edit buffer .....Alt-F R


Structure Editor commands

1. Promote structure up a level .........Alt-F9
Alt-S UArr
2. Demote structure down a level ........Alt-F10
Alt-S DArr
3. Write current structure to file ......Alt-S W
4. Print current structure ..............Alt-S P
5. Delete current structure .............Alt-S D
6. Undelete last deleted structure ......Alt-U
Alt-S U


Block Editor commands

1. Promote block up a level .............Shift-F9
Alt-B UArr
2. Demote block down a level ............Shift-F10
Alt-B DArr
3. Begin block mark .....................Alt-B B
Ctrl-K B
4. End block mark .......................Alt-B E
Ctrl-K K
5. Write block to file ..................Alt-B W
6. Print current block ..................Alt-B P
7. Copy block ...........................Alt-B C
Ctrl-K C
8. Move block ...........................Alt-B Enter
Ctrl-K V
9. Hide block marks .....................Alt-B BackSpace
Ctrl-K BackSpace
A. Delete block .........................Alt-B D
Ctrl-K Y


Entry/Line Editor commands

1. Promote entry up a level .............F9
Alt-E UArr
2. Demote entry down a level ............F10
Alt-E DArr
3. Reformat entry text after cursor .....Ctrl-B
Alt-E R
4. Extend entry with blank line .........Alt-E E
5. Add new line above current line ......F5
Alt-L A
6. Add cont line below current line .....F4
Alt-L B
7. Toggle label on/off line .............F2
Alt-L L
8. Delete the current line ..............Ctrl-Y
Alt-L D


Hide/Show Editor commands

1. Specify depth displayed ..............Alt-H D
2. Increment depth displayed ............Alt-H Tab
3. Decrement depth displayed ............Alt-H E
4. Hide / show continuation lines .......Alt-H C
5. Hide / show path from root to node ...Alt-H R
6. Show node's parent at screen top .....Alt-H P
7. Show node at top of screen ...........Alt-H N


Search/Sort Editor commands

1. Find text phrase .....................Alt-Q
Ctrl-Q F
2. Find and replace phrase ..............Alt-R
Ctrl-Q A
3. Find or replace next occurrence ......Ctrl-L
Alt-O N
4. Sort siblings in ascending order .....Alt-O A
5. Sort siblings in descending order ....Alt-O D


Format Editor commands

1. Toggle decimal/classical labels ......Alt-V D
2. Toggle continuation line margin ......Alt-V Enter
3. Specify # spaces for Tab key .........Alt-V T
4. Specify spaces to indent per level ...Alt-V L
5. Specify rightmost edit column ........Alt-V W
6. Specify rightmost screen column ......Alt-V S
7. Specify bottom edit row ..............Alt-V B

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : OUTLIN20.ZIP
Filename : OUTLINE.HLP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: