Dec 252017
WP 5.0 Macro tutorial.
File MACROS50.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
WP 5.0 Macro tutorial.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
2-SIDE.WPM 997 354 deflated
ANSWERS.TXT 2096 835 deflated
MACROS1.WP5 19082 6361 deflated
MACROS2.WP5 18207 6580 deflated
MACROS3.WP5 17053 5548 deflated
MEMO.WPM 199 119 deflated
MENUS.ZIP 6785 6006 deflated
QUIZ.WPM 1033 422 deflated
README.DOC 1045 521 deflated
WILEOUT1.WPM 787 355 deflated
WILEOUT2.WPM 965 431 deflated

Download File MACROS50.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file

This ARCed file contains the following:

. MACROS1.DOC -- Introduction to the WordPerfect 5.0 macro
feature. WordPerfect 5.0 document.
. MACROS2.DOC -- Explanation of macro editing and discussion
of some advanced macro programming statements. WordPerfect
5.0 document.
. MACROS3.DOC -- Sample of four programmed macros.
WordPerfect 5.0 document.
. MEMO.WPM -- Sample memo macro (see MACROS3.DOC for more
. WILEOUT1.WPM -- While-you-were-out telephone note-pad macro
(see MACROS3.DOC for more details).
. WILEOUT2.WPM -- Different version of above.
. QUIZ.WPM -- Sample quiz game macro, with score keeping (see
MACROS3.DOC for more details.
. ANSWERS.TXT -- Question/answer sheet for QUIZ.WPM.
. README.DOC -- The file you are now reading.

The text files (MACROS1, 2, and 3) are from a series of
columns written by me and appearing in future issues of Computer
Buyers Guide and Handbook (used by permission).

Gordon McComb

 December 25, 2017  Add comments

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