Category : Word Processors
Archive   : KNOWPRO1.ZIP
Filename : KP.HLP

Output of file : KP.HLP contained in archive : KNOWPRO1.ZIP
(* KnowledgePro help file January 18, 1988 *)
/Using the Function Keys
Press F1 again for more help or SPACE to exit

The available function keys appear at the
bottom of the screen. They are :

F1 - Help. Press F1 again for more help.
F2 - Change the default directory.
F3 - Select - move the cursor among the
hypertext concepts.
F4 - View - display hypertext for the
concept under the cursor. ... pg down
F5 - Evaluate - enter commands in an edit
window while an application is running.
Press ESC to execute the commands. This
key may be disabled in some knowledge
F6 - Debug - displays a menu of the topics
contained in the knowledge base.
entered. This key may be disabled in
some knowledge bases.
F7 - Calls the KnowledgePro editor. This key
may be disabled in some knowledge bases. down
F8 - DOS - Enter a DOS command. Type "exit"
to return to KnowledgePro.

F10 - Quit - Quit the current application or,
if not inside an application, quit

These keys may also be selected by moving the
mouse cursor over the key in the message
window and clicking either button.

/Select a Knowledge Base
Press F1 again for more help or SPACE to exit

All knowledge bases in the current directory
with a suffix of .KB or .CKB are shown on the
opening menu.
- To select from the menu move the cursor
using the cursor control keys or select the
first letter of the knowledge base then
press . If you have a mouse you can
point and click to select a knowledge base. down

- To enter the name of a knowledge base not
on the menu press then type in the
full file name (including path and drive).

/Answer a question
Press F1 again for more help or SPACE to exit

There are three different ways you can
provide information to a knowledge base :
1] select from a pop-up menu
2] type a one line response
3] enter text in an editor window.
To select from the menu move the cursor using
the cursor control keys or select the first
letter of the answer then press down
When you're asked to select more than one menu
item, move the cursor to each menu item and
press or press the right mouse button.
A small diamond will appear to the left of the
item to indicate that it has been selected.
Reselecting a selected item will remove the
diamond. Press or the left mouse
button when all items are selected. The item
under the cursor is always selected when the
key or left mouse button is pressed. down

To enter a response to the => prompt type the
response at the prompt and press

When a pop-up window appears, you will have a
full text editor to allow you to type in your
response. For more information on the text
editor, press F1 for more help and then select
"Editor" from the pop-up menu.

/Display a message
Press F1 again for more help or SPACE to exit

When you're finished reading a message, press
to continue or, with a mouse, point and
click on the word "Space" at the bottom of the
screen. When a message is more than one page
long, use PgUp and PgDn to scroll through it.

/Highlighted Text - Hypertext
Press F1 again for more help or SPACE to exit

As messages are displayed some areas of text
may be highlighted or underlined. There
highlighted concepts are "threaded" to more
information about the concepts. To display the
threaded text, move the menu bar to the
highlighted concept you want to select using F3
or the mouse. Press F4 or the mouse button to
view the thread.

/Using a mouse
Press F1 again for more help or SPACE to exit

To select from a menu, point to the item and
click the left button. To select more than one
item, point to each item and press the right
button. Each selected item will be marked with
a diamond. When the last item has been marked,
click the left button. The item under the
cursor is always selected. To remove a
diamond, reselect the item with the right
button. down
To select a hypertext thread point to the
hypertext concept and click either button.

To select a command from the message window
point to the command and press either button.

To page through messages or menus longer than
one page, point at the Pg_of_ message in the
lower right of the screen and click the left
button to page forward and the right button to
page back. The mouse can also be used in the
editor. (See editor help).
Press F1 again for more help or SPACE to exit

To call the editor, press the F7 key. This
key may be disabled in some knowledge bases.
The editor uses many of the same commands as
WordStar and the Turbo Pascal Editor. To
leave the editor press ESC. You will be
asked if you want to save your file.

Available Editor commands are: down
Moving the cursor
<- or ^D Character left
-> or ^S Character right
^<- or ^A Word Left
^-> or ^F Word Right
TAB or ^I Tab
UP ARROW or ^E Line Up
DN ARROW or ^X Line Down
^W Scroll Up
^Z Scroll Down
PgUp or ^R Page Up down
PgDn or ^C Page Down
HOME or ^QS Beginning of a line
END or ^QD End of a line
^HOME or ^QE Beginning of a page
^END or ^QX End of a page
^PgDn or ^QR Beginning of the file
^PgUp or ^QC End of the file
^QB Mark beginning of block
^QK Mark end of block down
Deleting and Inserting Text
^G Delete character under the cursor
^H Delete character to left of cursor
^T Delete next word
^Y Delete a line
^QY Delete to the end of a line
^KY Delete a marked block
^V Insert on/off
^N Insert a line down
Block commands
^KS Save the file
^KB Mark beginning of block
^KK Mark end of a block
^KH Hide/display a block
^KC Copy a block
^KV Move a block
^KY Delete a block
^KR Read a block from a file
^KW Write a block to a file
^KP Print a block or entire
file if no mark down
Formatting commands
^B Reformat paragraph
^OR Set the right margin
^QI Toggle autoindent mode
^QW Toggle word wrap

Find and Replace commands
^QA Find and replace a string
^QF Find an occurrence of a string
^L Find the next occurrence down
Leaving the editor
ESC Leave the editor - You will be asked if
you want to save your file.
The mouse can also be used in the editor. Press
the right button while the mouse cursor is in
the editor window to bring up a pop-up menu of
all the editor commands. Select a command by
pressing the left button. To move the text
cursor, point to the desired location and click
the left button. To scroll the edit
window in any direction, point at the border
and click either button.
/Find and Replace
Enter a string to be found in the file. If
you are replacing text, you will be prompted
for a the replacement text. You will also be
prompted for options. Valid options are:

B - Search backwards from the current cursor
G - Global replacement
n - number. Find the nth occurrence of the
search string down
N - Replace without asking
U - Ignore case when searching for text.
W - search for whole words only.

Multiple options can be specified.
WordStar is a trademark of MicroPro Int'l
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland Int'l

/Save a Knowledge Base
Press F1 again for more help or SPACE to exit

Press to save or to avoid
saving the knowledge base.

/Display the Knowledge Base
Press F1 again for more help or SPACE to exit

When F6 is pressed, the topics contained in
the knowledge base are displayed in a pop-up
menu. The hierarchy of the topics is
indicated by the indentation level. When a
topic is selected from the menu, its values,
properties and the commands inside it are

/Syntax error
Press F1 again for more help or SPACE to exit

An error has occured during compilation.
Press F7 to display the line in error. Often
it's the line above that's at fault.

/Runtime error
Press F1 again for more help or SPACE to exit

An error has occurred while running a
knowledge base. Press F10 to abort.

/Garbage Collection
Press F1 again for more help or SPACE to exit

The "Collecting Memory" message means that
KnowledgePro is reclaiming memory that has
become inaccessible. If this happens
frequently try removing resident programs.

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : KNOWPRO1.ZIP
Filename : KP.HLP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: