Category : Word Processors
Archive   : HYHLP30A.ZIP
Filename : SAMPLE.TXT

Output of file : SAMPLE.TXT contained in archive : HYHLP30A.ZIP
#- S A M P L E S O U R C E F I L E

#- Deck title. (The default is to have no title.)

#deck title A Sample HyperHelper Deck

#- Menu definition. The one we use here also
#- happens to be the default menu.

#menu !$last!ð! !$home!Home! !$undo!Undo! !$back!Back! !$srch!Srch! !$prt!Print! !$quit!e&Xit!

#- Deck configuration commands

#- Specify window size to fit the biggest card
#- width and height. The default is to use the
#- full screen for the size.

#size to biggest

#- Specify the window to be centered at the
#- top of the screen. The default is centered
#- both vertically and horizontally.

#position -1 0

#- Specify a black-on-cyan set of attributes.
#- (The ones given here are the default set
#- in the originally supplied browser.)

#attributes BSSR bw bc bw Yw Yc bw bw wb Ca Yc Yw Wc Wc Wc Cc WC

#- Turn text centering on (this is the default).

#center text on

#- Show card captions centered (the default)

#show captions center

#- Turn off section numbers (the default).

#show section numbers off

#- We want to have a table of contents generated
#- (The default is no table of contents).

#create table_of_contents

#- Main body of the deck.

#card Welcome
Welcome to this sample deck written in hypertext
format using HyperHelper. Choose one of the
following links:

#cl !story!Read a story! !toc!Table of Contents!

#- Include table of contents here (usually, you make it
#- the second card, but it can be anywhere you desire)

#include table_of_contents

#- Now, put in the short story. Note how the
#- first card uses an embedded link to the
#- second card, and how the second card has
#- topic links (spacecraft & doom) back to
#- the first card

#card !story!A Short Story! spacecraft doom
After successfully dodging hundreds of asteroids and
assorted large planets, the spacecraft was done in
by a meteorite no larger than a !pp!ping-pong ball!.

#card !pp!Ping Pong Trivia!
Ping-pong balls are small, hollow, plastic spheres used
in a game played on a table with a net across the middle.
In hyperspatial versions of this game, the erratic flight
paths of missed ping-pong balls has been known to send
many a spacecraft to its doom.

#- We'll give a special help card (Ours doesn't
#- really show any help)

#card !help!Browser Help!
This is the help card, where you can put
in information to help the user navigate
through the deck.

#- Put in the About Card. Note: If you are using
#- shareware compiler (HCS) or personal compiler
#- (HCP), you can't include an About Card your-
#- self. It will be supplied automatically by
#- the compiler. In this case, you must comment
#- out this section to avoid warnings.

#card !about_card!About the Deck!
#show captions off
#cl A Sample HyperHelper Deck
#cl Copyright (c) 1991 Nobody's Business

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : HYHLP30A.ZIP
Filename : SAMPLE.TXT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: