Dec 252017
HyperPAD hypermedia platform for character mode DOS. Part 3 of 5.
File HP22D3.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
HyperPAD hypermedia platform for character mode DOS. Part 3 of 5.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
REFGUIDE 0 0 stored
REFGUIDE.BAT 1048 267 deflated
APPENDS.TXT 124540 27255 deflated
CHUNKEX.TXT 7112 1980 deflated
COLORS.TXT 4577 1452 deflated
COMMANDS.TXT 80468 19327 deflated
CONTANRS.TXT 8958 2853 deflated
CRTLSTRL.TXT 13241 3720 deflated
CURROBJ.TXT 4614 1341 deflated
FUNCTNS.TXT 81886 17739 deflated
HIERMESS.TXT 17563 4402 deflated
MESSAGES.TXT 43608 8791 deflated
NUMOPER.TXT 7488 1897 deflated
PDTKSCRP.TXT 26380 6919 deflated
PROPERTS.TXT 124741 25118 deflated
REFGUTOC.TXT 19152 4536 deflated
REFINDEX.TXT 35983 7772 deflated
REFPREF.TXT 4597 1652 deflated
WHATSHAP.TXT 12728 3753 deflated
USRGUIDE 0 0 stored
USRGUIDE.BAT 1565 323 deflated
ADMANINF.TXT 36182 9570 deflated
BLDBLOKS.TXT 7221 2564 deflated
BTNSFLDS.TXT 58825 12480 deflated
CAP.TXT 5435 1900 deflated
FUNDAMEN.TXT 67439 15866 deflated
GENERR.TXT 19713 5136 deflated
GETSTART.TXT 23699 6656 deflated
GLOSSARY.TXT 9378 2102 deflated
HELP.TXT 12708 3807 deflated
HOMEPAD.TXT 47852 12234 deflated
MANGFILE.TXT 37876 9012 deflated
MENUREF.TXT 101284 19285 deflated
MSGBOX.TXT 18196 4865 deflated
PADPGBTN.TXT 35415 8174 deflated
PAINT.TXT 50244 11040 deflated
PHONE.TXT 31402 7952 deflated
PLANNER.TXT 20798 5583 deflated
PRINTING.TXT 20956 5222 deflated
PT1INTRO.TXT 6912 2350 deflated
PT2INTRO.TXT 3608 1371 deflated
PT3INTRO.TXT 2937 990 deflated
QNA.TXT 8734 2913 deflated
TUTORIAL.TXT 20987 5913 deflated
UINDEX.TXT 31463 7247 deflated
USEGUTOC.TXT 6631 1775 deflated
USEINTRO.TXT 11607 3818 deflated

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Contents of the APPENDS.TXT file

Appendixes 277


This appendix contains a complete set of error messages you may
encounter using the PADtalk scripting language. The compiler error
messages are listed first, followed by the runtime error messages.

For general error messages received when working with HyperPAD features
not involving PADtalk, see "General Error Messages" in the User's Guide.


When you compile a script from the Script Editor or the message box,
HyperPAD checks for any PADtalk syntax errors you have made, displaying
an error message if necessary.

The messages produced by the HyperPAD compiler are listed below in
numerical order. Each error message is described briefly.

0. General syntax error.

The compiler has detected an unknown syntax error. Please report this
condition to Brightbill-Roberts.

1. "handler" or "function" expected.

HyperPAD was unable to compile a handler or function because it was not
preceded by a handler or function keyword.

2. Reserved.

Reserved for future use.

3. "begin..end" block must follow handler or function.

HyperPAD was unable to compile a statement following a handler or
function keyword because the statement was not enclosed by a begin...end

4. Reserved.

Reeserved for future use.

5. Reserved.

Reserved for future use.

6. Incomplete statement.

The compiler reached the end of a script before it expected to.

Check the syntax of your script and make any necessary corrections.

Appendixes 278

7. Reserved.

Reserved for future use.

8. Can't use "begin..end" block in message box or do command.

A begin...end block can only be used within a HyperPAD script.

9. String too long.

Your script contains a string that is too long.

A string used in a script cannot exceed 255 characters.

10. Identifier too long.

Your script contains an identifier that is too long, preventing HyperPAD
from compiling the handler or function in which the identifier is used.

An identifier in a script cannot exceed 255 characters.

11. "do" expected.

The compiler has encountered a while statement without a matching do.

12. "then" expected.

The compiler has encountered an if statement without a matching then.

13. "hyperpad" expected.

The compiler has encountered an exit to or pass to statement and expects
HyperPAD to be the destination reference.

14. "return" statement only allowed in functions.

HyperPAD has found a return statement in a handler.

15. Invalid or missing object reference.

The compiler has encountered a reference to an object that does not
exist, or one that does not suit the operation being performed.

16. Reserved.

Reserved for future use.

17. Invalid number of arguments for this property.

HyperPAD cannot compile your statement, because you have specified too
many or two few arguments for a property.

Appendixes 279

18. } expected.

The compiler has encountered an open brace without a matching close

19. Reserved.

Reserved for future use.

20. "of" expected.

The compiler has encountered a statement such as set, edit, or case
without a matching of.

21. ) expected.

The compiler has encountered an open parenthesis without a matching
close parenthesis.

22. Identifier can't be a destination reference.

The compiler has located the use of an identifier (such as a keyword
like begin) that cannot be used as a destination reference.

23. Invalid identifier in expression.

The compiler has encountered an expression that incorrectly uses an
identifier such as a function or a quoted string.

24. Page and/or pad reference expected.

The compiler has encountered a statement, such as go to, without a
required page or pad reference.

25. "pause" or "programDirectory" expected.

The compiler encountered a run command that uses the with preposition
with an identifier other than pause or program directory.

26. Identifier is not a property.

The compiler has encountered a statement that attempts to set or get
something that is not a valid HyperPAD property.

27. Can't set this property.

The compiler has encountered an attempt to set a property that cannot be
set; for example, you cannot set properties such as layer, markedLines,
currentLine, longName, ID, or longID.

Appendixes 280

28. Identifier can't be made global.

A global statement was encountered in which the identifier being
declared global was previously used as a local variable.

29. Quoted string not allowed.

The compiler has encountered a statement whose handler name is a quoted

A statement must be in the form: handlerName [arm 1,arm 2,...]

where handlerName is the unquoted name of the handler.

30. ; expected.

The compiler has encountered consecutive statements without a semicolon
to separate them.

31. ( expected.

The compiler has encountered a close parenthesis without a matching open

32. Reserved.

Reserved for future use.

33. Invalid parameter to "number of".

A number of function was encountered using a text parameter.

Check the required syntax for the number of function and try again.

34. Only 3 replies allowed in "answer" statement.

The compiler has encountered an answer statement with four or more

Check your answer statement.

35. "to" expected.

The compiler has encountered a statement, such as set, send, for, add,
convert, or write, without a matching to.

36. "from" expected.

The compiler has encountered a statement, such as subtract or read,
without a matching from.

Appendixes 281

37. "by" expected.

The compiler has encountered a multiply or divide statement without a
matching by.

38. Reserved.

Reserved for future use.

39. Reserved.

Reserved for future use.

40. "until" expected.

The compiler has encountered a statement, such as repeat or read, that
requires a matching until.

41. "end" expected.

The compiler has encountered a case statement without an end keyword.

42. : expected.

The compiler has encountered a statement, that requires a colon.

43. = expected.

The compiler expected to find a statement in the form, for statement for
= , but the = sign was left out.

The compiler has encountered a for statement without the required
assignment operator.

44. Invalid container name.

The compiler has encountered a statement that contains an improper
reference to a container.

Make sure that your identifier reference is a valid identifier, i.e.,
one that starts with an alphabetic character, _ or $, and is followed by
only alphanumeric (A..2, O..9) characters, or the _ or $ character.

45. Duplicate handler name.

The compiler has encountered the use of a single handler name twice in
the same script.

46. Duplicate function name.

The compiler has encountered the use of a single function name twice in
the same script.

Appendixes 282

47. Invalid characters in container name.

The compiler has used an invalid character in a container name.

Use only the alphanumeric characters (A..Z and 1..9), or the $ and _
characters, in your container names.

48. "page" expected.

The compiler has encountered a pop statement without a page reference.

49. Page reference expected.

The compiler has encountered push statement without a page number.

50. More than one statement encountered.

You have entered an invalid statement into the message box and the
compiler cannot process it.

Make sure that you enter only a single statement in the message box.

51. Container name not allowed.

The compiler has encountered a do statement where a container name is
improperly used as the operand.

52. Can't use reserved word as container name.

The compiler has encountered the improper use of a reserved word such as
begin as a container name.

53. Can't change local container to global.

The compiler has encountered an attempt to change a local container into
a global variable.

54. Container is already global.

The compiler has encountered a global statement whose operand is already
a global.

Delete the global statement from your script, or place the global
statement at the beginning of the script.

55. "left" or "right" expected.

An effect has been used, the direction it expected is missing.

Appendixes 283

56. Effect name expected.

The compiler has encountered a visual statement without a matching
effect name.

57. Can't use this direction with the specified effect.

The compiler has encountered a visual statement with an invalid

Check the syntax of the effect you chose and try again.

58. "delay" expected.

The compiler has encountered a visual statement that uses the with
preposition, but the delay is not specified.

59. Object reference expected.

The compiler has encountered an edit statement without a valid object

60. "script" expected.

The compiler has encountered the statement, edit the, without a proper
script reference.

61. Incomplete expression.

The compiler has reached the end of an expression unexpectedly.

62. "pause" already specified.

The compiler has encountered a run statement with two pauses.

63. "directory" already specified

A run statement was encountered in which the program directory keyword
was used more than once.

64. Sort option already specified.

Conflicting options were encountered in a sort statement.

65. Reserved.

Reserved for future use.

Appendixes 284

66. "dateTime", "numeric", "text", "ascending", "descending" or "by"

The compiler has encountered a sort by statement without a sort

67. Background field reference expected.

The compiler has encountered a find statement in which the "in"
parameter is specified, but the reference to a background field not.

68. "paramCount" and "params" do not take arguments.

The compiler has encountered a paramCount or params function that
incorrectly uses arguments.

69. "param" must take one argument.

The compiler has encountered a param function that uses zero or more
than one argument.

70. Color name expected.

The compiler has encountered a set statement that requires a color name.

71. "chars", "words", "items" or "lines" expected.

The compiler has encountered a chunking statement where the chunking
reference is not found.

72. , expected

An incorrect number of arguments to a command has been encountered by
the compiler.

73. " expected.

The compiler has encountered an open quote without a matching close

74. Background reference not allowed with page id.

A background has been specified with a page referred to by its ID.

Since pages referenced by their ID are unique, the background
specification is unnecessary.

75. Invalid or no target object specified in "send".

The compiler has encountered a send statement that does not properly
refer to a HyperPAD object.

Appendixes 285


Runtime errors occur as HyperPAD executes a compiled script. When a
runtime error occurs, HyperPAD displays an error message with two
choices: <