Dec 252017
EE Version 5.3. A programmer's editor that has many handy features.
File EEV530.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
EE Version 5.3. A programmer’s editor that has many handy features.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CVTKEY.EXE 34391 8521 deflated
EE.EXE 80320 41204 deflated
EEMANUAL.DOC 58426 12802 deflated
KEYPAD.MAC 1749 311 deflated
LS.COM 1994 1439 deflated
MENUMAP.TXT 8069 1304 deflated
PROD_DES.TXT 2073 1064 deflated
QSTART.DOC 3264 1280 deflated
README.DOC 1063 535 deflated
REGISTER.DOC 3469 605 deflated

Download File EEV530.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file


To print the documentation files type


followed by the enter key.
Then set your printer to compressed print, 8 lines/inch, and type


followed by the enter key.

Please read the file QSTART.DOC before you begin using EE.

List of files included in this release:

readme.doc this file
register.doc registration information
qstart.doc quick start information
prod_des.txt product description (braging)
eemanual.doc EE manual
menumap.txt map of commands
ee.exe the EE editor executable
keypad.mac an EE configuration file which maps the keypad a simple DIR command for creating @filelist's
cvtkey.exe convert earlier versions of EE configuration
files to the current version

If you distribute EE to friends, associates, or to a computer
bulletin board system (BBS), please distribute the file
EEV530.ZIP rather than the individual files.

 December 25, 2017  Add comments

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