Category : Word Processors
Archive   : DEM120E3.ZIP
Filename : _EMACS

Output of file : _EMACS contained in archive : DEM120E3.ZIP
;;; sample startup file
;;; semi-colon(s), beginning of line means that the line is commented out.

;; load path
;(setq load-path (append (list (expand-file-name "~/emacs/lisp")
; "a:/emacs/lisp/enhanced")
; load-path))

;;; if your machine is IBM PC or it's compatible
;(setq dos-machine-type 'ibmpc)
;;; if your machine is Toshiba J-3100
;(setq dos-machine-type 'j3100)
;;; if your machine is NEC PC-9801 or EPSON PC-386 series
;(setq dos-machine-type 'pc98)

;(load-library "term/bobcat") ; swap BS (C-h) and DEL

;; PC9801 initialization
;; function keys, cursor keys
;; If you need META key, use hkey.exe (hkey is distributed within hterm2.6.0)
(if (eq dos-machine-type 'pc98)
(send-string-to-terminal "\e[>1h") ;; erase function key label
(setq kill-emacs-hook ;; recover functin key label
'(lambda ()
(send-string-to-terminal "\e[>1l")
(setq suspend-hook
'(lambda ()
(send-string-to-terminal "\e[>1l")
(setq suspend-resume-hook
'(lambda ()
(send-string-to-terminal "\e[>1h")
(if console-is-with-function-key-label
; uncomment if you wish to display function key label
; (setq console-is-with-function-key-label t)
; uncomment if your $TERM is not pc98 and you want function key
; (load "term/pc98")

;; J-3100 initialization
;; function keys, cursor keys, meta key (by ALT)
;; cursor shape, key click
(if (eq dos-machine-type 'j3100)
(setq startup-screen-mode (get-screen-mode))
(setq startup-cursor-mode (get-cursor-mode))
(set-cursor-mode 0 15 nil)
(set-keyclick t)
(setq kill-emacs-hook
'(lambda ()
(if startup-screen-mode
(set-screen-mode startup-screen-mode))
(if startup-cursor-mode
(apply 'set-cursor-mode startup-cursor-mode))
(set-keyclick nil)
(setq suspend-hook
'(lambda ()
(setq old-screen-mode (get-screen-mode))
(setq old-cursor-mode (get-cursor-mode))
(if startup-screen-mode
(set-screen-mode startup-screen-mode))
(if startup-cursor-mode
(apply 'set-cursor-mode startup-cursor-mode))
(setq suspend-resume-hook
'(lambda ()
(if old-screen-mode
(set-screen-mode old-screen-mode))
(if old-cursor-mode
(apply 'set-cursor-mode old-cursor-mode))
(if console-is-with-function-key-label
; uncomment if you wish to display function key label
; (setq console-is-with-function-key-label t)
; uncomment if your $TERM is not j3100 but you want to use function key
; (load "term/j3100")

;; IBMPC initialization
;; function keys, cursor keys, meta key (by ALT)
(if (eq dos-machine-type 'ibmpc)
(setq kill-emacs-hook
'(lambda ()
(setq suspend-hook
'(lambda ()
(setq suspend-resume-hook
'(lambda ()
(if console-is-with-function-key-label
; uncomment if you wish to display function key label
; (setq console-is-with-function-key-label t)
; uncomment if your $TERM is not ibmpc but you want function key
; (load "term/ibmpc")

;;; FEP Control support
(if (boundp 'NEMACS)
(setq inhibit-fep-control nil)
(global-set-key "\C-\\" 'toggle-fep-mode)
(global-set-key "\e " 'set-mark-command)
(setq suspend-hook (append (or suspend-hook '(lambda ()))
(setq kill-emacs-hook (append (or kill-emacs-hook '(lambda ()))
(setq suspend-resume-hook (append (or suspend-resume-hook '(lambda()))
'((fep-init) (fep-sync))))

;; enhanced dired
(setq dired-mode-map nil)
(load "emacs-19")
(autoload 'dired "dired" nil t)
; uncomment if you have unix like commands
;(setq dired-load-hook
; '(lambda ()
; (setq dired-ls-program "ls"
; dired-chmod-program "chmod"
; dired-chgrp-program "chgrp"
; dired-chown-program "chown"
; dired-compress-program "compress"
; dired-uncompress-program "uncompress"
; )))

;; add binary file type
(define-file-name-file-type "\\.lzh" 1)
(define-file-name-file-type "\\.dvi" 1)

;; completion
(setq completion-ignored-extensions
(append completion-ignored-extensions
'(".obj" ".exe" ".bin" ".com")))

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : DEM120E3.ZIP
Filename : _EMACS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: