Category : Word Processors
Archive   : DEM120E3.ZIP
Filename : DEMACS.TEX

Output of file : DEMACS.TEX contained in archive : DEM120E3.ZIP
\input jtexinfo.tex @c -*- texinfo -*-
@settitle Demacs, 386/486 DOS version of GNU Emacs
@c @smallbook
@c @headings off

@sp 4
@center @titlefont{Using Demacs}
@sp 2
@center A Guide to the 386/486 DOS version of GNU Emacs
@sp 2
@center Version 1.2.0
@center December 12, 1991
@sp 6
@center @secrm{Manabu Higshida}
@center @t{}
@center Osaka University, JAPAN
@sp 2
@center and
@sp 2
@center {@secrm HIRANO Satoshi}
@center @t{}
@center University of Tokyo, Japan

@rightline {Special Thanks to}
@sp 1
@rightline {Morgan Schweers}
@rightline {Shigeki Yoshida}
@rightline {Junn Ohta}
@rightline {Toshihiko Shimokawa}
@rightline {Makoto Matsushita}
@sp 1
@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
@leftline{Copyright @copyright{} 1991 HIRANO Satoshi, Halca Computer Science Laboratory}
@leftline{Copyright @copyright{} 1991 Manabu Higashida}

Demacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License version 1 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License (this package includes it as file @file{copying})
for more details.
@end titlepage
@end iftex

@node Top, Overview, (dir), (dir)

* Overview::
* Installation::
* Invocation::
* Features::
* Restrictions::
* Compilation::
* Appendix::

These nodes contains followings.

* Version:: Current Version.
* Platform:: Platforms.
* BugReport:: Bug Report.

* FileList:: Contents of This Distribution Kit.
* InstallationProcedure:: How to Install.
* InstallationExample:: Sample Session to Install.

* EnvironmentVariable:: Environment Variables.
* OptionsOfdemacs.exe:: Options of DOS Extender demacs.exe.
* OptionsOfDemacs:: Options of Demacs.

* FileType:: File Type: Text or Binary Translation.
* Pass8:: "8bit clean" Display Mode.
* int86:: 8086 Software Interrupt.
* MachineType:: Machine Specified Features.
* OtherFeatures:: Other Additional Demacs Features.

* TerminalFeatures:: Terminal Specified Features.
* DiffsFromUNIX:: Differences from UNIX Version.
* Index:: Index: Functions and Variables.
@end menu

@node Overview, Version, Top, (dir)
@chapter Demacs version 1.2.0

Demacs---386/486 DOS version of GNU Emacs.

* Version:: Current Version.
* Platform:: Platforms.
* BugReport:: Bug Report.
@end menu

@node Version, Platform, Overview, Overview
@section Current Version

Demacs is currently based on GNU Emacs version @b{18.55} (@b{partly 18.57}).

Demacs version itself is @w{@b{1.2.0} (@b{1991/12/12})}.

@deffn Command demacs-version
Return string describing the version of Demacs that is running.
@end deffn

@node Platform, BugReport, Version, Overview
@section Platforms

@table @key
@item Hardware
@b{386/486 based DOS machines}---IBM PC and its compatible, AX, J-3100,
or NEC PC-9801, High resolusion PC-98 and its compatible EPSON PC-386

@item Software
@b{MSDOS 3.0 or later}

@b{XMS} manager (@file{HIMEM.SYS}) and @b{VCPI} memory manager
(@file{EMM386.EXE}, @file{QEMM}, etc.) compatible.@refill

Demacs does not support @b{DPMI}, thus it can not be used with extended
mode on Windows.@refill
@end table

@node BugReport, Installation, Platform, Overview
@section Bug Report

When you have troubles with using Demacs, please follow the following
steps before inquire us.@refill

First, read this README and the online-manuals (with Info Browser) to
find answers. Next, consult to Emacs experts around you or on the
networks. In case you decide to send a mail to the authors, you must
read "Bugs" section in the Emacs manual before sending the mail.@refill

Suggestions and bug fixes are welcome with next address.@refill

@end example

If you want to know current status about Demacs, send empty mail to
next address.

@end example

We will reply your mail with latest information, automatically.

@node Installation, FileList, BugReport, Top
@chapter Installation

* FileList:: Contents of This Distribution Kit.
* InstallationProcedure:: How to Install.
* InstallationExample:: Sample Session to Install.
@end menu

@node FileList, InstallationProcedure, Installation, Installation
@section Contents of This Distribution Kit

The package consists of two archives; @file{dem120e.lzh} and
@file{dem120s.lzh}. You need @b{LHarc} or @b{LHa} utility to unpack
these archives. Don't forget to use @code{/mx} switches with @code{-x}
option to unpack them. For example do as following.@refill

lharc x /mx dem120e.lzh
lharc x /mx dem120s.lzh
@end example

And similarly apply these options to the archives which are contained by

After unpacking, following files will appear.

@file{dem120e.lzh} (executables)

readme this file
demacs.tex texinfo version of @file{readme}
demacs.dvi compiled @file{demacs.tex} by TeX
copying GNU General Public Licence DJGCC copyright notice
termcap sample termcap file
_emacs sample startup file
bin\demacspc.exe DOS extender for IBM PC and its compatible machines
bin\demacs98.exe DOS extender for PC-9801, PC-386 series
bin\demacs demacs object file (stripped)
bin\temacs `plain' demacs object file (stripped)
etc.lzh emacs documentation string file and etc.
lisp.lzh includes lisp files which are necessary to run
edired.lzh enhanced dired-mode
@end display
@end ifinfo

% \vskip \baselineskip
\halign{\qquad \tt #\hfil &\qquad #&\rm #\hfil\cr
readme &&this file\cr
demacs.tex &&texinfo version of {\tt readme}\cr
demacs.dvi &&compiled {\tt demacs.tex} by \TeX\cr
copying &&GNU General Public Licence\cr &&DJGCC copyright notice\cr
termcap &&sample termcap file\cr
\_emacs &&sample startup file\cr
bin$\backslash$demacspc.exe &&DOS extender for IBM PC and its compatible machines\cr
bin$\backslash$demacs98.exe &&DOS extender for PC-9801, PC-386 series\cr
bin$\backslash$demacs &&demacs object file (stripped)\cr
bin$\backslash$temacs &&`plain' demacs object file (stripped)\cr
etc.lzh &&emacs documentation string file and etc.\cr
lisp.lzh &&includes lisp files which are necessary to run\cr
edired.lzh &&enhanced dired-mode\cr
@end tex

@file{dem120s.lzh} (source files)

src\diffs.lzh includes only different files from the original
lisp\diffs.lzh includes only different files from the original
go32_98\source.lzh PC-9801 version go32 DOS extender from DJGCC
go32_pc\source.lzh IBM PC version go32 DOS extender from DJGCC
@end display
@end ifinfo

% \vskip \baselineskip
\halign{\qquad \tt #\hfil &\qquad #&\rm #\hfil\cr
src$\backslash$diffs.lzh &&includes only different files from the original\cr
lisp$\backslash$diffs.lzh &&includes only different files from the original\cr
go32\_98$\backslash$source.lzh &&PC-9801 version go32 DOS extender from DJGCC\cr
go32\_pc$\backslash$source.lzh &&IBM PC version go32 DOS extender from DJGCC\cr
@end tex


This package only includes lisp files which are modified for Demacs.
Original and/or other useful lisp stuff can be obtained from various FTP
sites (for example @code{}) or from:@refill

Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
@end display

@node InstallationProcedure, InstallationExample, FileList, Installation
@section How to Install

Demacs requires special version of @file{go32.exe} DOS extender. This
package includes it with its name @file{bin\demacspc.exe} for IBM PC or
@file{bin\demacs98.exe} for PC-9801 series. You should use one of them
with renameing to @file{demacs.exe}.@refill

Since @code{go32.exe} which came along with the package of DJ's GCC/G++
version 1.05 can not handle @kbd{Ctrl-C} properlly, we modified it to
work correctly. And we made some changes to be able to handle more DOS
function call, and enhanced its memory management strategy (detail, see

Installation procedure is quite easy.

If your system is IBM PC variant (including AX and J-3100 series), copy
@file{bin/demacspc.exe} to the directory in @var{PATH} with its name

If your system is NEC PC-9801 or EPSON PC-386 series, copy
@file{bin/demacs98.exe} to the directory in @var{PATH} with its name

Copy @file{bin\demacs} in the same directory with @file{demacs.exe}.

Create @file{lisp} and @file{etc} directory in @file{\lib\emacs}

If you want to use lisp library, get original lisp files from somewhere
and copy them in @file{\lib\emacs\lisp} directory. Then unpack
@file{lisp.lzh} in @file{\lib\emacs} directory.@refill

Unpack @file{etc.lzh} in @file{\lib\emacs} directory.

Set @var{TERM} environment variable for your system (See following example).

Set @var{TERMCAP} variable if @file{termcap} file is not stay under

Prepare your @file{_emacs} (@file{.emacs} on Unix system) under your
@var{HOME} directory if you need it.@refill
@end enumerate

@node InstallationExample, Invocation, InstallationProcedure, Installation
@section Sample Session to Install

C> copy bin\demacspc.exe \tools\bin\demacs.exe (IBM PC, AX, J-3100)
C> copy bin\demacs \tools\bin
C> copy bin\demacs98.exe \tools\bin\demacs.exe (PC-9801, PC-386)
C> copy bin\demacs \tools\bin

C> mkdir \lib\emacs
C> mkdir \lib\emacs\lisp
C> mkdir \lib\emacs\etc
C> copy lisp.lzh \lib\emacs
C> copy etc.lzh \lib\emacs
C> cd \lib\emacs
C> lharc x /mx lisp.lzh
C> lharc x /mx etc.lzh
C> del lisp.lzh
C> del etc.lzh

C> set TERM=ibmpc (IBM PC)
set TERM=j3100 (J-3100)
set TERM=pc98 (PC-9801, PC-386)

C> set TERMCAP=c:\etc\termcap (IBM PC, J-3100)
set TERMCAP=a:\etc\termcap (PC-9801, PC-386)

C> set HOME=c:\home (your startup file '_emacs' is placed)
@end example

@node Invocation, EnvironmentVariable, InstallationExample, Top
@chapter Invocation

* EnvironmentVariable:: Environment Variables.
* OptionsOfdemacs.exe:: Options of DOS Extender demacs.exe.
* OptionsOfDemacs:: Options of Demacs.
@end menu

@node EnvironmentVariable, OptionsOfdemacs.exe, Invocation, Invocation
@section Environment Variables

@table @code
@item C>set GO32TMP=c:/tmp
directory where swapped files are placed (see DJGCC's readme).

@item C>set TERM=ibmpc
entry name of @file{termcap}.

@item C>set TERMCAP=c:/etc/termcap
directory where @file{termcap} file are placed.

@item C>set HOME=c:/home
directory where startup file @file{_emacs} are placed.

@item C>set TZ=JST-9
time zone.

@item C>set USER=manabu
your name up to 8 characters.

@item C>set EMACSLOADPATH=d:/emacs/lisp
set lisp load path if you don't use standard path @file{/lib/eamcs/lisp}.

@item C>set EMACSEXECPATH=d:/emacs/etc
set etc load path if you don't use standard path @file{/lib/emacs/etc}.

@item C>set DEMACS_KEEP=1024
amount of extended memory to keep (detail, see below).

@item C>set SHELL=c:\
your command interpreter path.
@end table

@node OptionsOfdemacs.exe, OptionsOfDemacs, EnvironmentVariable, Invocation
@section Options of DOS Extender @code{demacs.exe}

@table @code
@item -keep [@var{num}]
When @code{demacs.exe} invokes a child process, @code{demacs.exe} does
not swap out contents of the extended memory to a disk. If @var{num} is
specified, @code{demacs.exe} uses up to @var{num} killo bytes of
extended memory.@refill

You should use this option with XMS or VCPI memory manager. If not, may
cause violation.
@end table

More about @code{-keep} opiton:

@code{demacs.exe} provides virtual memory mechanism. If an application
(e.g. Demacs) requires more memory than equipped real memory,
@code{demacs.exe} write out a portion of real memory to a disk in order
to make a free memory, then @code{demacs.exe} assigns the new free
memory to the application. This is called ``swapping''.@refill

Swapping does not only happen when real memory shortage, but also
happens when @code{demacs.exe} calls a child process. That is, before
execution of the child process, @code{demacs.exe} swapps out all of
allocated memory to a disk so that the child process can use memory.
Unfortunatly, swapping takes very long time because Demacs is a huge

In order to eliminate this swapping time, our @code{demacs.exe} can take
@code{-keep} option. @code{-keep} option requests to @code{demacs.exe}
NOT to swap out contents of extended memory (conventional memory (less
than 640KB) is always swapped out).@refill

In case you use @b{XMS} driver such as @file{himem.sys}, since
@code{demacs.exe} obtains all of free extended memory at startup, a
child process can not use any extended memory (Remember GCC/G++ requires
extended memory). You can reserve extended memory for the child process
by following @var{num} to @code{-keep}, e.g. `@w{@code{-keep
@var{1024}}}'. @var{num} which is killo byte unit number limits amount
of usage of extended memory by @code{demacs.exe}. If less amount of
extended memory is available than @var{num} at startup,
@code{demacs.exe} uses all of extended memory.@refill

Otherwise in case you use @b{VCPI} driver such as @code{QEMM} or
@code{EMM386}, @code{demacs.exe} gets extended memory on demand basis.
`@w{@code{-keep @var{num}}}' limits amount of extended memory used by
@code{demacs.exe} to @var{num} killo bytes.@refill

The following table shows a brief summary.

| swap out |
| extended memory |
| at fork child | extended memory for child
without -keep | YES | all of extended memory at startup
-keep | NO | nothing
-keep | NO | extended memory at startup - num
@end example
@end ifinfo

\vskip \baselineskip
\halign{\tt #\hfil &\quad\vrule #\quad&\rm #\hfil &\quad\vrule #\quad&\rm #\hfil\cr
&& swap out && \cr
&& extended memory && \cr
&& at fork child && extended memory for child\cr
without -keep && YES && all of extended memory at startup\cr
-keep && NO && nothing\cr
-keep {\sl num} && NO && extended memory at startup $-$ {\sl num}\cr
\vskip \baselineskip
@end tex

Too small @var{num} makes Demacs slower. I recommend to set @var{num} at
least 512.

Example (Demacs uses 1024KB extended memory):

demacs.exe -keep 1024
@end example

@var{num} can be also specified by @var{DEMACS_KEEP} environment
variable. If both environment variable and option are specified, option
has priority. If you don't need to specify @var{num} with @code{-keep}
option, specify the value @code{0} with this environment variable.@refill

@node OptionsOfDemacs, Features, OptionsOfdemacs.exe, Invocation
@section Options of Demacs

Type @code{demacs [-keep [@var{num}]] [options]} to invoke Demacs. If
you need more information, see ``GNU Emacs manual''.@refill

@node Features, FileType, OptionsOfDemacs, Top
@chapter Features

* FileType:: File Type: Text or Binary Translation.
* Pass8:: "8bit clean" Display Mode.
* int86:: 8086 Software Interrupt.
* MachineType:: Machine Specified Features.
* OtherFeatures:: Other Additional Demacs Features.
@end menu

@node FileType, TranslateMode, Features, Features
@section File Type: Text or Binary Translation

* TranslateMode:: Translation Mode.
* BufferManagement:: Buffer Management.
* ReadingFiles:: Reading Files into Demacs Buffers.
* WritingFiles:: Writing Buffers into Files.
* ProcessI/O:: Process I/O.
@end menu

@node TranslateMode, BufferManagement, FileType, FileType
@subsection Translation Mode

On MS-DOS file system, a line is ended with @key{CR} (@t{0x0d})/@key{LF}
(@t{0x0a}) characters and a file is ended with @kbd{Ctrl-Z} character.
But on UNIX file system, a line is ended with only @key{LF} character,
and end of data meas end of file.@refill

Treating ``binary files'' which contains @kbd{Ctrl-Z} characters and for
compatibility to UNIX file system, C I/O library on MS-DOS has following
two translation mode which control these characters.@refill

@itemize @bullet
Text mode translation
Binary mode translation
@end itemize

With @b{text mode translation}, on reading, @key{CR}/@key{LF} code are
translated to @key{CR} and reading is terminated as soon as @kbd{Ctrl-Z}
appears. On writing, @key{LF} is added to @key{CR} and @kbd{Ctrl-Z} is
added to end of file.@refill

With @b{binary mode translation}, no code is translated.

Demacs supports these two translation mode, and manage them on each
buffer. You can find current translation mode of the buffer from file
type mnemonic on the mode line.@refill

--**-Emacs: demacs.tex (T:Texinfo)--42%---------------
@end example

File type mnemonic means

@table @code
@item T
Text mode translation.
@item B
Binary mode translation.
@end table

We call this translation mode which is managed on each buffer ``@b{file

@node BufferManagement, BufferFileType, TranslateMode, FileType
@subsection Demacs Buffer Management

* BufferFileType:: File Type of Each Buffer.
* BufferCreation:: Buffer Creation.
@end menu

@node BufferFileType, BufferCreation, BufferManagement, BufferManagement
@subsubsection File Type of Each Buffer

File type of each buffer is stored on buffer-local @code{file-type}
variable. To set the value of @code{file-type} use the
@code{set-file-type} function.@refill

The default value of @code{file-type} is the value of
@code{default-file-type} variable. To set its value, use the
@code{set-default-file-type} function.@refill

@defvr {Local Variable} file-type
@table @kbd
@item 0
Text mode translation.
@item 1
Binary mode translation.
@end table
@end defvr

@deffn Command set-file-type TYPE &optional BUFFER
This function sets buffer-local @code{file-type} variable of
@var{BUFFER} to @var{TYPE}. The argument @var{BUFFER} defaults to the
current buffer. The value of @var{TYPE} is one of followings.@refill
@table @asis
@item @kbd{0} or @kbd{'text} or @kbd{"text"}
Specify the buffer's file type to text mode.
@item @kbd{1} or @kbd{'binary} or @kbd{"binary"}
Specify the buffer's file type to binary mode.
@end table
@end deffn

@defvr {Global Variable} default-file-type
The value of this grobal bariable is the default value of buffer-local
@code{file-type} variable.@refill
@end defvr

@deffn Command set-default-file-type TYPE
This function sets the value of @code{default-file-type} variable to
@var{TYPE}. The value of @var{TYPE} is one of followings.@refill
@table @asis
@item @kbd{0} or @kbd{'text} or @kbd{"text"}
Specify the buffer's file type to text mode, by default.
@item @kbd{1} or @kbd{'binary} or @kbd{"binary"}
Specify the buffer's file type to binary mode, by default.
@end table
@end deffn

@node BufferCreation, ReadingFiles, BufferFileType, BufferManagement
@subsubsection Buffer Creation

When creating a new buffer, Demacs set the buffer's local variable
@code{file-type} to the value of the @code{default-file-type}

@node ReadingFiles, FileInsertion, BufferCreation, FileType
@subsection Reading Files into Demacs Buffers

Using the @code{define-file-name-file-type} function, you can define
file type associated with file name.@refill

For example,

(define-file-name-file-type "\\.mem$" 'binary)
@end example

defines that file type of files having extention @file{.mem} is binary.@refill

By default, the files ending with @file{.elc}, @file{.obj}, @file{.exe},
@file{.com}, @file{.lib}, @file{.sys} (except @file{config.sys}),
@file{.chk}, @file{.o}, @file{.a} and @file{.out} are defined as binary
file type. This is defined in @file{demacs.el}.@refill

@defun define-file-name-file-type FILENAME TYPE
This function defines file type associate with file name.
@var{FILENAME} is regular expression or @code{nil}. @code{nil}
matches any file anme. @var{TYPE} is file type.@refill
@end defun

@defun find-file-type-from-file-name FILENAME
This function returns file type which associate with @var{FILENAME}
defined by @code{define-file-name-file-type} function. If no file type is
defined, this returns a value of @code{default-file-type}.@refill
@end defun

* FileInsertion:: Inserting Files into Buffers.
* FileReadingIn:: Visiting Files and Reading.
* FileCreation:: Creating Files and Visiting.
@end menu

@node FileInsertion, FileReadingIn, ReadingFiles, ReadingFiles
@subsubsection Inserting Files into Buffers

When inserting a file already visiting buffer, Demacs calls the
@code{find-file-type-from-file-name} function with @b{file name of
target file} as its argument, and set return value to file type of the

@node FileReadingIn, FileCreation, FileInsertion, ReadingFiles
@subsubsection Visiting Files and Reading

When visiting a file and reading into a buffer, Demacs calls the
@code{find-file-type-from-file-name} function with @b{file name of
target file} as its argument, and set return value to file type of the

@node FileCreation, WritingFiles, FileReadingIn,ReadingFiles
@subsubsection Creating Files and Visiting

The @code{find-file-not-found-set-file-type} function is appended to
the @code{find-file-not-found-hooks} variable. This means that
@code{find-file-not-found-set-file-type} is called when the visiting
file not exists.

This function calls internally the @code{find-file-type-from-file-name}
function with @b{target name} as its argument and set return value to
file type of the buffer.@refill

@node WritingFiles, ProcessI/O , FileCreation, FileType
@subsection Writing Buffers into Files

When writing a buffer into a file, Demacs set translation mode to
file type of the buffer.@refill

@node ProcessI/O, Pass8, WritingFiles, FileType
@subsection Process I/O

Demacs communicate with external process (child process) using temporary
file. The @code{default-file-type} variable is used as file type of
the buffer which displays result.@refill

@node Pass8, int86, ProcessI/O, Features
@section ``8bit clean'' Display Mode

Demacs supports so called ``8bit clean'' display mode, which displays
8bit dirty characters as it is instead of backslashed or arrowed

If you want use this mode, execute command @code{toggle-pass8-mode}. You
can find in mode line whether the buffer is in ``8bit clean'' display

--**-Emacs: (T:Fundamental Pass8)--28%---------------
@end example

To return ordinary display mode, again execute command

If you want create a buffer always in ``8bit clean'' display mode, place

(setq-default pass8-mode t)
@end example

in your startup file.

@defvr {Local Variable} pass8-mode
If this variable is @code{*Non-nil}, Demacs displays 8bit dirty
characters as it is. Default value is @code{nil}.@refill
@end defvr

@deffn Command toggle-pass8-mode
Set/Unset the buffer local variable @code{pass8-mode}.
@end deffn

@node int86, MachineType, Pass8, Features
@section 8086 Software Interrupt

Function @code{int86} generate 8086 software interrupt. DOS Extender
@code{demacs.exe} not handle all interrupts, so some interrupts are
treated as exception and may cause violation. Use this carefully.@refill

Use this function like this.

GetDisk ()
union REGS regs;
regs.h.ah = 0x19; /* 25 */
int86 (0x21 /* 33 */, ®s, ®s);
@end example

C funtion to get current disk number may write in Demacs as follows:

(defun get-disk ()
(let ((regs (make-register)))
(set-register-value regs 'ah 25) ; 0x19
(int86 33 regs) ; 0x21
(register-value regs 'al)))
@end example

@defun make-register
Generate instance of register type which is passwd to @code{int86}
@end defun

@defun register-value REGISTER NAME
Get the value of @var{REGISTER}'s @var{NAME}. @var{NAME} is one of

@table @kbd
@item 'ax
@code{ax} register
@item 'bx
@code{bx} register
@item 'cx
@code{cx} register
@item 'dx
@code{dx} register
@item 'si
@code{si} register
@item 'di
@code{di} register
@item 'cflag
carry flag
@item 'flags
flag register
@end table


@table @kbd
@item 'al
lower byte of @code{ax} register
@item 'ah
upper byte of @code{ax} register
@item 'bl
lower byte of @code{bx} register
@item 'bh
upper byte of @code{bx} register
@item 'cl
lower byte of @code{cx} register
@item 'ch
upper byte of @code{cx} register
@item 'dl
lower byte of @code{dx} register
@item 'dh
upper byte of @code{dx} register
@end table
@end defun

@defun set-register-value REGISTER NAME VALUE
Set @var{REGISTER}'s @var{NAME} to @var{VALUE}. @var{VALUE} is
@b{unsigned integer}.@refill
@end defun

@defun int86 INTNO REGISTER
Generate 8086 software interrupt of number @var{INTNO} with
@var{REGISTER}. This returns set of register value.@refill
@end defun

@node MachineType, ibmpc, int86, Features
@section Machine Specified Features

New lisp variable @code{dos-machine-type} is introduced for support
various machines.@refill

@defvr {Global Variable} dos-machine-type
Set one of @code{ibmpc}, @code{j3100}, @code{pc98} to select machine
specific code.@refill
@end defvr

* ibmpc:: IBM PC.
* j3100:: Toshiba J-3100.
* pc98:: NEC PC-9801, EPSON PC-386.
@end menu

@node ibmpc, j3100, MachineType, MachineType
@subsection IBM PC

If you use IBM PC, evaluate @code{(setq dos-machine-type 'ibmpc)}, then
@kbd{Ctrl-@key{SPACE}} will generate null code and @code{meta-flag} will

@node j3100, pc98, ibmpc, MachineType
@subsection Toshiba J-3100

If you have J-3100, evaluate @code{(setq dos-machine-type 'j3100)}, then
following functions will be abailable in addition to IBM PC features.

@end example

See @file{lisp/dos-fns.el} for more information.

@node pc98, OtherFeatures, j3100, Features
@subsection NEC PC-9801, EPSON PC-386

If you have PC-9801 or EPSON PC-386, evaluate @code{(setq
dos-machine-type 'pc98)}, then following functions will be abailable.

@end example

See @file{src/dosfns.c} for more information.

@node OtherFeatures, Restrictions, pc98, Features
@section Other Demacs Features

Filename Completion

Demacs provides filename completion feature. Filename may include drive
name in its front. For example, we assume the current directory is
@file{c:/tools/emacs} and there is a file @file{d:/config.sys}, under
this condition @w{@kbd{C-x C-f}} invokes @code{find-file} function then
the function prompts like@refill

Find file: c:/tools/emacs/
@end example

at this point your typing of @code{d:/confi} and @key{TAB} key causes:@refill

a:/tools/emacs/d:confi^I -> d:/config.sys [sole complete]
@end example

Child Process

Function @code{suspend-emacs} calls sub shell. Try @kbd{C-z} and a new
command shell is invoked.

Function @code{call-process} calls sub shell like @code{suspend-emacs}
but its stdout is redirected to a temporary file and it will be
displayed after completion of the process. Try @kbd{M-!}. But don't call
programs which require input from keyboard, because Demacs can't
response to them.@refill

Enhanced Dired

This package includes enhanced dired-mode by Sebastian Kremer and their
dos ported codes which works without UNIX compatible @file{ls.exe}.

To use this, extract @file{edired.lzh} to your lisp directory and put

(setq dired-mode-map nil)
(load "emacs-19")
(autoload 'dired "dired" nil t)
@end example

to your startup file (@file{direddos.elc} is loaded from @file{dired.elc}).

If you have @file{ls.exe}, append

(setq dired-load-hook
'(lambda ()
(setq dired-ls-program "ls")))
@end example

to your startup file. If you use Demacs with @code{-keep} option, this
configration works faster than former one.@refill

You can get more infomation from @file{dired.README} and its document
@end enumerate

@node Restrictions, Compilation, OtherFeatures, Top
@chapter Restrictions

@itemize @bullet
Demacs does not support asyncronous process. Therefore you can not use
standard @file{compile.el}, @file{shell-mode.el} and etc. I think it's
too painful, so, customized @file{compiled.el} and @file{dired.el} are
provided. See lisp directory.

@kbd{Ctrl-G} can't generate inturrupt signal. So you can't quit lisp-form
like this:

(while t ())
@end example

You shoud use the following form instead of it.

(while (not (input-pending-p)) ())
@end example

Demacs backup filename convension is following.

Base backup filename is made from following rule.

foo -> foo.~
foo.c -> foo.c~
foo.tex -> foo.te~
@end example

Since DOS filename rule (8.3) is too tight, numeric backup such like
@file{foo.c.~2~} can not be used.

Similarly auto save filename is made from following rule.

abcdefgh -> #abcdefg.#
foo.c -> #foo.c#
foo.tex -> #foo.te#
@end example

Similarly, auto-save file name is created.

If you don't configure XMS or VCPI driver and invoke Demacs with
@code{-keep} option, child process Demacs (or go32 application) will
@t{*}not@t{*} work correctly.@refill

If you use VCPI manager and you have less extended memory than 300KB,
Demacs will hang up or being to work @t{*}VERY@t{*} slowly. Plese give
Demacs much memory if you met this.@refill
@end itemize

@node Compilation, Appendix, Restrictions, Top
@chapter Compilation

If you wish to recompile Demacs, 'GJ's GCC/G++' (GNU C compiler for DOS)
and original Emacs source are required.@refill

Diffs to the original Emacs source files are included in
@file{src\diffs.lzh}. Unpack the archive. The files in @file{diffs.lzh}
are not @code{diff} form but they are full source files, so you need not to
apply patch. You may need to alter makefile.@refill

Then run @samp{make -f xmakefile all} command. Make generates
@code{temacs} and @code{demacs}. Caution! just @code{make} will destroy
@file{xmakefile}. I prepared @file{xmake.bak} for you.@refill

Note that all modifications are embeded by @code{#ifdef MSDOS} and
@code{#endif MSDOS}, so you may follow my modifications easily. Machine
specified codes are embedded in similar flags.

*.h *.c (C source files)
------| make
| |
| V
| temacs (plain demacs) and lisp/*.el (lisp source files)
| |
| | go32 temacs -batch -l loadup.el dump
@end example

Provided @file{bin/temacs} enables you to reconfigure demacs without
recompilation. After editing lisp sources which are loaded up by
@file{loadup.el}, run @samp{go32 temacs -batch -l loadup.el dump}.

@node Appendix, TerminalFeatures, Compilation, Top

* TerminalFeatures:: Terminal Specified Features.
* DiffsFromUNIX:: Differences from UNIX Version.
* Index:: Index: Functions and Variables.
@end menu

@node TerminalFeatures, DiffsFromUNIX, Appendix, Appendix
@appendix Terminal Specified Features

If your machine is IBM PC or its compatibles, set environment variable
@var{TERM} with @code{ibmpc}, then you can use cursor keys and functon

The functions which is assigned to those keys are as follows:

Key Function
PgUp scroll-up Scroll text upward by page
PgDn scroll-down Scroll text downward by page
Insert set-mark-command Set mark current cursor position
Del delete-backward-char Delete previous character
UpArrow previous-line Move cursor vertically up
LeftArrow backward-char Move cursor left
RightArrow forward-char Move cursor right
DownArrow next-line Move cursor vertically down
Home beginning-of-buffer Move cursor beginning of buffer
End end-of-buffer Move cursor end of buffer
@end display
@end ifinfo

\vskip \baselineskip
\halign{\tt #\hfil&\qquad#&\tt #\hfil&\qquad#&\rm #\hfil\cr
PgUp &&scroll-up &&Scroll text upward by page\cr
PgDn &&scroll-down &&Scroll text downward by page\cr
Insert &&set-mark-command &&Set mark current cursor position\cr
Del &&delete-backward &&Delete previous character\cr
UpArrow &&previous-line &&Move cursor vertically up\cr
LeftArrow &&backward-char &&Move cursor left\cr
RightArrow &&forward-char &&Move cursor right\cr
DownArrow &&next-line &&Move cursor vertically down\cr
Home &&beginning-of-buffer &&Move cursor beginning of buffer\cr
End &&end-of-buffer &&Move cursor end of buffer\cr
@end tex

F1 help-for-help Show help for help
Shift-F1 describe-mode Show help of current mode
Ctrl-F1 describe-key Show help of key

F2 other-window Select different window
Shift-F2 switch-to-buffer Select buffer by name
Ctrl-F2 list-buffers Display a list of buffers

F3 delete-other-windows Make current window fill the screen
Shift-F3 delete-window Remove current window
Ctrl-F3 scroll-other-window Scroll text of other window upward by page

F4 split-window-vertically Split current window vertically
Shift-F4 enlarge-window Make current window bigger
Ctrl-F4 shrink-window Make current window smaller

F5 split-window-horizontally Split current window horizontally
Shift-F5 enlarge-window-horizontally Make current window wider
Ctrl-F5 shrink-window-horizontally Make current window narrower

F6 copy-region Copy from mark till cursor to yank-buffer
Shift-F6 kill-region Cut from mark till cursor to yank-buffer
Ctrl-F6 yank Paste yank-buffer to current cursor position

F7 goto-line Goto line
Shift-F7 isearch-forward Do incremental search forward
Ctrl-F7 query-replace Do query replace

F8 find-file Edit file
Shift-F8 save-buffer Save current buffer
Ctrl-F8 write-file Write current buffer into file

F9 dired 'Edit' directory
Shift-F9 compile Compile the program
Ctrl-F9 repeat-complex-command Edit and re-evaluate last command

F10 shell-command Execute command
Shift-F10 suspend-emacs Call DOS command interpreter
Ctrl-F10 save-buffers-kill-emacs Quit Emacs
@end display
@end ifinfo

\vskip \baselineskip
\halign{\tt #\hfil&\quad#&\tt #\hfil&\quad#&\rm #\hfil\cr
F1 &&help-for-help &&Show help for help\cr
Shift-F1 &&describe-mode &&Show help of current mode\cr
Ctrl-F1 &&describe-key &&Show help of key\cr
F2 &&other-window &&Select different window\cr
Shift-F2 &&switch-to-buffer &&Select buffer by name\cr
Ctrl-F2 &&list-buffers &&Display a list of buffers\cr
F3 &&delete-other-windows &&Make current window fill the screen\cr
Shift-F3 &&delete-window &&Remove current window\cr
Ctrl-F3 &&scroll-other-window &&Scroll text of other window upward by page\cr
F4 &&split-window-vertically &&Split current window vertically\cr
Shift-F4 &&enlarge-window &&Make current window bigger\cr
Ctrl-F4 &&shrink-window &&Make current window smaller\cr
F5 &&split-window-horizontally &&Split current window horizontally\cr
Shift-F5 &&enlarge-window-horizontally&&Make current window wider\cr
Ctrl-F5 &&shrink-window-horizontally &&Make current window narrower\cr
F6 &©-region &&Copy from mark till cursor to yank-buffer\cr
Shift-F6 &&kill-region &&Cut from mark till cursor to yank-buffer\cr
Ctrl-F6 &&yank &&Paste yank-buffer to current cursor position\cr
F7 &&goto-line &&Goto line\cr
Shift-F7 &&isearch-forward &&Do incremental search forward\cr
Ctrl-F7 &&query-replace &&Do query replace\cr
F8 &&find-file &&Edit file\cr
Shift-F8 &&save-buffer &&Save current buffer\cr
Ctrl-F8 &&write-file &&Write current buffer into file\cr
F9 &&dired &&'Edit' directory\cr
Shift-F9 &&compile &&Compile the program\cr
Ctrl-F9 &&repeat-complex-command &&Edit and re-evaluate last command\cr
F10 &&shell-command &&Execute command\cr
Shift-F10 &&suspend-emacs &&Call DOS command interpreter\cr
Ctrl-F10 &&save-buffers-kill-emacs &&Quit Emacs\cr
\vskip \baselineskip
@end tex


| F.1 | F.2 | F.3 | F.4 | F.5 | F.6 | F.7 | F.8 | F.9 | F.10 |
|help | nextW | delOW |splitWH |splitWV |copy | goto | read |dired |command |
s|mode |switchW| delW |largeWH |largeWV |kill |search | save | make |suspend |
c|key |buffers|scrlOW |shrnkWH |shrnkWV |yank |replace|write |repeat| quit |
@end ifinfo

\vskip \baselineskip
\hfil\ \tt #\hfil&
\hfil\ \tt #\hfil&
\hfil\ \tt #\hfil&
\hfil\ \tt #\hfil&
\hfil\ \tt #\hfil&
\hfil\ \tt #\hfil&
\hfil\ \tt #\hfil&
\hfil\ \tt #\hfil&
\hfil\ \tt #\hfil&
\hfil\ \tt #\hfil&
\hfil\ \tt #\hfil&
\hfil\ \tt #\hfil\cr
&& F.1 && F.2 && F.3 && F.4 && F.5 && F.6 && F.7 && F.8 && F.9 && F.10 \cr
&& help && nextW && delOW && splitWH && splitWV && copy && goto && read && dired && command \cr
s && mode && switchW && delW && largeWH && largeWV && kill && search && save && make && suspend \cr
c && key && buffers && scrlOW && shrnkWH && shrnkWV && yank && replace && write && repeat && quit \cr
\vskip \baselineskip
@end tex

If you want to append and/or change the function, use lisp variable
@code{term-setup-hook}. See @file{lisp/term/ibmpc.el}.@refill

If you don't need cursor and function keys, append next line to

(setq term-file-prefix nil)
@end example

@node DiffsFromUNIX, OmittedFunctions, TerminalFeatures, Appendix
@appendix Differences from UNIX Version

* OmittedFunctions:: Not implemented Functions to Demacs.
* OmittedVariables:: Not implemented Variables to Demacs.
* AddedFunctions:: Added Functions to Demacs.
* AddedVariables:: Added Variables to Demacs.
@end menu

@node OmittedFunctions, OmittedVariables, DiffsFromUNIX, DiffsFromUNIX
@unnumberedsec List of Functions which are not inplemented to Demacs

accept-process-output process-list
continue-process process-mark
delete-process process-name
file-locked-p process-send-eof
get-buffer-process process-send-region
get-process process-send-string
interrupt-process process-sentinel
kill-process process-status
list-processes processp
make-symbolic-link quit-process
open-network-stream set-process-buffer
process-buffer set-process-filter
process-command set-process-kanji-code
process-exit-status set-process-sentinel
process-filter start-process
process-id stop-process
process-kanji-code waiting-for-user-input-p
@end example

@node OmittedVariables, AddedFunctions, OmittedFunctions, DiffsFromUNIX
@unnumberedsec List of Variables which are not inplemented to Demacs

delete-exited-processes process-connection-type
@end example

@node AddedFunctions, AddedVariables, OmittedVariables, DiffsFromUNIX
@unnumberedsec List of Functions added to Demacs

bdos intdos
define-file-name-file-type invoke-find-file-type
demacs-version make-register
disk-free-space register-value
disk-total-space set-cursor-mode
file-type-internal set-default-file-type
file-type-p set-file-type
find-file-not-found-set-file-type set-keyclick
find-file-type-from-file-name set-register-value
get-cursor-mode set-screen-mode
get-screen-mode toggle-pass8-mode
@end example

@node AddedVariables, Index, AddedFunctions, DiffsFromUNIX
@unnumberedsec List of Functions added to Demacs

default-file-type file-type
demacs-version file-type-alist
demacs-version-date find-file-type
dos-inhibit-setdisk pass8-mode
dos-machine-type register-name-by-byte-alist
file-name-file-type-alist register-name-by-word-alist
@end example

@node Index, , AddedVariables, Appendix
@appendix Index
@unnumberedsec Functions
@printindex fn
@unnumberedsec Variables
@printindex vr


  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : DEM120E3.ZIP
Filename : DEMACS.TEX

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: