Category : Word Processors
Archive   : CSMP.ZIP
Filename : LESSON3

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SEE LESSON 3 Screen 1

This lesson covers block commands. Repeatedly throughout the lesson you will be
instructed to "click" (menu choice File-Mark File). If you have a mouse, this
means click the mouse's left button. When you click, nothing happens until you
release the button. If you do not have a mouse, this means hold down the CTRL
key and hit Q. Ctrl-Q and the left mouse button are equivalent.

Move the cursor so that it is just past the 1. (over the "^") and click (click
the left mouse button or Ctrl-Q). Now, move the cursor so that it's on the "L",
but don't click. Hit the delete key. This is how SEE's block commands work.

1. Leave work.
Notice that when you did this, SEE highlighted everything it was about to
delete. SEE uses color to indicate the blocks you're about to operate on.
Without moving the cursor, click again. Move the cursor to the "." in "work.".
Hit Open (F1). This puts things back to the way they were. Open, Close, Get,
Cut, and Delete all understand this type of argument and do what you'd expect.

If you wish to use the menu, first mark the file, then hit the keypad * key to
pop up the menus and select the function you desire.

SEE LESSON 3 Screen 2

Move the cursor so that it's one past the "1.". Click. Now, move the cursor so
that it's over the "G" in "Go home". Hit Close (CTRL-F1). Notice that Close
deleted all the stuff inside the highlighted rectangle. Blocks are specified in
SEE by 'drawing' the block's diagonal. SEE responds by highlighting the block.

1. Leave work.
2. Stop to buy milk.
3. Go home and play Trivial Pursuit.

Without moving the cursor (it should be over the "L"), click, and then move the
cursor so that it's on the "d" in "and play". Hit Open (F1). Again, this puts
things back to where they were.

Open, Close, Get, Cut, and Delete all understand this type of argument and do
exactly what you would expect.

Without moving the cursor, click. Move the cursor so that it's on the "G"
in "Go Home" again, and hit Cut (Ctrl-F3). Again, this removes the spaces.
Hit Put (F4). This restores things back to the way they started. Put knows it
has a rectangle of stuff in its buffer.

SEE LESSON 3 Screen 3

Move the cursor to the "1" below and click. Move the cursor straight down to
the "3" and hit Cut (Ctrl-F3). If the rectangle has no width, SEE assumes you
mean "all these lines". SEE indicated this by highlighting the entire line(s).

1. Leave work.
2. Stop to buy milk.
3. Go home and play Trivial Pursuit.

Hit Put (F4) to restore things. Put knows it has lines this time instead of a
block. You can do exactly the same thing by using Close (Ctrl-F1) and Restore
(Ctrl-R or Alt-F1). Follow the directions again using these commands.

Had you hit Delete instead of Cut, the same three lines would have been removed,
except there would be no way to restore them.

Hit Home so that the cursor is at the beginning of the "1." line and click.
Move the cursor straight down two lines, and hit Cut. As you see, the result
does not depend on where the zero-width rectangle is specified. Hit Put now to
restore the lines again.

SEE LESSON 3 Screen 4

Next, we'll cover SEE's replace function. Hit Home twice to get the cursor to
the upper left corner of the screen, and hit ESC to get the "Enter: " prompt,
and type "apropos" (without the quotes). Now hit Return (labeled ENTER on some
keyboards). Notice that SEE responds with a diamond. Type "Appropriate"
(again, no quotes). Now hit Search (keypad "+" or menu choice Search-k+). This
is the SEE replace function. Hit Search (F10) again; SEE finds and changes this
"apropos". Just as Search remembers the last search string, Search remembers
when the last thing it did was a replace.

Hit Home twice to return to the top of the page. Hit ESC, and type
"appropriate". Hit Return, and type "natural". Now, hold the CTRL key down and
hit F10, SEE's global search/replace function (menu choice Search-GlobalSearch).
Ctrl-F10 keeps going until it can't find the search string in the file again.

The "+" key on your numeric keypad also does the search function - hitting "+"
on your numeric keypad is exactly the same as hitting F10. The "-" key on your
numeric keypad searches through your file backwards.

When you hit a search key and Search can't find anything, you'll see a message
on the status line: "Search: string not found".

SEE LESSON 3 Screen 5

Finally, we'll cover the functions Break and Join. Move the cursor to the "n"
in "needs" below, and hit Break (F7). Break breaks a line in two.

This is a line which needs splitting into two parts.

Move the cursor back to where it was--two spaces after the "h" in "which" above.
Now hit Join (Ctrl-F7). Join joins pairs of lines together. Leave the cursor
on the "n" and click. Move the cursor to the "c" in "came" below, and hit Join.

came from two seperate places.

Join deletes everything between the click and the activation position. Text
removed with Join, like text removed with Delete, cannot be restored.

Move the cursor to this "X", and hit End Line (Ctrl-E or ALT-F7).

End Line deletes everything to the right of the cursor on the current line.
Text removed with End Line, like text removed with Join or Delete, cannot be
restored. Break, Join, and End Line can be found under menu header Add&Delete.

SEE LESSON 3 Screen 6

Probably by now you've tried hitting Help (Ctrl-F6). This displays a screen of
information to remind you what commands are available. If you wish, you may
customize this display by changing the file SEE.HLP, but this is not

Summary of the commands covered in this lesson:

Block arguments to Open, Close, Delete, Get, Cut and Join.

ESC "SearchText" return "ReplaceText" F10 - Replace
ESC "SearchText" return "ReplaceText" Ctrl-F10 - Global Replace
ESC "SearchText" return "ReplaceText" Alt-F10 - Query Replace

Break (F7) - Break a line into two lines.
Join (Crtl-F7) - Delete everything between two characters. between them.
End Line (Alt-F7) - Delete to end of line.

Help (Ctrl-F6) - Display the file SEE.HLP

End of Lesson 3

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : CSMP.ZIP
Filename : LESSON3

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: