Category : Word Processors
Archive   : AMAC43A.ZIP
Filename : MIS003.QM

Output of file : MIS003.QM contained in archive : AMAC43A.ZIP
* mis003.qm
* Macros To Make Column Blocks of Longest Lines
* Written By Tom Hogshead
* [ See MISCxx.QM For Use ]
* 5/19/92
* Key Subfile Description
* ===== ========== ====================================================
* Make Block a Column Block of Longest Line
* @(3) ÃÄ Exclude Leading Spaces |chg
* @(1) ÃÄ Include Leading Spaces |chg
* @(7) ÀÄ Include Leading Spaces (Use Nul, small ver of @1)
* Make Paragraph a Column Block of Longest Line
* @(5) ÃÄ Exclude Leading Spaces
* @(2) ÀÄ Include Leading Spaces |chg
* Make 20 Tab Stop Wide Column Block,
* @(8) ÀÄ Exclude Leading Spaces |new
* @(6) Make File a Column Block of Longest Line
* @(4) Make a 73 Column Wide Column Block |chg
* Convert Column Blocks . .
* #(f3) Convert Vertical to Horizontal Column Block
* #(f4) Convert Horizontal to Vertical Column Block
* #(f5) Convert Vertical to Horizontal Column Block,
* Horizontal Entries NOT Separated by Space
* #(f6) Convert Horizontal to Vertical Column Block,
* Horizontal Entries NOT Separated by Space
* #(F4__) {e:\up\com003} Surround Column-Blocked Text With
* Box Of Desired Characters
* ********
* Box Drawn *Around* Outside Border
* ********
* Of Column Block, Juxtapose Text
* @(F4) {e:\up\com003} Erase Outside Border Of Column-Blocked Text
* and Collapse Text Surronding Block To Original
* Position Before Box Was Made
* Macros to Right/Left Justify and Align . .
* @(1) {e:\up\rfr004} Right Justify Column Block
* @(2) {e:\up\rfr004} Left Justify Column Block
* @(3) {e:\up\rfr004} Align Column Block By Decimal Point
* @(4) {e:\up\rfr004} Align Column Block By Decimal Point, Fill Zeros
* @(5) {e:\up\rfr004} Comma Delineate and Align Column Block By
* Decimal Point, Fill With Zeros
* @(6) {e:\up\rfr004} Comma Delineate and Align Column Block By
* Decimal Point, Fill With Zeros, Add $'s
* @(9) {e:\up\rfr004} Right Justify Column
* @(f1) {e:\up\rfr004} Right Justify Line or Block Using RJ.COM
* @(f2) {e:\up\rfr004} Removes Right Justification From Line or Block
* @(f3) {e:\up\rfr004} Right Justify FILE Using RJ.COM
* @(f4) {e:\up\rfr004} Removes Right Justification From FILE
* @(f5) {e:\up\rfr004} Right Justify FILE Using RJ.COM, Screen Preview
* @(f8) {e:\up\rfr004} Left Justify File
* @(f7) {e:\up\rfr004} Left Justify Lines Containing Any Type Block
* Sort Column Block And Adjacent Text In:
* @(1) {e:\up\rfr009} Ascending Absolute Value
* @(2) {e:\up\rfr009} Descending Absolute Value
* @(3) {e:\up\rfr009} Ascending, Case Insensitive
* @(4) {e:\up\rfr009} Descending
* @(5) {e:\up\rfr009} Reverse
* Sort Column Block Only In:
* @(6) {e:\up\rfr009} Ascending Absolute Value
* @(7) {e:\up\rfr009} Descending Absolute Value
* @(8) {e:\up\rfr009} Ascending, Limited to 999 Lines
* @(9) {e:\up\rfr009} Descending
* @(0) {e:\up\rfr009} Randomly
* {e:\up\MISC*} Return To MISCxx.QM
*-- eoi

*  M A C R O S
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(1) Make Column Block of Longest Line, Pause To Mark Block,
* Include Leading Spaces
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Have you ever needed to mark a column block to include all the text
* in each line and no trailing spaces after the longest line? If so,
* this macro may help.

* I found myself often having to:
* - mark block begin
* - cursor down to longest line
* - endline
* - cursor down to block end
* - close block

* This macro automates and does this, and also will convert an open or
* closed line, character or column block to a column block of the width
* of the longest line in the block.

* At the 'pause', cursor down to select lines, and press to make a
* column block of the longest lines selected. Alternatively, lines may
* be marked as an open or closed line, character or column before macro
* execution. Macro requires QEdit v2.15.

@1 macrobegin
gotoblockbeg jtrue A markline gotoblockbeg jtrue OK pause jump B
A: gotoblockend unmarkblock markline prevposition
B: markline
OK: setscreenoff
gotoblockend begline addline "*" #173 gotoblockbeg begline markcolumn
1: endline cursorleft markcolumn cursordown
Find "*" #173 return delline return jfalse 2 prevposition *|
jump 1
2: delline gotoblockbeg
* 74 bytes Sat 11-02-1991 17:45:48 (TH @1, #3/758
* 70 bytes Mon 11-11-1991 12:04:28 (TH @1, changed routine)
* 67 bytes Wed 11-20-1991 09:43:07 (TH @1, shortened, #3/774)
* 63 bytes Sat 12-07-1991 14:28:09 (TH @1, shortened)
* 64 bytes Sun 04-26-1992 12:07:14 (TH @1, added setscreenoff)
* 54 bytes Tue 04-28-1992 08:11:14 (TH @1, shortened, changed labels)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(2) Make Column Block of Longest Line in Paragraph,
* Include Leading Spaces
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* This macro will make a paragraph a column block of longest line in
* paragraph.

@2 macrobegin
endpara prevpara
begline unmarkblock markcolumn endline
1: cursorleft markcolumn cursordown begline endline jtrue 1
* 31 bytes Sat 11-02-1991 17:45:51 (TH @2, #3/758 as @5)
* 24 bytes Sun 11-10-1991 16:25:36 (TH @2, shortened)
* 23 bytes Wed 11-20-1991 09:25:50 (TH @2, shortened #3/774)
* 19 bytes Sat 12-07-1991 14:35:32 (TH @2, shortened, mark all para)
* 19 bytes Sun 04-26-1992 11:28:45 (TH @2, changed start)
* 20 bytes Sun 04-26-1992 12:08:39 (TH @2, include setscreenoff )
* 20 bytes Tue 04-28-1992 08:22:19 (TH @2, changed labels)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(3) Make Column Block Longest Line, Exclude Leading Spaces
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* This macro works like @1 except the column width is equal to the
* actual text length of the longest line in the marked block excluding
* leading spaces.

* At the 'pause', cursor down to select lines, and press to make a
* column block of the longest lines selected. Alternatively, lines may
* be marked as an open or closed line, character or column before macro
* execution. Macro requires QEdit v2.15.

* See @f8 in rfr003.qm for example using this macro.

@3 macrobegin
gotoblockend jtrue A markline gotoblockend jtrue OK pause jump B *|
A: gotoblockbeg unmarkblock markline prevposition *|
B: markline *|
OK: setscreenoff
1: begline addline "*" #173 gotoblockbeg *|
2: isemptyline jfalse 3 cursordown jump 2
3: firstnonwhite markcolumn endline cursorleft
4: cursordown isemptyline jtrue 4 isendline jtrue 5 endline cursorleft
5: markcolumn Find "*" #173 return delline return jfalse 6
prevposition firstnonwhite iscursorinblock jtrue 4 markcolumn jump 4
6: delline gotoblockbeg
* 75 bytes Mon 11-11-1991 12:04:12 (TH @3)
* 87 bytes Wed 11-20-1991 11:14:52 (TH @3, corrected for empty lines #3/774)
* 79 bytes Sat 04-25-1992 13:42:48 (TH @3, shortened, changed labels)
* 77 bytes Tue 04-28-1992 08:03:29 (TH @3, shortened)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(4) Convert Any Type Block to Column Block 73 Column Wide,
* Include Leading Spaces
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* This macro will convert any type open or closed block to 73 column
* wide column block. Change 73 to any desired width. Single line
* blocks are excluded.

@4 macrobegin setscreenoff
gotoblockbeg jtrue A markline gotoblockbeg jtrue A
unmarkblock jump END
A: begline gotoblockend prevposition markcolumn *|
prevposition gotocolumn "73" return markcolumn gotoblockbeg
* 54 bytes Thu 11-07-1991 22:44:08 (TH @4 #3/758 as @2)
* 32 bytes Sun 11-10-1991 19:05:38 (TH @4, shortened, #3/774)
* 31 bytes Tue 04-28-1992 08:28:45 (TH @4, shortened)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(5) Make Column Block of Longest Line in Paragraph,
* Exclude Leading Spaces
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* This macro will make a paragraph a column block of longest line in
* paragraph. See @f9 in rfr003.qm for example using this macro.

@5 macrobegin savesettings setautoindentmode setsoundoff
endpara prevpara * Move to para begin
firstnonwhite * Pos first char current line
unmarkblock markcolumn * Start column block
endline cursorleft * Make line 1 column block
1: cursordown jfalse 3 * Move down to next line
isemptyline jtrue 4 *ELSE not eof, test if end of para
markcolumn *ELSE not end of para, extend block
firstnonwhite * Move to first char
iscursorinblock jtrue 2 * Test if in block
markcolumn *ELSE not in block, extend block
gotoblockend cursorleft * Pos to test if past eol
2: isendline jtrue 1 * Test if past eol, loop again if true
endline cursorleft jump 1 *ELSE inlcude eol in block, loop again
4: gotoblockbeg * Pos block begin
* 43 bytes Sun 04-26-1992 12:05:29 (TH @5)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(6) Make Column Block of Longest Line in File,
* Include Leading Spaces
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* This macro will make a file a column block of longest line in the
* file. This technique is primarily for use in other macros like in @7
* and @0 in MSGxx.QM.

@6 macrobegin
setscreenoff *|
begfile unmarkblock markcolumn
1: endline cursorleft markcolumn cursordown jtrue 1
* 22 bytes Tue 11-19-1991 23:40:49 (TH @6, #3/774)
* 18 bytes Sat 12-07-1991 14:39:44 (TH @6, shortened)
* 16 bytes Sun 04-26-1992 12:09:50 (TH @6, include setscreenoff, shortened)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(7) Make Column Block of Longest Line in Column or Character Block,
* Use Nul, Include Leading Spaces
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* This macro will make a column block of the longest line in a column
* or character block. It will not work with line blocks. This
* technique is used in [email protected] @1.

@7 macrobegin
editfile "nul" return quit gotoblockbeg jfalse END
editfile return
copyblock unmarkblock markcolumn
1: endline cursorleft markcolumn cursordown jtrue 1
copy quit pasteover
* 33 bytes Sun 04-26-1992 14:46:38 (TH @7)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(8) Make Column Block 20 Tab Stops Wide, Exclude Leading Spaces
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* At the 'pause', cursor down to select lines, and press to
* make a 20 Tab stop wide column block excluding leading spaces.
* Alternatively, lines may be marked as an open or closed line,
* character or column before macro execution.

* The same block marking could be achieved using "gotocolumn nn
* return", but this macro is intended to not change the last entry in
* the "goto column" prompt. Macro requires QEdit v2.15.

@8 macrobegin setinsmode toggleinsert
gotoblockend jtrue A markline gotoblockend jtrue OK pause jump B *|
A: gotoblockbeg unmarkblock markline prevposition *|
B: markline *|
OK: setscreenoff
1: begline addline "*" #173 gotoblockbeg *|
2: isemptyline jfalse 3 cursordown jump 2
3: tabrt 20 markcolumn firstnonwhite markcolumn
4: cursordown isemptyline jtrue 4
Find "*" #173 return delline return jfalse 6
prevposition firstnonwhite markcolumn jump 4
6: delline gotoblockbeg
* 76 bytes Mon 04-27-1992 15:43:06 (TH @8)
* 74 bytes Tue 04-28-1992 08:36:52 (TH @8, shortened)

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : AMAC43A.ZIP
Filename : MIS003.QM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: