Category : Word Processors
Archive   : AMAC43A.ZIP
Filename : COM002.QM

Output of file : COM002.QM contained in archive : AMAC43A.ZIP
* com002.qm
* Macros to Make Macro Title Boxes
* Written By Tom Hogshead
* [ See COMTxx.QM For Use ]
* 5/26/92
* Key Subfile Description
* ===== ========= =====================================================
* @5 Make Macro Title Box ( ) |chg
* @6 Copy Macro Title To Index |chg
* @9 Remove Macro Title Box
* {e:\up\COMT*} Return To COMTxx.QM
*-- eoi

*  M A C R O S
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(5) Make Macro Title Box
* (Like this, multi-lines OK)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Type macro title with *no* star in col 1. Either mark title as a
* block, or press @5, cursor down to end of title, and press .
* Title need not have blank lines on top or bottom before macro
* execution. See JMPPOSxx.QM for discussion and use of position
* markers.

@5 macrobegin
* ---------------------- Mark Box If Not Marked ----------------------*
gotoblockend * Test if block is closed
jtrue OK * If closed, go to OK
markline * If not closed, close temporarily
* or start mark
gotoblockend * Move to end of block if closed or stay
* where we are if block not yet closed
jtrue OK * If block is now closed, we started with
* an open block
makectrofscreen * Center for viewing
Pause * Pause to mark end of block
setscreenoff * Remove if not v2.15
markline * Mark end of block
* -------------------------- Shift Title --------------------------*
shiftright shiftright * Shift all lines to right twice
addline * Add line under title
gotoblockbeg * Move to 1st char of first line
insertline * Insert line on top of title
cursordown * Move back to top of title
markcolumn * Mark 1st character column
endpara * Move to end of title
begline * Move to begin of last line
fillblock '*' return * Fill 1st column with '*'
* ------------------------- Make Box Bottom -------------------------*
cursordown * Move one line under title
begline "*" * Insert * at begin of bottom line
cursorright * Space right
unmarkblock dropanchor * Start block
gotocolumn "72" return * Finish block for dashes
fillblock "-" return * Fill block with dashes
unmarkblock markcolumn begline * Mark bottom line
copy * Copy to scrap
* --------------------------- Make Box Top ---------------------------*
prevpara * Move to begin of title
paste * paste bottom line to top line
* --------------- Insert Position Marker On Top of Box ---------------*
insertline begline * Insert a blank line
"*" CursorRight #031 #030 * Insert position marker
cursordown cursordown * Cursor down to first line of title
endline * Move to end of title for more edit
makectrofscreen *|
* 48 bytes Fri 03-29-1991 15:13:26
* 61 bytes Thu 05-02-1991 12:24:22 OK for multi-line titles
* 67 bytes Tue 05-28-1991 21:06:20 (TH select title, add position marker)
* 68 bytes Mon 06-03-1991 22:48:52 (TH added BegLine after block marked)
* 69 bytes Tue 06-04-1991 08:48:51 (TH)
* 72 bytes Wed 12-11-1991 16:38:14 (TH @5, for all qconfig's)
* 73 bytes Wed 04-22-1992 17:49:37 (TH @5, for v2.15)
* 69 bytes Mon 05-04-1992 13:04:55 (TH @5, changed ending position *|)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(6) Copy Macro Title To Index
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Place cursor anywhere in macro title box not on top or bottom line.
* Press @6 to copy title to last line of index on top. Index must have
* at least one blank line at end. Title must not contain "--".

* At the pause, press to return to starting point.

@6 macrobegin
setscreenoff * Remove if not v2.15
find "--" return "b" return * Move cursor to top line
cursordown * Move down one line
markline * Mark top of title
find "--" return return * Move cursor to bottom line
cursorup * Move to bottom of title
markline * Finish marking title
copy * Copy title to scrap
begfile endpara * Go to last line of index
cursordown * Move to end of index
paste * Paste title to bottom of index
cursorright cursorright * Move to title in index to edit
setscreenon *|
pause * Press to return to start *|
Find *|
paste return *|
delline return * Return to start *|
* 16 bytes Sun 03-31-1991 21:01:48
* 34 bytes Wed 05-01-1991 02:51:46
* 35 bytes Wed 04-22-1992 17:51:57 (TH @6, for v2.15)
* 41 bytes Mon 05-04-1992 13:03:18 (TH @6, return to start *|)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(9) Remove Macro Title Box
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Position cursor anywhere in title box and Press @9 to remove. Title
* box must have at least one blank line on top but need not have a
* blank line beneath it. Top and bottom line of box must be * --- >

@9 macrobegin
setscreenoff * Remove if not v2.15 *|
cursordown unmarkblock markline prevpara * Move to begin of box
find "--" return "l" return jfalse END * Check if already boxed
delline * Delete box top
cursorup begline *|
find #31 return "l" return jfalse NEXT * Test if jmppos mrkr *|
delline * Delete line if mrkr *|
Find "--" Return DelLine Return JFalse END * Find box bottom
delline * Delete box bottom
prevpara * Move to first line
scrolldown * Re-position screen
* 36 bytes Sun 05-05-1991 22:13:00 (TH @9)
* 50 bytes Wed 04-22-1992 17:49:57 (TH @9, for v2.15 and jmppos marker)

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : AMAC43A.ZIP
Filename : COM002.QM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: