Dec 062017
Christmas wallpaper for Window 3.0. Help you get into the mood.
File XMASBMP.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
Christmas wallpaper for Window 3.0. Help you get into the mood.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BALL.BMP 838 207 deflated
STAR.BMP 838 212 deflated
TREE.BMP 838 213 deflated
WREATH.BMP 838 201 deflated
XMAS.BMP 2710 711 deflated
XMAS.DOC 347 223 deflated

Download File XMASBMP.ZIP Here

Contents of the XMAS.DOC file

This zip file should contain the following files:


The xmas.bmp file is a combination of the other four. I thought that it
would be nice to have some appropriate wallpaper for the holidays, and
when I couldn't find any, I gave it a try. I hope you enjoy them.

Paul J. Horn

 December 6, 2017  Add comments

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