Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : WNEWS001.ZIP
Filename : WNEWS001

Output of file : WNEWS001 contained in archive : WNEWS001.ZIP

WindowsNEWS - January 15/91
Recent announcements of interest to
the Windows user community.

== EXCEL 3.0 ANNOUNCED ======================================

January 9/91 - Microsoft announced the release of Excel 3.0
versions for Windows, OS/2 Presentation manager and the Apple
Macintosh. Sporting interface improvements, new functions such
as Autosum, outlining, consolidation, improved charting and
output options, drawing tools and Help functions targeted at
1-2-3 users.

Also included with Vesion 3.0 are Microsoft Excel Solver, an
add-on optimization program, and Pioneer Software's Q+E which
integrates Excel 3.0 worksheets with major databases, such as
Ashton-Tate dBASE and Microsoft SQL Server.

Excel version 3.0 for Windows is the first application to fully
implement object linking. Linking and embedding technology
allows users to embed objects such as Excel charts or worksheets
into other application documents and lets Excel place objects
from other applications into its worksheets.

Microsoft Excel version 3.0 is available now for Windows 3.0.
Excel 3.0 for the Macintosh, and Excel 3.0 for OS/2, will ship
in the first half of 1991. Suggested retail pricing for each
version is US$495. Users of previous versions of Microsoft
Excel can update to version 3.0 for US$129. People who acquire
Microsoft Excel for Windows version 2.1 from Dec. 7, 1990, to
April 16, 1991, are eligible for a free update to version 3.0
(shipping and handling extra).

== NEURAL NETWORK FOR WINDOWS ===============================

January 9/91 - Promised Land Technologies, Inc. (PLT) today
announced Braincel, a PC neural-network software package that
runs in Microsoft Excel (including 3.0) under Windows 3.0.

According to PLT President Stanley Dalnekoff, "Braincel is the
first neural-network program embedded in a spreadsheet. It's a
breakthrough because it can be used by any PC spreadsheet user--
no knowledge of neural network technology is required. With its
seamless integration with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Windows,
Braincel is powerful, yet highly intuitive and easy to use.
neural network programs require learning both a new technology
and a new user interface."

Braincel will be available January 15, priced at US$249.
Braincel occupies 320K of RAM memory and requires Windows 3.0,
DOS 3.0 or later, Excel 2.1C or later, hard disk, 2 MB of
memory, and a PC AT, 386, 486, or PS/2 computer or compatibles.
It is not copy-protected and supports 80287 and 80387 math

For more information, contact: Stanley Dalnekoff, Promised Land
Technologies, 900 Chapel St., Suite 300, New Haven, CT 06510,
(203) 562-7335, ext. 235.

== A QUICK COURSE IN WINDOWS 3 ==============================

January 15/91 - Fledgling publishing company, Online Press of
Bellevue, WA., announced the release of a series of "Quick
Course" books for software users in the business community.

The first release is "A Quick Course in Windows 3". Online
Press was founded by Joyce Cox and Sally Oberlin, both among
the original four directors of Microsoft Press. The "Quick
Course" books are targeted to the busy professional and are
attractively priced (US$12.95). The books are intended to
reduce learning time by providing easy-to-follow instruction
in common business tasks.

WindowsNEWS is compiled and Copyright © 1991 by Donald G. Roy.
All Trademarks acknowledged. Distributed by: FUTURETRON Ltd.
FUTURETRON Toronto! We do Windows! (416) 868-1888 HST PCBoard

  3 Responses to “Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : WNEWS001.ZIP
Filename : WNEWS001

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: