Dec 062017
Clock For the corner of your windows 3.1 screen, Many options and features sound blaster optional.

Full Description of File

======= DateLine ======= v1.10 by Glen Neal
This nifty little Windows utility puts a
small rectangle in upperleft corner of screen
and shows the day of week, month, day, time,
am/pm, memory and largest free block memory.
Each item can be toggled on or off. Optional
chime hourly or every ? minutes, you specify
the interval and .wav file to play. Use it
awhile and then you can't be without it.
Requires Windows 3.1, opt Soundblaster.

File WCLOCK.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
Clock For the corner of your windows 3.1 screen, Many options and features sound blaster optional.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DATELINE.WAV 53472 29870 deflated
DL110.DOC 2538 1280 deflated
DL110.EXE 45568 16188 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 444 293 deflated
REALBIRD.WAV 7934 5242 deflated

Download File WCLOCK.ZIP Here

Contents of the DL110.DOC file

DOCs for DateLine v1.10 (c) 1993 by Glen Neal.

First let me say that, as with most programmers, I am much better at
writing programs than the docs for them. This is my second windows
project, and I hope to get better as time goes on. However, it is a
simple program and requires very little docs anyway.

Rock Box requires Windows 3.1 and Soundblaster (or compatible) is optional.
A mouse is required. Keyboard support will be added later.

DateLine runs in the upper-left corner of the Windows screen.

Here are the operation of the three buttons:

A : About DateLine, shows the version number.

C : Configure. At the left are check boxes for selecting which items of text
you wish to display. On the right you can set up the chime (requires
Soundblaster). You can turn the chime off, or select a each hour, or
select a chime each ? minutes, just type in the minutes between chimes.

If Randomize is not checked, it plays only the one wave file you type in
the edit box at the bottem. If Randomize is checked, it will play all the
waves in the path indicated, in order. If you type a path with no wave file,
the path must include a trailing backslash.

X : Exits the program at once.

That's about it!

To get on-line support for this and other Hazard Soft products, call
the Hazard Soft support bbs at 405-243-3200. Call anytime and pick up
the newest Shareware versions of our products.

If you like and use DateLine often, please register. The fee is a modest
$20.00. This also gives you full access to the support bbs for 3 months.

To register by credit card, call the support bbs at 405-243-3200.
You can use your Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express.
Type CHARGE at the main prompt.

To register by mail, send check or money order for $20.00 to:

Glen Neal
220 Ridgecrest #45
Elk City, OK 73644

Voice: 405-243-0574 Data: 405-243-3200


If you get the message about not finding BWCC.DLL, then you need to call
and get BWCCDLL.ZIP, unzip it and place it in your Windows System folder.
Other windows programs may need this DLL also. It is similar to the DLL
used by Visual Basic, VBRUN200.DLL.

If it says a sound driver is not installed, go to the Windows control
panel, and run the Sounds icon. Select ADD, and pick a Soundblaster
driver that is for your card version. I will add support for other sound
cards and the pc speaker soon.

Please call the support bbs if you have problems or discover a bug(!).

 December 6, 2017  Add comments

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