Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : TSENG2.ZIP

Output of file : OEMSETUP.INF contained in archive : TSENG2.ZIP
; Microsoft Windows Driver Library
; Tseng ET4000 256 Color Driver Disk
; Copyright 1992 Microsoft Corporation
; ---------------------------------------------------------------


t =., "ET4000 256 Color Driver Disk", diskt

;profile = driver, Description of driver, resolution, 286 grabber, logo code, VDD, 386grabber, ega.sys, logo data, optional work section
svga448 = t:vga448.drv, "ET4000 640x480 256 colors", "100,96,96", t:vgacolrx.gr2, t:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddtli4.386, t:v7vga.3gr,, t:vgalogo.rle
lvga468 = t:vga468.drv, "ET4000 800x600 256 colors (Large fonts)", "100,120,120", t:vgacolrx.gr2, t:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddtli4.386, t:v7vga.3gr,, t:vgalogo.rle
svga468 = t:vga468s.drv, "ET4000 800x600 256 colors (Small fonts)", "100,96,96", t:vgacolrx.gr2, t:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddtli4.386, t:v7vga.3gr,, t:vgalogo.rle
svga478 = t:vga478s.drv, "ET4000 1024x768 256 colors (Small fonts)", "100,96,96", t:vgacolrx.gr2, t:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddtli4.386, t:v7vga.3gr,, t:vgalogo.rle
lvga478 = t:vga478.drv, "ET4000 1024x768 256 colors (Large fonts)", "100,120,120", t:vgacolrx.gr2, t:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddtli4.386, t:v7vga.3gr,, t:vgalogo.rle

; copy these fonts depending on the 386 grabber being used


t:vgasys.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution System Font", "100,96,96"
t:8514sys.fon,"8514/a (1024x768) resolution System Font", "100,120,120"

t:vgafix.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution Fixed System Font", "100,96,96"
t:8514fix.fon,"8514/a (1024x768) resolution Fixed System Font", "100,120,120"

t:vgaoem.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution Terminal Font (USA/Europe)", "100,96,96",1
t:8514oem.fon,"8514/a (1024x768) resolution Terminal Font (USA/Europe)", "100,120,120",1

t:SSERIFE.FON, "MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
t:SSERIFF.FON, "MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"

t:COURE.FON, "Courier 10,12,15 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
t:COURF.FON, "Courier 10,12,15 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"

t:SERIFE.FON, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
t:SERIFF.FON, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"

t:SYMBOLE.FON, "Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
t:SYMBOLF.FON, "Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"

t:SMALLE.FON, "Small Fonts (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
t:SMALLF.FON, "Small Fonts (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"


  3 Responses to “Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : TSENG2.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: