Dec 142017
Colorado tape backup update for Windows.
File TAPE304.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
Colorado tape backup update for Windows.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
@50D2.ADF 3551 769 deflated
AUTOBACK.COM 3194 3033 deflated
AUTOBAK2.COM 3108 2947 deflated
BATCH.PIF 545 129 deflated
CFGSHELL.EXE 11536 4752 deflated
CMSDTAPE.386 5298 859 deflated
CONFIG.EXE 67702 65859 deflated
CONFIG.PIF 545 141 deflated
INSTALL.EXE 67702 65859 deflated
INSTALL.PIF 165 57 deflated
SCHED.EXE 26624 12972 deflated
TAPE.BAT 312 214 deflated
TAPE.CFG 426 74 deflated
TAPE.EXE 155889 152277 deflated
TAPE.PIF 545 128 deflated
TAPE.TXC 38697 38634 deflated
TAPE.TXT 84645 24663 deflated
TOOLHELP.DLL 14416 8630 deflated
WININST.EXE 17184 9080 deflated
WINSHELL.EXE 6016 2992 deflated
WINSTALL.BAT 604 307 deflated

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mcn3?@JBackup Menu&Total Backup@Total Backup copies all disk files and directories to tape.It offers the versatility of later restoring only selectedfiles or directories while providing a complete backup ofyour disk as insurance against disk failure.To execute a Total Backup, click on the Total button orpress from the Backup Menu.A Total Backup can be scheduled to run unattended. Refer tothe User's Guide or the Scheduler help text for furtherinformation.&Modified Files Backup@A Modified Files Backup copies all files changed since thelast backup to tape. Because unmodified files are not backedup, you must perform a Total Backup first before a ModifiedFiles Backup to insure that all files are backed up.This option saves time because it does not back up filesthat haven't changed. Combine Total backups and Modifiedbackups for the best tape backup protection.A Modified Files Backup makes efficient use of time andtape, but it requires more thoughtful management toinsure that all the data can be restored.To execute a Modified Files Only Backup, click on theModified button or key from the Backup Menu.A Modified Files Backup can be scheduled. Refer to theUser's Guide or the Scheduler help text for furtherinformation.ONLY BACKUPA Modified Files Only Backup is a quick way to backup filesmodified since the last Total Backup. However, the onlyfiles backed up are those which fall in the path of thelatest Total Backup. This path can be reset only byperforming another Total Backup and entering a new startingpath. Make a Total Backup at least once a week to avoid thenecessity of restoring a large number of tape volumes torecover your data.To execute a Modified Files Only Backup, press F3 fromthe Backup Menu and enter any information necessary inresponse to the software prompts.&Selective Backup@Selective Backup allows you to choose specific files ordirectories to be backed up. With this option it is simpleto transfer data to other sites or archive selected files forstorage. You can also make copies of files of a specificcategory (i.e. all spreadsheet files).To execute a Selective Backup, click on the Selectivebutton or press from the Backup Menu.A Selective Backup can be scheduled to run unattended. Referto the User's Guide or the Scheduler help text for furtherinformation.Selective Tagging Directory ScreenThe Directory Screen allows you to tag the files anddirectories you want to back up, restore or compare.Use the "up" and "down" arrow keys to scroll through andhighlight the files and directories. The current path isshown in the upper-left corner of the dialog box.Under the column heading #TYPE@ on the Selective Backupdirectory screen each file or directory is identified by oneof the following codes:#DIR@ is for directory#MOD@ indicates a file modified since the last backup#H@ is a hidden file#R@ is a read-only fileA file without an accompanying entry has no attributeset.&Options@#Up Dir + @Click on this button, or plus sign to listthe files and directories one level above the currentlevel.#Down Dir - @Click on this button, or minus sign to list thefiles and directories one level below the directory in theselection window. A double click with the left mouse buttonon a directory entry will also perform this operation.#Tag All@To select all files and directories at and below the currentdirectory level for backup, restore or compare. This isequivalent to moving to the previous directory level andselecting the parent directory.Tag All is also useful when only a few files are to beexcluded. Press the space bar or right mouse button to untagany tagged file or directory positioned in the selectionwindow. Untagged items are not included in the backup,restore or compare.#Tagging Files@To tag files, directories or subdirectories use the space baror simply click using the right mouse button. Tag selectsany combination of files, directories, and subdirectories tobe backed up in one volume. On the Directory Screen,position the file or subdirectory in the selection windowusing the Up Dir and Down Dir push buttons.When you tag a directory, all files and subdirectoriesunder the selected directory are also tagged and will beincluded in this volume.#Untagging Files@To untag files in a subdirectory or tagged directory,position the file or subdirectory in the selection windowand press the right button or space bar. The tag is removedand the item is not included.#Wildcard Tag@Choosing this option advances you to the Tag Parametersdisplay. From this display you can enter more advancedtagging selections such as: wildcard tagging and tagging bydate.#OK @Backs up, Restores or Compares all tagged files anddirectories.#Cancel @Returns you to the previous display. Any options you keyedare not saved.Tagged files and directories have arrows appearing on bothends of the file line. Shorter arrows on both sides of adirectory indicate that not all files and subdirectoriesbelow that directory are tagged.SELECTIVE BACKUP DIRECTORY SCREENThe Selective Backup Directory Screen allows you to tagthe files and directories you want to back up. Use the upand down arrow keys to scroll through the files anddirectories. The current path is shown in the upper-leftcorner of the screen.The second column on the Selective Backup screen displaysUNIX sym- bols that define whether the owner, the group,or others have per- mission to access specific files anddirectories. The first field is a single characterindicating if the entry is a directory, a file, orspecial file. Following the initial character are threefields each with three characters for read, write, andexecute per- missions. The three characters in each fielddetermine who can ac- cess certain files and directories.The first field determines user permission, the seconddefines group permission, and the third is for allothers.FUNCTION KEYSF1:BACKUP backs up all tagged files and directories.F3:(down) DIR Position a directory in the selectionwindow and press F3 to see its files and subdirectories.F4:(up) DIR lists the files and directories one levelabove the current level.F5:TAG selects any combination of files, directories, andsubdirec- tories to be backed up in one volume. On theSelective Backup Direc- tory Screen, position the file orsubdirectory to be backed up in the selection windowusing the up or down arrow keys. Press F5 to select (tag)it for backup. When you tag a directory, all files andsubdirectories under the selected directory are also taggedand will be included in this volume. To exclude files orsubdirectories in a tagged directory, position the file orsubdirectory in the selection window and press F5:TAG.The tag is removed and the item is not included in thebackup.F6:TAG+ displays the Tagging Options Menu. Press F1 to tagall files at and below the current directory level. PressF2 to select Advan- ced Tagging Features and display theTag Parameters screen.Tagged files and directories have arrows appearing onboth ends of the file line. Shorter arrows on both sidesof a directory indicate that not all files andsubdirectories below that directory are tagged.&Tag Parameters@Wildcards can be used along with other file tagging methods.You can tag as many files as you want, and then tagadditional files using the Wildcard options.This display allows you to tag files based on severalparameters. Only files that meet all criteria are tagged.Choose the files you want to tag by entering the appropriateinformation on the Tag Parameters Screen.#Backup Drive Prompts@&Backup Drive@Enter the name of the drive you want to backup. The programdefaults to the drive where you installed Colorado Backupsoftware.&Optional Starting Path@Enter the name of a directory you wish to back up in theOptional Starting Path. The program defaults to the rootdirectory "\" automatically to back up the root directoryand all sub-directories.If you only want to backup one directory and allsubdirectories, type the directory name and pathname on thesecond line. For instance, if you want to back up theProject directory, you would key: \project in the OptionalStarting path field.This can limit the time and scope of your backup. Namingan Optional Starting Path can greatly reduce drive searchtime.TAG PARAMETERS&To enter selections for checkboxes:@There are several ways to enter your selections intocheckboxes.1. Press the space bar.2. Click on the checkbox with your left mouse button.3. Enter an x or X.&Files to Tag@A file or group of files with common features can bespecified by using the ? and * wildcard characters.For example, the files LETTER.TXT and SAMPLE.TXT are bothtagged by entering "*.TXT" in this field.You can also use the ? to substitute for any characters. Forexample, T??P.TXT tags TEMP.TXT and TAPE.TXT but not TMP.TXT.&Tag Files in Subdirectories@Enter X to tag all files at and below the current directorylevel. The current path is shown in the lower left corner ofthe screen. Remove the X if you only want files tagged inthe current directory.&Tag Only Modified Files@Enter X to tag only those files that have been changedsince the last backup. If you have not modified any filessince the last backup, no files are tagged with this option.&Tag Files On and After Date@Only files written on or after the date entered in thisfield are tagged.&Tag Files On and Before Date@Only files written on or before the date entered in thisfield are tagged.&Untag Matched Files@You can exclude files from your backup, restore or comparewith this option. To exclude all the *.bat files you would:1. Select &Tag All@ from the Selective Tagging display.2. In Files to Tag field you would type: *.bat.3. Mark the Untag Matched Files field with an X.#Tag@Enter the desired file selection parameters and then pressthe Tag button or to tag all matching files.#Save Parameters @If you want to save the current tag parameters you have set,select this option. This will save your wildcard choices forfuture use.#Restore Parameters @Restores the previously saved settings using Save Parameters.#Cancel @Returns you to the previous display. Any options you keyedare not saved.Volume Title/Data Compression/Password&Volume Title@Enter up to 44 characters to help you remember the contentsof each tape volume. If you do not want to place a volumetitle on the backup, simply press Backup Now button to accept the defaults or Enter to proceed to the nextfield. You can also schedule this backup to occur later bypressing the Schedule button to accept defaults.By default, your tape is named with the drive name, dateand time of the backup.&Hardware/Software Data Compression Type@The compression type which appears is the type you chose inSoftware Setups. Refer to the Software Setups help text fordetailed information.You may change the compression type. Your choices are listedin boxes at the bottom of the screen when the cursor is inthe compression field. Use the left and right arrow keys ormouse to highlight the type you want, then press the BackupNow button, or press Enter.&None@This option appears by default. With no data compressionyour files are backed up at the present size.&Optimize Space@Choose this option for standard hardware and software datacompression, which compresses your files by about 50%.&Optimize Time@Choose this option for high-speed software data compression.Files are reduced by about 40% (not available if you areusing a tape controller with hardware data compression).&Error Log@You can enter a new name for the error.log file. Pressthe Backup Now button or to accept the default filename ERROR.LOG and begin the backup.You can specify a path other than the current directory to storeyour error logs. For example, you could redirect your error logto the logs directory by typing: \logs\error.log. You can alsoname your error logs date with the log extension by typing:102092.log.You may also delete the file name, and press the OK buttonor to begin the backup, indicating you do not want anerror log file produced.&Password Protect@You can enter an optional password of up to eight (8)alpha-numeric characters to protect the information on tapefrom unauthorized access.If you enter a password, you must enter the same password toaccess the contents of the protected tape volume. To enter apassword, place an X in the checkbox and then press BackupNow to proceed.Passwords are case sensitive and must be typed as entered onthe backup for restore. Therefore the passwords MYBACKUP,MYbackup and mybackup are all different.#Schedule@To Schedule your Backup, choose this option or . Ifyou do not have Scheduler installed, this option is greyedout.#Backup Now@To begin your backup choose this option or .#Cancel@To cancel this backup operation choose this option or.PasswordType your password and press Enter. Then re-enter thepassword and press Enter again. Both password entries mustbe identical. If not you are prompted to enter thepassword again.Restore to DiskRestore To Disk allows you to recover data from a tape.During a Restore operation, files are copied from the tapeand restored to the selected disk individually.&Total or Selective Restore@You can restore an entire disk or just selected files and/ordirectories. You can restore files that were backed up onone machine onto a different machine or restore files to aprevious state.With the Redirect path option, you have the flexibility torestore all your files to another directory, leaving theoriginal files intact. For instance, if you want to restoreyour files from the \project directory to the \tempdirectory, you would key: \temp in the Redirect to pathfield.If you want files on the tape to overwrite files of thesame name on the disk, the Overwrite option must be enabled.You can activate this option by selecting Software Setupsfrom the Options Pull-down menu.Restore Prompts&Restore to Drive@Enter the name of the drive into which you want to restorefiles. You can specify another drive leaving your originalfiles intact. The program defaults to the drive from whichthe backup was made.&Redirect to path@Enter in the name of a directory into which to redirect yourfiles in the Redirect to path field. The program defaults tothe root directory "\" automatically. Choosing to restore tothe root directory restores your data to the original diskdirectory location.If you want to restore your backup to another directorycalled Project, you would type: \project in the Redirect topath field. If the directory does not exist, Restore createsthe directory for you.&Error Log@You can enter a new name for the error.log file. Pressthe OK button or to accept the default file nameERROR.LOG. You can also specify a path other than the currentdirectory in which to redirect your error.log. For example,you could redirect your error log to: \logs\error.log andthis would place your error.log into the \logs directory.Restore Tape VolumeIf your tape volume is #password protected@, you must enter apassword to access it. Your password must be enteredexactly as you entered it on the backup.&Tape Volume@Select the Tape Volume you want to Restore. It appearsshaded and marked with arrows when selected. You can selectthe tape volume by clicking on it with your mouse or movingthe highlight to the desired volume with the "up" and "down"arrow keys.&View Dir -@After you choose your tape volume, select View Dir to choosefiles, directories or sub-directories to restore. Use thisoption for a Selective Restore.PasswordIf the selected tape volume is password protected,key the correct password and press Enter.Passwords are case sensitive and must be typed as entered onthe backup for restore. Therefore the passwords MYBACKUP,MYbackup and mybackup are all different.Any alpha-numeric characters are valid for a password.File Pull-down menu&Drive Information@View Tape Drive information includes your drive type andfirmware version. This information is handy when you areadding new hardware and software to your system or contactingCustomer Support.View Pull-down menu&Tape Status@The Tape Status feature displays general information on thetape currently in the drive. It reports the number of bytesin use on the tape so that you can tell if another backupvolume of a specific size will fit. The number of backupvolumes currently on the tape, format type and date are alsodisplayed.Options Pull-down menu&Software Setups@This option allows you to customize your tape backup systemsoftware parameters to suit your needs. Refer to help fromwithin Software Setups for more information.&Hardware Setups@This option allows you to display tape backup systemhardware parameters. You cannot change the selections withthis option; you must run the configuration program to changethese options.&Changing Hardware Setups@#Running Config from DOS:@To change the hardware setups:1. Change to the directory where you installed Colorado Backup.2. Run the Configuration program by typing CONFIG at the DOS prompt and pressing Enter.#Running Config from Windows:@Select the Config icon by double-clicking on it.&Color Choices@Select the display color for your Colorado Backup software.Choose one of the four colors for color monitors or specialsettings for laptop models or monochrome monitors.The Main Menu automatically appears in the color you select.Utilities Pull-down menuThe Utilities Pull-down menu provides access to useful tapeoperations. These operations are Quick Erase, SecurityErase, Retension, Format and Scheduler.&Quick Erase@The Quick Erase feature erases the tape directories. Theprocess typically takes less than one minute to complete.Be certain the tape you want to erase is in the tape drivebefore proceeding.This type of tape erasure deletes only the tape directoryheader record, the data is still on the tape. Therefore, youcan recover data if you accidentally Quick Erase informationyou need as long as you haven't overwritten it with anotherbackup.Colorado Memory Systems offers this data recovery service.Contact Customer Support for more information.This option is the same for #JUMBO, Trakker and PowerTape@users.#To Quick Erase your tape:@1. Insert the tape in the tape drive.2. Select Utilities from the Menu bar.3. Choose Quick Erase from the Utilities Pull-down menu.4. Enter a tape name.&Security Erase@The Security Erase feature erases all data on the tape toeliminate the possibility of recovering any of theinformation. It does not erase the format information.Be certain the tape you want to erase is in the tape drivebefore proceeding.#JUMBO and Trakker Security Erase@Security Erase can take up to an hour and erases alldata on a tape.#PowerTape and QFA Security Erase@Security erase takes only a few minutes and erasesall data on a tape.#To Security Erase your tape:@1. Insert the tape in the tape drive.2. Select Utilities from the Menu bar.3. Choose Security Erase from the Utilities Pull-down menu.4. Enter a tape name.&Format Tape@New tapes which are #not@ pre-formatted must be formattedbefore use. Formatting initializes the tape to a knownstate, partitions it into sectors, and maps all unusablesectors on the tape.#JUMBO and Trakker Formats@The format process typically takes 72 minutes on a PCor XT class computer and 36 minutes on an AT classcomputer. Formatting 60MB tapes takes 50% longer.Formatting erases all data on a tape.#PowerTape and QFA Formats@Formatting takes only a few minutes. Formatting erases alldata on a tape. New tapes must be formatted before use.Formatting writes new tape header information which allowsColorado Backup to recognize the tape.#Using Scheduler to Format Tapes@Formatting can be scheduled for unattended execution. Referto your User's Guide or the Scheduler help text for furtherinformation.#To Format a tape@1. Insert tape in the tape drive.2. Select Utilities from the Menu bar.3. Choose Format from the Utilities Pull-down menu.4. Enter a name for your tape.5. Refer to timing estimate above for your tape drive.FORMAT TAPENew tapes or tapes formatted for use with non-QIC-40backup systems must be formatted before use. Formattinginitializes the tape to a known state, partitions it intosectors, and maps all unusable sectors on the tape. Theformat process typically takes 36 minutes. Formatting 60MBtapes takes 50% longer. Formatting also erases all dataon a tape.Format TapeNew tapes or tapes formatted for use with other backupsystems must be formatted before use. The format processtakes less than 30 seconds. Formatting erases all dataon the tape and writes new tape header information whichallows the backup software to recognize the tape.&Retension Tape@This option applies even tension to the entire tape. Newtapes, tapes that have been in storage, or tapes that havebeen transported should be retensioned before use.1. Load the tape to be retensioned in the tape drive.2. Choose Utilities from the Menu Bar .3. Choose Retension to begin the operation.Upon completion, you are returned to the Main Menu. You canchoose to load another tape for retension.&Scheduler@This option appears if you have installed the Schedulersoftware. From the Menu Bar select Utilities thenselect Scheduler . This screen allows you to view andschedule your tape operations. If the Scheduler optionappears greyed out then it is not installed.Refer to Installing Scheduler in the Software InstallationChapter.Refer to the User's Guide or the Scheduler help text for moreinformation on Scheduling your tape operations.Compare Files - Tape to Disk&Why Compare?@With this feature you compare files on a tape to files ondisk. Performing a compare helps ensure that your backupsare accurate and that the system is in working order.&Selective or Total Compare@This operation is much like the Restore feature inappearance, allowing you to choose the entire tape volume orspecific files to compare.All files that have been modified or deleted from thedisk are reported.Compare Prompts&Compare to Drive@Enter the name of the drive in which you want to comparefiles. You can specify another drive to compare your filesto the ones on tape. The program defaults to the drive fromwhich the backup was made.&Redirect to path@Use the redirect to path option to tell the program wherefiles are located. For instance, if you have moved files orrenamed a directory since you last made a backup, the pathcan tell the computer where to find them.If you want to compare your backup to another directorycalled Project, you would type: \project in the Redirect topath field. If the directory does not exist, Compare createsthe directory for you.Compare Tape VolumeIf your tape volume is #password protected@, you must enter apassword to access it. Your password must be enteredexactly as you entered it on the backup.&Tape Volume@Select the Tape Volume you want to Compare. It appearsshaded and marked with arrows when selected. You can selectthe tape volume by clicking on it with your mouse or movingthe highlight to the desired volume with the "up" and"down" arrow keys.&View Dir -@After you choose your tape volume, select View Dir to choosefiles, directories or sub-directories to restore. Use thisoption for a Selective Compare.Software Setups&To enter selections for checkboxes:@There are several ways to enter your selections intocheckboxes.1. Press the space bar.2. Click on the checkbox with your left mouse button.3. Enter an x or X.&Auto Tape/Disk Data Comparison After Backup@Enter X in this field to automatically verify that all fileswritten on the tape are identical to those on the disk.&Overwrite Existing Files during RestoreSelect X to allow a restore operation to overwrite any fileof the same name on the destination disk. Remove the X fromthis field to insure against accidentally overwriting fileson your disk from a tape volume with duplicate file names.a file that is corrupted on the disk, then you must eitherrestore that file to a different name, delete the corruptedfile from the disk, or enter X for this option.You can also choose a redirection path during restore. Thiswill restore files to a different directory, leaving theoriginal files intact.&Reset File Archive Attribute@When selected with an X, the archive file attribute isreset during the backup. The archive file attribute is aDOS device to mark files that have changed since they werelast backed up. Colorado Backup uses this attribute toidentify files to be included for Modified tape backups.This allows your next backup to only save those filesmodified since your last backup. All files modified sincethe last backup are indicated by MOD appearing in theTYPE column on the Selective Backup directory screen.Key X to have the backup system perform backups withoutwriting to the disk to clear the archive bit. This can be avery useful feature on a network system where backups arelikely to be made from workstations that are restricted fromwriting to the disk.&Concurrent Disk/Tape Operation@Select X to allow the backup system to use more than one DMAchannel at a time, and thus operate at maximum speed. If youexperience "excessive retry" errors during tape operations,your computer may not support concurrent DMA operation.Remove the X for this setup option to eliminate the errors.&Multi-Volume Backup@Select X to add more than one backup volume to a tape. Thebackup system software adds each succeeding volume at theend of the previous volume up to the capacity of the tape.Remove the X from this field and the backup system erases thetape directory before beginning each backup. This allowsonly one backup volume per tape.&Hardware/Software Data Compression Type@You may change the compression type. Your choices are listedin boxes at the bottom of the screen when the cursor is inthe compression field. Use the left and right arrow keys ormouse to highlight the type you want, then press Enter toaccept your selection.&None@This option appears by default. With no data compressionyour files are backed up at the present size.&Optimize Space@Choose this option for standard hardware and software datacompression, which compresses your files by about 50%.&Optimize Time@Choose this option for high-speed software data compression,which reduces files by about 40% (not available if you areusing a tape controller with hardware data compression).Use the left and right arrow keys to highlight your choice.&Sort Type@Press the left and right arrow keys to cycle through theavailable sort types. The files within a directory may besorted by name, extension or date. The selected sort typeis used when viewing the files in a directory during anyselective operation. You can also choose no sort as anoption.Hardware Setups&DMA Channel@Enter the Direct Memory Access (DMA) channel to usethe tape drive. Select a DMA channel that does notconflict with your computer's configuration. Your choicesare Channels 1-9 Channel 1- The default is channel 1, which is unused in stand-alone systems, but is used in network operation. Channel 2- is reserved for diskette operation. If you select channel 2, diskettes may not be backed up in concurrent DMA mode. Channel 3- is reserved for hard disk control and should not be selected for use by the tape drive.Enter the desired DMA channel number. If you select DMAchannel 2 or 3, you must reset the DMA channeljumpers on the tape controller card accordingly. Referto the Hardware Installation Guide for details.&Interrupt@The tape controller card must use an interrupt from 2 to 7in order to operate properly.The factory default interrupt varies and need not be changedif your tape backup system operates properly. If the tapecontroller card and another device in your computer use thesame interrupt simultaneously, the tape backup system willbehave unpredictably.You must select a different interrupt for the tape controllercard to use. Refer to your computer's technical referencemanual or the manuals accompanying any peripheral devices forinformation on interrupt usage.You may enter any interrupt from 2 to 7 that is not inuse. You must also set the interrupt jumper on the tapecontroller card to correspond to the value entered onthis screen. Refer to the Hardware Installation Guidefor details.I/O Base Address in HexadecimalThe factory default starting I/O address is hex 300. Referto the Hardware Installation Guide or other technicaldocumentation included with your tape backup system forother valid starting I/O addresses. If you change theI/O address, you must set the I/O address jumpers or DIPswitch on the tape controller card.Tape Adapter Board InstalledIf you installed the AB-10 Tape Adapter board, and youhave not reset its address jumper, enter "X" for thissetup option.If you set the AB-10 Tape Adapter Board to use the PrimaryAddress, enter "N" for this setup option. A Tape AdapterBoard is necessary when you have two or more diskette drivesin your computer or you are using an external tape drive.Technical Note: Addresses used by this system are as follows: Primary Address - 3F0 hex Secondary Address - 370 hex (Factory setting)#Note:@ No Tape Adapter Board is available for PS/2 machines.&Software Installation@The backup system software may be installed on anyDOS-recognizable hard disk. The installation program takesapproximately three minutes.&Network Users@The tape drive hardware should be installed in a workstation,not in the network server. The backup system software can beinstalled on the local hard disk of the workstationcontaining the tape drive or on the network server.&Install Destination@During installation, you will be asked the drive anddirectory in which to install the backup software, and aboutaspects of your hardware configuration.&Scheduler@Installing Scheduler is optional. With Scheduler you canschedule tape operations to occur overnight and unattended oranytime when your computer is not in use.&Boot Drive@The final installation question prompts you to enter thedrive letter from which your system boots.&Config.sys@If less than 17 buffers are available, the installationsoftware sets the number of buffers to 17. Insuring thatat least 17 buffers are available improves the backupsystem's performance. Your original CONFIG.SYS file is savedin a file called CONFIG.Bxx where xx is a number between00 and 99.&Autoexec.bat@If you chose to install Scheduler, the Installation programinserts a command sequence beginning on the first line ofyour AUTOEXEC.BAT file. When AUTOEXEC.BAT is modified, acopy of the original file is stored as AUTOEXEC.Bxx, where xxis a number between 00 and 99. Refer to the User Guidefor further information on Scheduler.After installing the software, you may want to review orchange the system default settings. These options areexplained under Software and Hardware Setups from the OptionsPull-down menu.Tape System Installation&Choose Language@You have a choice of 9 languages for your tape backupsoftware if you are installing using the Internationalversion.If you are installing with the US version, Englishappears by default.Boot Drive SelectionEnter the drive your computer boots from. This isfor the changes made to your Config.sys and Autoexec.batfiles.Two ASPI Host Adapters DetectedThis display appears when two ASPI host adapters aredetected. The interrupt channels and I/O Base Address inHexadecimal appear for each host adapter connected.&Use Adapter 1@With this option, Host Adapter 1 will be used for yourPowerTape installation.&Use Adapter 2@Choose this option to use Host Adapter 2 for your PowerTapeinstallation.&Change Adapter 1@To change the settings of the Host Adapter 1, select thisoption. You can change the interrupt or the I/O Baseaddress.&Change Adapter 2@To change the settings for Host Adapter 2, choose thisoption. You can change the interrupt or the I/O Baseaddress.ASPI Host Adapter ConflictThis display appears when the same interrupt or I/Obase address is selected for 2 different ASPI hostadapters.For each to run effectively, they must be at differentinterrupts or I/O base addresses.&Changing the ASPI Host Adapter@This display takes you to the Hardware Setups display whereyou can change the settings. For information on changing thesettings on the board, refer to your Hardware InstallationGuide.One ASPI Host Adapter DetectedOne ASPI Host Adapter has been detected on your computer.You have three options from this display. You want to besure that you choose a unique address for your tape drive.&Use Current Settings@With this selection, the current settings are used for thePowerTape installation. The default settings are:12 - Interrupt140 I/O Base Address in Hexadecimal&Install New@Choose this option if you want to add a new ASPI Host Adapterfor PowerTape. You may be using another ASPI host adapterfor another tape drive or another 1510 or 1520 card.&Change Current@Select this option to change the current settings for yourASPI Host Adapter. You can change the interrupt settings orthe I/O base address.Hardware SetupsOn this display you can enter the settings for your ASPIHost Adapter board.&Interrupt@Choose the Interrupt channel for your board. The interruptselected for the tape drive must not be used forany other device in your computer. If an interruptconflict does occur, the tape drive will not function.The default setting is 12.&I/O Base Address in Hexadecimal@This indicates the starting I/O address which the board usesto communicate with your computer. The I/O address selectedfor the tape drive must not be used by any other device inyour computer. If a conflict does occur, the tape drive willnot function. The default setting is 140.The manuals accompanying your computer and any peripheraldevices should provide #Interrupt@ and #I/O address@ usageinformation.&Scheduler@&To enter your Scheduler selection:@There are several ways to enter your selection intocheckboxes.1. Press the space bar.2. Click on the checkbox with your left mouse button.3. Enter an x or X.The Scheduler software must be installed as explained in theUser's Guide to use any of the Scheduler features.Scheduler allows you to perform tape operations when yourcomputer is not in use. Routine and/or time-consumingoperations such as daily backups or formatting a tape can bedone at your convenience.SchedulerScheduler is a powerful tool you can use to automate yourbackups. With Scheduler you can run your tape operationsovernight or other times when your computer is not in use.You are provided with eight schedule slots to use for tapeoperations. Each tape operation can be scheduled to occuron a weekly basis, such as every Monday, or by specific date.From this display you can schedule 6 types of Operations.Your &Operation@ selections are:#S@ to schedule a Selective Backup#M@ to schedule a Modified Backup#T@ to schedule a Total Backup#F@ to schedule a Tape Format#B@ to schedule a Batch File#A@ to schedule Automatic Backup (This option is notavailable when installed with Windows launcher.)&Drive@Enter the drive to backup in the Drive field. It is notnecessary to type the colon.&Time@Enter the time for your selected Operation to begin. Thedefault time is 11:59 pm. You can enter any time you wantfor the operation to begin. Use a 12-hour format andindicate am or pm.&Weekly@Use your space bar or click with your mouse to select thedays of the week you want the tape operation to occur. Theoperation is performed every week on the selected day(s)until you change the entry. To remove a day entry, simplyremove the letter by pressing the space bar or clicking withyour mouse. You can schedule a tape operation for one ormore days of the week.&Date@Key a date when you want the tape operation to occur. Thedefault date is today's date. You may type the date of yourchoice, following the format MMDDYYYY. To schedule a tapeoperation for June 19, 1996 you would key 06-19-1996.#Tag List@If you want to Schedule a Selective Backup, you mustenter a Drive and then a tag list before you can enter yourTime, Weekly or Date selections. Your Tag List are the filesyou want to include in your Selective Backup.#Delete Line@To delete a line:1. Highlight the line you want to delete.2. Choose the Delete Line option.#Changing Schedule Lines@You cannot change the schedule options once accepted.Therefore, to change your schedule you must delete the linesand re-enter them.#OK@To exit the Schedule screen and save your changes, choose OKor .#Cancel@To exit the Schedule screen and not save your changes, chooseCancel or .&For Scheduler to begin:@1. Be sure to insert a tape in the tape drive.2. Be sure to exit from the tape software. For DOS you must be at a DOS prompt. In addition, your computer must be idle for 30 seconds before the scheduled operation begins.3. Just as your operation is to begin, the software signals you with four beeps. You can cancel the pending scheduled operation by pressing the hotkey from the DOS prompt.4. If you installed Scheduler under Windows, the software signals you with a dialog box when a tape operation is to begin. The dialog box appears for 15 seconds. You can cancel the pending operation by pressing Cancel. You must be in Windows for the scheduled tape operation to begin.& AB-10 Tape Adapter Board@You can use the Tape Adapter Board with the followingconfigurations:1) External tape drive2) Internal tape drive and two or more diskette drives.#Note:@ No Tape Adapter Board is available for PS/2 machines.Tape CRT&Tape CRT@The purpose of this utility is to provide an interactivetool to help you place the tape drive where electricalinterference is minimized.Some monitors generate electrical interference whichcauses errors during the operation of the backup system.By changing the location of the tape drive, this problemcan be minimized or eliminated.To run this test, insert a tape in the tape drive and typeTAPE CRT at the DOS prompt. If electrical interference isaffecting the tape drive, the message "ELECTRICALINTERFERENCE" is displayed and a tone sounds. Change thelocation of the tape drive or computer monitor until thetone and message disappear.BACKUP PATHEnter a path designating the part of your file systemdirectory to be loaded into memory. Your home directoryautomatically appears on the editing line and can bechanged if you wish to backup files starting from anotherdirectory.A Total Backup includes all files in the path you enter.A Selective Backup can include only files from the path youenter. [End of Text]Error LoggingThe software automatically logs errors during any tapeoperation. Any errors are logged and can be viewed bychoosing the Error Log selection at the end of the operation.Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the logfile. Errors are always logged to the same file: ERROR.LOG.unless you renamed the ERROR.LOG file from your Backup,Compare or Restore display. This file remains on your harddisk; all subsequent tape operations overwrite this file.Restore Owner and Group IDEnter X to restore the owner and group identification as itappears on the backup volume. Leave this field blank toassign the owner and group identification to the userrestoring the data.Enter Tape NameEnter a tape name up to 11 characters. The tape name isdisplayed on the Tape Status and Operation Status screens.If you do not enter a tape name, a default tape name based onthe current time and date is written on the tape.Configure&Auto Configure@Press or click on the Auto Configure button.With this option the software selects the I/O address,DMA and IRQ channels. If any of the automaticallyselected parameters are used by another device, yourcomputer may lock up. Should this happen, reboot yourcomputer and configure the tape controller card usingManual Configure option.&Manual Configure@Press or click on the Manual Configure option.In this mode the software prompts you to configure your tapecontroller card. Have the manuals for your computer and anyperipheral devices handy to help you select available I/Oaddresses, DMA and IRQ channels. Use this mode if you havedifficulties with Auto Configure or tape software.The software was unable to locate a tape controller board.Please re-install the board and repeat the installationprocedure. If this does not correct the problem, refer toyour Hardware Installation manual.&Hardware Setups@This screen displays the configuration parameters in useby your tape drive. If you want to change any of thisinformation, you must run the Configuration program.&Changing Hardware Setups@#Running Config from DOS:@To change the hardware setups, run the Configuration programby typing CONFIG at the DOS prompt and pressing Enter.#Running Config from Windows:@Select the Config icon by double-clicking on it.&DMA Channel@The tape controller board must use a Direct MemoryAccess (DMA) Channel to communicate with your computerand to transfer data to and from the tape drive.If possible, select a DMA channel for the tape drive that noother device is using.#8086 or 8088-based computers@If you have an 8086 or 8088-based computer, DMA channel 3 isreserved for hard disk use and may not be selected for useby the tape drive.#80286 and 80386 computers@DMA channel 3 is open and may be used for the tape drive.In all of these types of computers DMA channel 2 is used bythe diskette drive(s). You may select DMA channel 2 for useby the tape drive without adversely affecting performanceexcept when backing up diskettes. In this case, the tapesoftware automatically switches to non-concurrent DMA modewhich prevents corruption of the data but does slow thecommunication process somewhat.#Network users@DMA channel 1 is used by some network systems. If you areusing a network, check with your network administrator formore information.&DMA Channel for Compression@In addition to the main DMA channel, the compressionsection of the TC-15 Jumperless Tape Controller With DataCompression must also use a DMA channel between 1 and 7for communication. You may not share a single DMA channelfor both setups.#80286 and 80386 computers@DMA channels 4 through 7 are available only on 80286 and80386-based computers. The use of these DMA channels isundefined in most computers, which means that any of thefour should work. Check your computer and peripheral devicemanuals for information on use of these DMA channels.#8086 and 8088 computers@If your computer is 8086 or 8088-based, you must chooseanother DMA channel for compression. You may use only DMAchannels 1 and 2. Do not use DMA channel 3 in these typesof computers!If your computer does not have two free DMA channels,you must select OFF when configuring the DMA Channelfor Compression. Be aware that doing so disables hardwaredata compression and further degrades the performanceof your tape controller. You can use software datacompression as explained in the User Guide.&Interrupt@The tape controller must use an Interrupt between 2and 7. The interrupt selected for the tape drive must notbe used by any other device in your computer.If an interrupt conflict does occur, the tape drive will notfunction. The manuals accompanying your computer and anyperipheral devices should provide interrupt usageinformation.&I/O Base Address in Hexadecimal@This setup indicates the starting I/O address whichthe tape controller uses to communicate with yourcomputer. The I/O address selected for the tape drive mustnot be used by any other device in your computer.If an I/O address conflict does occur, the tape drive willnot function. The manuals accompanying your computer and anyperipheral devices should provide I/O address usageinformation.#Note:@ I/O Start Address 370 is not valid for usewith tape controller boards with hardware data compression.Tape Controller Board MenuIdentify the type of tape controller board you haveinstalled in your computer. The name is printed on eachboard, but there are also obvious physical differencesbetween them.&TC-15 Jumperless Tape Controller with Compression@The TC-15 Jumperless Tape Controller with Hardware DataCompression is nearly a full-length board (about 8 incheslong). It has two large square chips mounted on it.Choose this option if you have installed this board inyour computer.&FC-10 Jumperless Tape Controller@The FC-10 Jumperless Tape Controller is a half-length board(about 6 inches long). It has a large square chip mounted onit. Choose this option if you have installed this board inyour computer.&AB-10 Tape Adapter Board@The Tape Adapter Board is a half-length board (about 6inches long). No large square chips are mounted onthis board. It has only rectangular chips mounted on it.Choose this option if you have installed this board in yourcomputer.The QIC-02 Jumperless Tape Controller With Compression isa full- length board (13 inches long). Press F1 if youhave installed this board in your computer.The QIC-02 Host Adapter is a half-length board (4inches long). This board has a number of jumper blocksand a DIP switch block mounted on it. Press F2 if youhave installed this board in your computer.Hardware SetupsThis screen allows you to select the configurationparameters. The default values shown on the screen arerecommended as a starting point for Manual Configurationand should be tried unless you know of a specific conflictin usage.To select the desired value, use the up and down arrowkeys to highlight the parameter you want to change. Awindow showing the valid options is displayed in the lowerright portion of the screen.Use the left and right arrow keys to highlight the desiredvalue. Move on to the next parameter if desired. When youhave selected the desired values, choose OK to install thetape controller board configuration displayed on the screen.Before changing any of the configuration information,check the manuals accompanying your computer and anyperipheral devices for information on DMA, Interrupt, andI/O Channel use. The parameters you select for the tapecontroller board should not be used by any otherdevices. Read the following discussion for morecomplete information.The setup categories are defined below: Configuration Unsuccessful! Installation Unsuccessful!&Potential Conflict@This screen appears if there are potential conflictsbetween the chosen tape controller installationparameters and your operating system configuration files.Potential conflicts are not necessarily fatal. Conflictsreported on this screen may be caused by devices that areseldom or never used. You must check the operating systemconfiguration files (/etc/conf/cf.d/mdevice and sdevicefor UNIX, /usr/sys/io/master for Xenix) for informationon the specific conflicts.If there is a conflict between a chosen tape controllerinstallation parameter and a device you use often, modifythe install parameters by entering Y at the prompt. If afterexamining the system configuration files you decide thatthere are no actual conflicts, enter N to continuewith the installation with the parameters displayed.You may install the backup system software on any harddisk. The installation procedure is menu-driven andself-explanatory. The installation process takes only afew minutes. Enter the appropriate information inresponse to the prompts. If you are unsure how to respondto a prompt, press F1 for Help.After installing the software, you may want to review orchange the system default settings. These options areexplained under Setups on the Help Menu which you canaccess from the Main Menu of the tape software by pressingF1.Configuration MenuThis program allows you to set all hardware parameterswithout re-installing the tape backup system software. Youcan also choose to install Scheduler from this menu.Select Hardware Configuration to continue.Press Cancel to exit.Program DisketteRemove the &INSTALL DISK@ from your diskette drive. Insertthe diskette labeled &PROGRAM DISK@ and press Enter or OKto continue installation.Press Cancel to return to the Install Menu.Install DisketteRemove the &PROGRAM DISK@ from your diskette drive. Insertthe diskette labeled &INSTALL DISK@ and press Enter or OKto continue installation.Press Cancel to return to the Install Menu.#Linked Files and Directories@Linked files and directories are restored under UNIX butnot under DOS. When tagging, the byte count is accurate.Tagging more than one instance of a linked file ordirectory will not affect the byte count. When the tapeoperation starts under DOS, only the first occurrence ofthe linked file or directory will be restored orcompared.VIDEO DISPLAYIf you have a color monitor, type "Y" and press enter. Ifyou have a monochrome monitor, simply press enter tocontinue.Enter Software Installation DestinationSelect the drive and directory where you want to install thebackup system software. The default drive letter is C:,the default directory is TAPE.&Changing the Software Destination@To change either or both of these selections simply type overthe defaults. When you have selected a drive and directoryfor the tape backup software, press OK or Enter to continue.Board Selection&Boards@If you installed one of the tape controllers listed onthis screen in your computer, type X and press enter.You will then be prompted to configure the tape controller.See your Installation Guide for more information.If you did not install a tape controller in your computer,leave this option blank and press enter twice or OK tocontinue.&To enter selections for checkboxes:@There are several ways to enter your selection intocheckboxes.1. Press the space bar.2. Click on the checkbox with your left mouse button.3. Enter an x or X.Scheduler InstallationScheduler allows you to run tape operations while yourcomputer is not in use. Scheduler is made possible by amemory-resident program that uses a schedule you set up tostart tape operations.If you choose to install Scheduler the install programmodifies your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. See your User's Guide orScheduler help text for more information on using Scheduler.To install Scheduler, click on the checkbox or press thespace bar and press Enter or OK to accept your choice. An Xappears in the checkbox when selected.If you do not want to install Scheduler, simply press enteror OK to continue.&To enter selections for checkboxes:@There are several ways to enter your selection intocheckboxes.1. Press the space bar.2. Click on the checkbox with your left mouse button.3. Enter an x or X.Special Install Case SelectionIf your computer model is displayed on this screen,type X and press enter to continue. These computersrequire special backup system software configuration.The installation program automatically configures thebackup system software accordingly.If your computer model is not displayed on this screen,simply press enter to continue.&To enter selections for checkboxes:@There are several ways to enter your selection intocheckboxes.1. Press the space bar.2. Click on the checkbox with your left mouse button.3. Enter an x or X. Colorado Memory Systems offers: Free Unlimited Customer Support 1-800-346-9881Please call the number above for service or product information.EMS SUPPORTIf your computer has expanded memory and you haveinstalled a LIM 4.0 EMS driver, you can enable thebackup system software to use this memory. The backupsystem software uses EMS to store directory informationthat exceeds the capacity of conventional memory. Ifyou have a large number of files, this feature can speedup your backups. If you do not have a LIM 4.0 EMS driverinstalled or your directory structure fits inconventional memory, enabling this option does not affectthe performance of your backup system.To enable LIM 4.0 EMS support, type Y and press enter.To disable LIM 4.0 EMS support, type N and press enter. The floppy controller chip detected in this computer is a brand and model that is known to have difficulty reading data from tapes. It records data correctly but may have trouble retrieving data at a later time. Please contact your customer support representative to resolve this problem. In the USA, call 1-800-346-9881&Micro Channel Computers@If you have a Micro Channel Architecture computer, typeX and press enter. If not, simply press enter tocontinue.#Note:@ You cannot install a Colorado Memory Systemscontroller card if you have a Micro Channel based computerusing XENIX. You must run the tape hardware from thefloppy disk controller.&To enter selections for checkboxes:@There are several ways to enter your selection intocheckboxes.1. Press the space bar.2. Click on the checkbox with your left mouse button.3. Enter an x or X.&View Tape Directory@With this option you can display and print tape contents.You may need this information when you are restoring filesor sharing data with other users.This option allows you to list and print the tape volumes,tape directories, and files stored on your tape.View Tape VolumeChoose the Tape Volume you want to view or print. If yourtape is #password protected@, you will be prompted to enterthe password. You can choose your tape volume byhighlighting it and pressing Enter or clicking on it withyour mouse.&Print Directory@Choose this option to print a list of tape volumes.&View Dir -@After you select a tape volume, choose this option to viewthe directories on the selected tape volume.View Tape DirectoryA listing of the directories on tape appear.&Up Dir +@Click on this button, key or plus sign (+) to listthe files and directories one level above the currentlevel.&Down Dir -@Click on this button, key or minus sign (-) to listthe files and directories one level below the directory inthe selection window.&Print Dir@Choose this option to print a list of the directories of thetape volume. This option prints a listing of alldirectories and files from the current level down.&Cancel@Choose Cancel to return to the Tape Volume directory display.Print Tape DirectoryChoose your print options. You can print to a file or toa printer.&Output Filename@If you choose to print your tape directory information toa file, enter a filename. By default, tape_dir.prn appears.The files are located in your tape directory.&Options@You can choose to Print to a File or Print to a Printer. Youcan choose one or both. By default, Print to File isselected.&Printer Port@If you choose to print your tape directory information to aprinter, you must select the printer port. By default, LPT1appears. Use your left and right arrow keys to cycle throughyour choices: LPT1, LPT2, and LPT3.For Scheduler to begin1. Be sure to insert a tape in the tape drive.2. Be sure to exit from the tape software. For DOS you must be at a DOS prompt. In addition, your computer must be idle for 30 seconds before the scheduled operation begins.3. If you are in another program or operation when your scheduled operation is to occur, the software signals you with four beeps. You can cancel the pending scheduled operation by pressing the hotkey from the DOS prompt.4. If you installed Scheduler under Windows, the software signals you with a dialog box when a tape operation is to begin. The dialog box appears for 15 seconds. You can cancel the pending operation by pressing Cancel. You must remain in Windows for the scheduled tape operation to occur.SchedulerTotal BackupSelective BackupModified Files BackupColorsTape StatusSoftware InstallationTape Drive Information&Wakeup Sequence Number@You may make changes to the "wakeup sequence number" that isused by the software to identify where or if your Trakker isconnected. This will be necessary only if a default sequencenumber interferes with another device that is daisy-chainedto your Trakker.There are 8 different sequence numbers, each made up of astring of bits. The default sequence number is 0. To changethe sequence number, simply choose another number. If thisfails to solve the problem, it may be necessary to connectthe Trakker to a different parallel port or to disconnectother devices sharing the same port.&Parallel Port Usage@There are three different types of parallel ports found inPCs:#Fast parallel port@The fast parallel port is the newest type port, offering thefastest data transfer. It is the only port that can operatein fast parallel port mode.#Bidirectional@The bi-directional port offers data transfer in bothdirections on the same lines.#Unidirectional@The unidirectional port is the original port found on PCs,and all three ports can run in unidirectional modes.The bi-directional port offers data transfer in bothdirections on the same lines, and both the fast paralleland the bidirectional port can run in any of the threebidirectional modes.The software will attempt to run in the most advantageousmode, depending on the port type it is connected to.If errors are encountered in backups or restores, you mayneed to change the port usage to a different setting.The table below shows all the usage modes.The choices you will have depend upon the type of parallelport Trakker is connected to. You will generally need toselect a lower number if errors occur during backup orrestore. 0 - Unidirectional, Full Handshake, 500Kb, Full Delay 1 - Unidirectional, Full Handshake, 500Kb, Optimize Delays 2 - Unidirectional, Full Handshake, 1Mb, Optimize Delays 3 - Unidirectional, Self Latch, 1Mb, Optimize Delays 4 - Bidirectional, Full Handshake, 500Kb, Optimize Delays 5 - Bidirectional, Full Handshake, 1Mb, Optimize Delays 6 - Bidirectional, Self Latch, 1Mb, Optimize Delays&Parallel Port Data@This screen displays the type of each of the parallel portsin your PC. There can be a maximum of three parallel ports.The three types of parallel ports in decreasing order ofdata throughput are:Fast parallel portBidirectional parallel portUnidirectional parallel portYou will usually obtain the best performance by connectingyour Trakker to the fastest port.The install and configure programs are designed to runregardless of whether or not the Trakker is connected toyour system. This affords the most flexibility wheninstalling and/or configuring your system software. Forinformation about what port your Trakker is connected to,run the program "tape.exe".You can review the current settings by selecting HardwareSetups from the Utilities Pull-down menu.&Advanced Options@The advanced options are used only when necessary to makechanges to the way the tape software communicates with theTrakker. The options should rarely be needed, and areprovided only for completeness. You must have alreadyconnected your Trakker and have run the "tape.exe" programprior to making any changes. If you subsequently connect theTrakker to a different port, you must similarly run"tape.exe" prior to making any advanced options changes.To perform advanced options, select this option. If you donot want to perform advanced options, simply press enter tocontinue.&Advanced Options@In order to make changes to the wakeup sequence number and /or the parallel port usage, you must first run the tapeprogram "tape.exe".Trakker must be connected, in order for the software to placeinformation about the connection in a system file.&Quick Reference@With this option you can hide and/or display the QuickReference text. After you are familiar with ColoradoBackup, you can hide this text.After you change this option, it appears as selected onthe Main Menu. NXYFMSSTTWHR &Abort AddressConflict at IO Base Address - default "%s" usedInvalid DMA or IRQ with tape controller in 8-bit slot.Appends the volume after last volume on tape
Backup started on %s at %s
Backup of Volume %-.11s

Writing Directory on Tape
%s Kbytes in %s File(s) to back up

Writing File(s) on Tape

Updating Tape Directory
Backup Backup Restore Erase Verify Format Search Compare Setup Retension Enter drive to back up (example - C:)KBYTE COUNT TOTAL NOT INCREMENTED FOR LINKED FILE(S)Enter the error log file
&Cancel%-31s: %c

Current setup parameters:

Backup only modified filesMulti-volume backupCompress file data:Hardware data compression type:Software data compression type:Restore user and group IDDisable system cache:Overwrite on restorePrint file namesAutomatic compare after backupUse subdirectoriesHigh speed data compressionWaiting for DriveInstallation disk is not in Drive A:.Closing tape drive...Colors...Colo&rs...Com&pareCompare NONEOPTIMIZE SPACEOPTIMIZE TIMEConflict at Compression DMA ChannelEnter Drive to compare to (example - C:)Configuring hardware:successfulConfiguration successfulWARNING: ALL DATA ON THIS TAPE WILL BE DELETED.Co&ntinueDo you wish to continue?Customer Support InformationC&yanAutomatic second pass comparison
FriMonSatSunThuTueWedDelete &LineNo files tagged.Unable to tag/untag item - tag list fullDirectory link failedFILES TAGGED: KBYTES TAGGED: DMAConflict at DMA ChannelOFFThis volume may require multiple tapes.Automatic compare after backup disabled.

Please insert a formatted, empty tape, or one you wish to erase.
This tape appears to be unformatted.Do you wish to format this tape?Cannot overwrite previous tape.This tape is not erased.
Do you wish to erase this tape?Attempt to write on a QIC-40 formatted tape with a QIC-80 drivePlease insert next tape in chain.Sorry, wrong tape.
Do you wish to try another tape?File not foundUnreadable FileAccess denied - No dataShare violationOperating system error (%d)File size errorPath not foundToo many open filesAccess deniedInvalid access codeFile exists (not overwritten)Is differentFile creation errorProcess terminating...
&Down Dir -This drive was manufactured by Colorado Memory SystemsDrive Date of Manufacture:Drive Firmware Version: Tape Drive InformationThis drive was manufactured for %sDrive Serial Number: Drive Type/Model: Computing Drive Information:MM-DD-[YY]YY "mm-dd-[yy]yy"Compare only files that have this date or a later date
SavedComparedAccessing Novell network drive.
Unable to save all special network information and rights.
Continue the backup WITHOUT saving the network information?Unable to open error log.
Continue WITHOUT creating an error log?Error %d: Error correction failed, %d file(s) unreadable.
Error %d: Tape drive error (%02x).
Press any key to continue.
Not Saved.
Not Restored.RestoredVerifiedError %d: %s
Adaptec BIOS error detected. Tape drive performance degraded.Concurrent disk/tape operation disabled.
Accessing non-DOS drive.
Drive is already in use by another task.Unusable sector detected.Tape format failure.Tape is not formatted.Mistake in reentering password.Drive communication failure.Automatic compare unsuccessful.ErrorDirect file seek failed -- Repositioning tape.Disk not found.Operation canceled
Drive communication failure.Disk not ready.Unexpected end of volume.Unexpected end of tape.File not readable.Error in ioctl.
Please insert first tape in chain.
Disk Full.A QIC-80 formatted tape is suspected to be in a QIC-40 driveNot a valid path.Volume not found.Invalid password.Tape chaining terminated by user.Error &LogUnable to create destination directory.Tape controller/software incompatibility.New cartridge inserted.Error restoring some network rights information.The ASPI Host Adapter set at Install time was not detected.No ASPI Host Adapter Installed.Not enough memory to count files/Kbytes.No tape drive detected.No tape controller detected.Empty directory or no files matching path.No tape cartridge in drive.Volume is a continuation from a previous tape.No data on tape. Tape is erased.Program Error.Insufficient memory.Cannot access file for writing.Error while printingPrinter not readyNo print destination specifiedError opening output filePrinter ErrorError correction failed.Redirection not allowed on this volume.Unable to create backup file.Unable to create temporary file.Attempt to write on a QIC-350 formatted tape with a SCSI driveSeek error.Unable to switch to destination directory.Error while updating tape directory.Tape drive error (%02x).Tape is full.Drive communication failure.Too much electrical interference.Tape is not formatted.Tape is unreadable.Drive is not compatible with this software.Tape format incompatible with drive/software.Too many bad sectors.Error while writing bad sector map - tape may be corrupted.Not enough disk space for the virtual memory file.Fatal expanded memory error.Incompatible or insufficient expanded memory.Unable to open virtual memory file.Tape directory is full.Tape is write protected.Attempt to write on a QIC-40 formatted tape with a QIC-80 driveError while closing /dev/rjt1.
Error while opening /dev/rjt1.
Invalid File NameMissing CMSDTAPE.386 virtual device driver.File exists (not linked)E&xit SoftwareExit Software Total backup switch (specify path)
MODFiles have been selectedDo you want to cancel the operation?Error writing setups file.The setups file is now updated.Error reading setups file. Percent Done
Cannot access foreign operating system volume.
Enter a unique name for the blank tape: Ma&genta[="filename"] ["filename"]Enter the tag list file
Accessing Volume DirectoryEnter error log file name Enter password:Enter tag file name: Volume title: TAPE SYSTEMHardware SetupsHardware SetupsHost Adapter ID: unsuccessfulInvalid Network Drive.Invalid directory nameNo valid I/O address available for tape controller.No floppy disk detectedIncorrect floppy diskInvalid option %s -- Valid options are:

Invalid format of %c%c. Valid format:

Invalid error log name or pathIRQConflict at IRQ ChannelNo user query on tape linking
Compress file data on backup
High speed data compression
&LaptopLink permission deniedLoading FilesInsufficient memory to display directory contents.Insufficient memory to sort directory contents.Date is invalid.Time is invalid.[="password"]Password to use for volume security (locking)
Main MenuVERIFYSETUPSHELP/?Invalid command %s -- Valid commands are:

Invalid option %s -- This command has no options.

Following is a usage list of valid tape system commands:

To insure optimum performance, reboot before running the tape system.

To execute the tape menu system, type '%s' and press the ENTER key.

To install the Scheduler backup program, reboot the system.

To ensure proper installation, please power off your computer.

To install ASPI Host Adapter, reboot the system.RESTORECOMPAREERASEFORMATSEARCHRETENSIONMemory Corrupted.Do you wish to cancel the tape operation?Actual time:Kbytes remaining:Tape Kbytes used:Compression:Time remaining:Estimated total time:Files remaining:(Errors logged)Operation successfulOperation:StatisticsoffFile:&FileFile &Help!Help! &OptionsOptions &UtilitiesUtilities &ViewView Untag matched filesFiles to tag:Tag only modified filesON and AFTER date:ON and BEFORE date:Tag files in subdirectoriesTag Parameters&MonoMulti-volume backup is disabled. Existing volumes will be erased.Back up modified files only
&NoVolume is not compatible with QIC standard.File in use; Unknown user/object; NETERRNovell access error (%08lx)Could not open novell rights file [NOVRIGHT.INF]
Saving special network information and rights
Restoring special network information and rights
File in useUnknown Object TypeNot changedDir Info: %sCould not write novell rights to disk [NOVRIGHT.INF]File Info: %sMacintosh Resource: %sTrustee: %s (%s)Rights for: %sCan't restore Netware 3.x information to Netware 2.x
Cannot access network rights on a drive mapped as ROOTUnable to detect tape controller at given I/O address.Rights will not be restored because of path redirectionTag File not found[="name"]Puts a name on the tape
Is original instanceOverwrite files being restored
Enter password:Password protectReenter password:Hardware Setups...Scheduler... Percent Completed PERMISSIONSPrinter port:LPT1LPT2LPT3Volume #%3d Created on %s at %s Ver: %d.%02d-%x.%x Ver: %d.%02d-%c%cVolume title: %-44.44sVolume label: %s%-11.11sChain number: %2d

Volume size: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED&Print DirPrint Date:tape_dir.prnOutput FilenamePrinting Tape DirectoryTape DirectoryPrint Time:Print DirectoryPrint to FilePrint to PrinterVolume Directory Tape Status Error Status %s File(s) did not compare %s File(s) had operating system errors%s File(s) exist (NOT overwritten)Kbytes available: %sKbytes used: %sErrors corrected: %sUnusable sectors: %sUncorrectable errors: %sProbable bad DMA controller - %d bad recalc's%s File(s) Unreadable Warning - Excessive format errors.Discard tape cartridge - or - Clean head and reformat tape.Caution - excessive read errors.Clean read/write head - or - Replace tape cartridge. NOTES: - The []'s surround optional text.
- Usage information for a specific command may be obtained
by typing: %s %ch
Product ID: Product InformationThe tape software may not be installed on drive A:Error log file nameRedirect to path (blank if default)Optional Starting PathPROM Revision Code: &About...D&rive Info...Forma&t...Hard&ware Setups...&Quick Erase...&RetensionSchedu&ler...&Security Erase...&Software Setups...Tape &Status&Support Info...&Tape Directory...Print out file names
QIC-40QIC-80&Quick Start Reference - ONBACKUPkey to compare fileson tape to files on disk.Click on the Backup button orkey to copy files to tape.RESTOREClick on the Restore button orkey to copy files fromtape to any drive destination.COMPAREClick on the Compare button orQuick Start Reference&Quick Start Reference - OFFQuick Erase (done if nothing specified)
%s Kbytes in %s file(s) to %s

restorecompareRestore network rights from this tape volume? Reading File(s)
&RestoreRestore &Restore ParametersSOME EXISTING DATA MAY BE DESTROYED.WARNING - OVERWRITE OF DISK IS ENABLED.Tape is a continuation. Cannot access volume directory.Retension TapeThe tape is being retensionedTape Retension will take approximately 3 minutesRetension time: %3d min %3d sec&RoyalEnter drive to restore to (example - C:)To modify the hardware setups, please run the config program.Read only mode: modify bit not reset when file is
DMA sharing is not allowed.&Save ParametersSaving setupsScheduleBackup Menu&Selective&Total&Modified files onlyBackup &Now&SchedulerAccessing disk directoryFILESKBYTESfor file and Kbyte count totalsPATH:Selective BackupNAMETYPEDATETIMEKBYTESOPERATIONBYTESCompare TapeRestore To DiskFormat OptionsFormat &Now&Schedule FormatFormat TapeHelp Menu&Backup&RestoreCom&pare&File&ViewOp&tions&UtilitiesSchedu&lerModified Files BackupScheduleDRIVEWEEKLYORQuick EraseSchedule has been changed!For Scheduler to work, you must first exit the software and letyour computer sit idle for 30 seconds prior to scheduled event.Security EraseTotal BackupTape StatusDISK LABELSCSI Manager ID: Auto Tape/Disk data comparison after backupFile sort type:EXTENSIONNO SORTHardware data compression type:Software data compression type:DMA CHANNEL FOR COMPRESSION: BOARD:ID:Overwrite existing files during restoreReset file archive attributeConcurrent Disk/Tape operationTAPE ADAPTER BOARD INSTALLED (Y/N):TAPE INTERFACE CARD TYPE (<- OR -> TO CHANGE):DMA CHANNEL: INTERRUPT: I/O BASE ADDRESS IN HEXADECIMAL:Multi-volume Backup&SlateSoftware SetupsSource file not foundTape name: Kbytes available: Compressed Kbytes available: Kbytes used: Volumes recorded: Unusable sectors: Format type: Last format: Select the type of backup you want or Cancel to return to Main MenuEnter drive prompt and optional starting path for BackupEnter drive prompt and optional redirection path for file comparisonEnter drive prompt for Backup of files modified since last BackupEnter drive prompt and optional starting path for redirectionOK to continue, Cancel or to return to Main MenuSelect Cancel or to return to Main MenuPress to display Help Menu selects menu pulldown moves around dialog boxEnter up to 11 characters to identify your tapeEnter password to protect your BackupEnter password that protects your BackupSelect OK to printSelect Print Dir to print tape volumes, View Dir to print volume directoryPrint Dir prints directory tree, Up and Down Dir changes directory levelOK accepts current displayed schedules, Cancel or removes changesYou can Schedule this operation or perform it nowOK accepts current setups, Cancel or removes changesUse the right mouse button, space bar, or options above to select filesSelect tape volume to Compare or View Dir to view volume directorySelect tape volume to Restore or View Dir to view volume directoryEnter options for your Tape BackupDetermining Tape StatusInclude files in subdirectories
&TagTagging Files&Tag/Untag AllDifferent drives appear in tag fileTag File - line %d: Invalid tag file formatInvalid tag file option&Tag ListWorkingAccessing Tape DirectoryView Tape DirectoryThis is not a subdirectory.This directory is empty.No directories above this directory.Sorting FilesTAPE INSTALL/CONFIGURE VERSIONPlease enter correct date:Please enter correct time:Too many linksTrakker Connection StatusTRAKKER SETUPSTrakker SetupsUNDER LICENSE TO %sMANUFACTURED BY COLORADO MEMORY SYSTEMS, INC.MANUFACTURED FORSERIAL NUMBER: Verifying Volume %d
Error during verification of Volume %d
Error during verification.AutomaticBatchFormatModifiedSelectiveTotalReading Tape Directory
Erasing Existing Volumes
Saving to Volume %d %s %s
Starting Automatic Compare Pass
Data Kbytes: %sFiles: %sBackup time: %3d min %3d secTotal time: %3d min %3d secFiles compared ok: %sFiles different: %sCompare time: %3d min %3d secErasing Tape Directory
Erasing All Data on Tape
Erase time: %3d min %3d secERROR %d - Formatting Tape(This will take approximately %d minutes.)

Format time: %3d min %3d secThe system cannot be booted from drive "B".The floppy in drive "A" is not a system disk.TAPE SYSTEM INSTALLATIONUNSUCCESSFULTape configuration file cannot be found. Please reinstall your software.

Volume created on %s at %s
Volume from %-.11s
Volume title: %-.44s

Reading Volume Directory
Restore time: %3d min %3d sec
Enter volume number to search in {or to exit} > Not a valid volume.
Volumes: %sSearch time: %3d min %3d sec

Reading Volume #%d
[="title"] ["title"]Entry incomplete.Date is already past.Set Date?Scheduled Backup of Drive %cNeed to delete line.Please input a valid drive.Enter tag list.Scheduler not installed: See manualAll entries filled.Schedule file missing: see manualEnter operationTime is already past.Puts a title on the volume
Volumes tested: %sFiles not readable: %sVerify time: %3d min %3d secLinked (not overwritten)File linked (not compared)Link createdLink failedUnable to open "Master" file.Unable to open "Space.c" file.Unable to open "System" file.UNIX path too long for DOSUnknownVolume compression type is unsupported.&Up Dir +
NOTE: The []'s surround optional text. If a "%c" is specified
the option is not used.

USAGE: [options]
[path] [options]
[source path] [dest path] [options]
Restore user and group id
View &Dir -(Chain #: %2d)OTHERView Volume Directory TITLE: =xxxVolume number xxx to read (Volume 1 if not specified)
WarningColorado Backup - DOS&Wildcard TagIncompatible SCSI Device DetectedServer name mismatch.
Network rights not restored.(Previous name = "%s"; Current name = "%s")
Write out options to the default file
&Yes(Y/N)Disables system cache (486 machines only)
Host Adapter 1Host Adapter 2DO YOU WANT TO PERFORM ADVANCED OPTIONS?1 ASPI Host Adapter Detected2 ASPI Host Adapters DetectedBase Address of Installed Host Adapter: Base Address of New Host Adapter: A non-compatible ASPI Host Adapter has been detected.To avoid an interrupt conflict, verify that the non-compatibledoes not use the interrupt selected for the AHA-1510 board.Interrupt of Installed Host Adapter: Interrupt of New Host Adapter: Conflict Between New and Installed ASPI Host AdaptersConfiguration SuccessfulChan&ge Adapter 1Change Adapte&r 2Chan&ge CurrentHard&ware ConfigurationCONFIGUREConfiguration MenuCopying File: 3COM ROOTDIR%c installed for Drive: %cDo you want to add any more network fixed drives?Enter the network fixed drive to add:Install DestinationInstall Software in Directory:Install Software on Fixed Disk Drive:Install MenuInstall &EnglishInstall F&renchInstall &SpanishInstall &NorskInstall &GermanInstall &FinnishInstall D&anishInstall S&wedishInstall &Italian&Install NewScheduler InstallationXANSI.SYS has been detected with MS-DOS 5.0. Due to a conflictbetween XANSI.SYS and MS-DOS 5.0, complete mouse support may notbe available. To ensure full mouse support, replace XANSI.SYSwith the ANSI.SYS provided with DOS.Please Insert the Program DiskPlease Insert the Install DiskIf your computer locks up, cycle power and use manual configure.YOU MUST RUN THE TAPE.EXE PROGRAM BEFORE MAKING CHANGESParallel PortsTAPE BACKUP SYSTEMTRAKKER Connected to:LPT1 Parallel Port Type:Address of Parallel Port:LPT2 Parallel Port Type:Type of Parallel Port:LPT3 Parallel Port Type:WAKEUP SEQUENCE OPTION:PARALLEL PORT USAGE:UnidirectionalBidirectionalFast Parallel Port0278037803BCOperational Mode of Port:Interrupt Active (if any):LPT1LPT2LPT3Please note the following setups:No Parallel Port was Found - Check your PCPlease note your parallel port(s) type:Updating Configuration FileInstall the Backup SchedulerEnter the Drive Your System Boots From:Insert Your Boot Diskette in Drive "A:".Please Press the Space Bar to Continue.Checking CONFIG.SYS FileCreating Setup FileChecking AUTOEXEC.BAT Filerem start of Scheduler
rem start of Schedulerrem end of Scheduler&TC-15 JUMPERLESS TAPE CONTROLLER WITH COMPRESSIONTC-15 JUMPERLESS TAPE CONTROLLER WITH COMPRESSION&FC-10 JUMPERLESS TAPE CONTROLLERFC-10 JUMPERLESS TAPE CONTROLLER&AB-10 TAPE ADAPTER BOARDAB-10 TAPE ADAPTER BOARDSuccessfulUse installed tape adapter board3COM Total Backup CapabilityEnabledNot EnabledTC-15M MICROCHANNEL TAPE CONTROLLER WITH COMPRESSIONPlease send in your Buyer Registration Card.Install one of the following boards:Board SelectionSpecial Install SelectionAutomatic ConfigurationBoot Drive SelectionFile TransferInstall tape drive in one of the following computers:3COM InstallationUse &1Use &2Use &3Use &4&Auto ConfigureTape Controller Board MenuAT&T model 6300Olivetti model M-24XEROX 6060 seriesSperry model HT&Manual ConfigureDo you have a QIC-02 Host Adapter?Testing I/O Base Address&Use Adapter 1Use Ada&pter 2&Use CurrentWakeup Sequence/Parallel Port UsageALL RIGHTS RESERVEDPending Scheduled tape operations canceled.The Scheduled tape operation completed.Schedule file for Tape Scheduler resident program is missing.Scheduler - Version &CancelTape Backup: ErrorTape Backup's Scheduler is unable to allocate a timer.Unable to decode errorWindows is unable to create the Scheduler's icon.An unrecoverable system error has occurred in the Scheduler. You may want to try the following:
1. Exit Windows and verify your schedules using the tape software.
2. Reboot your computer and restart Windows and again check your schedules.
3. Note the error codes to report to Colorado Memory System's Customer Support.An unrecoverable system error has occurred in the Scheduler. You may want to try the following:
1. Begin the tape software and delete your schedules within the program. Retype them and save them again.
2. Reboot your computer and restart Windows.
3. In your Tape Backup directory, delete the scheduler file, SCHED.CFG, restart Windows and re-enter your schedules in Colorado Backup.
4. Note the error codes to report to Colorado Memory System's Customer Support.The Scheduler was unable to find the Tape Backup software. You may try the following:
1. Verify the path to the Tape Backup software found in the WIN.INI file.
2. Restore your tape software from a previous backup.
3. Reinstall the software from the installation disks.The Scheduler for Tape Backup is already running. Only one copy of this program may run at a time. If you cannot see the Scheduler running, exit and restart Windows.The path specified for the Tape Backup software is incorrect.Scheduler found an invalid class name in the Windows tasklist.Scheduler attempted to load a non-Windows program.An invalid value for the month has been found in the schedule file.Scheduler is unable to close schedule file.Scheduler is unable to obtain a space in memory.Scheduler is unable to read schedule file.The Scheduler is not able to initialize.Scheduler cannot find the Tape Backup files.Scheduler is unable to find schedule file.Not enough memory to run Tape Backup.Verify the tape directory path is correct in the WIN.INI file.Only one copy of the Scheduler can be running.Scheduler is unable to open schedule file.An unrecoverable error has occurred in the Scheduler.Windows is unable to register the Scheduler.Error Space Allocation Failure.Unknown schedule type encountered in schedule file.You must run the tape software with Windows version 3.0 or above.Scheduler has encountered a Windows error.&OKThe scheduled Tape process will begin. This program must execute exclusively and will not complete if run in the background. Press Cancel or OK to continue.Scheduler

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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