Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : SURFSUP.ZIP
Filename : SURFSUP.WRI

Output of file : SURFSUP.WRI contained in archive : SURFSUP.ZIP
1¾«8)-----.Surf's Up! version 1.0
Copyright 1993 by Zane Rathwick and AddSoft software

Legal Stuff:

Surf's Up! copyright 1993 by Zane Rathwick and AddSoft software. The names Surf's Up! and AddSoft are trademarks of Zane Rathwick, and AddSoft Software. All rights are reserved. Please register this software using the registration form included. For registered users, I will offer free upgrades for one year, software support, and other shareware programs written by me.

What is Surf's Up!?

Surf's Up! allows you to attach sounds to your icons. While there are other programs that attach sounds to Windows' events (dialog boxes, etc.), they don't allow you to attach sounds to individual programs. Enter Surf's Up!. With this program, you can choose your own favorite WAV files to play for each program in your shell (whether you use Progman.exe, Norton, or any other desktop shell). Also, Surf's Up! isn't running all the time using up your memory, slowing down your system, or conflicting with other sound programs. It plays its sound then exits cleanly, and the only pause is the length of the sound file you choose. This program will only work with Windows 3.1 and on a computer with a sound driver installed.

O.K. So How Do I Use Surf's Up!

Surf's Up! is actually two programs, the sound player and the configuration program. The only program that you need to manually use is the configuration program SURFINST.EXE.

Copy SURFSUP.EXE and SURFINST.EXE to the directory of your choice, however, the program will be easier to setup if you put SURFSUP.EXE somewhere in your path (like your Windows directory). Your WAV files can be anywhere you want.

Run SURFINST.EXE and follow this tutorial and we will setup a sound for NOTEPAD.EXE.

Phase One

First, click on the button labeled "Get Program". This will bring up a list of all of your programs in the current directory. Now switch to your Windows directory (ie. C:\Windows).

Once you are there, find the program NOTEPAD.EXE and highlight it by clicking your mouse on it, then click "OK".

Now, you should be back at the original screen. Notice that the first line holds your program name and the second holds the complete path to the program.

Next, click the button labeled "Get Wave". This will bring up the same list as before, except this time it will only list sound files (*.WAV), and also, the center button is activated.

Switch again to your Windows directory and highlight the file TADA.WAV. Once it is highlighted, click the center button labeled "Test Wave" and you should hear the sound. Click "OK".

Now, you are back at the original screen again. Click on the button marked "Save" then "Exit". If you want to configure other programs, just click save then follow the above directions for each additional program.

Phase Two

What we just did was tell Surf's Up! what sound to play for NOTEPAD.EXE. We now need to tell the Program Manager that it needs to look for a sound.

Find the icon for Notepad in the Program Manager and click on it once to highlight it. Then click on File and Properties in the menu bar (or press Alt+Enter) to bring up the properties box.

The second line should read "C:\Windows\Notepad.exe".
Change this to read "C:\Windows\Surfsup.exe Notepad.exe". Note: The path used in this line should reflect the path of Surfsup.exe, not Notepad.exe.

Note: The text in the boxes will scroll past the box's edge.

The last step is to change the icon back to its original state by clicking "Change Icon" and selecting "Notepad.exe" (This is explained in detail in your Windows manual). Then click "OK".

That's it, you're done! If you decide to change the sound for this icon in the future, just follow the steps in Phase One only.

Double-click on the Notepad icon and you should hear a WAV before the program starts.


A lot of time and effort goes into programming. I don't believe in crippling programs, slowing them down, or having undue nag boxes at inappropriate times. Please reward my efforts to bring you top-quality Shareware.

I am trying a new approach with Surf's up version 1.0, I am going to let you decide what it's worth. If you like Surf's up, send whatever registration fee you deem appropriate. People who send over $5.00 will receive a disk with other shareware programs written by me. Please fill out the enclosed registration form and mail it to:

Zane Rathwick
7552 Delta Wind Drive
Sacramento, CA 95831

orial and we will setup a sound for NOTEPAD.EXE.

Phase One

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  3 Responses to “Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : SURFSUP.ZIP
Filename : SURFSUP.WRI

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: