Dec 142017
This is the new driver for Windows 3.1 to support the Sound Blaster Pro card.
File SBPW31.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
This is the new driver for Windows 3.1 to support the Sound Blaster Pro card.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
MIDIMAP.CFG 44182 3140 deflated
MMCBOX.EXE 22016 6207 deflated
MMJBOX.EXE 22016 6169 deflated
OEMSETUP.INF 420 235 deflated
README.1ST 4728 1789 deflated
SBPAUX.DRV 4208 2096 deflated
SBPFM.DRV 12848 7026 deflated
SBPMIXER.EXE 29024 12817 deflated
SBPSND.DRV 15552 9135 deflated
VSBPD.386 5640 1906 deflated

Download File SBPW31.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

Dear Sound Blaster Pro User,
Please UnZip the contents of this zipfile into a diskette labeled

Sound Blaster Pro drivers for Windows v3.1
Copyright (c) Creative Labs, Inc.

This disk contains the latest drivers for the SoundBlaster Pro
and the SoundBlaster Pro Basic for Windows v3.1


File date Filename Description
4-06-92 README.1ST.....This document
4-06-92 MIDIMAP.CFG....Windows MIDI Map configuration
3-28-92 MMCBOX.EXE.....MultiMedia Chatterbox (.WAV player)
3-30-92 MMJBOX.EXE.....MultiMedia Jukebox (.MID player)
4-06-92 OEMSETUP.INF...Windows setup file
4-02-92 SBPAUX.DRV.....SoundBlaster Pro Auxiliary Audio Driver
4-02-92 SBPFM.DRV......SoundBlaster Pro FM
4-02-92 SBPMIXER.EXE...SoundBlaster Pro Mixer Utility
4-02-92 SBPSND.DRV.....SoundBlaster Pro Wave & MIDI Driver

4-02-92 VSBPD.386......Windows Virtual Device Driver

Installation Instructions:

1. Start Windows v3.1.

2. Open the Control Panel and select the Drivers icon.

3. Click on the ADD button.

4. Select Unlisted or Updated driver and click on OK.

5. Insert the floppy containing the drivers.

6. Type in the drive letter of the floppy drive containing the driver disk.

7. Select Sound Blaster Pro Auxiliary Audio and click on OK.

8. Windows will prompt you for the SoundBlaster I/O address. The default
I/O address is 220H. If you have changed the jumper on your card to
240H, then select 240H.

9. Windows will ask if you want to restart your system. Click on
DON'T RESTART, then repeat steps 3, 4, 5, and 6.

10. Select Sound Blaster Pro MIDI Synthesizer and click on OK.

11. Windows will ask if you want to use the current MIDIMAP.CFG
or install the new MIDIMAP.CFG - Select NEW and continue on.

12. Windows will prompt you for the SoundBlaster I/O address.
Repeat the instructions in step 8.

13. Windows will ask if you want to restart your system. Click on
DO NOT RESTART, then repeat steps 3, 4, 5, and 6.

14. Select Sound Blaster Pro Wave and MIDI and click on OK.

15. Windows will prompt you for the SoundBlaster I/O address, Interrupt, and
DMA channel. Choose the settings your card is set to and continue on.

16. Windows will ask if you want to restart your system. Click on
RESTART NOW. Windows will then restart.

17. If you run into problems, check your SYSTEM.INI by choosing RUN from
the File menu of the Program Manager, and typing SYSEDIT in the
commandline box. Check your [Drivers] and [sndblst.drv] sections.
They should look something like this:



A MIDI-MAP has been created to make use of SBPFM.DRV, please use the MIDI
MAPPER icon under Control Panel to customize it to your requirements.

Under Windows v3.1, MIDI channel 10 is referenced as the drum channel.
If you are having problems with the FM synth not sounding "right", try
modifying the configuration with the MIDI Mapper.

Two additional Windows applications are provided. They are MMJBOX.EXE and
MMCBOX.EXE, please copy them into your Windows directory.

*** I M P O R T A N T ***

We are including drivers that make use of Device Virtualization. These
drivers will allow DOS Apps that use the SoundBlaster to run in Enhanced

Please make sure that the line reading "device=vsbpd.386" under the [386Enh]
section in your SYSTEM.INI is correct. If it reads "device=vsbd.386",
simply change it to read "device=vsbpd.386". Make sure the file is in your
Windows SYSTEM directory. If it is not, copy it from the Drivers Disk.

The software and programs on this disk are copyrighted by Creative Labs,Inc.
and may not be distributed without the express written permission of
Creative Labs, Inc. The only valid distribution sites for these drivers are
the Creative Labs, Inc. BBS and the Multimedia Vendors Forum on CompuServe
(!GO MULTIVEN). If you obtained these drivers from any other source, they
may have been altered and should not be trusted.

Thank you,

Creative Labs, Inc.

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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