Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : MSDNDEMO.ZIP

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MSIN»>í±Q[P=ï†c=Welcome to the Microsoft Development Library,±A Few Words About This Demo9®What Is the Microsoft Developer Network?DºHow to Join the Developer Network (U.S. and Canada)G«How to Join the Developer Network (Outside N. America)¬What's New?.€ QListing of Technical Articlesš©£C/C++ Articles  þ°£FoxPro Articles%
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ü¯£Multimedia Articles$'°£SQL Server Articles&R°£Visual Basic Articles-}°£Visual C++ (16-bit) Articles-¨°£Visual C++ (32-bit) Articles1Ó°£Visual C++ 1.5 (16-bit) Articles*7¸£Windows (16-bit) Articles*‹·£Windows (32-bit) Articles3í½£Windows for Pen Computing Articles0¾£Windows for Workgroups Articles#C¾£WordBasic Articles 
DÓAsk Dr. GUI #17D
ÁÑTaxonomy 101--Species: programmer; Class: ambiguous&
ìÑNear-Death Experience3
ÒChild Psychology: Handle to Parent+
BÒBasic Communication Skills-
mÒCTL3D Not Installed Properly'
˜ÒChili with Simethicone(no title)= =~Flicker-Free Displays Using an Off-Screen DC754JWhat's New in Chicago for VxD Writers?(no title)E4JCreating a Computer-Based Training (CBT) Application'€RListing of Sample Code$R%²v3DDE and OLE Samples&R&Ýv3Miscellaneous Samples#R'w3Multimedia Samples%R(3w3Visual Basic Samples7R)^w3Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups-RߤWin32 and Windows NT Samples,€#+TBook and Periodical Samples €#.UProduct Samples+-×ߤLanguages0+à¤System Toolkits, DDKs, and SDKs/€#2VConference and Seminar Samples4.0æ¤DevCast III, December 1993, Samples-.19æ¤Tech*Ed, March 1993, Samples-.dæ¤Tech*Ed, March 1994, Samples€#WSample City24åæ¤DDE Samples25ç¤FoxPro Samples26;ç¤GDI Samples27fç¤Kernel Samples)28Êî¤Microsoft Access Samples&29Gí¤Miscellaneous Samples#2:rí¤Multimedia Samples%2;í¤Visual Basic Samples-2<Èí¤Win32 and Windows NT Samples'2=óí¤Window Manager Samples22î¤Windows for Pen Computing Samples7€XList of Backgrounders and White Papers>@£ÊLanguages">AÎÊOperating Systems,>ùÊOperating System Extensions-€ÌMicrosoft Win32 API Overview'ý)List of Specifications8 g(*Multimedia PC Specification Version 1.05
oª3List of Knowledge Base and Bug Lists. 3List of Books and Periodicals.€ YList of Product Documentation GI%…3Languages GP…3SDKs and DDKs4‹3List of Product Tools and Utilities8
Ĕ3List of Unsupported Tools and Utilities1
ý›3List of Conferences and Seminars6€ ZList of Development Platform Contents"MO¦°3Operating SystemsMPR±3SDKsM™“®Tools#o3Ask Dr. GUI*€#*STechnical Article SamplesR$‡v3C++ Samples*VߤBooks and MSJ.+,¬ß¤Application Toolkits and SDKs1./‘ç¤DevCast II, August 1993, Samples23ºæ¤C++ Samples>?xÊApplications GHτ3ApplicationsMN%°3DDKsWelcome# Technical Articles€#Sample Code/ >Backgrounders and White Papers CSpecifications-€
EKnowledge Base and Bug Lists&€ FBooks and Periodicals&€ GProduct Documentation,€ JProduct Tools and Utilities0€

KUnsupported Tools and Utilities)€ LConferences and Seminars.€MDevelopment Platform Contents 
Sample Content € Ask Dr. GUI #17!€ Windows Articles€GDI Articles(€"Window Manager Articles€BSample Content€ DSample Content CCCCCC!\\'\ \!!ú\"" #=>AÇBBÐCCÖDD'EE!FF"GI#JJ$KK%LL(MP(c) 1992, 1993 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.(c) 1991, 1992 M&T Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.(c) 1988, 1992 Charles Petzold. All rights reserved.(c) 1986 Ray Duncan. All rights reserved.(c) 1991-1992 Fawcette Technical Publications. All rights reserved.CTd
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Ü(MP øWelcome SectionDemo Listings of TechnotesDR GUISample TechnotesDemo Listings of SamplesSamplesDemo Listings of Backgrounders and White PapersBackgrounders and White PapersDemo Listings of SpecificationsSpecificationsDemo Listings of KBASEDemo Listings of Books and PeriodialsDemo Listings of Product DocumentationDemo Listings of Product UtilitiesDemo Listings of Product ToolsDemo Listings of ConferncesDemo Listings of Developer Platform

  3 Responses to “Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : MSDNDEMO.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: