Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : MEWN11.ZIP
Filename : CUA.CMD

Output of file : CUA.CMD contained in archive : MEWN11.ZIP
; CUA-feel macros for MicroEMACS 3.11c
; Pierre Perret - April 1992

; Uses mark9 as CUA anchor and mark8 as a temporary (for mark swapping).
; Uses the Clipboard for CUA copy/cut/paste in MS-Windows version (MEWxx),
; uses the kill buffer for same in other implementations.

; - some key sequences are not supported by MicroEMACS-DOS:
; Shift+Arrow, Ctrl+Ins/Del and Shift+Ins/Del/Home/End/PageUp/PageDown.
; - Shift+Ctrl+Arrow/Home/End not supported by either MicroEMACS-DOS or MEW10.
; To offset that, the special keys have been assigned equivalent function
; keys: Ins=F9, Del=F10, Home=F1, End=F2, PageUp=F3, PageDown=F4,
; ArrowLeft=F5, ArrowUp=F6, ArrowDown=F7, ArrowRight=F8
; for Shift or Ctrl combinations (using Alt for Shift+Ctrl cases)

; set $hilite 9 ; for future MEW version that will be able to
; ; show region9 hilited

store-procedure CUA-cmdhook
; NOTE: unfortunately, %keepanchor is always set to FALSE for
; M- and ^X prefixed keystrokes, regardless of the binding
!if %keepanchor
set %keepanchor FALSE
set %discmd $discmd
set $discmd FALSE
; previous command was not an anchor-preserving one
!force 9 remove-mark
set $discmd %discmd
set $cmdhook CUA-cmdhook

store-procedure load-anchor
; loads the anchor (mark9) into the mark0, saving
; previous mark0 into mark8.
; flag %anchor is set if there is a non-empty selection
; used by most deletion/copying actions
set %discmd $discmd
set $discmd FALSE
!force 0 exchange-point-and-mark
!if $status
8 set-mark
0 exchange-point-and-mark
!force 8 remove-mark
!force 9 exchange-point-and-mark
!if $status
0 set-mark
9 exchange-point-and-mark
!if &seq $region ""
set %anchor FALSE
set %anchor TRUE
!force 0 remove-mark
set %anchor FALSE
set $discmd %discmd

store-procedure restore-mark
; restores mark0 from mark8 after a load-anchor call
set %discmd $discmd
set $discmd FALSE
!force 8 exchange-point-and-mark
!if $status
0 set-mark
8 exchange-point-and-mark
!force 0 remove-mark
set $discmd %discmd

store-procedure CUA-Del
run load-anchor
!if %anchor
!force 1 delete-next-character
run restore-mark
macro-to-key CUA-Del FND

store-procedure CUA-C-Ins
run load-anchor
!if %anchor
set %keepanchor TRUE
!if &seq $sres MSWIN
run restore-mark
macro-to-key CUA-C-Ins FN^C
macro-to-key CUA-C-Ins FN^9
!if &seq $sres MSWIN
unbind-menu ">&Edit>&Clipboard>&Copy region"
macro-to-menu CUA-C-Ins "&Copy@1"

store-procedure CUA-S-Del
run load-anchor
!if %anchor
!if &seq $sres MSWIN
run restore-mark
macro-to-key CUA-S-Del S-FND
macro-to-key CUA-S-Del S-FN0
!if &seq $sres MSWIN
unbind-menu ">&Edit>&Clipboard>Cu&t region"
macro-to-menu CUA-S-Del "Cu&t@0"

bind-to-key yank S-FNC ; Shift+Ins
bind-to-key yank S-FN9

store-procedure CUA-case-upper
run load-anchor
!if %anchor
set %keepanchor TRUE
run restore-mark
macro-to-key CUA-case-upper A-U ; Alt+U
!if &seq $sres MSWIN
macro-to-menu CUA-case-upper ">&Edit>&Selection@4>&Upper case"

store-procedure CUA-case-lower
run load-anchor
!if %anchor
set %keepanchor TRUE
run restore-mark
macro-to-key CUA-case-lower A-L ; Alt+L
!if &seq $sres MSWIN
macro-to-menu CUA-case-lower "&Lower case"

store-procedure CUA-count-words
; this procedure is not really necessary but it demonstrates
; how to add CUA-based functionality
run load-anchor
!if %anchor
set %keepanchor TRUE
run restore-mark
macro-to-key CUA-count-words A-W ; Alt+W
!if &seq $sres MSWIN
macro-to-menu CUA-count-words "Count &words"

store-procedure CUA-flip-selection
; a sort of exchange-point-and-anchor, could be used to
; visualize the selection by going back and forth to its
; boundaries
!force 9 exchange-point-and-mark
!if $status
set %keepanchor TRUE
macro-to-key CUA-flip-selection A-=
!if &seq $sres MSWIN
bind-to-menu nop "-"
macro-to-menu CUA-flip-selection "&Flip"

store-procedure CUA-select-region
; makes the anchor equal to the mark
; (useful to build very large selections)
set %discmd $discmd
set $discmd FALSE
!force 0 exchange-point-and-mark
!if $status
9 set-mark
0 exchange-point-and-mark
set %keepanchor TRUE
9 remove-mark
set $discmd %discmd
macro-to-key CUA-select-region A-^M ; Alt+Enter
!if &seq $sres MSWIN
macro-to-menu CUA-select-region "Select ®ion"

store-procedure CUA-anchor
; makes sure we have a CUA anchor point (i.e. a mark9)
; used internally by most extended selection keys
; always sets %keepanchor to TRUE
set %discmd $discmd
set $discmd FALSE
!force 9 exchange-point-and-mark
!if $status
9 exchange-point-and-mark
9 set-mark
set %keepanchor TRUE
set $discmd %discmd

store-procedure CUA-S-home
run CUA-anchor
macro-to-key CUA-S-home S-FN<
macro-to-key CUA-S-home S-FN1

store-procedure CUA-S-end
run CUA-anchor
macro-to-key CUA-S-end S-FN>
macro-to-key CUA-S-end S-FN2

store-procedure CUA-SC-home
run CUA-anchor
macro-to-key CUA-SC-home S-FN^<
macro-to-key CUA-SC-home A-FN1

store-procedure CUA-SC-end
run CUA-anchor
macro-to-key CUA-SC-end S-FN^>
macro-to-key CUA-SC-end A-FN2

store-procedure CUA-S-pageup
run CUA-anchor
macro-to-key CUA-S-pageup S-FNZ
macro-to-key CUA-S-pageup S-FN3

store-procedure CUA-S-pagedown
run CUA-anchor
macro-to-key CUA-S-pagedown S-FNV
macro-to-key CUA-S-pagedown S-FN4

store-procedure CUA-S-up
run CUA-anchor
!force previous-line
macro-to-key CUA-S-up S-FNP
macro-to-key CUA-S-up S-FN6

store-procedure CUA-S-down
run CUA-anchor
!force next-line
macro-to-key CUA-S-down S-FNN
macro-to-key CUA-S-down S-FN7

store-procedure CUA-S-left
run CUA-anchor
!force backward-character
macro-to-key CUA-S-left S-FNB
macro-to-key CUA-S-left S-FN5

store-procedure CUA-S-right
run CUA-anchor
!force forward-character
macro-to-key CUA-S-right S-FNF
macro-to-key CUA-S-right S-FN8

store-procedure CUA-SC-left
run CUA-anchor
!force previous-word
macro-to-key CUA-SC-left S-FN^B
macro-to-key CUA-SC-left A-FN5

store-procedure CUA-SC-right
run CUA-anchor
!force next-word
macro-to-key CUA-SC-right S-FN^F
macro-to-key CUA-SC-right A-FN8

bind-to-key beginning-of-file FN^<
bind-to-key beginning-of-file FN^1 ; for consistency only
bind-to-key end-of-file FN^>
bind-to-key end-of-file FN^2 ; for consistency only
bind-to-key beginning-of-line FN<
bind-to-key end-of-line FN>

; Transfer the standard MicroEMACS left mouse button commands onto the
; right button (text scrolling, window resizing, screen move/resize...)
; and the old right button commands to Shift + right button
!force unbind-key MS1 ; should have been MS^A anyway!
bind-to-key mouse-move-down MSe ; right_button_down
bind-to-key mouse-move-up MSf ; right_button_up
bind-to-key mouse-resize-screen MS^E ; Ctrl + right_button_down
bind-to-key mouse-region-down MSE ; Shift + right_button_down
bind-to-key mouse-region-up MSF ; Shift + right_button_up

store-procedure MSleft-down
set %discmd $discmd
set $discmd FALSE
!force mouse-move-down
!if $status
set %keepanchor TRUE
9 set-mark
set %msbuf $cbufname
set %msbuf ""
!force 9 remove-mark
set $discmd %discmd
macro-to-key MSleft-down MSa

store-procedure MSleft-up
set %discmd $discmd
set $discmd FALSE
!force mouse-move-down
!if &and $status &seq %msbuf $cbufname
set %keepanchor TRUE
!force 9 remove-mark
set $discmd %discmd
macro-to-key MSleft-up MSb

store-procedure S-MSleft
run CUA-anchor
!force mouse-move-down
macro-to-key S-MSleft MSA
macro-to-key S-MSleft MSB

  3 Responses to “Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : MEWN11.ZIP
Filename : CUA.CMD

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: