Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : LMOUSENT.ZIP
Filename : INSTALL.BAT

Output of file : INSTALL.BAT contained in archive : LMOUSENT.ZIP
@echo off

REM Give help if needed
if "%1" == "/?" goto LHelp
if "%1" == "-?" goto LHelp
if "%1" == "-help" goto LHelp
if "%1" == "-HELP" goto LHelp
if "%1" == "/help" goto LHelp
if "%1" == "/HELP" goto LHelp

REM Check that we are running under NT
if "%WinDir%" == "" goto ENotNT
if "%username%" == "" goto ENotNT

REM Hello mesage
echo Logitech mouse drivers installation.
echo This batch file installs a Windows NT BUS and Serial mouse drivers.
echo To get help, type: INSTALL /help
echo Press Ctrl-C to stop or ...

REM Start the installation
echo Start installation

set _DRVINI=install.ini
if not exist regmod.exe goto ENoReg
if not exist %_DRVINI% goto ENoINI

REM Check and set the environment
set _DRIVER=BusMouse.sys
set _DRVBAK=BusMouse.bak
set _DRVDIR=%WinDir%\system\drivers
if not %_DRVDIR% == %WinDir%\system\drivers goto ENoEnv
if not exist copydrv.bat goto ENoCopy
call copydrv.bat

REM Check and set the environment
set _DRIVER=SerMouse.sys
set _DRVBAK=SerMouse.bak
set _DRVDIR=%WinDir%\system\drivers
if not %_DRVDIR% == %WinDir%\system\drivers goto ENoEnv
if not exist copydrv.bat goto ENoCopy
call copydrv.bat

REM Update the registry
echo Updating the registry
regmod %_DRVINI% > NUL
echo Registry updated

REM Cleanup
set _DRIVER=
set _DRVINI=
set _DRVBAK=
set _DRVDIR=

REM Goodbye
echo Installation completed.
goto End

echo ERROR: Cannot find CopyDrv.bat file.
goto End

echo ERROR: Not enough environment space.
goto End

echo ERROR: This batch file must be run under Windows NT
goto End

echo ERROR: Cannot access the RegMod.exe file.
goto End

echo ERROR: Cannot find the %_DRVINI% file.
goto End

type readme.txt | more


  3 Responses to “Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : LMOUSENT.ZIP
Filename : INSTALL.BAT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: