Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : IMPOST.ZIP

Output of file : IMPOSTER.HLP contained in archive : IMPOST.ZIP
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Ú|Phrases|SYSTEMD|TOMAP‡Ð|TOPICz|TTLBTREEJâ, then I have two alternatives for you: ó Donate a few bucks to your favorite charity. That should really make you feel good and helps your community as well. If you let me know, it will also make me feel good (as well as my wife, who wonders why I spend so much time doing this). § Donate a few bucks to Andy Walding of the Digital X-Connect BBS, who has graciously allowed me to use his BBS as the official distribution site. He really has a great board going and can always use some generous contributions to offset his cost in providing the BBS to the public. Just log on to the X-Connect as described in the technical support section and follow the BBS's instructions for becoming a contributor. itch processes to copy files all over simultaneously? Assume you have a batch file called WILDCOPY.IPS:
@echo off  min imposter copybin h min imposter copywin D min imposter6-l~ÕÓ*
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.!6,Imposter HelpùQ.ù("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿImposter Help Thank ûÉý rest in ½ Iis my ÁÎly ÕÇÉMicrosoft d; I hope û¿it a ±–ition to ýlibrary of e¾s. Iis ƒmain éindex ɽ Context-sensitive éóbe “by Ÿ"HELP $>" or /?". 7ù7)$€€¢@”€€€‚ÿ Help  ØÒ7Øh¢€€¢@¨€á‰‚á‰‚á‰‚á ‰‚á!‰‚á%‰‚áS‰‚áT‰‚áU‰‚áa‰‚ÿ Ö n Ì Hot Key Redirection/Piping ÉCommands ž O¢s OCommands ° # Ø#!RÖnÂ#n' €€¢@¼€€‚‚ÿÖ  s öly, as Íû·±`ing ¹óviolating my .rights. E&nE)$€€¢@”€€€‚ÿ Licensing ÇAvailable |uE|E\€€¢@¨€á‰‚ቂቂቂቂÿ ^ D (Important!) ration B #|#!¶¦“ˆ#“("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿ^ If ûÅunfamiliar ïÒ, it is -an ¬ive cchannel Équality 6. qÅ£to «±`e ÓÄs órestriction. §is uÏf, however. Public g7Úally ©ƒ? as ×as ƒexecutable Åinto ƒhands of ƒÎ. ¦, 󩇃executable. GÑWretains .rights on ƒ?. ISthough ûÅÑto «±`e a ÓÄ, ûõ^y it, sell it or «it in ·Ñ—how ƒÑ nded #“#!˜D·õ#·' €€¢@¼€€‚‚ÿD ¹is |ered as Ò. ISûÅÑto ™it on to ýfriends, to post it on bulletin boards ±online s or `e it as =as û‡by ƒÅz: ¾®·¾..€€ÂJTb¼È:‚H€ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ÿ 1).q`e Ÿ¹Èed ﹏as ûly Øived … G‡Ñto }‘is to `e ‡ƒÃit ly came in. 2).qdo u^y, õengineer, —to, or ûƒÄ. If ûÍto Oenhancements or discover ¾lems ïƒÄ, «me as Iin ƒui . 3).qdo u`e ¹in junction ï·ÅÉá¹éderive profit ómy prior written sent. 4).qdo uüge Ƀcof »—Éa nominal X-handling fee uto •four U.S. dollars ¡X. #
¾/!$â⌈ /ˆ+(€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿŒ wöly: ;ú, VED »IS OFFERRED ON AN AS-IS BASIS. NO QOF FITNESS OR MERCHANTIBILITY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE © NO õQOF ANY KIND ARE © UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL 9DEVELOPER, DARRELL BURGAN, BE HELD LIABLE ¡ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, \SEQUENTIAL OR ANY õDAMAGES CAUSED BY ANYTHING ;ûDOES OR FAILS TO DO. 9USER BEARS 9FULL RESPONSIBILITY ¡NING ;ûIS RELIABLE AND WORKS TO 8IR SATISFACTION. IF YOU CANNOT ACCEPT 8SE 7OR ANY õ7SPECIFIED IN ;DOCUMENT, PLEASE DO éUSE ;". BY USING ;", YOU INDICATE YOU AGREE WITH 8SE 7AND WILL ABIDE BY 8IR RESTRICTIONS. _ùˆ_$€€¢@¼€‚‚ÿ Sorry to |er ƒÅ¡cz, ëI am a ‚-man Nment team ±-do uåƒíto adequately warrant ‘Ä. /I am uüging ûɃ«of ‘Ä, I ithink ‘is unfair. Still, I åto ƒãof my ‰¿‘Åis substantially bug-free ±é÷on Oeplatforms. I õáit é÷Ë¡Ÿcircumstances or ·bugs än't †d my attention. +_+!Kering ¸¥+' €€¢@¼€€‚‚ÿering ¸ In óÉ¥ûto «¹Ð, I -ǁû"register" ý.. Unlike ïshareware, Üing ¹-SûÅletting me know ûÅ·ƒÄ, Å rested in Äs might be âsed, ±to ƒ{of «±b. Fre is no 3Øsoever Èed ïÜing ½ aûÜ: š*&€€²JTb¼È:‚H€ƒ‚ƒ‚ÿ -qébe ¤d on my uBing 3±informed of ·qÄs/versions prior to Ïâse. ·«Íto keep ¹tified ÅU.S. Post ãno ss to an uC, ëI õá‘due to ƒpotential 2. -And ûéyme to "e to O±tools Ée±E‚m Îly ÕÅÒ. çéó&€€¢@¼€‚‚‚‚ÿ I [yŒone who µ¹±¾s it ±to Ü, so I ókeep track of ƒaof ‘Ä. To Ü, -photocopy ƒregistration Íin ƒ²'s Fual, fill it out, 'it (indicating ûto ‡by ƒ{of «±b) ±it to ƒG–ress. If û*, ûó«Ýtally by ing me email Å·of ƒ•uuiTs. Ëbe kto ÿƒÿas on ƒÌ. EMBER: If ûÝtally, ûÅimplicitly œing to ‡by ƒ{of «±c±pt ‚ir legal r8
Pø estrictions. Thanks in advance, if ûdecide to Ü. #ó#!`B’·#’' €€¢@¼€€‚‚ÿB If û#w¾lems, if ûåsuggestions Éimprovements, or if ûÍto talk d, ûóme ·of ƒÅÔ: -’-..€€²JTb¼È:‚H€ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ÿ -G‹kG- 214-517-8443. Iis ƒcsite ɹ±ƒ´ferred UÉing me. ËCto ƒSYSOP, to ALL, or to ‡Sin ƒ¹Conference ±I'll be ‰to éú! -luServe - +Cto 73020,1023. -America Online - +Cto †B. -US Post. +it to ƒÅ–ress: iO-i%€€¢@¼€‚‚‚ÿ ‡S 6400 Independence Parkway Suite 4103 Plano, Texas 75023 ¤Ùi¤$€€¢@¼È€‚ÿ /ucorrespondence is gquicker ±less  ensive, I [discourage ßC£û-iåss to a \m. I «õáîses to Vs sent ‘Óqߤq%€€¢@¼€‚‚‚ÿ ·Íui±µÐs to ¹··of my Äs. One of ƒŽs I ålearned in my years in ƒcomputer business is ßiis worth as gas ƒbenefit of ·a ßÄ. It is my goal to ̓ã°le uito Ÿ²s of my Äs. If ýÑQube directly àed to ƒof my Äs, û#W­Ñto me ±·éûto ƒãof my ˆ. ·Íto îd to Ÿqueries ñ24 hours of Øipt, ëõၑé¯be °le (I go on vacation now ±†, too). If ûåan urgent Ð, ýãbet is to ƒÑÅŸ•uCs 5Ž. I am u:ly |ering voice uh. If, óûneed a voice phone yto be ‹to ݃Ä, me Åemail ±we óEÀpriate arrangements. #q#!1nŽÇ#Ž' €€¢@¼€€‚‚ÿn ¹|ers a variety of ÕɃ³to figure it ±'its à. GÅdizes ƒ½Õ¹óbe figured. @ Ž@)$€€¢@”€€€‚ÿ Configuration Æ @$@@02€€¢@¨€á‰‚ቂÿ   # @#!pDå#P)$€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚ÿ ¹§ûto 'aspects of its á±´sentation. Fse ¶s óbe “Õƒmenuitem on ƒOptions menu. GÇxl ç±å&s ƒdimensions of ƒxl inside ƒ¹ê. It ˜s Û0wrap ±}-off zs, éƒactual 5of ƒ¹ê. IisÔ÷Ô ±É¥¹to éa large yof 0s ߍÅlost at ƒtop of ƒxl, ±«É9a xl is âr or narrower ƒusual 80 . ¥‘it is easy to 7a Çxl is 132 ã±128 0s tall. GË±× MÙ
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s, ‹ s ŇÀximate. ¥‘on 9EGA bs ÿis •]as a shade of blue. ý7Pý&€€¢@¼€‚‚‚‚ÿ GÇ·§ûto 'áfixed-pitch Çûí¹to «ƒs™it is 'óÆs чiƒ«of ë9(such as 0draw ), so ‹Åƒrecommended Æs to ª. If û«ƒÆs ±[a ¯ïë9, “ébe äapped to A+!. GÓ&s ß¹Âes Ýit is Ped up. It is —±if û«¹as ƒe. Gês &s ß¹ébe ƒeƒs™ûQup. GSfield §ûto M·3¹ûíto ™Ýa q of ¹˜s. qó·¹or §. ïif ûÍto ™is ©R, ûó7a Û¯±åƒS™Ûµ#
ý#!…p#+(€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿ HorizontalSize=xx 0fies ƒåof ƒÇin . GCis 80 if ‘is ug GLum £is 132. Ieu™ƒ5of ƒ¹ê, ‡how ãƒis logically ß1wrap zs. VerticalSize=xx 0fies ƒçof ƒÇin 0s. GCis 25 if ‘is ug B, ƒLum here is 256 as Ö. ?‘‡˜s ƒlogical 5(how Fy 0s ßing zs), uƒçof ƒ¹ê. Ióbe a ±•to fairly high  99 0s), to ¡ûto eof ÙûåØntly done. Cte ƒhorizontal 5x vertical 5õ•32767; if ûÍs •‘., ¹éË80x25. W' €€¢@¼€‚‚‚‚‚ÿ ¤egroundColor=xxxxxxx 0fies ƒË to «in ½ ÅBLUE, RED, ¯þ, CYAN, So¬, MIor Ù GC is ¬. If ûM¶thing else, ¹éˬ. ïdue to ƒÑemaps 
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é#!á ä-#-&€€¢@¼€€‚ÿä ‘ž-‘-,€€ÂJTb¼-×~‚-€ƒ‚ƒ‚ÿ Copies ƒõûŬing to to ƒ. Copies ƒõûŬing to to ƒ±˜s (‘(!Í!Hot Keyg(g)$€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚ÿHot Key ¹hs a 3"hot ", áóbe ­to bring ¹into ƒÊ, ‡put it back into its ´vious Te. ¥‘if ûÅ:ly in ý©õprocessor ëneed to quickly /a ¯to a floppy, û-need to hit ƒ¹hot . Iépop ¹up “ƒõprocessor ±¡ûto Øever ¹s û*.  ƒhot again ébring ýõprocessor back into ƒË±put ¹back where it ÏÞ. qóƒhot ¹é«ÕƒHot Key menuitem. ïif hot Ãis uenabled, ¹éuwÛhot Šts z. Hot Ãimposes a slight ’head on Ÿeboard activities, ‹if ûÅin ¾s, so it #be disabled if ûdo uplan to «‘feature. >“g>#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ ¹«§ûto instruct it to temporarily "ignore" hot s, ‹if hot Ãis enabled. Imight be ±if ûneed to ûan ¿«¾s ƒÿhot &ificant. Iis toggled by ƒIgnore Hot Ïmenuitem. if ¹is temporarily ignoring hotkeys, 9slight ’head éW{on Ÿeboard activities. 3>3!± "Piping/Redirection^3' €€¢@¼€€‚‚ÿPiping/Redirection ¹hs redirection of ±‘as ×as Opiping. ¥, ûQÍto ƒ‘of ƒ"DIR" to a ³or ûQíto a =W2ing in sorted ‹ïžs ›full. qóaccomplish ‘Åredirection °/or piping. q:}7@€€¢@¨€á"‰‚á#‰‚á$‰‚ÿ Redirecting Output Redirectin¤6¥7q6g Input Piping 3}3!w!#Redirecting Output¦¾3¦' €€¢@¼€€‚‚ÿRedirecting Output To redirect ƒ‘of a to a ³-«ƒgreater-than ÿ('>'). ¥‘to ƒ‘of ƒDIR to ƒDIR.TXT file: 5¦5#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ DIR > DIR.TXT Ìí5Ì$€€¢@¼€‚‚ÿ Iéwrite ƒÿ}ordinarily ù½on ƒto DIR.TXT, ’writing ·DIR.TXT Qalready exist. If ûÍto append to ƒ‘¯rather ’write, -«a double-greater-than: 6Ì6#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ DIR >> DIR.TXT gi6g#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ If DIR.TXT dn't exist, ¹é7it, ƒ‘ébe appended to ƒend. 2g2!["$Redirecting InputÕt2Õ("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿRedirecting Input Redirecting Sa éØive its Õa ¯ of ƒboard. Iis most ±ïa Dal of ña "filter". Filters Úally sƒof an "input stream",  form 9Fipulation, ±write ƒ‘to ƒ‘P. By redirecting a ¯as ƒto a filter, ûÅtelling filter to «ƒof ƒ¯as ƒstream. ¥‘say ûhad an 9¯ñPEOPLE.TXT ±ûÌed to sort it, displaying ƒ‘on ƒ. Iis easily accomplished ïredirection: 9Õ9#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ SORT < PEOPLE.TXT Ž¡9Ž#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ PEOPLE.TXT ébe sorted ±ƒ‘]on ƒ. Now say ûÌed to sort ƒ¯ëwrite ƒ‘to a q¯ñPEOPLE.OUT: F#ŽF#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ SORT < PEOPLE.TXT > PEOPLE.OUT G.FG#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ That's Ÿ‰is to redirection! 'G'!|#%PipingÞ'Þ' €€¢@¼€€‚‚ÿPiping Piping óbe viewed as -a bination of ±‘redirection, where ƒ‘of ƒÜes ƒto ƒs. ¥‘say ûÌed to a sorted W2ing. q5accomplish ‘·+redirection: V1ÞV%€€¢@¼€‚‚‚ÿ DIR > DIR.TXT SORT < DIR.TXT DEL DIR.TXT ‹ V‹#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ G¾lem ï‘Àach is it quickly Ües ungainly. ¥‘now say û«Íƒsorted 2ing to Ÿ›full: Z‹' €€¢@¼€‚‚‚‚‚O?Ú?ô=ÿ DIR > DIR.TXT SORT < DIR.TXT > DIR.SRT MORE < DIR.SRT DEL DIR.TXT DEL DIR.SRT ’¡’#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ Wouldn't it be better to be ‹to say Ÿ‘in ƒ? Piping Ï6d É‘Ãpurpose. ¥‘to a sorted W2ing: 2’2#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ DIR | SORT Åÿ2Å$€€¢@¼€‚‚ÿ Iésƒ‘of ƒDIR ±automatically redirect it as ƒto ƒSORT filter. Gresulting sorted 2ing ébe ]on ƒ. Now Ùif û̓‘to Ÿ›? Try : 9Å9#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ DIR | SORT | MORE ¾â9¾$€€¢@¼€‚‚ÿ IÀach is a lot cleaner Ling Ÿƒredirection üself. ïûó«bine redirection ïpiping. ¥‘if ûÌed to sort a W2ing 냑in a file: <¾<#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ DIR | SORT > DIR.TXT M;<M#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ Gsorted W2ing ébe d in DIR.TXT. +M+!æ$&ÉCommands‘Ô+‘' €€¢@¼€€‚‚ÿ¹ÉCommands Iis a dy of Ÿs ¹hs. ï-specific éóbe “Õƒby Ÿ"HELP $>" or /?". 6‘6)$€€¢@”€€€‚ÿ Ég H6ց€¢@¨€á&‰‚á'‰‚á(‰‚á)‰‚á*‰‚á+‰‚á,‰‚á-‰‚á.‰‚á/‰‚á0‰‚á1‰‚á2‰‚á3‰‚á4‰‚á5‰‚á6‰‚á7‰‚á8‰‚á9‰‚á:‰‚á;‰‚á<‰‚á=‰‚á>‰‚á?‰‚á@‰‚áA‰‚áB‰‚áC‰‚áD‰‚áE‰‚ÿ < J CDD X CLS ^ z | DEJUNK DETAB DIR ENTAB ERASE/DEL „ ˜ FIND FF FS HELP KEYSTUFF Ð MAX MEM MIN Þ MORE à ì ö ü /REN RENDIR å€å}̀€¢@¨€áF‰‚áG‰‚áH‰‚áI‰‚áJ‰‚áK‰‚áL‰‚áM‰‚áN‰‚áO‰‚áP‰‚áQ‰‚áR‰‚ÿ  SET SORT < > TREE TS @ VER N VOL X/WIN l # å#!m%'<­ä#¹("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿ< ¤mat: ATTRIB rR] rS] rH] rA] }[/S] [/Q] Putting a '+' ßan Ïšs ƒÏon. A '-'VGyGVG 雃Ï|. GÅÅÎs Åúable: ZO¹Z&€€¢@‘€‚‚‚ÿ R - Read-only Ï S - System ¯Ï H - Hidden Ï7Z7%€€¢@¼‘€‚ÿ A - Archive Ï”7%€€¢@¼€‚‚‚ÿ If no Ïús ÅG(i.e. ‡a ›is I+"ATTRIB *.*"), ƒ;Îs of Ÿ¹meeting ƒ›Å\. If no ›is Ìd, ATTR Ês ƒ;V. If /S is IATTR é« Ÿ]±apply ·Îs ús to “as Ö. If /Q is IATTR éuecho ·‘to ƒ. ##!“&(Jpz#p("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿJ ¤mat: K ƒ;Tus of ƒKflag. Does u¡ûto ûƒTus. $p$!')CDDùp$ù)$€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚ÿCDD ¤mat: CDD [[drive:] š] Changes ƒ;k±Wto ƒGk±V. If ƒ›is uICDD _ƒ;j/directory. If ƒ›Gis ‡a kletter ("C:"), CDD émto ƒ;Won j. If no kletter is ICDD Ês ƒ;j. #ù#!×(*X´ #´)$€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚ÿX ¤mat: CD [path] Changes ƒ;Wto ƒGV. If ƒ›is uICD _ƒ;V. If ƒ›Gis ‡a kletter ("C:"), CD é[ƒ;Won j. $´$!j)+CLSF,$F("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿCLS ¤mat: CLS c. #F#!¤*-^É#+(€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿ^ ¤mat: _y)| ]+ v. G/V •ƒ?±K¹Åcompared íÉíto }it Ï`ful. If ûM]as ƒ ”, ¹éÓ}ÕƒQ¥ûhit Z> ±Ùûœd to ƒµ If ûhit C>  of Z>, ¹éuýús. øation of _-ALL ¹in ç\, Ûof ߍÅ9or t, £ûÅ›_\. I|s Z> icause ´mature EOFs. _eu:ly icatenation of »##!.ÿÿzo~#o("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿz ¤mat: {[mm/dd/yy] M>. If no mm/dd/yy is I¹éîd î: S>oS#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ y?is Mon 03/12/1991 Enter q?(mm/dd/yy): IDSI#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ If ƒ³ïat ‘È, ƒ?is uúd. #I#!ú+.|Ë#×*&€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚ÿ| ¤mat: }- }--Ÿ¹K†O©O†Oƒ›to ƒV, based on ƒ¯@s. }accomplishes ‘by analyzing Ÿ™stamps on ƒ¹±.ing Ÿlater ƒearliest to ƒKV. Iis —±ïa ¸; É‘-ƒ±ûíto track. From ­forward, ·¯is ^ied éautomatically be +by |. Why u«m±/‡Žs åƒÃbit ? KÒing a ¯s ƒÃbit, whereas ƒAis ‡ëif ƒ¯is úd in 9Ó }|s ‡¹ûåtruly úd Å*. '×'!e-/DEJUNK>°'>*&€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚ÿDEJUNK ¤mat: DEJUNK DEJUNK is an ¹filter, áé ƒstream ÉŸnon-standard 9±', ç‚m Õƒstream. I5be ¬, É‘on an 9¯captured Õa communications session had a large yof 'in  Like Ÿ¹filters, DEJUNK épt ‡Õa redirected ¯or a pipe. &>&!p.0DETABJ¨&J*&€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚ÿDETAB ¤mat: DETAB [] DETAB is an ¹filter, áé ƒstream Étab ±replace ‚m ïsufficient @s to emulate ƒtab stop. Gtab 5tells DETAB how Fy Ååtab stops. GCtab 5is 8 if ƒtab 5is uK Like Ÿ¹filters, DETAB épt ‡Õa redirected ¯or a pipe. $J$!Z/1DIRº$º02€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿDIR ¤mat: DIR }[/W] w[/2] u[/S] [/D] [/N] [/L] [/B] ƒWGor ƒ;V. If /W is I‡¶s ébe ]in 5 
¾/2 is I×Uébe ]in 2 
G/2 ±/W les õboth be K Á ¾/A is IŸ¹ébe $n Ûof Îs. ¾/A is uI‡non-hidden ±non-system ¹ébe $n (as in €). If /S is IDIR é%ƒof Ÿ]as Ö. ¾/D is I‡]ébe $n. ¾/B is Ia 'bare' Ìat ébe ¬, $ing no header or dy . ¾/L is IŸ‘ébe in lower ø. ¾/N is Ia "compressed" Íof ƒDIR ébe \. Icompressed Íis esuitable É«ïƒclick ±double-click «of ƒmouse in ƒ¹ê. By B, DIR ésƒuncompressed Ìat Ëemulates ëis less friendly to ƒmouse. |šº|#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ ïif no ”s ÅIƒvalue of ƒDIRCMD »ébe ­as ƒCˆs ÉDIR, if DIRCMD exists. &|&!g02ENTAB5œ&A*&€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚ÿ¯WÕW¯WENTAB ¤mat: ENTAB [] ENTAB is an ¹filter, áé ƒstream És of blank ±replace ‚m ïtab . Gtab 5tells ENTAB how Fy Ååtab stops. GCtab 5is 8 if ƒtab 5is uK Like Ÿ¹filters, ENTAB épt ‡Õa redirected ¯or a pipe. * A*!…13ERASE/DEL[O*[("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿERASE/DEL ¤mat: ERASE - ˆs ±Gby ƒš. #[#!`24„=Ü#=*&€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚ÿ„ ¤mat: …'[] w …is a +¹Éviewing ·¯Xd ¡ƒIt ´sents ƒ¯in hex Ìat to ƒ¯K If no ¯is Ün, …Ês ƒis ƒ‘P. If ƒ/P mis Iƒ‘ébe žd ›mful. G/P mis valid ‡Ûƒ‘Qis ƒ. G/P mis invalid ېting to a ¯or to ·P. #=#!N35˜+Û#+*&€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚ÿ˜ ¤mat: ™[WINDOWS] Exits ¹±òs ûto d. ïit is unecessary to Ÿ¹to «e¾s, due to ƒmultitasking nature of d. If ƒXS •is IûéŸe±óto ƒ :ly ýeapps k«to óto as Ö. If ¹is ƒ, Ÿ™at ýÁ of ¹é«Ÿd. %+%!ñ46FINDâ%+(€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿFIND ¤mat: FIND y[/C] [/N] [/I] ["] ["] FIND is an ¹filter, áé ƒstream ɃG string. If ƒ string is ‡ƒô, it óbe Gódouble quotes; Ž, double quotes ébe needed ß±›ƒ string (i.e. 'DIR | FIND "Directory of"'). If ƒ/V mis I‡0s do umatch ƒ string ébe \. ¾/N is Iàive 1xs é«be \. G/C mtells FIND to ‡[a count of Ÿ0s matched. G/C m’rides ƒ/N l. ¾/C ±/V Åboth IFIND é[a count of Ÿ0s did umatch. ¹Ï¹$€€¢@¼€‚‚ÿ By B, ƒ is ø-sensitive. G/I mtells FIND to ignore ùwhile  forming ƒ. Like Ÿ¹filters, FIND épt ‡Õa redirected ¯or a pipe. +
¹+!%57FF/WHEREISîs+ú*&€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚ÿFF/WHEREIS ¤mat: FF [] uw )ÉŸ¹Kƒon ƒ;j. Will [Ÿmatches. If no is IŸ:_e_:_¹Å\. If ƒ/A mis Iit é Ÿjs Ƀœ. If ƒ/P mis I‘éŸm™ƒ½#ú#!68FSîb#î)$€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚ÿFS ¤mat: FS }[/S] [/T] w Reports ƒ¯4s ÉŸ¹Kƒš. If no ›is Iƒ;Wis ¯ If ƒ/T mis I‡ƒtotal of ƒ¯4s is reported. If /S is I]é«be ed. If /P is IƒéŸas it ½%î%!¶79HELP‘%‘)$€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚ÿHELP ¤mat: HELP [] Brings up ƒ¹ép. If a is IƒéqÂes immediately on . )‘)!°8:KEYSTUFF‡Ù)‡*&€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚ÿKEYSTUFF ¤mat: KEYSTUFF | # [ | #] ... Stuffs into ƒboard éto simulate a ³Ÿon ƒboard. Characters Åinterpreted 6ly on ƒ0, £´ceded by a '#' þ, in áùƒyŃ'#' is treated as an 9value. Akbe separated by @s. E.g. "KEYSTUFF Y #13" éstuff a 'Y' ÿ±a carriage-return into ƒboard è. #‡#!'9;Мß#œ)$€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚ÿÐ ¤mat: Ñ„] [label] @ows ûto §ƒÉon ƒGj. If no kis Iƒ;kis ¯ If no is IƒÅÉis \: ofœo&€€¢@‘€‚‚‚ÿ Volume in kC: is XXXXXXXXXXX Type a Éof up to 11 or ´ss #6 o6%€€¢@¼‘€‚ÿ Éno ɦ: E:6E#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ If ƒ³´sses #ó~ing a : 8'E8%€€@¼‘€‚ÿ ‰;É(Y/N)? F78F#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ If ƒ³says yes, ƒÉis Fd. $F$!¸:<MAX”ñ$”("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿMAX ¤mat: MAX /{...] GÆ, Lizing  Iis ‰ƒÿas ŸƒÆname ï”s, —ƒ¿Ps out N. $”$!~;=MEMZK$Z("€€$¯¼€€‚‚‚ÿMEM ¤mat: MEM Ñglobal memory ±qì. $Z$!Í<>MIN”ñ$µ("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿMIN ¤mat: MIN /{...] GÆ, Zing  Iis ‰ƒÿas ŸƒÆname ï”s, —ƒ¿Ps out Zed. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWg h h#µ#!s=?ÞPE#P("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿÞ ¤mat: MD - Creates ƒGV. %P%!ù>@MOREÔ%Ô)$€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚ÿMORE ¤mat: MORE MORE is an ¹filter áéautomatically Ƀ³if íto "e ›ƒ‘ãfilled ƒÇ. Like Ÿ¹filters, MORE épt ‡Õa redirected ¯or a pipe. #Ô#!°?Aàn#*&€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚ÿà ¤mat: RED )+y[/!] ç±Õš1 to š2. Path2 kbe ‡a WDfication. ïif ƒšs Åon ƒÿj, ƒ¹ébe moved -by renaming; Ž, Å+±‡Fd. If ƒ/V mis I¹ébe ¿íÉías Å+Õƒkto ². If ƒšs Åon ƒÿj, ƒ/V mãno r. ïMOVE éby CÇ mission ß’writing existing » If ƒ/! mis IMOVE é’write existing ¹óÆing. ##!*@Bìt#,*€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿì ¤mat: í-[/Z] [/Q] [/N] [/!] lletely erases ƒG_ ïíFs \, uindividual » Unless ƒ/! •is Gì, éÇÉ mission ßçƒGWtree. Cte it é‡Çonce. ¥‘"NUKE C:/!" 5be ÃLuctive if ûdidn't  nd to GŸ¹±Uon kC:. If ûMƒ/Z ˆ, íé¢ly ’write ±rename Fd ¹ïçzeros to }¹õbe recovered. I‰rs a =˜, however. If ûM/Q, íéuecho ·to ƒwhile çƒ_ Óif ûM/N, íéuäove ]ñƒWûL; i.e. it é‡G¹ÕƒÁWlevel. ##!ACöß@#ß*&€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚ÿö ¤mat: ÷ ƒ;š. ÿóbe accomplished by ·ƒSET on ƒ÷º. Ó¹by C¯–itionally es ƒ%WINDIR% W±ƒ'subdirectory  neath it, 1Program ãeƒþ. #ß#!mBDü˜µ#˜)$€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚ÿü ¤mat: ý[ [text] [$character] ... ] Sets ƒÉto ª. By B, ¹µƒ$P$G È. GÅDal Åhed: ÉܘÉ:F€€²Jb‘‚ဃ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ÿ $qG= þ. $$G$ þ. $ty˜. $dy>. $pyj/directory. $vÀ. $gG> þ. $lG< þ. $bG| þ. $_RETURN-LINEFEED. <ÉH)$€€²Jb¼‘‚ဃ‚oØoTnÿ $-Gblank þ. ¡ôH¡$€€¢@¼€‚‚ÿ 5‡s Åuhed. Other Qbe þd in ƒÉ1±ébe ]6ly. ÿóbe accomplished by ·ƒSET against ƒýº. '
¡'!ÀCE/REN™Ø'™("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿ/REN ¤mat: - Renames ƒ¹Gby ›to ƒ·mask Gby ¶. If æs Ŭ, ƒ®s of ƒ1Å6. '™'!ÅDFRENDIRžÝ'ž("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿRENDIR ¤mat: RENDIR - Renames ƒ]Gby ›to ƒ·mask Gby ¶. If æs Ŭ, ƒ®s of ƒ1Å6. #ž#!sEGPE#P("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿ ¤mat: RD - Removes ƒGV. $P$!FHSETle$l*&€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚ÿSET ¤mat: SET [varname=[text]] ƒ;€, if no ”s ÅK If ”s ÅIksƒÍof "varname=text ...", ïno Aßor ›ƒƒ&. G»ébe ¦d or –ed as Àpriate. If no }is G›ƒƒ&, ƒ»ébe äoved, £ƒ»is ƒ÷or COMSPEC º. ƒ:l to ƒ of ¹ûÅýis ¦d. GÜn to eapps is unchanged. %l%!ÛGISORT¶"%¶+(€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚‚ÿSORT ¤mat: SORT [/R] [/+] SORT is an ¹filter, áésort ƒstream ·ƒG”s ±write it to O. If ƒ/R mis Iƒsort ébe ôd (i.e. sorted in descending Š). G/+ tell SORT ácolumn to begin sorting on. ¥‘Ling /+14 tells SORT to ‡sider columns 14-EOL Û forming ƒsort. Multiple sort s Åuhed. Like Ÿ¹filters, SORT épt ‡Õa redirected ¯or a pipe. #¶#!HJk~#k("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿ> ¤mat: ?- Resets ƒAon Ÿ¹Iby ƒ›to ƒ;?±˜. %kB!ïJLTREEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXÊw xÊw­B­)$€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚ÿTREE ¤mat: TREE [] w Ÿ] neath ƒGV. If no Wis Iƒroot of ƒ;kis Êd. ¾/P is Iƒ[éŸm™ƒ½#­#!yKMTSVõ#V*&€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚‚ÿTS ¤mat: TS - [/CS] [/LOG] [/S] )Ÿ¹in ƒ›Éƒstring. If ƒ/CS mis Iƒ is ø-sensitive, it is t. ¾/LOG is IƒÇéûnon-interactive ±éproduce eÚ-oriented . ¾/LOG is uIƒÇ韛match is ϱÇif ûÍto "e ƒ. If /S is ITS é ¹in Ÿ]as Ö. #V#!„LN@a®#a)$€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚ÿ@ ¤mat: A'w ƒof ƒed ¯to ƒ. Á$a$!wMOVERSQ$S("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿVER ¤mat: VER ƒ»±eÁxs. #S#!‘NPNn~#n("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿN ¤mat: O ƒ;Tus of ƒOflag. Does u¡ûto ûƒ. $n$!•OQVOLqŠ$q("€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚ÿVOL ¤mat: VOL „:] ƒÉon ƒGj. If no kis Iƒ;kis ¯'
q'!ÒPRX/WIN«l'«)$€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚ÿX/WIN ¤mat: Y[MAXIMIZE | Ý| RESTORE] Y Adjusts ƒ5of ƒ¹ê. If MAXIMIZE is Iƒ¹ëébe N. If Ýis I¹éÜe an ô. ¿RESTORE is I¹ébe "restored" to its ß5if it Ï´viously Oor Zed. If ƒ¬e Ìat is ¬, ƒ¹ëébe ¤d ïƒupper-left corner at x:y ±ïƒGå±æ. Avalues kbe numeric ±Å ressed in £Qcoordinates (i.e. pixels). #«#!˜QSlˆÇ#ˆ)$€€¢@¼€€‚‚‚‚ÿl ¤mat: m)+[/S] [/E] u[/M] y[/T] v, ·ƒGles. A-Åç\. Gles hed Ä: ípˆí26€€ÂJbɀ‚€ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ƒ‚ÿ /SCopy Ÿ]—empty \. /ECopy empty \; ­‡ï/S. /ACopies ‡¹åƒÃbit . /McÃbit ›m¯is *. /Vlares ?±K¹íÉí›m.. /T¤ces +¹to åƒÿÎs as ƒ?»#í#!“ RTžD1#P)$€€¢@¼€½à½€‚‚‚‚ÿž If a is ~ed is uon ƒ3of hed s, ¹Ês ûíto û³¿by l. It ‡es ƒ;W±ƒ›Éƒ¾. Unlike ƒ, ¹éAÉ·¯ïƒ¥5by ƒ"Programs" word in ƒƒ
of ƒWµ G¤s kåno  iod ±be separated by @s. By B, eDes ‹¤s to be .COM, ,  ±: *P*$€€¢@‘€‚ÿ ƒ;*;%€€¢@¼‘€‚ÿ com exe bat pif Ù(;Ù$€€¢@¼€‚‚ÿ ¹éAÉa K¿by ƒ‹Gin ‘W”. So, if ûwere to "NOTEPAD" at ƒ¹È, ¹ù ƒ;W±ƒ›ÉèEPAD.COM; if it 5u¿…it ù‡ Éê, ¾ably ¾ing it in ƒXS V. ïif ûûa , ¹éCa /of to ûƒ. So, É‘if û"123" at ƒÈ, ¹é9±ûLotus (assuming ûå±it is :table on ƒš). ï1es ßin ƒexample Ž, ¹éû123.EXE ß123.PIF. It is É‘reason ¹juggles ƒ‹of ƒPROGRAMS= 1to A+: *Ù*$€€¢@‘€‚ÿ ƒ9*9%€€¢@¼‘€‚ÿ pif exe bat ì”9ì%€€¢@¼€‚‚‚ÿ In ‘Ð, ¹éû1¹ of 1s. Ó¹Ds ׫of ƒ
in V. Iis a 
usually ­by ƒProgram ãto ¡àionships åœs of ¹±ƒ¾s Fipulate … ¹µƒÿÀach. G¤s 
typically @s ;+: \Aì\&€€¢@‘€‚‚‚ÿ  txt=notepad.exe ^.txt doc=notepad.exe ^.doc ?\?%€€¢@¼‘€‚ÿ ini=notepad.exe ^.ini ŒÃ?Œ#€€¼€‚ÿ Fse Ditions Ÿûê, if ûa ·ãa .TXT, 
or .INI ¤. So it is °le, É‘to ƒÅat ƒ¹È: )Œ)#€€¢@¼€‚ÿ Uœ)$€€¢@¼€‚‚ÿ ¹éwƒ¯ãa .INI ¤, so it éscan ƒ
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  3 Responses to “Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : IMPOST.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: