Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : HYPEROID.ZIP
Filename : ROIDSUPP.C

Output of file : ROIDSUPP.C contained in archive : HYPEROID.ZIP
// ROIDSUPP - hyperoid support functions
// Version: 1.1 Copyright (C) 1991, Hutchins Software
// This software is licenced under the GNU General Public Licence
// Please read the associated legal documentation
// Author: Edward Hutchins
// Revisions:
// 11/01/91 added GNU General Public License - Ed.

#include "hyperoid.h"

// defines

// you may ask, "why did he embed all these string constants instead of
// using the resource file?". Good question. The answer is: I feel better
// knowing this stuff is part of the executable, and not part of the resource
// file (which can be changed by sneaky people). Or maybe I wuz lazy.
// If you don't like it, then YOU can change it!

#define NL "\x0d\x0a"

"The following keys control your ship:" NL NL \
" Left, Right Arrow .... spin left or right" NL \
" Down, Up Arrow ..... forward or reverse thrust" NL \
" Space Bar .............. fire!" NL \
" Tab ......................... shields" NL \
" S ............................. smartbomb" NL \
" Esc ......................... pause/boss key" NL NL \
"Note: You have 3 lives, unlimited fuel and firepower, 3 shields and 3 " \
"smartbombs. Your ship gets darker when you lose a life, but you keep on " \
"playing (unless you hit an asteroid). You get an extra life every 100,000 " \
"points. When you lose the game, you start over immediately and can finish " \
"off the current level (which should now be 0) before starting over at " \
"level 1 (There is no waiting around between games)."

#define HYPEROID_HELP2 \
"The HYPEROID.INI file can be created/modified to change default settings " \
"in Hyperoid. Here are some of the items you can set:" NL \
NL "[Hyperoid]" NL "Max=<0/1>" NL "{X,Y,W,H}=" NL "Mono=<0/1>" NL \
"DrawDelay= ;microseconds/frame" NL \
NL "[Palette]" NL \
"{Black,DkGrey,Grey,White," NL \
" DkRed,Red,DkGreen,Green,DkBlue,Blue," NL \
" DkYellow,Yellow,DkCyan,Cyan," NL \
" DkMagenta,Magenta}=,," NL \
NL "[Keys]" NL \
"{Shield,Clockwise,CtrClockwise," NL \
" Thrust,RevThrust,Fire,Bomb}=" NL NL \
"Note: Virtual keycodes usually match the key's ASCII value."


// this is the part I especially want in the executable image

"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify " \
"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by " \
"the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) " \
"any later version. " \
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " \
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " \
"GNU General Public License for more details. " \
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " \
"along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software " \
"Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. "

// imports

IMPORT CHAR szAppName[32] FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT HANDLE hAppInst FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT BOOL bBW FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT nDrawDelay FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkShld FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkClkw FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkCtrClkw FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkThrst FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkRvThrst FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkFire FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkBomb FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT LONG lHighScore FROM( hyperoid.c );

// globals

// these parts map to "abcdefghijklm"
GLOBAL POINT LetterPart[] =
{83, 572}, {64, 512}, {45, 572}, {96, 362}, {32, 362},
{128, 256}, {0, 0}, {0, 256},
{160, 362}, {224, 362}, {173, 572}, {192, 512}, {211, 572}
// here's the vector font
GLOBAL NPSTR szNumberDesc[] =
"cakmck", // 0
"dbl", // 1
"abekm", // 2
"abegjlk", // 3
"mcfh", // 4
"cbfgjlk", // 5
"bdiljgi", // 6
"acgl", // 7
"bdjlieb", // 8
"ljebdge" // 9
GLOBAL NPSTR szLetterDesc[] =
"kdbemhf", // A
"kabegjlk", // B
"cbflm", // C
"kabejlk", // D
"cafgfkm", // E
"cafgfk", // F
"bdiljhg", // G
"kafhcm", // H
"bl", // I
"cjli", // J
"akcgm", // K
"akm", // L
"kagcm", // M
"kamc", // N
"bdiljeb", // O
"kabegf", // P
"mlidbejl", // Q
"kabegfgm", // R
"ebdjli", // S
"lbac", // T
"ailjc", // U
"alc", // V
"akgmc", // W
"amgkc", // X
"aglgc", // Y
"ackm" // Z

// locals

LOCAL CHAR szLicense[] = "LicenseRead";
LOCAL CHAR szDrawDelay[] = "DrawDelay";
LOCAL CHAR szMax[] = "Max";
LOCAL CHAR szX[] = "X";
LOCAL CHAR szY[] = "Y";
LOCAL CHAR szW[] = "W";
LOCAL CHAR szH[] = "H";
LOCAL CHAR szBW[] = "Mono";
LOCAL CHAR szPalette[] = "Palette";
LOCAL CHAR szKeys[] = "Keys";
LOCAL CHAR szShield[] = "Shield";
LOCAL CHAR szClockwise[] = "Clockwise";
LOCAL CHAR szCtrClockwise[] = "CtrClockwise";
LOCAL CHAR szThrust[] = "Thrust";
LOCAL CHAR szRevThrust[] = "RevThrust";
LOCAL CHAR szFire[] = "Fire";
LOCAL CHAR szBomb[] = "Bomb";
LOCAL CHAR szHi[] = "Hi";
LOCAL CHAR *szColorName[] =
"Black", "DkGrey", "Grey", "White",
"DkRed", "Red", "DkGreen", "Green", "DkBlue", "Blue",
"DkYellow", "Yellow", "DkCyan", "Cyan", "DkMagenta", "Magenta"
LOCAL DWORD dwColors[] =
RGB(0,0,0), RGB(128,128,128),
RGB(192,192,192), RGB(255,255,255),
RGB(128,0,0), RGB(255,0,0),
RGB(0,128,0), RGB(0,255,0),
RGB(0,0,128), RGB(0,0,255),
RGB(128,128,0), RGB(255,255,0),
RGB(0,128,128), RGB(0,255,255),
RGB(128,0,128), RGB(255,0,255),

// PrintLetters - create letter objects from a string

VOID FAR PASCAL PrintLetters( NPSTR npszText, POINT Pos, POINT Vel,
BYTE byColor, INT nSize )
INT nLen = strlen( npszText );
INT nCnt = nLen;
INT nSpace = nSize + nSize / 2;
INT nBase = (nLen - 1) * nSpace;
INT nBaseStart = Pos.x + nBase / 2;

while (nCnt--)
NPOBJ npLtr = CreateLetter( npszText[nCnt], nSize / 2 );
if (npLtr)
npLtr->Pos.x = nBaseStart;
npLtr->Pos.y = Pos.y;
npLtr->Vel = Vel;
npLtr->byColor = byColor;
nBaseStart -= nSpace;

// SpinLetters - spin letter objects away from center for effect

VOID FAR PASCAL SpinLetters( NPSTR npszText, POINT Pos, POINT Vel,
BYTE byColor, INT nSize )
INT nLen = strlen( npszText );
INT nCnt = nLen;
INT nSpace = nSize + nSize / 2;
INT nBase = (nLen - 1) * nSpace;
INT nBaseStart = Pos.x + nBase / 2;

while (nCnt--)
NPOBJ npLtr = CreateLetter( npszText[nCnt], nSize / 2 );
if (npLtr)
INT nSpin = (nCnt - nLen / 2) * 2;
npLtr->Pos.x = nBaseStart;
npLtr->Pos.y = Pos.y;
npLtr->Vel = Vel;
npLtr->Vel.x += nSpin * 16;
npLtr->nSpin = -nSpin;
npLtr->byColor = byColor;
nBaseStart -= nSpace;

// CreateHyperoidPalette - create a logical palette

HPALETTE FAR PASCAL CreateHyperoidPalette( VOID )
HPALETTE hPalette;
INT t;

// are we forced into using b&w?
if (GetDeviceCaps( hIC, NUMCOLORS ) < 8) bBW = TRUE;
DeleteDC( hIC );
if (GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szBW, FALSE, szIni )) bBW = TRUE;

npLogPalette->palVersion = 0x0300;
npLogPalette->palNumEntries = PALETTE_SIZE;

for (t = 0; t < PALETTE_SIZE; ++t)
DWORD dwColor = dwColors[t];
CHAR szBuff[32];

GetPrivateProfileString( szPalette, szColorName[t], "",
szBuff, sizeof(szBuff), szIni );
if (szBuff[0])
INT r, g, b;
NPSTR npBuff = szBuff;
r = g = b = 255;
while (*npBuff == ' ') ++npBuff;
r = atoi( npBuff );
while (*npBuff && *npBuff != ',') ++npBuff;
if (*npBuff == ',') g = atoi( ++npBuff );
while (*npBuff && *npBuff != ',') ++npBuff;
if (*npBuff == ',') b = atoi( ++npBuff );
dwColor = RGB( r, g, b );
if (bBW) dwColor = ((dwColor == RGB(0,0,0)) ? RGB(0,0,0) : RGB(255,255,255));
npLogPalette->palPalEntry[t].peRed = GetRValue( dwColor );
npLogPalette->palPalEntry[t].peGreen = GetGValue( dwColor );
npLogPalette->palPalEntry[t].peBlue = GetBValue( dwColor );
npLogPalette->palPalEntry[t].peFlags = 0;

hPalette = CreatePalette( npLogPalette );

return( hPalette );

// CreateHyperoidClass - create the class of Hyperoid's window

BOOL FAR PASCAL CreateHyperoidClass( VOID )

// load the name from the resource file
LoadString( hAppInst, IDS_NAME, szAppName, sizeof(szAppName) ); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
Class.lpfnWndProc = HyperoidWndProc;
Class.cbClsExtra = 0;
Class.cbWndExtra = 0;
Class.hInstance = hAppInst;
Class.hIcon = NULL;
Class.hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_CROSS );
Class.hbrBackground = HNULL;
Class.lpszMenuName = szAppName;
Class.lpszClassName = szAppName;

return( RegisterClass( &Class ) );

// SetHyperoidMenu - add Hyperoid's menu items to the system menu

VOID NEAR PASCAL SetHyperoidMenu( HWND hWnd, INT nFirstID, INT nLastID )
CHAR szMenuName[40];
HMENU hMenu;

hMenu = GetSystemMenu( hWnd, TRUE );
if (hMenu == HNULL) hMenu = GetSystemMenu( hWnd, FALSE );
if (hMenu == HNULL) return;

while (nFirstID <= nLastID)
LoadString( hAppInst, nFirstID, szMenuName, sizeof(szMenuName) );
ChangeMenu( hMenu, 0, szMenuName, nFirstID, MF_APPEND );

// CreateHyperoidWindow - open the Hyperoid window

HWND FAR PASCAL CreateHyperoidWindow( LPSTR lpszCmd, INT nCmdShow )
HWND hWnd;
INT x, y, w, h;
CHAR szBuff[32];

// get the highscore profile here for lack of a better place...
GetPrivateProfileString( szAppName, szHi, "0", szBuff, sizeof(szBuff), szIni );
lHighScore = atol( szBuff );

x = GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szX, CW_USEDEFAULT, szIni );
y = GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szY, CW_USEDEFAULT, szIni );
w = GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szW, CW_USEDEFAULT, szIni );
h = GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szH, CW_USEDEFAULT, szIni );
if (GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szMax, FALSE, szIni ) &&

hWnd = CreateWindow( szAppName, szAppName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
x, y, w, h, HNULL, HNULL, hAppInst, NULL );
if (hWnd == HNULL) return( HNULL );

ShowWindow( hWnd, nCmdShow );
UpdateWindow( hWnd );
SetHyperoidMenu( hWnd, IDM_NEW, IDM_ABOUT );

// show the license...
if (!GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szLicense, FALSE, szIni ))
MessageBox( hWnd, HYPEROID_LICENSE, "Hyperoid License", HYPEROID_HELPSTYLE );
// ...and never show it again (unless they want to see it)
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szLicense, "1", szIni );

return( hWnd );

// SaveHyperoidWindowPos - write out the .ini information

VOID FAR PASCAL SaveHyperoidWindowPos( HWND hWnd )
RECT rect;
CHAR szBuff[32];

// save the highscore profile here for lack of a better place...
if (lHighScore)
wsprintf( szBuff, "%lu", lHighScore );
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szHi, szBuff, szIni );

if (IsIconic( hWnd )) return;
if (IsZoomed( hWnd ))
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szMax, "1", szIni );
else WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szMax, NULL, szIni );

GetWindowRect( hWnd, &rect );
wsprintf( szBuff, "%d", rect.left );
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szX, szBuff, szIni );
wsprintf( szBuff, "%d", );
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szY, szBuff, szIni );
wsprintf( szBuff, "%d", rect.right - rect.left );
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szW, szBuff, szIni );
wsprintf( szBuff, "%d", rect.bottom - );
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szH, szBuff, szIni );

// GetHyperoidIni - load the ini file information

nDrawDelay = GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szDrawDelay, DRAW_DELAY, szIni );
vkShld = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szShield, VK_TAB, szIni );
vkClkw = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szClockwise, VK_LEFT, szIni );
vkCtrClkw = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szCtrClockwise, VK_RIGHT, szIni );
vkThrst = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szThrust, VK_DOWN, szIni );
vkRvThrst = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szRevThrust, VK_UP, szIni );
vkFire = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szFire, VK_SPACE, szIni );
vkBomb = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szBomb, 'S', szIni );

// HyperoidHelp - show help

VOID FAR PASCAL HyperoidHelp( HWND hWnd )
MessageBox( hWnd, HYPEROID_HELP, "Hyperoid help", HYPEROID_HELPSTYLE );
MessageBox( hWnd, HYPEROID_HELP2, "Hyperoid.ini help", HYPEROID_HELPSTYLE );

// HyperoidAboutDlg - the about box proc

BOOL FAR PASCAL EXPORT HyperoidAboutDlg( HWND hDlg, WORD mess,
WORD wParam, LONG lParam )
switch (mess)
if (lHighScore)
CHAR szBuff[40];
wsprintf( szBuff, "High Score: %7.7lu", lHighScore );
SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDD_A_HISCORE, szBuff );

switch (wParam)
case IDD_A_HELP:
HyperoidHelp( hDlg );
// fall through...
case IDOK:
EndDialog( hDlg, 0 );

return( FALSE );

case WM_CLOSE:
EndDialog( hDlg, FALSE );

return( FALSE );
return( TRUE );

// AboutHyperoid - show the about box

VOID FAR PASCAL AboutHyperoid( HWND hWnd )
FARPROC lpprocAbout = MakeProcInstance( HyperoidAboutDlg, hAppInst );
DialogBox( hAppInst, INTRES( IDD_ABOUT ), hWnd, lpprocAbout );
FreeProcInstance( lpprocAbout );

  3 Responses to “Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : HYPEROID.ZIP
Filename : ROIDSUPP.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: