Dec 052017
Windows utility similar to charmap, but can paste directly into document instead of just to clipboard.
File FOREIGN.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
Windows utility similar to charmap, but can paste directly into document instead of just to clipboard.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
FOREIGN.EXE 25600 11685 deflated
FOREIGN.HLP 82048 30661 deflated
README.TXT 1403 781 deflated

Download File FOREIGN.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

Foreigner (Version 3.10)
Copyright L.G.Goldsborough 1991,1992,1993

This small Windows utility copies characters from any installed
font to most Windows applications. You can view all characters,
including the accented characters, fractions, superscript
numbers, symbols, dingbats, etc. that don't appear on a standard
keyboard. Resizable window displays up to 256 characters and
you can zoom characters from 50 to 200 percent of actual size
for easy viewing (without affecting size of pasted text). One click pastes
fully formatted characters into most Windows applications.
(Also can copy/paste to any application that supports Windows'
clipboard.) Can stay on top, remembers its place on screen, and
supports all fonts (screen, printer, TrueType, Type I, etc.)
installed on your system. What CHARMAP and Norton's KEYFIND
should have been. Click on the file FOREIGN.HLP (Windows
Help format) for instructions on program installation and

Fully-functional shareware. Only $8.00 Canadian/$6.50 U.S.
Enhancements and a TrueType fraction font in registered

This is an update of the program described in the August, 1993
issue of Windows User. Uploaded at the request of the author.

Gordon Goldsborough
Brandon University
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada R7A 6A9
Phone: (204) 727-9786 Fax: (204) 726-4573
Internet email: [email protected]

 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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