Dec 052017
Fast File Finder 2.00 for Windows. Find a file on your computer anywhere, from any floppy drive to any hard drive. Includes attributes and ability to scan any compressed file for your file to be found.

Full Description of File

Fast File Find for Windows is a file locating utility for Windows. Some of
its features include :
* Full background processing so you can work on any other application
while FFW does the file find in the background.
* Multiple search specifications allowed.
* Ability to execute multiple DOS commands on found files.
* Drag and Drop server (like File Manager) allows dragging of single or
multiple files to programs which are drag and drop clients (like
Program Manager or Print Manager). ** NEW in V2 **
* Archive search of ZIP and ARJ files. ** NEW in V2 **
* Search for files between two dates. ** NEW in V2 **
* Supports type (extension) association e.g. double click on a file
with a .txt extension and Notepad is invoked for the file you double
clicked on. ** NEW in V2 **
* Customization of type of display (custom 3d bevelled look, Ms3dctl or
2d) and customized status bar. ** NEW in V2**
* Copy, Move and Delete of selected files. ** NEW in V2 **
* Cut and Copy of found files to clipboard
* Optional display of file size and file date and time.
* Default version compiled for 386 specific code (ffw286.exe still runs
on a 286). ** NEW in V2**

File FFFW20.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
Fast File Finder 2.00 for Windows. Find a file on your computer anywhere, from any floppy drive to any hard drive. Includes attributes and ability to scan any compressed file for your file to be found.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CTL3D.DLL 14448 7856 deflated
FFW.EXE 44512 21580 deflated
FFW.HLP 310777 39265 deflated
FFW286.EXE 44896 21655 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 1288 615 deflated
~~FFW~~&.PIF 545 152 deflated

Download File FFFW20.ZIP Here

 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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