Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : DVIWIN25.ZIP
Filename : DVIWIN.SUB

Output of file : DVIWIN.SUB contained in archive : DVIWIN25.ZIP
% Sample font substitution file for dviwin 2.5
% --------------------------------------------
% It is NOT compatible with dviwin 2.0, dvimswin, or any Beebe driver.
% The difference is in the specification of the resolutions; the new
% approach is to use dpi values, whereas the older files use TeX
% magnifications (where 1000 TeX units = 200 dpi). The new method is
% a bit simpler; there is no ambiguity in correlating the substitution
% entries to actual font names
% The correspondence betwen the dpi values and the TeX units (used in the
% sample substitution file of dvimswin 2.4) is:
% dpi TeX units
% -----------------
% 70 349
% 84 419
% 100 502
% 121 603
cmbx10 84 -> cmbx8 100
cmbx12 84 -> cmbx10 100
cmbx8 84 -> cmbx6 100
cmbx7 84 -> cmbx5 100
cmbx9 84 -> cmbx7 100
cmmi10 84 -> cmmi8 100
cmmi12 84 -> cmmi10 100
cmmi8 84 -> cmmi6 100
cmmi7 84 -> cmmi5 100
cmmi9 84 -> cmmi7 100
cmmi6 84 -> cmmi5 100
cmr10 84 -> cmr8 100
cmr12 84 -> cmr10 100
cmr8 84 -> cmr6 100
cmr7 84 -> cmr5 100
cmr9 84 -> cmr7 100
cmr17 84 -> cmr12 100
cmsl10 84 -> cmsl8 100
cmsl12 84 -> cmsl12 100
cmsl9 84 -> cmsl8 100
cmsl8 84 -> cmsl8 100
cmcsc10 84 -> cmcsc10 100
cmss10 84 -> cmss8 100
cmss12 84 -> cmss10 100
cmss9 84 -> cmss8 100
cmss17 84 -> cmss12 121
cmssi10 84 -> cmssi8 100
cmssi12 84 -> cmssi10 100
cmssi9 84 -> cmssi8 100
cmssi17 84 -> cmssi12 121
cmsy10 84 -> cmsy8 100
cmsy9 84 -> cmsy7 100
cmsy8 84 -> cmsy6 100
cmsy7 84 -> cmsy5 100
cmsy6 84 -> cmsy5 100
cmtex10 84 -> cmtex8 100
cmti10 84 -> cmti8 100
cmti12 84 -> cmti10 100
cmti9 84 -> cmti8 100
cmtt10 84 -> cmtt8 100
cmtt12 84 -> cmtt10 100
cmtt9 84 -> cmtt8 100
lasy10 84 -> lasy8 100
lasy9 84 -> lasy7 100
lasy8 84 -> lasy6 100
logo10 84 -> logo8 100
cmbx10 70 -> cmbx7 100
cmbx12 70 -> cmbx9 100
cmbx8 70 -> cmbx6 100
cmbx7 70 -> cmbx5 100
cmbx9 70 -> cmbx6 100
cmmi10 70 -> cmmi7 100
cmmi12 70 -> cmmi9 100
cmmi8 70 -> cmmi6 100
cmmi7 70 -> cmmi5 100
cmmi9 70 -> cmmi6 100
cmmi6 70 -> cmmi5 100
cmr10 70 -> cmr7 100
cmr12 70 -> cmr9 100
cmr8 70 -> cmr6 100
cmr7 70 -> cmr5 100
cmr9 70 -> cmr6 100
cmr17 70 -> cmr10 121
cmsl10 70 -> cmsl8 100
cmsl12 70 -> cmsl8 100
cmsl9 70 -> cmr7 100
cmsl8 70 -> cmr7 100
cmcsc10 70 -> cmr7 100
cmss10 70 -> cmss7 100
cmss12 70 -> cmss9 100
cmss9 70 -> cmss6 100
cmss17 70 -> cmss10 121
cmssi10 70 -> cmssi7 100
cmssi12 70 -> cmssi9 100
cmssi9 70 -> cmssi6 100
cmssi17 70 -> cmssi10 121
cmsy10 70 -> cmsy7 100
cmsy9 70 -> cmsy6 100
cmsy8 70 -> cmsy6 100
cmsy7 70 -> cmsy5 100
cmsy6 70 -> cmsy5 100
cmtex10 70 -> cmtex7 100
cmti10 70 -> cmti7 100
cmti12 70 -> cmti9 100
cmti9 70 -> cmti7 100
cmtt10 70 -> cmtt8 100
cmtt12 70 -> cmtt9 100
cmtt9 70 -> cmtt8 100
lasy10 70 -> lasy7 100
lasy9 70 -> lasy6 100
lasy8 70 -> lasy6 100

% The dvivga fonts from simtel have renamed the font "lcircle10" to "circle10"
% and "lcirclew10" to "circlew1". This is probably due to the 8 character
% limitation under DOS. The easiest fix for this problem is to add the
% following two substitutions:

lcircle10 -> circle10
lcirclew10 -> circlew1

  3 Responses to “Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : DVIWIN25.ZIP
Filename : DVIWIN.SUB

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: