Dec 052017
DiskSpace, version 0.5, is a Windows 3.1 utility for graphicly displaying the amount free space available on your hard disks. The display updates automatically.

Full Description of File

DiskSpace, version 0.5, is a Windows 3.1
utility for graphicly displaying the amount
free space available on your hard disks. The
display updates automatically. This version
allows you to select which drives to display
and optionally have DiskSpace appear on top
of other windows. Requires Windows 3.1.
Shareware from Bob's Software.
Author: Bob Hayes; Version:0.5; Date:5-24-93

File DSW050.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
DiskSpace, version 0.5, is a Windows 3.1 utility for graphicly displaying the amount free space available on your hard disks. The display updates automatically.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DESC.SDI 435 297 deflated
DSW.DOC 2767 1397 deflated
DSW.EXE 33536 13274 deflated
DSW.HLP 59535 43075 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 435 297 deflated
VENDOR.DOC 988 489 deflated

Download File DSW050.ZIP Here

Contents of the DSW.DOC file


PURPOSE: To help monitor free disk space.
USE: DSW (for command line options please see the
online help)

DiskSpace is a program for the Microsoft Windows operating system
that will allow you to easily monitor the amount of free space on
your computer's hard disks. DiskSpace's window displays the
number of bytes free and graphically shows the percent of the
disk's space allocated. DiskSpace will work with up to 10 logical
local drives, and with any size drive. DiskSpace updates every
second, but redraws the bars only if the amount of free space has
changed. When minimized, the bars still display the percent of
free disk space.

Complete documentation and registration information can be found
in the help file DSW.HLP. To view this file without running
DiskSpace do the following:
- Start Windows
- From Program Manager's menu select File:Run.
- Type "winhelp" in the dialog box and press "OK".
- In Windows Help select File:Open from the menu.
- Find and select "DSW.HLP".
or from a DOS prompt:


DiskSpace Copyright 1991-1993 Robert Hayes - All rights


DiskSpace is provided AS IS without any warranty, expressed or
implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Any use by
you of the software is at your own risk. In no event shall the
author be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without
limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business
interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary
loss) arising out of the use or inability to use this product.


Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Any other product names mentioned are probably trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders.


This copyrighted program is being distributed as Shareware. You
may try this program for 30 days, and if you like it, or find it
useful, and wish to continue using it, you are expected to
register with the author. You are free (and encouraged) to copy
this program and distribute it to anyone, as long as no fee, other
than a nominal fee for the disk and shipping/handling, is charged
for the program, and as long as all of the files listed in the
File List section of the on-line documentation accompany the

Shareware disk vendors - Please read VENDOR.DOC.

Bob Hayes
Bob's Software
10104 Blue Tee Terrace
Gaithersburg, MD 20879

CompuServe: 71224,3202

 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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