Dec 052017
Command line option for Windows 3.0. Like Command Post without the hastle, very useful.
File CMDLIN.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
Command line option for Windows 3.0. Like Command Post without the hastle, very useful.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CMDLINE.EXE 18204 6184 deflated
CMDLINE.WRI 52352 8064 deflated

Download File CMDLIN.ZIP Here

Contents of the CMDLINE.WRI file

1vCmdLine - Command Line Utility for Windows

CmdLine allows you to run programs which accept command line arguments (windows and DOS applications) via the program manager without having to pre-define the command line string to be passed to the program. This is especially useful for DOS applications which require command line input which differs each time it is used, or Windows applications where the number of different command lines makes it impractical to create separate program groups for each.


CmdLine is easy to install. Copy CMDLINE.EXE to your windows directory , then modify any existing program items with which you wish to use CmdLine by changing the CommandLine entry in the Program Item Properties dialog using Program Manager. To change the entry, click once on the Icon of the application to be modified, then select 'File' from the program manager menu. Click on the 'Properties' entry, you will then see a dialog box like that in figure 1. Place CMDLINE in front of the entry in the CommandLine parameter and press OK..

Figure 1.

To use, just double click on the icon and instead of immediately starting your application, CmdLine will display the default program and command line. Edit the command line, then click on the START pushbutton (or press enter). The application will now start with the command line as entered on the CmdLine screen. (figure 2)

Figure 2

The command line box can contain multiple lines of data (up to the 120 character limit of DOS), and will insert blanks at the end of each line to keep from splitting a word into two pieces. When Cmdline starts your program, these spaces will be removed and only one space will be in the actual command line.

The Window and Icon radio buttons only affect the initial status of windows applications, DOS applications are started as full screen, windowed, or iconic based on the setting in the PIF file (if any).

CmdLine initializes the Program and CommandLine edit controls using the string which follows 'CMDLINE' in the Program Item Properties "Command Line" control. Program is initialized to the string following CMDLINE thru the first blank character, and CommandLine is initialized to the remaining characters.


Entering the following using Program Manager

$:($ `fafax8
ff`fff`a{f`f~f`1x86f`f`f``1ff`f`f``1ff`fff``1>f`c32`2?>|32L2?L2d333$&L2g?s3f`3&g???sg9<causes CmdLine to display the following:


To use the Icon associated with your program, and not the CmdLine Icon, edit the program item, select CHANGE ICON, and place your program's name in the "File Name" box. Program manager will now display the Icons available from your program. Choose the one you want using "SELECT NEXT", and then press "OK" when your choice is displayed

Comments and Suggestions

Comments and suggestions are welcomed (send to the registration address, or E-Mail to compuserv ID 73527,574). Sending comments and suggestions implies a licence to use any ideas presented without compensation.

Planned enhancements include the ability to search a drive (or drives) for a specific file (using any valid DOS name, including wildcards) with the automatic transfer of the path and filename to the program or command line boxes, the addition of an "Environment" box which would allow specification of the environment (currently CmdLIine passes the WINDOWS environment to any executing programs), and a way of placing command lines and/or environments in a "Group" which could be displayed and selected (e.g. CmdLine could be told to display the 'A/P' group, which would contain the Command lines required to run the 5 spreadsheets which are part of the A/P system).


CmdLine is distributed as shareware and can be registered for $10.00 per copy. Send check or money order to:
Michael Mercurio, Jr.
260 Larkspur Ln,
King of Prussia, PA 19406


CmdLine is Copyright 1990 by Michael Mercurio, Jr., All rights reserved.


If you distribute CmdLine to friends, associates, or to a computer bulletin board system (BBS), you may only distribute the compressed file including the copyright and disclaimer.


The Copyright Owner hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Copyright Owner will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if The Copyright owner or an agent of The Copyright Owner has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall The Copyright Owner's liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the license to use the software, regardless of the form of the claim. The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software.
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 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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