Dec 092017
Nice Windows 3.x phone dialer, address keeper, and envelope maker. Uses Card file to get all of this done.
File ADDRES17.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
Nice Windows 3.x phone dialer, address keeper, and envelope maker. Uses Card file to get all of this done.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ADDRES17.WRI 21504 9289 deflated
ADDRESS.EXE 257987 98239 deflated
ADDRESS.HLP 34827 13460 deflated
CMDIALOG.VBX 16000 6707 deflated
COMMDLG.DLL 90144 41287 deflated
INSTLADR.EXE 23294 7219 deflated
LOADVBRN.EXE 3993 1223 deflated
READADDR.ME 1174 538 deflated
VBCOMM.VBX 33248 12715 deflated

Download File ADDRES17.ZIP Here

Contents of the ADDRES17.WRI file

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Hans Conzett
Member Association of Shareware Professionals
Birraecherstr. 34
8966 Oberwil-Lieli
CompuServe: 100015,146

EnvAddress is a Windows program written in Visual Basic for the following tasks:

Professional Address Manager
Envelope printer
Phone dialler


Windows 3.0 or higher running in standard or enhanced mode. Visual Basic programs do not run in real mode.

Some of the highlights are:

- Grouping of addresses - groups can be shown or hidden
- Free format for the address, no fixed length fields
- Up to 15,000 characters of remarks for each address - can be modified in a scrollable edit window
- Envelope printing with a single mouse click - 5 envelope sizes can be predefined
- Setup for printer, fonts and font sizes (screen, printer and envelopes)
- Printout of a single address and of address lists - many selection criteria's
- Fast address locating even in large databases
- Find a text string in any fields of the addresses (also remarks field)
- Phone dialling with a single mouse click
- Installation program
- Support by author through CompuServe, mail or phone (provided you like to call Switzerland)

The package is delivered on two disks:

1.The program package
2.VBRUN100.DLL, the Visual Basic runtime library


1.Copy VBRUN100.DLL from the second disk to your Windows directory

2.Copy ADDRES17.EXE from the first disk to a temporary empty directory on your hard disk

3.Run ADDRES17.EXE. This will uncompress the files and will expand them to about 500K

4.Delete ADDRES17.EXE from your hard disk

5.Run INSTLADR.EXE. This is a Windows program and has to be started out of Windows through the Run statement or out of the File Manager. It will not run from a DOS prompt.

6.Delete the remaining files from your temporary directory

7.Install EnvAddress as an icon in your preferred group with File - New - Browse

Start EnvAddress. A database will automatically be created and my Address and phone number will be inserted. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any problems or if you have suggestions for improvements.

Adjust your preferences in the two defaults forms and the page setup. Also look into the help file, it contains a lot of information and tips.

Most of all: Enjoy EnvAddress.

Hans Conzett


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 December 9, 2017  Add comments

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