Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : ACCESS31.ZIP

Output of file : ACCESSES.WRI contained in archive : ACCESS31.ZIP

Version No. 3.1

This TUTOR was written in Windows Write format at the Request of Users, so you can print this file using your normal Printer Fonts. To print this file, select the whole file, then select a standard "Font" and point "Size" for your printer and then print. (Do not select a Font "Style", ie Normal, Bold, Itallic, etc.) You may want to "Test Print" one page before and after making changes before printing the complete file.

Accesses.exe Places windows, launches programs, launches whole desktops, calls your phone, notifies you when alarms are set, launches programs based on alarm settings and has Sound functions. Accesses must be Added to your Program Manager's Startup Group (or Norton Desktop's, etc.) to start when Windows is 1st started.

AccDrive.exe displays the current Free Drive Space and alarms when the Free Drive Space value is less than your preset alarm point. In Win 3.1, AccDrive can be configured with a Program name for Drag Dropping. AccDrive uses the Timer supplied by Accesses so it must be launched when Accesses is Active or launched by Accesses. AccDrive is the only "Acc" program that Accesses will automatically launch when Windows 1st starts based on whether AccDrive(s) were operating when Accesses was last closed.

AccDrop.exe "Ack Drop" provides an alternative method of launching specific programs in Windows 3.1 by dragging a document name from Windows File Manager and dropping that document on AccDrop. AccDrop must be launched with a specific Command Line to preload the information.

AccKernl.exe, an optional "command". AccKernl is not a "real Windows program" but just a "Windows Command". The purpose of this command is to speed the Ctrl+Esc key combination for the users who have computers with very low memory.

DayAlarm.exe is a very low memory usage calendar display that Alarms on requested dates. (a special birthday or anniversary?) You can use DayAlarm to build a TODO List. DayAlarm is located in a separate file named DAYALM.ZIP.

AccClip.exe "Ack Clip" is a Text format Clipboard Stack saver that needs no other program to operate. AccClip is a Very Tiny and Very Fast program. AccClip will also perform simple math calculations. AccClip is located in a separate file named ACCLIP.ZIP.

Accesses, AccDrive, and AccClip Versions 3.1 were written to ignore Virtual Desktop managers.

Be sure to run like Version Numbers of AccClip, AccDrop, AccDrive and Accesses. These programs will communicate with each other. You can find the Version Number under the File+About box of AccClip and Help+About box of Accesses and on the main menu of the other programs.

This file contains information on the following: (To find a SECTION, type Alt+N, F, SECTION # 2, [enter].

Subject SECTION #


Placing Windows/Launching Programs. SECTION # 2

Saving/Launching Desktops from Folders SECTION # 3
(multiple programs to set up a Desktop).

Popup - Mouse Click Functions SECTION # 4


Clipboard Functions. SECTION # 6

Popup - Accelerator Keys. SECTION # 7

Run History List SECTION # 8

Beeps or Sounds SECTION # 9

AccDrop - Win 3.1 Drag Drop SECTION # 10

Windows 3.0/3.1 Screen Savers SECTION # 11

AccKernl.exe SECTION # 12

See ACCESSES.HLP for more information. Press F1 from any dialog box of Accesses.


Have fun, and register Accesses if you find that you are using Accesses. Please register before the 30th day of use.....


Off the WALL Software
7680 Cottonwood Ln.
Pleasanton, CA 94588-4322
phone 510-484-4129
Tutor SECTION # 1

The following is a 5 - 10 minute, 19-step review of Accesses functions:


ALL ACCESSES Windows will open a Dialog Box with a Left Mouse Double Click on that Window!!!

ACCESSES SAVES THE RESTORED WINDOW POSITION and not the MAXIMIZED or minimized window position. For 386/486 users: When Saving the Window position of a DOS window in the Enhanced Windows mode, Accesses will restore the DOS Window if it is Maximized. To Place a DOS Window in it's restored position: Activate the DOS Window in its Restored setting, Use the Alt+Spacebar, Size; and move/size the DOS Window where you want. (See Placing Windows/Launching Programs in SECTION # 2 for additional detail for DOS windows.)

--- TUTOR ---

1. Activate Your Menu: Using the Left Button of your mouse, Double Click on the Right 1/3 of Accesses' pop-up window. (The cursor should show 'MENU' if you are on the right spot.)

Mouse Click Activate the Task List: Using the Left Button of your mouse, Double Click on the Left 1/3 of Accesses' pop-up window. (The cursor should show 'LIST' if you are on the right spot.) This is the same as pressing the Ctrl+Esc key combination.

Change the Task List to a not-sorted-list: Practically everything in Accesses is configurable. My preference is to have a sorted Task List showing the Windows that are opened. If Your preference is to show the windows in the decreasing order of usage, press: Ctrl+Esc, Alt+S, / (forward slash).

2a. Save a different DEFAULTSIZE (start up position) for this Help File: (I recommend the Top 1/2 of your monitor for ACCESSES.HLP and ACCESSES.WRI.

Using your right mouse button, single click on the Right 1/3 of the Accesses popup, the cursor will show a picture of a mouse, and select the Top 1/2 from the "Mouse move dialog box". Then Click on the "Write - ACCESSES.WRI" window.

Now to Save this position: Press Ctrl+Esc, select the "Write - ACCESSES.WRI" name in the Task List list box. (Just move the marquee to your selection in the Task List if you are selecting just one Window from the Task List. You do NOT have to HighLight your selection in the Task List when you are selecting just ONE window except when closing the Window.)

Then press the following key combinations: Alt+U, V, Alt+D, Alt+S. (I'm showing all accelerator keys as capitals for ease of viewing only. Do not use the Shift Key unless specifically requested.)

You can save any window position with its complete title this way (as shown on the Window Caption Bar). Normally, you will not save the complete title but will save just the program name portion of the Window Title by skipping the Alt+D keystroke in the sequence shown above.

Did this work? Move the File that you saved. Select: Ctrl+Esc, move the marquee to the Window name and press Alt+D.

2b. Attach the Help file to the Pop-up window:
Press Ctrl+Esc, Select this Write File in the Task List - list box, then press Alt+S, C. Now, this Write File will pop to the top focus when you Right Mouse Single Click on the Left 1/3 of the Accesses pop-up window. To Try it out... Minimize this Write File and then Right Mouse Single Click on the Left 1/3 of the Accesses pop-up window. This attached position is saved across Windows sessions and can be changed anytime.

2c. Use the second Show Attach position:
Press Ctrl+Esc, Select the other Accesses Help File in the Task List - list box, then press Alt+S, Shift+C. Now, this Help File will pop to the top focus when you Right Mouse Single Click on the Middle 1/3 of the Accesses pop-up window. To Try it out... Minimize this Help File and then Right Mouse Single Click on the Middle 1/3 of the Accesses pop-up window.

The + sign shown on the "Attach... +" menu item means that a second function is executed when you hold the shift or right mouse button down when you select this menu item, in this case the second Show Attached position.

3. Change the pop-up window display and size: Click ONCE on the Pop-up window displayed in the upper right corner of your monitor using the Left Mouse Button. Use the left-right arrow keys to scroll thru it's displays. Your last selection is automatically saved as the start up choice when you close Accesses. There are more options located at the bottom of the Configure Dialog Box, select: Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U, C.

There are other options for the Popup window available under Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U, C.

4. Launch AccDrive and Move the pop-up windows: Select Ctrl+Esc, Alr+R, F to launch AccDrive. You can launch up to 4 AccDrive programs.

Activate the popup by clicking once on it with your mouse and then press Alt+Space to activate the System menu. Select "Move" from the System menu then use the Ctrl+Arrow keys to move the window tiny amounts.

OR Hold your Ctrl+Shift keys down then Click on the popup with your left mouse button and drag the popup with your mouse.

All of the Accesses popup windows move this way!

Move all of the pop-up windows to where you want them to start up. (Moving the pop-up is difficult so it doesn't move when you double click on it. More later.)

Save the startup setting of Accesses and AccDrive now so we don't mess this up later in this Tutor. Select Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U, T. This saves the Startup settings for ALL Accesses Programs.

5. In addition to displaying the Free Drive Space, AccDrive is configured to automatically launch Notepad when a document is dragged dropped on it. Drag a text document from Windows File Manager and drop it on AccDrop, be brave and select AUTOEXEC.BAT.

5c. All Accesses popups will open a dialog box if you Left Mouse Double Click on the popup's Window. Now Left Mouse Double Click on the AccDrive popup Window. You can configure AccDrive to launch whatever document that you want.

If you are using Norton Desktop, Restore some or all of the Norton Desktop windows that are minimized (Icons) at the button of your screen before continuing.

6. Tile all of your windows: Maximize this Help File Window AFTER pressing the following key combinations: Ctrl+Esc, Alt+S, S, T. (Some windows cannot be sized and these windows are minimized.)

7. Move the Parent Windows back to the DEFAULTSIZE: Press the following key combinations: Ctrl+Esc, Alt+L, Alt+D.

Did you remember to Right Mouse Click the Left 1/3 of the pop-up window to bring the Help file back to the top focus? There is a reason that the Help file wasn't at the top. The marquee was at the end of the Task List and that file was the one with the final focus.

Are you running DrWatson and DrWatson's dialog box popped open? If you are and this was annoying, then select Ctrl+Esc, (select DrWatson from the Task List), then:


1. Press: Alt+S,H. This hides the icon. Read List Hidden On / Off for more information before using the Hide function for other windows.


2. Press: Alt+U, V, Alt+X, Alt+S. This will exclude it from displaying in the Task List. To re-include a window that was excluded, select Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U, V, Alt+X, Alt+. (period key). Read Exclude Window Title from All Task List Displays for more information.

If you are not a Norton Desktop User, skip to point 8.

All users can move the Parent Windows back to the DEFAULTSIZE using the above procedure:

All users can move the Child Windows back to the DEFAULTSIZE: Press the following key combinations:
Ctrl+Esc, Alt+S, L. This will check the 'List Childs only' menu item. Then from the Task List dialog box, press Alt+L, Alt+D. Normally, non-Norton Desktop users will not have a child window unless a pop-up window is opened that has an enabled Parent Window (e.g., Windows Write Find dialog box.)

All users can move ALL Windows (parents and children) back to the DEFAULTSIZE: Press the Shift key or right mouse button when selecting the 'List Childs only' menu item to list Children and All Parents.

To re-list the Parent Windows in the Task List be sure that you have unchecked the 'List Childs only' menu item if you checked this item as described in the previous paragraph. Press Ctrl+Esc, Alt+S and confirm that the 'List Childs only' menu item is not checked.

All users can move ALL Windows back to the DEFAULTSIZE: Press the following key combinations:
Ctrl+Esc, Alt+S, S, L, D or Norton folks can also use: Ctrl+Esc,Alt+S, Shift+L, Alt+L, Alt+D

8. Close Windows: I'm going to have you launch more programs so Press Ctrl+Esc, then select a BUNCH of Windows in the Task List (yes, choose more than 1 from the Task List), then press Alt+F, E (to close those windows). If you did not close and restart Windows after installing Accesses for the 1st time, right now you are thinking that Accesses maybe really nice if it was not so slow. But remember, Accesses is faster the next time you run windows because the changes to your SYSTEM.INI file do not take effect until you exit and restart Windows!

9. Place a window when launched from Program Manager (or similar program like Norton Desktop):

11a. Launch "Program Manager" or Norton Desktop if not running.

11b. There is a better way but this demonstrates how Accesses works: From the "Program Manager" Press: Alt+F, R,

then type: Accesses.exe Notepad.exe WIN.INI

then press [Enter]. (Response expected: Notepad should now be running with WIN.INI and placed in your DEFAULTSIZE location.)

(file extensions are preferred but not required for accesses, e.g., .exe, .com, .pif, .bat)

10. Configure a Program Manager Icon to place a window when launched: Select an Icon from "Program Manager" (or similar program like Norton Desktop) that is for one of the programs that you had running when Accesses 1st was initialized. Then Press:

Alt+File, Properties,[Home], *

(The above just places an asterisk in front of the Description of the Icon so you know that this program is being launched by Accesses.)
then type

[Change Icon], [Enter] (This sets the icon so that Accesses Icon is not automatically used.)

[Go to the command line]
then type: Accesses.exe notepad.exe WIN.INI
(in front of the program that is listed on the Command Line for Program Manager's "Properties" dialog box.)

The Command Line now looks similar to the following:

Accesses.exe notepad.exe WIN.INI

Yes, you will have 2 programs listed for the above Command Line. This example will look similar to what you typed as the Run Line for paragraph 11b above.

Save the Program Manager's "Properties" dialog box. Then double click on the Icon. (Response expected: This program should now be running and placed in your DEFAULTSIZE location.)

For Program's like WinWord Version 2.0, you can have multiple document names on a command line. If all of these documents are in the same directory, then you need to add the directory name to the last document only.


Accesses.exe Winword.exe stocks.doc e:\money\banker.doc

11. Quickly Activate Accesses Run Dialog box: Press: Ctrl+Shift+Esc (holding the Control+Shift down slightly longer than normal so Accesses notices that the Shift key is down.)

11.a Add Accesses to the association's section of your WIN.INI [extensions]: On the Run Dialog Box opened above, Press Alt+L, and scroll down to the ACCESSES.INI file in the "Run Program with Filename" list box.

Then Press Alt+i. Enter as the WIN.INI association the following:

accesses.exe notepad.exe

Then Press 'OK'. (Now all INI files will be launched with Accesses launching Notepad when you double Click on an INI file name.)

Double Click on an INI file in the "Filename" list box. You can see the Association in the "Run" Edit Combo box. Now press the [enter] key to launch that program.

11.b Launch !folderno1: Press: Ctrl+Shift+Esc, and double click on !folderno1 in the "Run User List" list box.

12. Launch a user configured Function Key Program: Click once on the Accesses Pop-up window using the Left Mouse Button. Now press: Shift+F4 (Your F4 function key with the Shift Key held down). If Windows File Manager wasn't already running it should have been launched.

13. Launch a Program from File Manager: (Windows 3.0 and 3.1 are different here. The Windows 3.1 File Manager requires you to enter some of the extensions from the File + Associate menu of File Manager.)

Procedure for Windows 3.1 File Manager Only:

For some programs, the Windows 3.1 File Manager uses its own file Associations list and does not use the WIN.INI extensions to launch programs. To associate a *.INI document with Notepad or any other program, select the *.INI document in the File Manager and then from the File Manager press, Alt+F, A, Alt+A and type in:


Procedure for Windows 3.0 or Windows 3.1 programs that use the WIN.INI extensions: See 11.a above.

Now double click on the ACCESSES.INI file listed in File Manager. (Notepad should have launched with ACCESSES.INI and the program placed in your DEFAULTSIZE location. If not see Using Accesses to launch Programs from File Manager (or similar programs) in ACCESSES.HLP.)

14. Configure a Function Key Program: Press: Ctrl+Esc, Alt+R, C. You can configure the Function keys to anything you want. Press Esc.

15. Switch to a user configured Function Key Program from the TASK LIST DIALOG BOX: Press: Ctrl+Esc, Alt+R. The + sign on Windows Menus represents the Shift Key. This means that the F4 key will do something and the Shift+F4 will do something else. (Note the right mouse can be substituted for the Shift Key.) Any of the Shifted Function Keys will switch to that program if it is already running. While F4 will launch another copy even if a program is running; unless of course, the program allows only one copy of itself to be running.

If one or more Notepad windows are still opened, Minimize them by selecting Ctrl+Esc, highlight them all in the Task List then press Alt+S, N. Now press Ctrl+Esc, Alt+R, Shift+F3. Notepad should have restored.

Now press Ctrl+Esc, Alt+R, F3. Another Notepad should open.

16. There are Mouse Clicks associated with the Function Keys listed in point 16, see "Popup - My favorite Mouse Click Function" in Section 5 of this Tutor.

17. Read the section of this Help file that recommends a change in your SYSTEM.INI file if you decide to keep Accesses. This will speed the Ctrl+Esc key combinations.

18. This is the LAST Step of this Tutor. How do you save a !Folder? See "Saving/Launching Desktops from Folders" in this document.


If you wish Accesses would place then MAXIMIZE a window when the window is launched, then select Ctrl+Esc, Alt+R, M to check the "Max after run on / off" button. Look at the far left character in the Accesses pop-up. A carrot (^) in the far left character indicates the app. will be maximized after launching. No carrot indicates that the app. will launch in the Restored position.

If you wish Accesses would place then MAXIMIZE MOST windows but not some of them, for example, You may want Windows Clock to startup minimized or restored even if the "Max after run on / off" button mentioned in the earlier paragraph is ON: Press Ctrl+Esc, select the Windows Clock in the Task List, then Alt+U, V, Alt+S. Then press Alt+. (period) and find the "Clock" in the list. Press Alt+R, Alt+G. Now clock will always startup in the Restored Position if Clock is launched thru Accesses.

Please see "My favorite Mouse Click Function" in

An answer to a question you have or will have: The last window selected from the Task List (the one with the marquee around it) is the window that has the top focus when you select more than one window from the Task List for a Show Window function. e.g., Select 3 windows from the Task List and note which one has the Marquee around it then press the Switch button or press the Defaults button.
Placing Windows/Launching Programs SECTION # 2

This section of the Tutor explaines how to place windows:



Accesses uses Window Title Bar (Caption) to Place Windows. You can use a portion of the title and Accesses looks for the best fit. For Example, the Window Title Bar of this Write document is "Write - ACCESSES.WRI". You can Save the Window position of "Write - ACCESSES.WRI" so that it always starts up in a particular position. This way, you can have multiple options to place a program based on the document running in the Program.

However, most of the time, you want all "Write"s (or "Notepad"s, etc.) to be opened in the same location. In this case, you will save only the "Write" portion of the Window Title Bar. This allows "Generic Placement" of all "Write" independent of the Document opened in Write.

Accesses looks for the best "case insensitive" fit in its DEFAULTSIZE table.

DOS windows in the Enhanced Mode of Window may confuse you. When you save the Window position for a DOS Window, Accesses is saving the "Restored Window Position". If the "MaxAfterRun on/off" switch is ON, then Accesses will place the DOS Window in its "Restored Position" and then Accesses will maximize the window and "Microsoft Windows" will place the Window in the Maximized position. (To save the Window position that "Microsoft Windows" will use for a Maximized window, Maximize the DOS Window and then Close it by typing EXIT in the DOS window.) The procedure below explains how to save the Window position for all Windows in their Restored Sizes!

The following examples will explain the above point.

1. "Generic Placement" for your currently opened Windows: to update ALL of your currently opened Window positions again, or to add new Window Positions, press Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U, C, S, [enter],[enter]. I am showing the key combinations in capital letters for ease of viewing only. Do not use the Shift key until told.

2. To update the window position of a Single Window (either "Generic Placement" or to "Include the Document Name" of the Window Title Bar), press Ctrl+Esc, Select the window name in the Task List and Press, Alt+U, C, S, [enter],[enter].

You can save any window position with its complete title this way (as shown on the Window Title Bar). However,...

Normally, you will not save the complete title but will save just the program name portion of the Window Title.

MOVING (PLACING) windows based on positions stored by Accesses:

There are three primary methods and these are listed below:

1. Move just one window using Mouse Clicks: Move the Cursor across the Accesses pop-up window until the cursor shows a picture of a MOUSE in the lower right corner (Right 1/3 of the Accesses pop-up window.

Single Click the Right Mouse button on the spot where the "picture of a mouse" is shown. Choose the position where you want the next window to be moved from the dialog box that opens. Mouse Click on the window that you want moved.

2. AUTOMATICALLY MOVE a Window launched from Programs like File Manager: Most programs use the WIN.INI [extensions] section to find program associations with document names. The Windows 3.1 File Manager requires you to enter some of the extensions from the File + Associate menu of File Manager.)

2a. WINDOWS 3.0 FILE MANAGER and any program that uses WIN.INI [extensions] Associations. Add Accesses to the Association: Select, Ctrl+Esc, Alt+R, [enter], Alt+L, and for this example select a filename of an *.INI document that you want placed by Accesses. Then press Alt+I, and type the following in the Associations Edit Text Box:

c:\windows\accesses.exe c:\windows\notepad.exe

Yes, you will have 2 program names listed in the command line. This launches the program thru Accesses.

(After closing Accesses's dialog boxes). Now double click on any *.INI file listed in the File Manager. (Response expected: This program should now be running and placed in your DEFAULTSIZE location.

2b. WINDOWS 3.1 FILE MANAGER and any program that uses a separate Associations list: Some of the Associations in Windows 3.1 File Manager are not selected from the WIN.INI file, but have to be entered thru the Windows File Manager directly. For these documents (eg *.TXT files). Select the File + Associate menu item from the File Manager (not from ACCESSES) and change the association to similar to the following: (for example, if you selected ACCESSES.INI as the document to associate.)

c:\windows\accesses.exe c:\windows\notepad.exe

(After closing Accesses's dialog boxes). Now double click on any *.TXT file listed in the File Manager. (Response expected: This program should now be running and placed in your DEFAULTSIZE location.

2c. From any program similar to PROGRAM MANAGER: (See Tutor - point 11.)

2c. All programs launched thru Accesses are placed if a DEFAULTSIZE is listed in ACCESSES.INI for that Program's Caption. You can launch programs from Accesses directly using the following:

From any Windows program: Select, Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

From a DOS window: Select Ctrl+Esc, Alt+R, [enter].

Then select the program that you want to launch from the "Accesses - RUN PROGRAM" dialog box. Investigate the Alt+L and Alt+M options.

Accesses uses the WIN.INI [extensions] Associations to find the program names associated with documents selected.

More about DOS Windows:

If you want the Maximized position to be the same as the Restored, you will have to Size the DOS Window manually in the Restored position and Save this in Accesses via Ctrl+Esc, select the DOS window in the Task List, then Alt+U,V, Alt+S. Then maximize the DOS Window, and type Exit in the DOS Window so that Miscrosoft Windows has the proper Maximized position.

To override this so that Accesses always restores or Maximizes DOS Window positions, Select: Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U, V, Alt+. (period). Then from the "Edit DEFAULTSIZE" dialog box, scroll down thru your list of Window Titles and at each DOS Window check the "Restored" button then Alt+G to save each change. You can do this for all of your DOS Windows without closing this dialog box for each one.
Saving/Launching Desktops from Folders SECTION # 3

This section of the Tutor explains how to Launch Desktops or multiple programs using one command from Accesses or other programs:

"Launching Desktops" is defined as a "!FolderNo" in Accesses. A "!FolderNo" contains a list of multiple programs that you want to launch ALL-AT-ONE-TIME by Accesses.


A. First you have to store your Window positions in ACCESSES.INI. Read the "Placing Windows" section to do this.

SAVING A FOLDER - Using the "Run History List" Method.

1. The easiest method for Saving a Desktop is to use the "Run History List" saved by Accesses. Accesses saves the last 26 programs launched thru Accesses in a Run History List. Although, only 20 programs can be included in a !FolderNo.

The "Run History List" is the only method of automatically recording PIF filenames for a !Folder.

1a. Launch your programs thru any of the "Accesses - RUN PROGRAM" dialog box lists. Investigate the Alt+L and Alt+M options of this dialog box. When the "Accesses - RUN PROGRAM" dialog box is unfolded with the Alt+L option (File List >>), the "Auto Insert" check box on the Run Dialog box gives the user control and indicates when Accesses will insert the filename selected in the Filename List box to the program name listed in the "Run User List" box or "Windows directory" list box.

Experiment with entering a File Mask in the "Run" combo box. Press enter after entering the Mask. (eg. *.TXT or *.TXT;*.INI). Notice that you can enter a multiple mask separated by a semicolon.

Also, programs are recorded in the "Run History List" if you launched the program "THRU ACCESSES" from Program Manager or File Manager as shown in the "Placing Windows" section. All programs that are launched thru Accesses are recorded in the "Run History List".

Finally, the Windows 3.1 version allows the user to Drag Drop document or program names from Drag Drop Servers like Windows File Manager. Hold the Left Mouse button down on a file name from File Manager and drag that name to the Accesses Popup.

1b. To view the "Run History List": (Assuming that you have launched some programs already, else the list will be empty.)

From a Windows Program, Select Ctrl+Shift+Esc (remember, hold the Ctrl+Shift longer than normal)

From a DOS Program, Select Ctrl+Esc, Alt+R, [enter].

Then select Alt+[down arrow] when the "Run" edit text box has the input focus. Your "Run History" is displayed here and in other places. (For your information: You can select a program from this list and launch it by pressing [enter].)

1c. Once you have programs recorded in your "Run History List", from the "Accesses - RUN PROGRAM" dialog box, Press, Alt+P, [esc]. Now you are at the Main Menu, the "Task List". Then press, Alt+U, C, V, [enter], Then using the scroll buttons, select a folder to save your "Run History". Then press Alt+H.

From here you will be sent to an edit Folder Dialog box. Select the programs that you do not want to include in the Folder in the list box and press Alt+T to delete these program. Once you have the Folder that you want, press [esc].


1. From Program Manager: Make an Icon that has a command line of "accesses.exe !FolderNo1". (where the "1" in !FolderNo1 is the Folder Number that you saved your Folder to in 1b. above). The 1st character in the !FolderNo1 name is an Exclamation point and is a required character of the name. Of course, don't type the Double Quotes as shown above for clarity. (Reminder, Add the Asterisk to the "Description" of the "File + Properties dialog box" of Program Manager so you know that Accesses will be placing the Window as shown in the "Placing Windows" point 2c.)

2. From File Manager: select Alt+F, R, and type "Accesses.exe !FolderNo1". (again, where the "1" in !FolderNo1 is the Folder Number that you saved your Folder to in 1b. above).

3. From any other Windows Program: select Ctrl+Shift+Esc, Alt+U, [end], select the !FolderNoX that you want to launch and press [enter].
Popup - Mouse Click Functions SECTION # 4

Several functions are available to the users without opening the Task List dialog box. Clicking on the Popup window with the Left Mouse Button, Right Mouse Button, or combinations provides these speed functions.

The Single Click Functions using either the Left Mouse Button or the Right Mouse Button are displayed by the cursor when the cursor is moved over the Left 1/3, middle 1/3 and Right 1/3 of the popup.

The Left Mouse Button Single Click Functions:

Move the mouse over the Popup until the LEFT picture of the cursor changes from "List" to "Run" to "Menu".

Left Mouse Double click on the popup when "List" is displaying will open the "Task List".

Left Mouse Double click on the popup when "Run" is displaying will open the "Run Program" dialog box.

Left Mouse Double click on the popup when "Menu" is displayed by the cursor will display your Menu program (this is configurable to anything you wish).

The Right Mouse Button Single Click Functions:

Move the mouse over the Popup, the RIGHT picture of the cursor changes from "*" to "?" to "a picture of a mouse".

The "*" displayed by the cursor means Show Attached:

1. Attach the Help file to the Pop-up window:
Press Ctrl+Esc, Select this Help File in the Task List - list box, then press Alt+S, C. Now, this Help File will pop to the top focus when you Right Mouse Single Click on the Left 1/3 of the Accesses pop-up window. To Try it out... Minimize this Help File and then Right Mouse Single Click on the Left 1/3 of the Accesses pop-up window. This attached position is saved across Windows sessions and can be changed anytime. (The + sign shown on the "Attach... +" menu item selects the second Show Attached position. The plus symbol normally means Shift Key or Right Mouse Click in Windoweze.

There are Mouse Clicks associated with these Function Keys, see "Popup - My favorite Mouse Click Function" in Section 5 of this Tutor.

How do you reconfigure these Function Keys? Select Ctrl+Esc, Alt+R, C.

There are 4 mouse click actions that Accesses's Pop-up Window recognizes:

Right Mouse Single Click,

Left Mouse Double Click,

Hold the Left Mouse button down & Single Click the Right Mouse button

Hold the Shift key down (not right mouse button) & Single Click the Left Mouse button

There are 3 window positions that the Accesses's Popup window can be clicked:

Mouse Click on the Left 1/3 of the Popup window, Middle 1/3 of the Popup window, and Right 1/3 of the Popup window.

The following TABLE describes these Mouse Click positions:

Click location »» LEFT 1/3 MIDDLE 1/3 RIGHT 1/3

Left Mouse
double click Task List Run Dialog User's Menu

Right mouse
single click Change Display System Info Mouse Click
or call Attached #1 Attached #2 dialog box

Hold Left Mouse
button down and
Right mouse
single click brings
the following window
to the Top Focus: F2 window F3 window F4 window

The Max App after Run On / Off switch can be changed by holding the Shift key while and Left Mouse button single click on the middle 1/3 of the Pop-up window (the cursor shows 'Run').

The Display System Info can also be called by holding the Shift key while and Left Mouse button single click on the middle 1/3 of the Pop-up window. You may want to remember this if you Attach a window the middle right mouse single click.

The Max after Run on / off switch is changed when you hold the Shift Key down and Single Click the Left Mouse button on the left half of the pop-up window. A single quotation will display in the far left position of the pop-up to indicate that the switch is on. This is the same as selecting "Max after Run on / off" from the Run menu item of the Task List.

The AutoDragDrop on / off switch is changed when you hold the Shift Key down and Single Click the Left Mouse button on the right half of the pop-up window if you are running the Win 3.1 drag drop version of Accesses. A single quotation will display in the far right position of the pop-up to indicate that the switch is on. This is the same as selecting "AutoDragDrop on / off" from the Run menu item of the Task List.

Popup - My favorite Mouse Click Function SECTION # 5

1. Switch to a user configured Function Key Program from the POP-UP WINDOW: Single Click on the Accesses Pop-up window using the Left Mouse Button. Now press: F3 (Your F3 function key). If Notepad - WIN.INI (or any other Notepad.exe) was already opened, it should have popped to the top; otherwise the cursor will show "NOT OPEN" . The Function keys work for Accesses Pop-up window as well. (Although, the "Task List dialog box" will launch a program will launch a program if a straight Function Key is pressed while the pop-up will not launch a program unless the Shift Key is also pressed.) But MORE SIGNIFICANTLY, the F2, F3, and F4 function keys have special mouse click assignments.

The following is one of my most frequently used and favorite Mouse Click Functions of Accesses:

I recommend assigning the F2 function key to your Word Processor, the F3 Function key to your Text Editor or Text Viewer, and the F3 key to your File Managing program. This way when you "Hold the Left Mouse button down & Single Click the Right Mouse button" on the left 1/3 of the pop-up, your Word Processor will always pop to the top if it is running (F2 function key). The middle 1/3 will pop your text editor(s) (F3 function key) and the right 1/3 will pop your File Manager to the Top if they are running (F4 function key).

(Refer to the WordPerfect for Windows example below if the above does not work for your program.)

Try it. Hold the "Hold the Left Mouse button down & Single Click the Right Mouse button" on the middle 1/3 of the pop-up . (This is exactly the same thing that would happen if you pressed the F3 key.) Notepad should pop to the top focus if one is opened. "Hold the Left Mouse button down & Single Click the Right Mouse button" AGAIN. Each time you do this another Notepad pops to the top if more than one Notepad is opened. Accesses will scroll thru your notepad list.

You will not remember all of these function keys, but you will probably remember the F2, F3, and F4 keys and the ones that launch DOS, and a few of your frequently used utilities. (I only remember what 6 of these function keys will launch.)

WordPerfect for Windows and other cantankerous programs: To attach these programs to a F2, F3, etc. key, you must enter the a portion of the Window's Caption as the "Menu Description". Press Ctrl+Esc, Alt+R, C and enter "WordPerfect" (or a portion of whatever the title is for the program excluding the Document's name beginning from the left side of the Window Title) as the "Menu Description" and c:\wpwin\wpwin.exe" as the "Command Line for Executing".
Clipboard Functions SECTION # 6

Accesses clipboard functions have been taken over by AccClip.exe, another Off the WALL Software Product.

Popup - Accelerator Keys SECTION # 7

When the Popup Window has focus via a single Left Mouse Click, the following Accelerator Keys have the following functions:

F1 Launches Accesses.hlp
(For F2 thru F12, see "Mouse Click Functions of the Popup".)

F2 Switch to the F2 Program
F3 Switch to the F3 Program
-> (same for F2 thru F12, will switch to that program if running.)
F12 Switch to the F2 Program

Shift+F1 Launch the F2 Program
Shift+F3 Launch the F3 Program
(same for F2 thru F12, will launch that program.)
Shift+F12 Launch the F12 Program
Alt+A Opens the Alarms Dialog Box.
Alt+G Global Compacts Windows Discardable memory.
Alt+P Opens the Phone Dialog Box.
Alt+Shift+P Starts the Phone Dialog Box ReDial last call if you made a call this Windows Session.

From ANY WINDOWS PROGRAM. Accesses's popup does not need to have the focus.

Ctrl+Esc Calls the "Task List" dialog box. Also works from a DOS Window.

Ctrl+Shift+Esc Calls the "Run Programs" dialog box

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Esc Calls the "Multiple Select File List" dialog box.

Ctrl+Alt+P+Esc Opens the Phone Dialog Box.

Ctrl+Alt+L+Esc Opens the Launch Pad Dialog Box.

The key combinations that begin with Ctrl and end with Esc require you to hold down All of the keys prior to the Esc a little longer than normal. However, Just tap the Esc key. Example: hold down the "Ctrl+Alt+L" keys and tap the "Esc" key to open the Launch Pad Dialog Box.

Run History List SECTION # 8

You can relaunch ALL-AT-ONE-TIME up to 20 of the last 26 Programs you last launched thru Accesses even without Launching a Folder.

Select from a DOS Window:
Ctrl+Esc, Alt+R, Shift+[enter], Alt+R.

Select from a any Windows Program:

The Last 26 programs launched thru Accesses are in this "Run History List".

Choose all of the programs that you want to launch from the "Multiple Select File List" dialog box and press [enter].
Beeps or Sounds SECTION # 9

Accesses can use the Windows beep or send a sound to your speaker or use the "Asterisk" under the [sounds] section of your WIN.INI if you have a Windows sound board. These sounds are used by AccDrive to Alarm when the minimum free disk space is reached; and used in Accesses Timer Alarms.

Accesses will not change the sounds coming from programs other than Accesses and AccDrive.

Accesses has the "engine" for these sounds so it must be running before AccDrive sounds are changed.


To use the normal Windows beep: Select Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U,C,N,[enter], and Alt+S until the Check box is unchecked (not gray and not 'X').

To use sounds produced by your computer's speaker: Select Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U,C,N,[enter], and Alt+S until the Check box is 'X' (not unchecked and not gray). Test this Sound Function before running a critical program. The Sound function is very different between computers although, if you can run Windows, the Sound function should work for your computer.

To use the Asterisk sound of your Windows sound board: Select Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U,C,N,[enter], and Alt+S until the Check box is gray (not unchecked and not 'X').

The Alarm sound frequency and Alarm sound duration for Accesses,and AccDrive, is effective only when the "Use sound function for alarm" check box is checked.

To set a different sound for the Hourly Beep or Run Frequency beep manually add to Accesses INI file the following:

;valid values 100-15000 Hz

Both the HourFreq and RunFreq follow the "Use sound function for alarm" check box explained above.

The HourFreq is used when one of the "Beep on hour" radio buttons is checked (found on same dialog box).

The RunFreq is used to notify you that a Alarm was set to "Run a Program" and that program will be launched in 15 seconds unless you cancel the operation by selecting Ctrl+Esc.

Included in this zip file are several sample sound files:

These files are written in Text Format, look at one with Notepad. Accesses is using your computer speaker and not your sound board!

You can run these files using the Command:

Accesses.exe soundfile c:\drive\filename.snd

The ".snd" is required! Also, you can enter:

Accesses.exe soundfile ^.snd

as an INI association from Accesses for *.snd files. Select: Ctrl+Esc, Alt+R, U, Alt+F, Alt+I.
AccDrop - Win 3.1 Drag Drop SECTION # 10

AccDrop provides an alternative method of launching specific programs by dragging a document name from Windows File Manager and dropping that document on AccDrop.

AccDrop is tiny and hard to find! Therefore, when you launch AccDrop for the 1st time, look for the popup at the far right of your monitor where the scroll bar normally is. You can move the popup like you do Accesses' main popup.

Sample Command Lines for Launching AccDrop:

To keep AccDrop as small as possible in memory, AccDrop CANNOT be launched by double clicking on the ACCEDROP.EXE filename; but requires the following command line.

Smallest popup:
accesses.exe accdrop.exe N notepad.exe
accesses.exe accdrop.exe N notepad.exe "Notepad"

Larger popup:
accesses.exe accdrop.exe NOTEPAD notepad.exe
accesses.exe accdrop.exe NOTEPAD notepad.exe "Notepad"

Either of the above command lines will launch AccDrop. Now any files dragged from the Windows File Manager and dropped on this AccDrop will be opened using notepad, but read further...

Drive and directory information can be supplied for the *.exe names listed above. The file extension for the executable program (eg. notepad.exe) is required! You can substitute any name for the Title "NOTEPAD" and program name "notepad.exe".

The Title of each popup is represented by the capitalized characters shown in the command line, eg. "N" or "NOTEPAD". If you have a problem launching AccDrop, it is probably because you forgot to include this "Title".

The command line examples that show "Notepad" in Double Quotes
are only required for WordPerfect for Windows and other cantankerous programs. The information in quotes is the "Window Caption" of the program. See SECTION # 5 covering WordPerfect for more information.

The AccDrop Window can be VERY SMALL, as small as the letter F on a Windows Menu! I recommend using a Single Letter Window Title and moving the AccDrop window to the FAR RIGHT of your screen, about in the middle of a full screen scroll bar. You can move the Window so that the Single Letter Title bar barely shows the letter.

The command line can either be added to Program Manager as an Icon or to a Folder in Accesses. You do not have to include "accesses.exe" if you launch AccDrop from Accesses. You can launch as many AccDrops with different program names as you wish.

Accesses does not automatically launch AccDrop like it does AccDrive.

To Automatically Startup each AccDrop in a specific window position:

Launch all of the AccDrops that you wish to have running and place these windows where you want them to startup. They ALL MUST HAVE A DIFFERENT TITLE (case-insensitive). Select: Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U, T. This saves the Startup settings for ALL Accesses Programs.

AccDrop Misc:

If you wish, you can Preload AccDrop with a Program Name and Document so that program and document are launched when you Right Mouse Double click on AccDrop. In this case, Left Mouse Double Click on the Popup to open the Dialog Box and confirm that the "Name includes default document" check box is checked so Dragged Dropped files are executed only with the program.

Sample Command Line:

accesses.exe accdrop.exe N notepad.exe win.ini

A Right Mouse Double Click on the AccDrop popup will launch that program (and document if included as shown above). A Left Mouse Double Click will open AccDrop's only dialog box.

If you have a special DOS.PIF file setup to launch a DOS.BAT file and the DOS.BAT file contains the following line:

%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

then you can launch any DOS programs thru that special PIF file by Drag Dropping the DOS program name.
Windows 3.0/3.1 Screen Savers SECTION # 11

If you always run Accesses in the Hidden mode (via Ctrl+Esc, Alt+S, and "Show Accesses on/off" is not checked and you never run AccDrop, then this is not an issue.

You must tell Accesses if you are using a Windows 3.0 compatable Screen Savers like After Dark(tm) version 2.0 or NDW so that Accesses will not popup in front of these Savers. You can use either the Windows 3.1 method or the Windows 3.0 method or both when using Windows 3.0 or 3.1.

This option is not Required when you are using a "True" Windows 3.1 screen saver. eg Try the Windows 3.1 Control Panel, Desktop, Screen Saver.

The Accesses Popups may not dissappear immediately, but will "melt" away as an object crosses over the popup. The popups will melt away when the Screen Saver Activates on Time or a Hot Key. Activating the Screen Saver with a mouse click will open Accesses Task List. The popups normally do not dissappear when you use the "Sample" or "Test" button of your Screen Saver.

Primary Windows 3.1 Method (can also use for Win 3.0):

As an EXTRA benefit, this "fix" will make these Screen Savers Stay-On-Top of most other applications that are defined to Stay-On-Top when using Windows 3.1.

Press Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U, C, N, [enter], Alt+L (check this box with an 'X"), and then [tab] and fill in the Edit Text box with the Executable Program Name of the Screen Saver. DO NOT TYPE the Drive:\Directory information for the Executable Program Name of the Screen Saver.

Eg. for After Dark(tm) type: AD.EXE
for Norton Desktop type: NSHOOK.DLL

Another option is to use a combination of the Windows 3.1 and Windows 3.0 Methods.

For Screen Savers other than the above, call me if you cannot find the name to enter. I have a FIND procedure that I can walk you thru. I'll ask you to type "FIND" instead of the executable name in the edit text box, then Activate your Screen Saver. Accesses popup will display the Window Name that has the Top Focus and that's the name we'll use.

Primary Windows 3.0 Method (can also use for Win 3.1):

You will have to configure Accesses to Hide the Accesses and AccDrives popups after a certain period of Inactivity. Accesses is not setting any Windows HOOKS so this time will hide Accesses when Accesses is not used independent of whether or not you are using the Keyboard. I may regret this (ie. lower registrations), but my philosophy is to keep your Windows as Fast as possible.

You can change this variable from Accesses's "Miscellaneous Setup" options Dialog box. The keystrokes to get to this dialog box are: Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U, C, N, [Enter], Alt+H. Valid Values are 0 to 499 minutes. Zero minutes is the default and will not hide the Pop-up window. A positive value will hide the window after those many minutes of inactivity by Accesses. To avoid slowing your system down, Accesses does not monitor Keyboard or Mouse activity...

Set this value to one minute less than your Screen Savers activate time.

Ctrl+Esc, Ctrl+Shift+Esc, or Left Mouse double click on the Windows background to activate Accesses when hidden.

Additionally, if you never want to see the Pop-up, press Ctrl+Esc, Alt+S, [up arrow], [enter]. This hides the Pop-up.

To Unhide the pop-up, press Ctrl+Esc, Alt+S, [up arrow], [enter].

This option does not hide AccDrop.exe. Instead, use a combination of the Windows 3.0 Method and Windows 3.1 Method.

AccKernl.exe SECTION # 12

AccKernl.exe (Accesses Kernel) is an optional "command". AccKernl is not a "real Windows program" but just a "Windows Command". The purpose of this program is to speed the Ctrl+Esc key combination for the users who have computers with very low memory.

This program must be copied to the same directory as Accesses.

If you want to use this program, the [boot] section of your SYSTEM.INI file should contain:

taskman=c:\windows\accesses.exe ; to not use AccKernl.exe

Windows 3.0 users cannot include the drive:\directory above.

SYSTEM.INI changes require Windows to be restarted to take effect.

A fast computer or one a large disk cashe may not notice a speed increase.
. You can use either the Windows 3.1 method or the Windows 3.0 method or both when u€‚w‹s™n›j¬fäbô^[ZgV R¬NœJX`$ œ§w³s¿o k¬gMc…_‰[”WT S‹ Oð KX` ð  xr t‰ o‹ j f’ b© ^Ì ZÜ VÞ Q M> IX > @ w] sa ok kp gœ c¤ _® [± WÇ SÛ Oô KX ô 

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  3 Responses to “Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : ACCESS31.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: