Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : ACCE3D.ZIP

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Don't add a 2nd one.)(Window(You(a line like this line may not exist already)(as seen in your WIN.INI file):(between 1 and(change or add this line even if the line below doesn't exist)(check(clock),(find the program from the extensions of WIN.INI)(found(from(including a filename)(launching a PIF file)(like(modem(not(optional):(or(period)(start the program Notepad in the d:\textfile\ directory)(the(the numbers are x,y,w,h window positioning information and will override the(the previous dialog box). Up to 25 characters can be used as a description.(then(uses _DEFAULT.PIF)(where), then Alt+), then Alt+U, V, [Enter]., List Icons On / Off, and the List Hidden On / Off, or, then- is the-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. . You can reach this with the following key combination: Ctrl+Esc, Alt+S, S./ Placement dialog box. Additionally, the DEFAULTSIZE keywords are used when you select 'Arrange' + 'Defaults' from the Task List dialog box.1/310243.03.1386/4867680 Cottonwood Ln.94588-4322ACCESACCESSES.INIACCESSES.WRI.ALLAboutAboveAccesAccessesAccessesAccessesAccessesAccessesAccesses Version 2.0 or later allows you to perform functions that the parent window will not be aware of. I've tested the functions and believe that there are no problems other than the parent will not know when the "child" windows are hidden or showinAccesses can show hidden windows on your system and you may be surprised by the Hidden Windows you never knew about. Accesses has only one window on your system and this is called "Accesses". The other hidden windows you'll see are from other programs.Accesses needs only a partial window title to place Windows. If 2 or more titles almost match, then Accesses uses the best fit to place windows; however, Accesses must find an exact partial window title match before Accesses replaces that partial windowAccesses uses partial window titles and x,y,w,h coordinates to place windows (where x, y represents the top left corner of your monitor and w, h represents the width and height of the program's window). The Actual window title is compared to the windowAccesses'sAccesses,Accesses.Accesses.exeAccesses.iniActivateActualAddAdditional Information:Additionally,Additionally,Additionally, if the Use Default Sizes check box is not selected, then Accesses will ignore the DEFAULTSIZE table and use the x,y,w,h coordinates to place the program (where x, y represents the top left corner of your monitor and w, h represents the widtAddressAfterAgain,AlarmAlarmsAlignAllAll...Alt+Alt+Alt+DAlt+F,Alt+LAlt+R,Alt+SAlt+S,Alt+S.Alt+U,Alt+U,C,N,Alt+i.AlthoughAlwaysAndApplicationAppsApps,Apps/IconsArrangeArrangingAssociatAsteriskAttachAttachedAutoDragDropBaudBecauseBeepsBlankersBottomBoxBox'Box.ButtonButtons / Menu Items:CMDPOSTCODECOMPATIBILITYCONFIRMCalendarCallCancelCaptionCardfileCascadeChangeChangingCheck your Control Panel setting if the alarm is not beeping when a number greater than one is entered in the Alarm Beeps edit text box.ChildChildsClickClickClick once on the pop-up window with the left mouse button, then use the left-right or up-down arrow keys to scroll thru the various display combinations: Date, Time (clock), or Free Ram Memory. ClipboardCloseColorCommandCompactCompuServeConfiConfigurationConfigureConfigure...ConteControlCopyCopy to ClipboardCottonwoodCtrl+Ctrl+EscCtrl+EscCtrl+Esc,Ctrl+Esc, (then select a window in the Task ListCtrl+Esc, Alt+Ctrl+Esc, Alt+L, Alt+DCtrl+Esc, Alt+R, UCtrl+Shift+EscCurrentD:\STOCK\DEFAUDEFAULTSIZEDESKTOPDLLDOSDOS.PIFDailyDateDefaultDefaultsizeDelayDeleteDeletingDescriptionDesktopDesktopDesktop.DestroyDialogDialogDialog Box. Single click on a Run User List program name and then single click on a document from the "Run Program with Filename" list box then press enter.DirectoryDisclaimerDisplayDocumentDon'tDoubleDragDropEachEditEditingEnd TasksEnd WindowsEventually,ExampleExcelExceptExcludeExecutiExtensionsF12FileFile+EndFile+PrFilenameFolderForForFor NORTON DESKTOP Users:For Norton Desktop user, Accesses can also list, move, minimize, etc the Child Windows of Norton Desktop. To save the Defaultsizes of only the Child Windows, check the 'List Childs only' menu item under 'Show' on the Task List before Pressing the aboveFormFreeFree....FromFunctionFuture ImprovementsGeneralGlassGlobalGo to Run ProgramsGroupHelpHelp - F1Help IndexHiddenHideHidingHoldHourHow to launch and place applications from programs likeHoweverI'veINIIconIconsIf If youIf youIf you areIf you are having trouble clicking the mouse during the Hour Glass cursor that says 'Click to Stop', click the mouse on the Accesses pop-up window.If you need information describing how Accesses decides which directory to start the program, see Start-up DirectoryImprovementsIn WIN.INI:InactiveIndexIndividual WIN.INIInfoInformationInformation:Instead,InterfaceInternational,ItemItems:Jump back to Alarm IndexJump back to Arrange IndexJump back to Miscellaneous Setup optionsJump back to Save 1 Window: Selected WindowKeyKeysLOTUS.PIFLTSIZE information when the program is launchedLargeLaunchLeftLeft,LineListListList Childs onlyList Hidden On / OffList Icons On / OffList"List),List,List.MAIL the Registration Fee and the above form for Accesses TO:MDIMIDDLEMILLISEC_DELAYMS-DOSMainManagerMaxMax after run On / OffMaximizeMemoryMenuMicrosoftMiddleMillisecMillisecond DelayMillisecond Delay and PIF mSec DelayMinimizeMiscellaneousMostMouseMoveMultiplNORTONNOTNameNon-registeredNormallyNortonNorton'sNorton.NotepadNotepadNotepad - WIN.ININotepad.exeNowNumberOFF.ONCEObviouslyOffOff the WALL SoftwareOneOnlyOpenOptionalOptionsOtherPARTIALPIFPROBLEMS.PROGRAMPanelParentPhone CallPixelUpDownPlacementPlacingPleasanton, CA 94588-4322PleasePop-upPops up FPopupPositionPressPressPress Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U,C,N, [Enter] to reach the Miscellaneous Setup Options dialog boxPress thePress the "Delete Alarm for Today" button and then press the "Save change to INI for Alarm #" button if you want to delete an alarm in your INI file.Press:PressingPressing the following key combinations will open the Save Defaultsize of one WindowPrintProcedure:ProductProgramProgramsQuick Procedure:QuicklyREGISTERReReadRegisterRegistrationRememberReminderRenameRenamingRepeat Task ListResourceRestoreRightRightRight mouseRight,RunRunningSHELL.DLLSHELL.WBSHIFT+FSYSTEM.INISaveSavingScreenScrollSecondSeeSelectSelectedSelectionSensitiveSettingSetupSeveralShiftShift+F8ShowSimilarSinceSince I used Microsoft Winword and the current version of Winword will not allow a second copy of Winword to be active, Accesses will not execute this second copy of Winword, but will instead paste the filename into the currently running copy of Winword.SingleSizesSmall,SoftwareSomeSpecial Note: Specifics relating to NortonSpecifics relating to the Drag Drop version of Accesses.SplitStartStart-upStop'StringSwapSwap Apps/IconsSwitchSystemTaskTaskmanTasksTextTheTheTheTheTheTheThe "Arrange Above Icons" check box can modify this arrangement so that the bottom row of icons are still showing.The AThe AThe Add #, Delete #, and Change # buttons save the respective program number "#" to that folder. Up to 20 programs can be launched by a !folder and these programs are launched in order of the # shown. Blank numbers are bypassed during the launching opeThe Alarm will beep when the alarm time is reached. Up to 10 alarms can be set in Accesses. You can change this number from 0 to 5 beeps when the alarm goes off. (Additionally the pop-up window will flash when an alarm goes off.)The CThe DThe Exclude WindowThe Run User List is a list of up to 32 frequently used programs that you wish to add for quick launching from Accesses in addition to the Function KeysThe Use Default Sizes check box excludes the x,y,w, and h positioning information and instead advises Accesses to use DEFAULTSIZE information. Since the DEFAULTSIZE table in Accesses is by Window Title versus program names, Accesses determines the DEFAUThe time is displayed in the format set by your WIN.INI settings. To change this setting run Control Panel, International, then change the Date and Time formats.The userThenThen press "Save Changes". None of the editing is changed in your WIN.INI file until you press Save Changes.ThereTherefore,TheseThisThisThis dialog box contains the settings where you can enter:TileTimeTitleTo TodayTopTreeTutorUp toUp to 10 !foldersUpdatUseUserUser'sUserMenuUsersUsingV,Alt+.VersionVersusVisibleWALLWIN.INIWININICHANGE=WallWhenWillWin.iniWindowWindowWindow:WindowsWinhelp.exeWinwordWriteYes, you will haveYouYou can reach thYou can reach the "Miscellaneous Configurations" dialog box using the following key combinations: Ctrl+Esc, Alt+U, C, N, [Enter].You can reach the Run Programs dialog box with the following key combinations:You can sYou do not have toYou mayYou mustYou must check the List Apps On / OffYou wYou'llYour[Enter][Enter].[ExcludeWindowNames][boot][enter][extension][extensions][windows]^.txt_DEFAULT.PIF)________________________________________________aboutaboveabsolutelyacceaccessesaccesses.exeaccesses.exe notepad.exeaccesses.exe win.iniaccidentallyaccordingacrossactionactivateactiveactivityactualaddaddedadditioadditionaladjustadvisesaffectafteragainalarmallallowallowsalmostalreadyalsoalthoughalwaysandand/oranotheransweranyanythingappappendapplicationapplicationsapproximatelyappsarearoundarrangearrangementarrowas a default size with Document name, as Menu name, etc.askingassignedassociateassociationassumesasteriskauthorautoautomaticallyavailableavoidawaybackbackgroundbackslashbecausebecomebeenbeepbeforebehindbeingbelievebelowbestbetabetweenblackbothbottomboxbox)box,\binc:\win\c:\win\browser.exe e:\accesses.msg,155,-5,851,621c:\win\word\winword.exec:\windows\c:\windows\notepad.exec:\windows\win.inicallcalledcallingcallscancancelcannotcasecertainchangechangedchangeschangingcharactercheckcheckedcheckedchecked.checkingchildchooseclickclickedclickingclipboardcloseclosingcodecollectcolorcombinationcombinations:commcommandcomparedcomparisoncompletecomputerconconcernconfigurableconfigureconfiguringconfirmcontainscontentscontinucoordinatescopiecopycornercurrentcurrentlycursord:\textfile\datadecidedefaultdefindefinitionsdelaydeletedependingdescribedescribingdescriptiondesigndesktopdestroydetaildetermindevelopedialdialogdialog boxdialog box for more information.differdifferentdifficultdimensiondirectdirectorydisdisabledisplaydisplayeddisplayingdisplaysdocumentdocumentsdoesdoesn'tdon'tdoubledowndragdrive:\directorydrivesdropduplicateduringe:\accesses.msg,155,-5,851,621eachearliereasediteditingeditoreffecteg Top ½, Bottom Right,eitherelseemphasizeenabledendingenterenteredenvironment.especiallyetcetc.eveneverexampleexampleexample,exceedexcelexceptexclamationexcludeexecutableexecuteexecutingexistexitexitingexpeexpected:explainextensionextensionsextremelyfarfastfasterfeaturefewfilefile,file.filenamefilesfinalfindfirstflashfocusfocusfocus.folderfollowfollowedfollowingfollowsforforfor additional information.for auto sizing of windows.for example: for information aboutfor more information.formformatfoundfreefrequentlyfromfromfrom all Task List Displays for more information.fronfunctionfunctionsfutureg, etc. BUT IT IS UP TO YOU, THE USER, TO CONFIRM COMPATIBILITY PROBLEMS. Accesses or the programmer will not be held responsible or liable for anything you logetgoesgoinggrayedgreatergrouph and height of the program's window).halfhanhappenhashavehavingheightheldhelphiddenhidehidinghighlightholdholdinghowhowever,hypheniconsif thinitialinputinsensitive,instainsteadintois!!!!is:it'sitemitem.itemsitsitselfjustkeepkeykeyskeyskeys shown. See List Childs onlykeywordknewknowlargelastlaterlatestlaunchlaunchedlauncheslaunchinglearnleastleftleft-rightlessliablibrarylikelimitlinelistlistlistlist box located on the same Run Programslist box.list,listedloadloadload=blink.exelocatedlocationlonglooklowlowermademainmajormakemakingmanualmanuallymanymarkmarqueemassmatchmaterialmaximizemaximummaymeansmeasurmemorymentionedmenumenumenumenu items to list all windows with Window,movedmovingmultiplemultipliemustnamename,name.namesnecessaryneednegativenevernextnon-shiftednormalnormallynotnotepadnotepad.exenotepad.exe*d:\textfile\nothingnoticenotifynownumbernumbersobjectiveobserveoccuroffoff"off.on-lineon.on/offonceoneone.)onlyonly'only.openopenedopensoperatoperationoptionoptionsor Miscellaneous Setup Optionsor Save 1 Window: Selected Windowor calls Attached #or the Save 1 Window: Selected Windoworderorganizoriginalotheroverrideoverwhelmedpageparagraphparentpartialparticularpastepathperformperiodphonepixelsplaceplaceplacedplacingpleasepointpoppop-uppoppedpopupportionpositionpositionposition in ACCESSES.INI, then it will be placed in it's DEFAULT location when launched. See Save Default Sizes of all Current Windowsposition.positioningpositionspositivepossibprefpreferredpreliminarypresspressedpressespressingpreviousprimaryprintprobablyproblemprocedureprocedureprocedure.producprogramprogramprogram'sprogram,program.programmerprogramsprogramsprograms.programs. A second purpose of the Run User List is to add programs that you want to append document names from the Run Program with clicksituationsizesizes.sizingslightlyslowingsmallsoftwaresomesomethingsoonspacespecialspecificspeedspot.)squeezestastartstartingstatusstillstoredstringsubstitutsuggestsuppliedsupplysupportsurprisedswitchswitchswitch to ON if it was OFF.symbolsystemtabletasktaskman.exe=accesses.exetemporarterminatetesttestetextthanthatthetheirthemthemselvesthenthen type:theretherefore,thesetheythirdthisthosethreethrutimetime.timingtitletitle in the DEFAULTSIZEtitle stored as a DEFAULTSIZE. The comparison is case insensitive, but all characters, spaces, hyphens are compared if they exist in the DEFAULTSIZE.titlesto get more detail on this save or edit default sizes.tootoptopictroubletrytryingturnedtwotxt=accesses.exe notepad.exe ^.txttxt=c:\windows\accesses.exe c:\windows\notepad.exe ^.txttypeunableuncheckedunderunderlinedunderstandunlessuntilup-downupdateupgradeupperuseuseableusedusefuluseruser,usersusesusingvaluevariablevariousversionversusveryvideoviewvisiblewantwarrantwaswatcheswaywellwerewhatwhenwheneverwherewhetherwhichwhilewidthwillwill explain Accesses's special dialog box that allows you to make selected-mass changes to the WIN.INI [extensions].win.iniwin.ini,0,0,500,500windowwindow'swindow)window,window.window:windowswindowswindows.winwordwishwithwithinwithoutwordworkwouldwritx,y,w,x,y,w,hyouyou'llyourzero/&;)z4environment eÿÿ
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¥Å{½to aHelp Files. More $...)Ç
¥"Help - ÊSES.HLP" Kto 9 s %it to
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s ¥1be =¬time. k+
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£is 3 s
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¥°. will )in
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oup 'Clock ~d). q£% —¥_at
¥"Min", "Restored", " at
ÿ ì. For
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£it is ùto ÍUSE
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¥G íof
¥ W 5"Auto éê" is  oéë for ³info.I %to 
£Accesses "Partial #ìs" to K¶; , Ïdid ß_up
¥œition of ´
5ö. With clever ýof
‘ Partial #ìs (select £% –) s1
By ¥ (e w°'s ¯ively. 11kit øy to
ó 3Ÿto ­¥ s1kit confusing Ï
Õhard. (PS.
¥½Îd in
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»is u3 -”.)kA k>N€€¾J*°˜!±AÑañ¡1Á€ ‚€ÿHave fun, ¥ ÉAccesses c
¥_30 days.....H›kH\Š€€ÂJ"°˜!±AÑañ¡1Á€‚ဉ€€ál€‰€€‚‚‚ÿO 
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¥surface of 3á1do." O _
£it kdo
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»Help ².or—
» 3to
­ =in Notepad, ¥Zly à.Notepad will  w› €er
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  3 Responses to “Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : ACCE3D.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: