Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : 4DOSNT20.ZIP
Filename : TOUR2.BTM

Output of file : TOUR2.BTM contained in archive : 4DOSNT20.ZIP
@echo off
rem TOUR2.BTM used to create dummy files during JP Software "Tour"
echo Please wait ...
echo This is dummy file 1 >! file1
echo This is dummy file 2 >! file2
echo This is dummy file 3 >! file3
echo. >>! file3
echo The text below will be used to demonstrate the LIST >>! file3
echo command. It is taken from a description of BOOT.SYS, a >>! file3
echo product sold by JP Software. >>! file3
echo. >>! file3
echo BOOT.SYS is a shareware package which allows you to choose >>! file3
echo your system configuration when your computer boots. It >>! file3
echo makes managing a variety of configurations (for example, >>! file3
echo booting under plain 4DOS, DESQView, or Windows 3) very >>! file3
echo simple. It supports multilevel menus, color display, and >>! file3
echo option selection in both CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. It >>! file3
echo is invoked when the system boots, and does not require a >>! file3
echo reboot after changing configurations the way some similar >>! file3
echo programs do. We use BOOT.SYS here at JP Software, and we >>! file3
echo like it so much we decided to add it to our product line. >>! file3
echo. >>! file3
echo To use BOOT.SYS effectively you need to be reasonably familiar with CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. BOOT.SYS >>! file3
echo works with multiple sets of configuration directives >>! file3
echo (DEVICE, SHELL, etc.) in your CONFIG.SYS file. It presents >>! file3
echo menus to allow you to choose which set or subset of these >>! file3
echo directives to execute, and also provides a program you can >>! file3
echo run in AUTOEXEC to determine which menu choice was >>! file3
echo selected. You use the result returned by this program in >>! file3
echo IF or IFF statements in AUTOEXEC.BAT in order to make >>! file3
echo AUTOEXEC execute the correct TSRs and other commands corre- >>! file3
echo sponding to the choices you made in CONFIG.SYS. This >>! file3
echo approach is very powerful when combined with 4DOS IFF / >>! file3
echo THEN / ELSE statements. >>! file3
echo. >>! file3
echo We offer full support for BOOT.SYS through our technical >>! file3
echo support department.>>! file3
echo. >>! file3
echo A shareware copy of BOOT.SYS is available on the 4DOS >>! file3
echo utility disk, and can be downloaded from our CompuServe >>! file3
echo support area and many other on-line services and local >>! file3
echo BBSes. You can order your registered copy of BOOT.SYS from >>! file3
echo JP Software for $42 including shipping to the US and Canada. >>! file3
echo File creation completed

  3 Responses to “Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : 4DOSNT20.ZIP
Filename : TOUR2.BTM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: