Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : ZIPMR118.ZIP
Filename : ZIPMAN.TXT

Output of file : ZIPMAN.TXT contained in archive : ZIPMR118.ZIP

ZIPManager v1.18

Quick Documentation

Loring Rose
536-104 West Arlington
Chicago, IL 60614

program and documentation
Copyright 1993 Loring Rose, all rights reserved


Legal Stuff/Contacting the Author.....................2
Registration Form/Installation........................3
Introduction/System Requirements......................4
Basic Navigating......................................5
OPTIONS Screens/Additional Options & Features.........6
ZIPping, UNZIPping, SCANning, REFRESH/DOS.............7
Author's Comments.....................................8

ZIPManager is provided AS IS, without warranty, whether express or implied,
including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose, functionality, data integrity or protection.
In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out
of the use or inability to use ZIPManager, even if the author has been
notified in advance of the possibility of such damages.

PKWARE, PKZIP, and PKUNZIP are trademarks of PKWARE, Inc.
VIRUSCAN is a trademark of McAfee Associates.
MS-DOS is a trademark of MicroSoft.

This software is neither endorsed or approved by PKWARE, Inc., or McAfee

You are granted a license to use this software for 30 days for the specific
purpose of evaluation before purchase. If you use ZIPManager on a continuous
basis, please register your copy to obtain a permanent license. You are free
to make as many copies as you wish and may distribute ZIPManager freely in
its original form, including documentation. You may not sell or ask any
consideration for this product. SIGs, BBSs, and shareware distribution houses
may ask a nominal fee (not to exceed $8.00) to cover their copying and
distribution costs (in such a case, the end-user must be notified by the
distributor that the distribution fee does not cover the purchase of a license
to use ZIPManager).

ZIPManager is owned by the author and is protected by the copyright laws of
the United States of America. ZIPManager has been released by the author to
the public for evaluation. Copying and distribution of the program (in its
unaltered original form) is encouraged. If you find ZIPManager useful, you
should register your copy. The shareware concept is meant to provide a working
copy to the user for evaluation, NOT to give away the author's hard work! If
you choose not to register, then erase or pass your copy on to someone else.
You can register by sending only $8.75 (plus $1.25 postage). When you register
you will be placed on my mailing list and will receive the latest version of
ZIPManager on disk and an expanded version of the instruction manual. I also
offer free lifetime upgrades (not including postage and handling) and
discounts on future products to registered users. I accept checks and money
orders ONLY at this time. Make checks payable to the author. All payments
must be in U.S. funds. Checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank. Send your
registration and all other correspondence to:
Loring Rose
536-104 West Arlington
Chicago, IL 60614

The author may also be contacted through the following:
CompuServe: 71513,1404
GEnie: L.ROSE11
Internet: [email protected]

Please provide the following information:



CITY, STATE, ZIP:__________________________________________________

EVENING PHONE: (_______________)__________________________________

I would like to register________copies of ZIPManager at $8.75 each.
Please send me the latest available version (3.5" disk ONLY).

TOTAL AMOUNT: $________________

add shipping: $ 1.25

TOTAL ENCLOSED: $________________

Mail to: Loring Rose, 536-104 West Arlington, Chicago, IL 60614

The ZIPManager archive (named ZIPMR118.ZIP) contains the following files:
ZIPMAN.TXT -> this file
ZIPMAN.EXE -> the program
VERSION.118 -> empty file specfying the version number
FILE_ID.DIZ -> short description of the program
README.1ST -> basic info
To install ZIPManager, create a directory for the program. At the DOS prompt,
This will create a directory called "ZIPMAN" on the current drive. Now copy
all the unarchived files into the ZIPMAN directory by typing:
ZIPManager is ready to go! Type:
to start.

ZIPManager expects that the directories containing PKZIP, PKUNZIP, and
VIRUSCAN are specified in the computer's PATH. The PATH is a component of
the file called "AUTOEXEC.BAT" located in your computer's root directory. To
check the current PATH, at the DOS prompt type:
You will see a printout of the contents of your current AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Somewhere near the beginning of the file, you will see the following:
After the word "PATH" and the equal sign, the will most likely be a list of
directories. With your favorite text editor, add the names of the directories
containing PKZIP, PKUNZIP, and VIRUSCAN to this list (note that entries in
the list are seperated by semicolons). Save the file and reboot your
computer. It's that simple! (For more information on changing your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file, refer to the MS-DOS documentation.)

ZIPManager is a "shell." What exactly does a "shell" do? It allows easy,
painless interaction with other programs. No longer must one remember a
confusing array of command-line switches.... options are a simple mouse-click

ZIPManager functions as a shell with PKZIP and PKUNZIP from PKWARE, and
VIRUSCAN from McAfee. It allows the user to quickly select options and
files, and execute the underlying programs. It was originally written to
simplify UNZIPping files downloaded from BBSs. I would often download a batch
of programs, and then immediately want to try them out! But I found the
individual UNZIPping of each archive tedious, having to retype my options each
time I wanted to UNZIP the next file. ZIPManager solved that problem. Select
the options once, indicate the directory you wish the unarchived files to go,
click on the file (or files) to UNZIP and ZIPManager takes over! For similar
reasons, the SCANning options were added.... now immediately scan unarchived
files for viruses with a click of the mouse. To round out the offering,
options for ZIPping files came next.... now you could quickly and easily
recompress that favorite program for uploading.

ZIPManager was designed with simplicity in mind. To keep the interface
simple, a few concessions were made:
* Only the ZIP compression format was included. This format is the most
popular in use today, and over 90% of files I encounter on a daily basis
are so encoded.
* Not all of the available options for PKZIP, PKUNZIP, or VIRUSCAN are
available in ZIPManager 1.18. More will likely be added in future
versions, but I doubt the average user will have need for more than
what is currently included.
* You cannot currently select files across directories for ZIPping or
UNZIPping. This option is planned for a future release.
* I wanted to keep the program relatively small. I don't know about
you, but hard-disk space is at a premium with me.

ZIPManager version 1.18 requires a IBM-PC (or compatible), and MS-DOS version
3.0 or later. The user of ZIPManager must have installed copies of PKZIP,
PKUNZIP (available from PKWARE), and SCAN (available from McAfee Associates).

ZIPManager was designed to work with a mouse. However, a simple driver for
the keyboard has been added to version 1.18. The keyboard will function as a
mouse. Use the arrow keys to maneuver the cursor around the screen. The
"ENTER" key substitutes for the LEFT mouse button, and the "SPACE BAR" is
used for the RIGHT mouse button. A more sophisticated driver for the keyboard
is in the works. The keyboard driver will load ONLY if ZIPManager does not
detect a mouse installed.

If you do not have a color monitor, or ZIPManager's colors blind you, you may
disable the colors by using the command-line option "/B" (for Black & White).
Instead of entering "ZIPMAN" to start the program, enter "ZIPMAN /B".

To illustrate the ease with which you may move through ZIPManager, let's go
through some examples.

Start ZIPManager by typing:

You will see the ZIPManager screen. At the top is a menu bar:

Below the menu bar is a box containing the name of the current working
directory. Below that is a list of all the files and subdirectories of the
current directory. To the right you will see a box containing an "up" arrow,
and a box containing a "down" arrow. These arrows allow you to scroll through
the file list.

The main thing to remember when using ZIPManager is that the RIGHT mouse
button is the "OPTIONS" button, and the LEFT mouse button is the "ACTIVATE"
button. For example, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the "UNZIP" entry
in the menu bar. This action brings up a list of the available PKUNZIP
options. Options that are selected have an indicator arrow next to them. To
select (or deselect) an option, simply click on it. Clicking "OK" will remove
the OPTIONS window.

Clicking on "ZIP," "UNZIP," or "SCAN" with the LEFT mouse button ACTIVATES (or
launches) that program with any indicated options.

The fourth entry in the menu bar is "REFRESH/DOS". Clicking on this menu item
with the LEFT button will "refresh" (update) the current display screen.
Clicking on this menu item with the RIGHT button will start the DOS Shell.
While in DOS Shell, type "EXIT" at the DOS prompt to return to ZIPManager.

Clicking on "QUIT" with either mouse button will bring up the Quit
confirmation box. At this point, clicking on "YES" will end the program and
return you to DOS. Clicking on "NO" will return you to ZIPManager.

Now click on any file in the file list. The file is now highlighted,
indicating that it has been "selected." To deselect the file, simply click on
it again. To select a range of files, click on the FIRST file in the range
with the LEFT mouse button. Click on the LAST file in the range with the
RIGHT mouse button. All files between (and including) the first and last will
now be selected.

Some entries in the file list are identified as directories. Clicking on a
"Directory" will change the current working directory to that subdirectory.
Similarly, clicking on a different drive letter (disk drives are enclosed in
square brackets) will change the current drive to the indicated drive. To
manually change the current working directory (or disk drive), click anywhere
within the "Current directory" box at the top of the screen. You may now type
in the name of the directory to which you wish to change.

The ZIP, UNZIP, and SCAN options may be accessed by clicking with the RIGHT
mouse button on the desired menu bar selection. Currently selected options
have an indicator arrow to the left of them. Some options will preclude
selection of other options. Consult your PKZIP, PKUNZIP, or VIRUSCAN
documentation for further explanation of the options.

On the ZIP options screen, you are given the chance to enter the name you wish
to give the archive. If you enter no name, and have selected the "Name
archive after .EXE file if blank?" option, ZIPManager will name the ZIP
archive after one of the .EXE files it is compressing. To enter your own name
for the archive, click next to the "Archive name:" label. You will be given
the opportunity to enter the filename. You do not have to specify a filename
extension. PKZIP will add the default .ZIP if you do not.

On the UNZIP options screen, ZIPManager will ask the target directory for the
uncompressed files. If none is specified, ZIPManager assumes the startup
directory. To specify your own target directory, click next to the "Target
Directory:" label. You will then be able to enter the directory name. If the
directory you enter does not exist, and the "Create directory if it does not
exist?" option is selected, ZIPManager will attempt to create the indicated

On the SCAN options screen, ZIPManager will ask the target directory for the
scan (if files have been recently unarchived, ZIPManager assumes the scan
target directory will be the one in which the unarchived files were placed).
If you wish to enter a different directory, click next to the "Target
directory:" label. You will now be able to enter the directory name.

ZIPManager saves the currently selected options for each menu bar selection
in a file called "ZIPMAN.OPT" at the end of each session, and restores them
at the beginning of each session.

To compress files, first select the files you wish to ZIP. Click with the
RIGHT mouse button on the ZIP menu bar selection. Select options. (You may
enter an archive name if you wish, see page 6.) Click OK to remove the
options screen. Click on ZIP with the LEFT mouse button to begin the process.
Any error will be indicated.

Select the archives you wish to UNZIP. Click with the RIGHT mouse button on
the UNZIP menu bar selection. Select options. (You may enter a target
directory for the unarchives files if you wish, see page 6.) Click OK to
remove the options screen. Click on UNZIP with the LEFT mouse button to
begin. Any error will be indicated.

Click with the RIGHT mouse button on the SCAN menu bar selection. Select
options. ZIPManager assumes the target directory for the SCAN will be the
most recent directory into which unarchived files have been placed. (You may
enter a different target directory if you wish, see page 6.) Click on SCAN
with the left mouse button to begin. After SCANning, ZIPManager will pause
so you may see the results of the scan. Press any key to return to the
ZIPManager screen.

Clicking on this option with the LEFT mouse button will refresh the current
ZIPManager screen. This may occasionally be necessary. For example, if you
UNZIP files to the currently displayed directory, ZIPManager will not
immediately display them. Refreshing the screen will force ZIPManager to
update the current display.

Clicking on REFRESH/DOS with the RIGHT mouse button will move you to the DOS
Shell. The DOS Shell provides access to DOS without leaving ZIPManager. You
may enter normal DOS commands at this time. Running programs from the DOS
Shell is not recommended, due to memory constraints. Enter "EXIT" to return
to ZIPManager.

ZIPManager is a relatively new program (release 1.18). As such, it may
contain errors. I have tried to make the program as "bulletproof" as
possible, but please keep in mind that this can sometimes be impossible. I
remain committed to immediately correcting any bugs that may crop up. If you
encounter something, I would appreciate knowing about it (whether you are a
registered user or not). Please contact me at the address on page 2, or
through GEnie, CompuServe, or Internet (E-Mail addresses also on page 2). I
would also like to hear any suggestions you may have. If you are having a
problem with the program, don't hesitate to write. I will answer all
questions (whether the user is registered or not).

I hope you find ZIPManager useful!

* ability to select files across directories
* option to make the current archive a self-extracting archive
* more comprehensive keyboard driver

  3 Responses to “Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : ZIPMR118.ZIP
Filename : ZIPMAN.TXT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: