Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : Z212DOS.ZIP
Filename : Z212DOCS.TXT

Output of file : Z212DOCS.TXT contained in archive : Z212DOS.ZIP

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(c) 1991,92,93 W.M. Hare - All rights reserved worldwide


ZiPSHoT is a program I wrote after getting tired of making
directories and un-archiveing new files to them to test them and
see if they are something I am interested in. ZiPSHoT will think
up a directory name for you, create it, and send the contents of
the archive files there. All steps are monitored by you, and you
can edit along the way.

Quick, simple, fast and pretty, ZiPSHoT is a downloaders dream
come true. You'll be able to unzip a dir with twenty zips in it, all
in thier own respective dirs, in the time it would take to do ONE
in DOS! (Unless ya type real, real, fast. -heheh.)

ZiPSHoT will also let the sysop easily and quickly check out
new files, with just a few keystrokes (None if he has a mouse).
ZiPSHoT could also be used to expedite un-archiveing to a RAM disk
or restoration from a floppy. Make sets of diskettes from zips with
only a few clicks! The list of uses is as long as your imagination!

Included Files:

Z2 .EXE - ZiPSHoT 2.12. . . . . . . (Rename if you like.)
Z212DOCS.TXT - This file . . . . . . . . (Read, then delete.)
FILE_ID .DIZ - Description file. . . . . . . . . . . (Delete.)


1 - Put Z212.EXE somewhere in your PATH.

2 - Move to the Directory where your Zips are stored.

3 - Make sure you have the file(s) "PKUNZIP.EXE", "ARJ.EXE",
"PAK.EXE", or "LHA.EXE" in your PATH.
(You need only the Archiver(s) you work with.)

4 - Run "Z212.EXE".

5 - ZiPSHoT allows you to pick from a list of files in the
directory, and tag them to be un-archived.

6 - ZiPSHoT suggests a name for a directory to un-archive each
file to, based on the name of the archive file.

7 - ZiPSHoT will allow you to edit the directory name for each file.

8 - ZiPSHoT creates the directory and un-archives the file to it.


* ZiPSHoT works great with multiple file sets ie: It will suggest
the same dir name "SOFTW" for both "SOFTW-1.ZIP" and "SOFTW-2.ZIP".

* ZiPSHoT includes the -d parameter for PKUNZIP and the full path options
in LHA and ARJ, so that if there are directories stored in the archived
files, they will be produced.

* ZiPSHoT does not check for drive space so make sure you have
enough space to unarchive what you want before you fire up ZiPSHoT.

* ZiPSHoT supports the following archive programs.

PKZIP[tm](C) - Pkware [ZIP]
LHA (C) - Yoshi [LZH]
ARJ (C) - Robert K. Jung [ARJ]
PAK (C) - Nogate Consulting

* You must have the archive programs that you use in your PATH or
in the current directory, and they MUST be named as follows.

"LHA.EXE" - For .LZH files.
"PKUNZIP.EXE" - For .ZIP files.
"ARJ.EXE" - For .ARJ files.
"PAK.EXE" - For .PAK and .SDN files.

* You can clear one file at the time from the selected files box
by double-clicking or by pressing enter on it.

* ZiPSHoT will now view FILE_ID.DIZ files.

The Author:

if you need to reach me or have suggestions or comments
you can reach me at FIDONET@151:/119 via Matrix mail.

WM Hare.


  3 Responses to “Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : Z212DOS.ZIP
Filename : Z212DOCS.TXT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: