Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : Z10.ZIP
Filename : Z.DOC
===== Scott M. Pazur
The ===== PO Box 582
===== Englishtown, NJ 07726
===== Shareware Version 1.0
===== January 1989
===== Collection
===== General Purpose MS-DOS Utilities/Enhancements
The Z Collection is released as Shareware, not Public Domain, and not
Freeware. After using any part of The Z Collection for an evaluation
period of thirty days, you are encouraged to register your copy with the
author. A registration form is included at the end of this document.
Upon receipt of the registration fee, you will be mailed the registered
versions of all utilities comprising The Z Collection. The unregistered
versions are not limited or crippled in any way, the only difference being
a reminder at runtime as to the "unregistered" status.
You are encouraged to distribute copies of The Z Collection to other persons,
and/or upload to Electronic Bulletin Board Systems, as long as all parts of
the package are distributed in tact. Mail Order "Software Distributors"
may offer The Z Collection only after contacting the author, by mail,
stating your intent to distribute.
This product is released "as is," with no warranty placed on its use. The
Z Collection was developed on an AT&T 6386WGS, and thoroughly tested on a
variety of machines. By using The Z Collection, you assume all liability
as to its performance.
Comments and suggestions are always welcomed for future releases. Please
use the registration form at the end of this document, or on one of the
following two Bulletin Board Systems:
The Right Choice BBS 201-974-8317 1200/2400 (HST node available)
The Jersey Shore BBS 201-613-7350 1200/2400/9600 with USR HST
Syntax: ZASCDUMP [d:][path]filespecs
Description: ZASCDUMP will dump all ASCII text from any file, or group of
files, where ASCII text is defined as all characters with ASCII codes
between 32 (space) and 127 (~) inclusive, and the carriage return and line
feed characters. This would be useful to scan executables for possible
harmful commands (i.e. FORMAT/DEL/etc) that may be run unknowingly. No
paging mechanism is included, therefore, if output is not being redirected
into a file (i.e. ZASCDUMP *.EXE >SEEME.DMP), it may be a good idea to
pipe the output through the MS-DOS "MORE" filter (ZASCDUMP *.EXE | MORE).
Upon exit, ZASCDUMP will report on its actions, either "No Files Found," or
the number of files dumped. If any files found were not dumped due to
an open error, it will also be reported.
ZASCDUMP C:\*.COM - dumps all *.COM files in C: root directory
ZASCDUMP RUNME.EXE - dumps RUNME.EXE in the current directory
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - Syntax Error
2 - No Files Found
3 - Contact Author!
Syntax: ZCD [d:]SearchString
Description: ZCD is an enhanced "change directory" command that also works
across drives. The arguement "SearchString" is any part of a directory name
to search for among the tree structure of the current drive, or the drive
specified on the command line. ZCD will start searching first level
directories, then second level, etc. When ZCD finds a directory name
containing your specified search string, you will be asked if you would like
to change to that directory. If you reply "Y" or Enter, you are there. If
you reply "N" for No, ZCD will continue searching the specified drive for
the next match. If no additional matches are found, you will be returned
to where you started.
Assume the following tree structure
for a drive C:
Current Dir: Command:
\BIN Screen Instructions:
\WINDOWS\PIF C:\DIRA Change? (Y/n): "select N, keep searching"
\WIN386\PIF Current Dir: Command:
\DOWJONES\FIRE Screen Instructions:
C:\BIN Change? (Y/n): "select N"
C:\WINDOWS Change? (Y/n): "select N"
C:\WIN386 Change? (Y/n): "select N"
C:\WINDOWS\INTALK Change? (Y/n): "select N"
Resulting Directory:
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - Syntax Error
2 - Invalid Drive Selected
3 - Too Many Directories (greater than 500)
4 - Cannot Change To Specified Directory
5 - Contact Author!
Syntax: ZCOPY [d:][path]filespec [d:][path][filespec] [/R]
Source Destination auto
(if not current dir) replace
Description: ZCOPY is a protective replacement for the MS/PC-DOS
"show-no-mercy" COPY command. When you tell ZCOPY to copy a file, it will
check the destination specification to see if a file by that name already
exists. If so, you will then have three options - replace, rename, or skip.
If you specify "replace," ZCOPY will delete the destination by that name
and copy the new file in its place. You can optionally tell ZCOPY to
automatically replace any files found to already exist by using a "/R" as
the last item on the command line. On a rename request, you can specify a
new name (including wildcards) and the same check for existance will take
place. Also, when encountering an error writing a file (i.e. trying to
overwrite a "read-only" file), ZCOPY will report the problem, skip that
file, and move along, unlike DOS' COPY, which will abort at that point.
The only limitation on ZCOPY is that no more than 500 source files can be
copied at one time.
- Copy all *.EXE files in C:\BIN to D:\HOLD changing the
extensions to .XXX. Alert on overwrite.
- Copy all *.EXE files in C:\BIN to D:\HOLD changing the
extensions to .XXX and automatically overwrite any files
that already exist.
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - Syntax Error
2 - No Files Found
3 - Target Disk Full
4 - More Than 500 Source Files
5 - Contact Author!
Syntax: ZDEL [+/-X] [d:]filespecs [ [+/-X] [d:]filespecs . . .]
Description: ZDEL will delete files across an entire drive. By default,
ZDEL will prompt before deleting anything, but this feature can be
controlled by using the "+X" and "-X" options. There is no limit on the
number of command line arguements that may be entered with ZDEL. "+X"
before a file specification will turn ON autodelete mode, where any matching
files are deleted without verification. "-X" (the default) turns OFF
autodelete mode for a given file specification. If more than one file
specification is entered on the command line with the "X" options, the last
autodelete setting is always used, until changed with another "X" command.
ZDEL +X *.BAK D:*.123 -X *.BBB +X E:*.AAA
- Turn ON autodelete mode
- Delete all *.BAK files on current drive, no verification prompt
- Delete all *.123 files on drive D:, no verification prompt
- Turn OFF autodelete mode
- Find all *.BBB files on current drive, prompt to delete
- Turn ON autodelete mode
- Delete all *.AAA files on drive E:, no verification prompt
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - Syntax Error
2 - Too Many Directories On Drive (500 or greater)
3 - Contact Author!
Syntax: ZDIR [d:][path][filespecs]
Description: ZDIR is a full screen, color directory lister. If no command
line file specifications are entered, ZDIR will default to "*.*" in the
current directory. ZDIR's file listing is automatically sorted by file name
in ascending order. Upon startup, ZDIR is in "long" mode, displaying file
name, size, date, time, and attributes. By hitting the "S" key while in
long mode, ZDIR will switch over to "short" mode, only listing file name and
size, thereby allowing three times as many files to be listed on one screen
listing. While in short mode, you can toggle back to long mode by hitting
the "L" key. Upon exit (Esc), ZDIR will restore the original screen contents
and provide a simple disk space status report.
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - More than 250 files found
2 - No CGA or better video card
3 - Contact Author!
Syntax: ZFA [d:]AttributeString
Description: ZFA finds all files on a specified drive whose attributes
include all those specified on the command line. The command line attribute
string is made up of:
H - Hidden R - ReadOnly S - System A - Archive.
- finds all files on the current drive with "system" and "hidden"
attributes. The "read-only" and "archive" attributes are
not checked.
- finds all "hidden" files on drive D:
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - Syntax Error
2 - Invalid Drive
3 - Too Many Directories Found (more than 500)
4 - Contact Author!
Syntax: ZFIND [=][d:]filespecs [/A]
Description: ZFIND is a multi-faceted file finder. Not only will ZFIND
locate all files matching a particular file specification on a given drive,
but it will optionally search inside of any "ARC" files encountered on that
drive. If desired, ZFIND will also search for files with a particular
string within its filename. Examples (below) speak better than words for
the possible uses of ZFIND. For any files found, a report of file name,
size, attributes, date, and time is listed. For files found inside an ARC,
the string "->ARC<-" replaces the attribute field, and the ARChive name
appears as well in the report.
ZFIND *.EXE - find all *.EXE files on current drive
ZFIND D:*.EXE - find all *.EXE files on drive D:
ZFIND D:*.EXE /A - find all *.EXE files on drive D:,
including those in any ARCs found
ZFIND =MOVE - find all files on current drive containing
the string "MOVE" in the filename
ZFIND =D:MOVE - find all files on drive D: containing
the string "MOVE" in the filename
ZFIND =D:MOVE /A - find all files on drive D: containing
the string "MOVE" in the filename, including
those in any ARCs found
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - Invalid Drive
2 - Too Many Directories (more than 500)
3 - Contact Author!
Syntax: ZGREP [-cefhlmnpt] SearchString FileSpecs
Description: ZGREP is a combination of the DOS FIND and UNIX xGREP
commands, plus or minus a couple options. In short, ZGREP searches a file,
or group of files, for a given text string. If your search string includes
spacing, you must enclose the string in double quotes ("find me"). The
way ZGREP searches and displays its results can be controlled by a number
of command line options:
-c case sensitive search (default is not case sensitive)
-e match exact line
-f list only file name on finds
-h list filename on finds only
-l display line numbers
-m maximum output line length of 80 characters
-n print only number of finds per file
-p pause on screen full
-t print only total number of finds
The easiest way to totally understand all the possible options is to play
around with different command line entries.
- finds all occurances of "scott" contained in any file matching
the specification *.doc in the current directory. The file name
being searched is only listed when a match is found. Screen
output is truncated at 80 columns, and a pause it inserted upon
filling the screen.
ZGREP -CLPN "Scott Pazur" *.DOC
- finds all occurances of the string "Scott Pazur" with a case
sensitive search. The line number option has been specified,
but will be overridden by the "n" option, causing ZGREP to only
print the number of finds for each file searched. Again, it
will pause on screen full.
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - Syntax Error
2 - Contact Author!
Description: ZKEY simply controls the NumLock and CapsLock control keys.
This is something little for all of us who get sick of turning off the
NumLock control key every time our machine boots.
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - Syntax Error
2 - Contact Author!
Syntax: ZMOVE [d:][path]filespec [d:][path][filespec] [/R]
Source Destination auto
(if not current dir) replace
Description: ZMove is a protective addition to the MS/PC-DOS command
library. ZMove will "move" files from one place to another, renaming if so
desired. When moving from/to the same device, ZMove will work in the File
Allocation Table, taking very little time to process the move request. It
will also work across drives, performing a copy/delete operation.
When you tell ZMove to move a file, it will check the destination
specification to see if a file by that name already exists. If so, you will
then have three options - replace, rename, or skip. If you specify
"replace," ZMove will delete the destination by that name and move the new
file in its place. You can optionally tell ZMove to automatically replace
any files found to already exist by using a "/R" as the last item on the
command line. On a rename request, you can specify a new name (including
wildcards) and the same check for existance will take place. Also, when
encountering an error writing a file (i.e. trying to overwrite a
"read-only" file), ZMove will report the problem, skip that file, and move
along. The only limitation on ZMove is that no more than 500 source files
can be copied at one time.
- Move all *.EXE files in C:\BIN to D:\HOLD changing the
extensions to .XXX. Alert on overwrite.
- Move all *.EXE files in C:\BIN to D:\HOLD changing the
extensions to .XXX and automatically overwrite any files
that already exist.
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - Syntax Error
2 - No Files Found
3 - Target Disk Full
4 - More Than 500 Source Files
5 - Contact Author!
Syntax: ZSIZE [-npw] [d:][path][filespecs]
Description: ZSIZE reports on file space usage, with three options
available for reporting. These options are:
-n do not list files, report total only
-p pause on screen full
-w wide report, three column listing
When the "-n" option is not used, ZSIZE will report all files found, sorting
by size in ascending order (smallest first).
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - Syntax Error
2 - No Files Found
3 - Too Many Files (more than 1000)
4 - Contact Author!
Syntax: ZSPACE DriveLetters
Description: ZSPACE reports on disk space usage - total, free, and
available - for a given set of drives. If invalid drive letters are
specified, ZSPACE will report such.
ZSpace v1.0 Scott M. Pazur (c) 1988-89
C: Bytes Total: 24,991,744 Bytes Free: 23,605,248 Bytes Used: 1,386,496
D: Bytes Total: 21,344,256 Bytes Free: 10,012,672 Bytes Used: 11,331,584
E: Bytes Total: 21,291,008 Bytes Free: 3,891,200 Bytes Used: 17,399,808
Invalid Drives Selected: FGH
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - Syntax Error
2 - No Valid Drives Specified
3 - Contact Author!
Syntax: ZSTATS
Description: ZStats presents an extensive system configuration report.
Currently, ZSTATS is a three-page report:
Page 1: Date, Time, OS Version, ROM Date, Current Directory,
# Floppy Drives, # Parallel Ports, # Serial Ports, Video Board,
Presence of Mouse Driver, Presence of Coprocessor, Presence of
Game Port, Base Memory, Presence of EMS memory, Total EMS, Free
EMS, EMS Version, Expanded Memory, Extended Memory, Current Drive
Space Stats - Total, Available, Used.
Page 2: Current Environment Settings
Page 3: Report of all drives found - Total/Used/Free Disk Space
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - No CGA Or Better Video Card
2 - Contact Author!
Syntax: ZTOUCH [d:][path]filespec [d:][path][filespec] ... up to 10
Specs # 1 Specs #2 may be used
Description: ZTouch is yet another clone of the UNIX "touch" utility.
It simply updates the date and time stamps of a file, or group of files,
to the current system date and time. Up to 10 command line file
specifications may be specified to be "touch"ed. ZTouch will report the
number of files touched, and the number of files skipped because of open
errors. This report will be for each file specification, and also a total
number when complete.
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - Syntax Error
2 - Contact Author!
Note: This program is ONLY FOR MS-DOS VERSIONS 2.0 THROUGH 3.2!
Due to the new backup file format implemented in MS-DOS
3.30, this program will NOT work with that version! It will
also NOT work with files that span across backup diskettes!
Description: ZUNBCKUP does nothing more that read in a file from an
MS-DOS BACKUP diskette, strip off the 128 byte backup header, and write
out a new file. Use this program when RESTORE fails for some reason.
Both a source file AND target file MUST be specified. Any target file
that already exists WILL BE DELETED and overwritten with the file from
the backup set. This program was developed on an AT&T 6386 WGS and tested
with AT&T's MS-DOS 3.2r2.02. It !should! work with any version of MS-DOS
from 2.0 through 3.2, but NOT with 3.3. By using this program, you do so
at your own risk. There are no guarantees supplied with this program.
Exit Codes: 0 - Executed With No Errors
1 - Syntax Error
2 - Error Opening Source File
3 - Error Opening Target File
4 - Target Disk Full
5 - Wildcards Used - This will only work one file at a time!
6 - Contact Author!
The Z Collection Version 1.0 January 1989 Registration Form
Date: ________________________
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Company (if applicable): _________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________ State: ______ Zip: ___________
Phone (home): _____________________ Phone (work): ________________________
Where did you get your copy of The Z Collection?
Comments/Suggestions: ____________________________________________________
Check One:
| | No Registration
| | Comments or Suggestions Only
+-----+ Registration: $20
| | You will be mailed the "registered" versions
| | of all current utitlies in The Z Collection.
+-----+ Registration: $30
| | You will be mailed the "registered" versions
| | of all current utitlies in The Z Collection.
+-----+ You will also be mailed the next release of The Z Collection!
Make any checks or money orders payable to Scott M. Pazur, and return
this form to the following address:
Scott M. Pazur
PO Box 582
Englishtown, NJ 07726
Thank You for your interest in The Z Collection!
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: