Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : SWAMPUTL.ZIP
Filename : READ.ME

Output of file : READ.ME contained in archive : SWAMPUTL.ZIP

Paul E. Turton
RR #3
Wainfleet, Ontario
L0S 1V0

There are six files in this archive:

FLUSHV61 EXE - Self-extracting archive FLUSH
RFFV118 EXE - Self-extracting archive RFF v1.18
RFFEV114 EXE - Self-extracting archive RFFE v1.14
READ ME - This file
TIME_IT EXE - A simple timer
TIME_IT TXT - Document for TIME_T.EXE

SwampTools is a collection of useful DOS utilities.

Included in this release are Flush, FLUSHV61.EXE
and Recursive File Find, RFF.EXE v.1.18 and Recursive File Find (Erased),
RFFE.EXE v1.14. Also included is TIME_IT.EXE, a simply timer utility.

FLUSHV61.EXE, RFFV118.EXE and RFFEV114.EXE are self-extracting archives
containing both programs and documenation.

FLUSH removes memory resident programs by name or by sequence.

RFF ( pronounced like a dog's bark ) searches for filename
fragments; when you can't remember the whole name or even where
in the name the part you remember occurs, RFF will find ALL
occurrences of the filename part you supply, across all your

RFFE searches for filename fragments of erased files. Normal files can
also be searched for.

RFF.EXE & RFFE.EXE have been tested on AT clone computers using MS DOS 5.
Both programs worked well on regular and Stacker hard drives searching
through five thousand files in less than 1 minute.

Paul E. Turton
RR #3
Wainfleet, Ontario
L0S 1V0

  3 Responses to “Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : SWAMPUTL.ZIP
Filename : READ.ME

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: